
Orecap Announces Normal Course Issuer Bid

Orecap Announces Normal Course Issuer Bid

newsfile ·  03/26 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 26, 2024) - Orecap Invest Corp. ‎(TSXV: OCI) ("Orecap" or the "Company")is pleased to announce that it has received conditional acceptance from the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") to ‎conduct a Normal Course Issuer Bid ("NCIB") to purchase for cancellation, during the 12-month period ‎starting April 2, 2024, up to 23,316,772 of the outstanding common shares of the Corporation (the ‎‎"Common Shares"), representing 10% of the Public Float (as defined by the TSXV). The program will end on ‎April 1, 2025 unless the maximum amount of Common Shares is purchased before then or Orecap ‎provides earlier notice of termination.‎

多倫多,安大略省--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年3月26日) - Orecap Invest Corp. (TSXV: OCI) ("Orecap")很高興地宣佈已獲得加拿大多倫多證券交易所風險投資公司的有條件接受,並計劃進行普通股份購回(NCIb),在從2024年4月2日起的12個月內,最多可購買並註銷公司所有已發行公共股份的10%共23,316,772股(即"股票")(按TSXV定義計算公共流通量)。該計劃將於2025年4月1日結束,除非在此之前購買最大數量的普通股票或Orecap提前通知終止。Orecap認爲,其普通股票的市場價格可能無法反映其潛在價值,董事會已授權此項舉措,因爲在其觀點中,按照NCIb購買普通股份構成了Orecap資金的恰當使用方式,而回購其普通股份是創造股東價值的一種方式。Orecap尋求在自然資源行業中進行特殊投資,爲股東提供對貴重和關鍵金屬資產和企業高回報的多樣化曝光。Orecap在其組合企業中擁有相當的權益,例如American Eagle Gold(TSXV: AE)(OTCQB: AMEGF),QC Copper and Gold(TSXV: QCCU)(OTCQB: QCCUF),Mistango(CSE: MIS),Awale Resources(TSXV: ARIC)和Cuprum Corp.,並擁有一系列專注於黃金、銅和鋅的土地組合。Agnico Eagle Mines Limited 是Orecap的9.9%股東。"或"公司")購買和支付普通股份將通過TSX Venture Exchange或替代交易系統進行,Beacon Securities Limited已被選爲Orecap NCIb的代理商。普通股份的購買價格將根據證券法規定的NCIb價格規則,以購買時在TSX Venture Exchange上普通股份的市場價格爲準。Orecap打算從可用現金和營運資本中資助購買。TSXVTSX Venture Exchange ("交易所")NCIB普通股份購回(NCIb)普通股份。在從2024年4月2日起的12個月內,最多可購買並註銷公司所有已發行公共股份的10%共23,316,772股(即"股票")(按TSXV定義計算公共流通量)。該計劃將於2025年4月1日結束,除非在此之前購買最大數量的普通股票或Orecap提前通知終止。

Orecap believes that the market price of its Common Shares may not reflect their underlying value and the ‎Board of Directors has authorized this initiative because, in the Board's opinion, the proposed purchase ‎of Common Shares pursuant to the NCIB constitutes an appropriate use of Orecap's funds, and the ‎repurchase of its Common Shares is one way of creating shareholder value.‎


The purchase and payment for the Common Shares will be made by Orecap through the facilities of the ‎TSX Venture Exchange or alternative trading systems. Beacon Securities Limited has been selected as Orecap's agent for the NCIB. The price paid for the Common Shares will be, subject to NCIB pricing ‎rules contained in securities laws, the prevailing market price of such Common Shares on the TSX ‎Venture Exchange at the time of such purchase. Orecap intends to fund the purchases out of available ‎cash and working capital.‎

購買和支付普通股份將通過TSX Venture Exchange或替代交易系統進行,Beacon Securities Limited已被選爲Orecap NCIb的代理商。普通股份的購買價格將根據證券法規定的NCIb價格規則,以購買時在TSX Venture Exchange上普通股份的市場價格爲準。Orecap打算從可用現金和營運資本中資助購買。

To the knowledge of Orecap, no director, senior officer or other insider of the Orecap currently intends to ‎sell any Common Shares under the NCIB. However, sales by such persons through the facilities of the ‎TSX Venture Exchange may occur if the personal circumstances of any such person changes or any such ‎person makes a decision unrelated to these NCIB purchases. The benefits to any such person whose ‎Common Shares are purchased would be the same as the benefits available to all other holders whose ‎Common Shares are purchased.‎

據Orecap所知,Orecap的任何董事、高級職員或其他內幕人士目前都沒有打算根據NCIb出售任何普通股份。但是,如果任何此類人的個人情況發生變化或任何此類人做出與這些NCIb購買無關的決定,此類人通過TSX Venture Exchange的場外交易可能會出售股票。被購買普通股份的任何此類人士的權益將與被購買普通股份的其他持有人的權益相同。

About Orecap Invest Corp.

Orecap Invest Corp.簡介

Orecap seeks Special Situation investments in the natural resource sector that offer shareholders diverse exposure to high returns in precious and critical metal assets and businesses. Orecap has significant equity positions in portfolio companies, such as American Eagle Gold (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF), QC Copper and Gold (TSXV: QCCU) (OTCQB: QCCUF), Mistango (CSE: MIS), Awale Resources (TSXV: ARIC), and Cuprum Corp. in addition to owning a broad portfolio of land packages focussed on gold, copper and zinc. Agnico Eagle Mines Limited is a 9.9% shareholder in Orecap.

Orecap尋求在自然資源行業中進行特殊投資,爲股東提供對貴重和關鍵金屬資產和企業高回報的多樣化曝光。Orecap在其組合企業中擁有相當的權益,例如American Eagle Gold(TSXV: AE)(OTCQB: AMEGF),QC Copper and Gold(TSXV: QCCU)(OTCQB: QCCUF),Mistango(CSE: MIS),Awale Resources(TSXV: ARIC)和Cuprum Corp.,並擁有一系列專注於黃金、銅和鋅的土地組合。Agnico Eagle Mines Limited 是Orecap的9.9%股東。

Orecap's Current Equity Holdings include:


Company (Ticker) Shares Owned / (% of Outstanding Shares)
Cuprum Corp. (PrivateCo) 29,500,000 shares / (42.7%)
Mistango River Resources (CSE: MIS) 24,708,975 / (13.9%)
QC Copper and Gold (TSXV: QCCU) (OTCQB: QCCUF) 5,059,752 / (2.9%)
American Eagle Gold (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) 11,683,748 / (9.9%)
100,000 $0.30 warrants
Awale Resources (TSXV: ARIC) 8,333,332 / (13.3%)
4,166,666 $0.20 warrants
公司(股票代碼) 持股數量/(流通股的%) 29,500,000 /(37.96%) Mistango River Resources(MIS:CSE) 24,708,975 /(13.9%) QC Copper and Gold(QCCU:TSXV | QCCUF:OTCQB) 5,059,752 /(2.9%) American Eagle Gold(AE:TSXV | AMEGF:OTCQB) 11,683,748 /(9.6%) Awale Resources(ARIC:TSXV) 8,333,333 /(9.8%) Cuprum是Orecap的最新投資組合公司,其旗艦Thierry銅礦項目是安大略省最大的原始銅礦項目。 Thierry橫跨7,907公頃,包括27個礦業權、163個相鄰的電池專利和16個邊界專利。該物業擁有兩個過去生產的露天採石場,後來轉型爲地下采礦,在1976-1982年由UMEX Inc生產,產量達5.8Mt @ 1.13%Cu,0.14%Ni。歷史上,銅精礦被運往魁北克的霍恩熔爐。重要的基礎設施已經到位,該物業可通過全年可通行道路,距離5公里內的機場,8公里內的省級電網以及附近的鐵路進行訪問。
Cuprum Corp.(非上市公司) 29,500,000股 /(42.7%)
Mistango River Resources (CSE: MIS) 24708975 / (13.9%)
QC Copper and Gold(TSXV:QCCU)(OTCQB:QCCUF) 5059752 / (2.9%)
American Eagle Gold(TSXV:AE)(OTCQB:AMEGF) 11,683,748股/(9.9%)
Awale Resources (tsxv: ARIC) 8333332股 /(13.3%)

For the latest videos from Orecap, Ore Group, and all things Mining, subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

如欲獲取Orecap、Ore Group及有關礦業的最新視頻,請訂閱我們的YouTube 頻道

For further information, please contact us:


Orecap Invest Corp.
Stephen Stewart, Chief Executive Officer

Orecap Invest corp。
首席執行官Stephen Stewart

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward Looking Statements


Certain information set forth in this news release contains forward-looking statements or information ("forward-looking statements)", including details about the business of the Company. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking information regarding: the NCIB, including the ‎commencement and end date of the NCIB. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the Company's control, the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, environmental risks, operational risks, competition from other industry participants, stock market volatility. Although the Company believes that the expectations in its forward-looking statements are reasonable, its forward-looking statements have been based on factors and assumptions concerning future events which may prove to be inaccurate. Those factors and assumptions are based upon currently available information and on assumptions the Company believes are reasonable. These assumptions include, but are not limited to: the ‎underlying value of Orecap and its Common Shares; the ability of Orecap to complete purchases under the NCIB; and ‎final TSX Venture Exchange acceptance of the NCIB‎. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could influence actual results or events and cause actual results or events to differ materially from those stated, anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, as no assurance can be provided as to future results, levels of activity or achievements. Risks, uncertainties, material assumptions and other factors that could affect actual results are discussed in the Company's public disclosure documents available at . Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this document are made as of the date of this document and, except as required by applicable law, the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking statements contained in this document are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

本新聞稿中提供的某些信息包括前瞻性聲明或信息("前瞻性聲明"),包括公司業務的詳細信息。 本新聞稿中除了歷史事實陳述外,其他所有陳述都是前瞻性聲明,都涉及公司預計會發生的事件或發展。特別是,本新聞稿包括有關NCIb的前瞻性信息,包括NCIb的開始和結束日期。由於其本質,前瞻性聲明受到衆多風險和不確定性的影響,其中一些風險和不確定性超出了公司的控制範圍,如一般經濟狀況的影響、行業狀況的影響,商品價格的波動性、貨幣匯率的波動性、環境風險、操作風險、來自其他行業參與者的競爭以及股票市場波動性的影響。儘管公司認爲其前瞻性聲明是合理的,但其前瞻性聲明是基於其認爲有可能被證明不準確的未來事件的因素和假設。這些假設基於目前可用的信息和公司認爲是合理的假設。這些假設包括但不限於:Orecap的基礎價值及其普通股的價值;Orecap完成NCIB購買的能力;以及TSX Venture Exchange對NCIB的最終接受。這樣的聲明受到已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能影響實際結果或事件,並使實際結果或事件與前瞻性聲明中陳述的、預期的或暗示的結果或事件不同。因此,讀者應謹慎對待前瞻性聲明,因爲不能提供關於未來結果、活動水平或成就的任何保證。可能影響實際結果的風險、不確定性、實質性假設和其他因素在公司的公開披露文件中進行了討論,可在以下網站上獲得。此外,本文件中包含的前瞻性聲明是在本文件的日期之日做出的,除適用法律要求外,公司不承擔任何公開更新或修訂這些包含的前瞻性聲明的義務,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。本文件中包含的前瞻性聲明明確受到此警告聲明的限制。

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