
Aero Energy Announces Airborne VTEM(TM) Plus Survey Targeting High-Grade Uranium Mineralization on the Athabasca Basin's Northern Rim

Aero Energy Announces Airborne VTEM(TM) Plus Survey Targeting High-Grade Uranium Mineralization on the Athabasca Basin's Northern Rim

Aero Energy宣佈對阿薩巴斯卡盆地北緣的高品位鈾礦化進行機載VTEM(TM)Plus調查
newsfile ·  03/26 07:35

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 26, 2024) - Aero Energy Ltd (TSXV: AERO) (OTC Pink: AAUGF) (FSE: UU3) ("Aero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the start of an airborne VTEM Plus survey aimed at high-grade uranium exploration within its district-scale uranium exploration portfolio, situated in the Athabasca Basin's Northern Rim. The survey is being carried out by Geotech Ltd. of Aurora, Ontario.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 26 日)- 航空能源有限公司 (多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AERO)(場外交易鏈接:AAUGF)(FSE:UU3) (”航空“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,VTEM Plus空中調查已開始,旨在在其位於阿薩巴斯卡盆地北緣的地區規模鈾勘探組合中進行高品位鈾勘探。該調查由位於安大略省奧羅拉的Geotech Ltd.進行。



  • Direct Detection Capabilities: The helicopter-borne VTEM Plus system readily detects the electrically conductive graphite-rich rocks that are the favoured targets for large basement-hosted uranium deposits.
  • 直接檢測能力: 直升機載的 VTEM Plus 系統可以輕鬆探測導電性富含石墨的岩石,這些岩石是大型地下室鈾礦牀的首選目標。
  • Large and Detailed Survey Area: The survey will cover the Sun Dog and Murmac properties and consist of 3,350 km of flight lines in a grid pattern with 100 m spacing between each flight line. This will allow for prioritization of existing drill targets and generation of additional drill targets.
  • 大而詳細的調查區域: 該調查將涵蓋Sun Dog和Murmac的財產,包括3,350千米的飛行線,採用網格模式,每條飛行線之間的間距爲100米。這將允許對現有鑽探目標進行優先排序,並生成額外的鑽探目標。
  • Cutting Edge Approach: This survey represents one important modern tool that the Company is utilizing to maximize high-grade uranium discovery efficiency. Much of the survey area is unexplored and unsurveyed by modern methods thus providing a key new discovery opportunity in a frontier region of the Athabasca Basin.
  • 尖端方法: 這項調查是該公司用來最大限度地提高高品位鈾發現效率的一個重要的現代工具。大部分調查區域尚未開發,也未通過現代方法進行勘測,因此爲阿薩巴斯卡盆地邊境地區提供了重要的新發現機會。
  • New Ideas & New Vectors: These large properties are significantly underexplored for basement-hosted uranium, examples of which include NexGen Energy's Arrow Deposit (TSX: NXE) and Fission Uranium's Triple R Deposit (TSX: FCU).
  • 新想法和新向量: 這些大型地下室儲存鈾的勘探嚴重不足,例如NexGen Energy的Arrow礦牀(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NXE)和裂變鈾的三重R礦牀(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:FCU)。
  • Fast Track to Drilling Dozens of Targets: Since 2020, exploration partners Fortune Bay (TSXV: FOR) and Standard Uranium (TSXV: STND) have invested $7.6M in early exploration revealing dozens of targets, multiple uranium-fertile EM-conductor corridors and ten new shallow uranium occurrences between 20 and 150 m below surface poised for immediate exploration as a starting point.
  • 鑽探數十個目標的快速通道: 自2020年以來,勘探合作伙伴財富灣(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:FOR)和標準鈾公司(TSXV:STND)已投資760萬美元進行早期勘探,發現了數十個目標、多個鈾肥沃電磁導體走廊和地下20至150米處的十個新的淺層鈾礦點,有望立即進行勘探。

Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy, commented: "VTEM Plus surveys represent a significant step forward in Aero's ongoing efforts to leverage advanced technology for exploration success." He continued, "the survey will allow us to obtain high-resolution data of our targeted mineralizing systems, which we believe to be active across the survey area. By leveraging innovative technology and our internal expertise, we are confident in our ability to unearth the full potential of our assets and deliver value to our stakeholders."

Aero Energy首席執行官蓋倫·麥克納馬拉評論說: “VTEM Plus調查代表了Aero在利用先進技術取得成功方面向前邁出的重要一步。”他繼續說:“這項調查將使我們能夠獲得目標礦化系統的高分辨率數據,我們認爲這些系統在整個調查區域都很活躍。通過利用創新技術和我們的內部專業知識,我們有能力發掘資產的全部潛力,爲利益相關者創造價值。”

Figure 1: Survey flight line pattern over the Sun Dog and Murmac properties (lay flight lines over this map)

圖 1: 調查 Sun Dog 和 Murmac 屬性的飛行線路模式(在這張地圖上鋪設飛行線)

Figure 2: Geotech Ltd. VTEM survey system collecting data in the field.

圖 2: Geotech Ltd. VTEM 調查系統在實地收集數據。

Survey Description and Background


The helicopter-borne VTEM (Versatile Time-Domain Electromagnetic) Plus system, which is known for its high-resolution imaging capabilities, is a time domain electromagnetic system that is particularly useful for its ability to detect conductive materials deep underground, enabling Aero to identify mineral targets with exceptional precision. Additionally, the system also contains a high-sensitivity cesium magnetometer-gradiometer for the mapping of geologic structure and lithology. The Company is leveraging this cutting-edge technology to reveal and refine previously unexplored, high-hosted basement-style targets within the Uranium City district.

直升機載的 VTEM(多功能時域電磁)Plus 系統以其高分辨率成像能力而聞名,是一種時域電磁系統,特別有用,因爲它能夠探測地下深處的導電材料,使 Aero 能夠以極高的精度識別礦物目標。此外,該系統還包含一個高靈敏度的銫磁強計梯度計,用於繪製地質結構和巖性測繪。該公司正在利用這項尖端技術來揭示和完善鈾城區內以前未開發的高託管地下室式目標。

The survey is underway and will consist of approximately 3,350 line-kilometers of VTEM Plus flown over the Murmac and Sun Dog properties in a grid pattern with 100 m spacing between flight lines. The survey will cover a substantial area of interest identified by Aero's exploration team much of which is previously unsurveyed by modern methods, providing valuable insights into the subsurface geology and potential mineralization in the area. This comprehensive survey aims to build on previously gathered data to create a full-picture of the site's geological structures and mineral prospects. The VTEM Plus survey is expected to be completed within three to four weeks, with preliminary results to be published shortly thereafter.

該調查正在進行中,將包括大約3,350線千米的VTEM Plus,這些VTEM Plus以網格模式飛越Murmac和Sun Dog房產,飛行線之間的間距爲100米。該調查將涵蓋Aero勘探團隊確定的重要區域,其中大部分是以前未通過現代方法進行調查的,從而爲該地區的地下地質和潛在礦化提供了寶貴的見解。這項綜合調查旨在以先前收集的數據爲基礎,全面了解該遺址的地質結構和礦產前景。VTEM Plus調查預計將在三到四周內完成,初步結果將在此後不久公佈。

Corporate Update


Aero also announces that it has entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") with Blue Summit Ventures ("Blue Summit"), an arm's-length party to the Company, to provide business development and digital marketing initiatives to enhance awareness of the Company. Blue Summit will leverage social media harnessing the power of various platforms to raise awareness of Aero, engage with stakeholders, and communicate the Company's ongoing uranium exploration and development program. The initial term of the Agreement is for a period of six months for an aggregate amount of $175,000 plus applicable taxes. As of the date hereof, to the Company's knowledge, Blue Summit (including its directors and officers) does not own any securities of the Company. The Agreement remains subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.

Aero還宣佈,它已與公司保持一定距離的Blue Summit Ventures(“Blue Summit”)簽訂協議(“協議”),提供業務發展和數字營銷計劃,以提高公司的知名度。Blue Summit將利用社交媒體利用各種平台的力量來提高人們對Aero的認識,與利益相關者互動,並傳達公司正在進行的鈾勘探和開發計劃。該協議的初始期限爲六個月,總金額爲17.5萬美元,外加適用的稅款。據公司所知,截至本文發佈之日,Blue Summit(包括其董事和高級管理人員)不擁有公司的任何證券。該協議仍有待多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的批准。

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Galen McNamara, P. Geo., CEO of the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過Galen McNamara, P. Geo.、公司首席執行官兼美國國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員的審查和批准。

About Aero Energy Limited


Aero Energy is a mineral exploration and development company advancing a district-scale 250,000-acre land package in the historic Uranium City district within Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is focused on uncovering high-grade uranium deposits across its flagship optioned properties - Sun Dog, Strike, and Murmac - in addition to its fully owned properties. With the application of modern exploration techniques, the Company has identified over 50 shallow drill-ready targets and 125 kilometres of target horizon on the frontier north rim of the Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is tapping into the Athabasca Basin's emerging potential for high-grade, unconformity-style mineralization.

Aero Energy是一家礦產勘探和開發公司,在薩斯喀徹溫省阿薩巴斯卡盆地歷史悠久的鈾城地區推進區域規模的25萬英畝土地套餐。除了其全資房產外,Aero Energy還專注於在其旗艦可選物業——Sun Dog、Strike和Murmac——中發現高品位鈾礦牀。通過應用現代勘探技術,該公司已在阿薩巴斯卡盆地邊境北緣確定了50多個淺層準備鑽探的目標和125公里的目標地平線。Aero Energy正在挖掘阿薩巴斯卡盆地新興的高品位、不整合型礦化潛力。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


"Galen McNamara"


Galen McNamara, Interim Chief Executive Officer


Further information on the Company can be found on the Company's website at and at , or by contacting the Company by email at


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The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


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