
BioTRUST Nutrition Launches Eternal Mind Featuring Nutricog as Groundbreaking Dietary Supplement for Cognitive Support

BioTRUST Nutrition Launches Eternal Mind Featuring Nutricog as Groundbreaking Dietary Supplement for Cognitive Support

BioTrust Nutrition 推出以 Nutricog 爲開創性的認知支持膳食補充劑的《永恒心靈
PR Newswire ·  03/26 08:34

Comprehensive Brain Longevity Capsule Designed to Support Healthy Cognition in Aging and Enhance Mental Agility


MORRISTOWN, N.J., March 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PLT Health Solutions, Inc. announced BioTRUST Nutrition LLC, a leading eCommerce-based nutrition brand with a portfolio of high-quality, science-backed products focused on healthy aging and improving healthspan, has introduced a new product targeted at providing brain longevity and cognitive support called Eternal Mind. The new product features PLT's Nutricog Cognitive Performance Complex, an ingredient that has been clinically demonstrated to provide significant improvements across multiple cognitive domains, including learning, memory, attention, focus, and executive function, where increases in cognitive speed were seen concurrently with improvements in accuracy while multitasking. In addition, clinical science showed that Nutricog doubled levels brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neuroprotein involved in the brain's ability to adapt to new information.

新澤西州莫里斯敦,2024 年 3 月 26 日 /PRNewswire/ — PLT Health Solutions, Inc. 宣佈推出 BioTrust Nutrition LLC是一家領先的電子商務營養品牌,擁有一系列以健康衰老和改善健康爲重點的高質量、有科學依據的產品,該公司推出了一款名爲Eternal Mind的新產品,旨在延長大腦壽命和認知支持。新產品採用 PLT 的 Nutricog Cognitive Performance Complex,這種成分已被臨床證明可在多個認知領域提供顯著改善,包括學習、記憶、注意力、專注力和執行功能,在執行多任務時,認知速度的提高與準確性的提高同時可見。此外,臨床科學表明,Nutricog 將腦源性神經營養因子 (BDNF) 的水平提高了一倍,BDNF 是一種神經蛋白,與大腦適應新信息的能力有關。

According to BioTRUST, Eternal Mind is backed by the latest science in brain health. Nutricog was shown to double the levels of BDNF in study subjects, supporting neuroplasticity, growth of new brain cells, and supporting formation of synaptic communication points.* Clinical results of the most recent study indicate support for everyday cognitive needs
根據BioTrust的說法,《永恒的心靈》得到了大腦健康方面的最新科學的支持。事實證明,Nutricog 可將研究對象的 BDNF 水平提高一倍,支持神經可塑性、新腦細胞的生長並支持突觸通信點的形成。* 最新研究的臨床結果表明,支持日常認知需求
According to Chris Marschall, CEO, for Wellbeam Consumer Health, owner of BioTRUST Nutrition, the addition of Nutricog to this formulation allows the company to offer consumers a premium cognitive support capsule that delivers tangible results. "Brain and cognitive health are a significant concern for many Americans, especially as we age."
BioTrust Nutrition的所有者Wellbeam Consumer Health首席執行官克里斯·馬沙爾表示,在該配方中添加Nutricog使該公司能夠爲消費者提供優質的認知支持膠囊,從而產生切實的效果。“大腦和認知健康是許多美國人非常關心的問題,尤其是隨着年齡的增長。”

Eternal Mind also features VitaCholine and phosphatidylserine, both of which support healthy levels of critical neurochemicals involved in cognitive function, healthy memory, and long-term mental fitness; and Vitamins B6 and B12, two brain vitamins that support brain energy production, neurotransmitter synthesis, and homocysteine detoxification. Eternal Mind is available direct-to-consumer from the BioTRUST Nutrition website () and via Amazon.

Eternal Mind 還有 VitaCholine 和磷脂酰絲氨酸,兩者都支持與認知功能、健康記憶和長期心理健康相關的關鍵神經化學物質的健康水平;以及維生素 B6 和 B12,兩種支持大腦能量產生、神經遞質合成和同型半胱氨酸排毒的大腦維生素。Eternal Mind可通過BioTrust Nutrition網站 () 和亞馬遜直接向消費者購買。

According to Chris Marschall, CEO, for Wellbeam Consumer Health, owner of BioTRUST Nutrition, the addition of Nutricog to this formulation allows the company to offer consumers a premium cognitive support capsule that delivers tangible results. "Brain and cognitive health are a significant concern for many Americans, especially as we age. However, navigating the cognitive supplement market can be challenging due to the prevalence of expensive products with ambiguous 'proprietary blends' and vague claims," Chris Marschall said. "With Eternal Mind, we're excited to offer a solution that stands out from the crowd. Our formulation features science-backed ingredients, including the latest double-blind clinical research on Nutricog, which demonstrated tangible improvements in vital cognitive functions such as memory, focus, concentration, and learning," Chris explained.

BioTrust Nutrition的所有者Wellbeam Consumer Health首席執行官克里斯·馬沙爾表示,在該配方中添加Nutricog使該公司能夠爲消費者提供優質的認知支持膠囊,從而產生切實的效果。“大腦和認知健康是許多美國人非常關心的問題,尤其是隨着年齡的增長。但是,由於昂貴的產品盛行,具有模棱兩可的'專有混合物'和模糊的說法,因此進入認知補充劑市場可能具有挑戰性,” 克里斯·馬歇爾說。“有了 Eternal Mind,我們很高興能提供一個在人群中脫穎而出的解決方案。我們的配方採用有科學依據的成分,包括對Nutricog的最新雙盲臨床研究,該研究表明,記憶力、注意力、注意力和學習等重要認知功能得到了切實改善,” 克里斯解釋說。

Studies demonstrate broad-ranging cognitive support
Nutricog is a patented combination of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Boswellia (Boswellia serrata), standardized to gallic acid, ellagic acid, and amyrins. According to BioTRUST, Eternal Mind is backed by the latest science in brain health. Nutricog was shown to double the levels of BDNF in study subjects, supporting neuroplasticity, growth of new brain cells, and supporting formation of synaptic communication points.* Clinical results of the most recent study indicate support for everyday cognitive needs:

Nutricog 是 Haritaki 的專利組合 (終極星球)和乳香(鋸齒乳香),標準化爲沒食子酸、鞣花酸和阿米林。根據生物信託的說法,Eternal Mind 得到了大腦健康方面的最新科學的支持。Nutricog 被證明可將研究對象的 BDNF 水平提高一倍,從而支持神經可塑性、新腦細胞的生長並支持突觸通信點的形成。* 最新研究的臨床結果表明,支持日常認知需求:

  • Improved memory, focus, decision-making, and concentration*
  • Improved recall speed by 130% – to help you effortlessly remember names and dates*
  • Elevated focus up to 11.5x – to avoid distraction and maintain mental agility*
  • More than doubling recognition memory – to help recognize names, facts, and places*
  • Improved verbal and visual memory – to help you make fewer mistakes in recalling and processing information*
  • Improved speed and accuracy of memory –so conversations can flow effortlessly*
  • Improved cognitive processing speed – to help prevent embarrassing delays *
  • Improved learning ability and learning rate – to make picking up new hobbies and technology more a breeze*
  • 提高記憶力、注意力、決策能力和注意力*
  • 召回速度提高了 130%,可幫助您輕鬆記住姓名和日期*
  • 將注意力提高至 11.5 倍——以避免分散注意力並保持心理敏捷性*
  • 識別內存翻了一倍以上 — 有助於識別姓名、事實和地點*
  • 改善言語和視覺記憶——幫助你減少在回憶和處理信息時犯的錯誤*
  • 提高了記憶的速度和準確性,因此對話可以輕鬆進行*
  • 提高認知處理速度——有助於防止令人尷尬的延遲*
  • 提高學習能力和學習率——讓學習新的愛好和技術變得輕而易舉*

According to Steve Fink, Vice President of Marketing for PLT Health Solutions, BioTRUST Nutrition's Eternal Mind sets new standards for cognitive support in an increasingly confusing marketplace. "Cognitive performance and long-term brain health are issues at the forefront of people's minds these days. PLT Health Solutions is excited to work with BioTRUST on developing this product and we look forward to Eternal Mind bringing the benefits of Nutricog to many, many people," he said

根據PLT健康解決方案營銷副總裁史蒂夫·芬克的說法,BioTrust Nutrition的永恒心靈在日益混亂的市場中爲認知支持設定了新的標準。“認知表現和長期大腦健康是當今人們最關心的問題。PLT Health Solutions很高興能與BioTrust合作開發該產品,我們期待Eternal Mind將Nutricog的好處帶給許多人,” 他說

Eternal Mind is BioTRUST's second brain health product. An existing product, Brain Bright, is formulated to deliver a same-day mental boost, emphasizing fast-acting results for more acute short-term benefits.

Eternal Mind 是 BioTrust 的第二款大腦健康產品。現有產品 Brain Bright,旨在在同一天提供精神提振,強調速效效果以獲得更明顯的短期益處。

For more information on Eternal Mind, visit: .

有關永恒心靈的更多信息, 訪問:.

For more information on Nutricog, visit: .

有關 Nutricog 的更多信息,請訪問:。

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


About BioTRUST Nutrition


Founded in 2011, BioTRUST Nutrition is a leading eCommerce nutrition and supplement brand focused on promoting healthy aging. BioTRUST redefines healthy aging as enriching life's quality, not just extending its duration. Committed to transparency and quality, BioTRUST offers a portfolio of meticulously crafted, naturally honest, science-backed products. These formulations are free from artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners and are made with pasture-raised, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free ingredients. Beyond products, BioTRUST's commitment extends to comprehensive educational resources, personalized guidance from expert coaches, and a thriving online community, empowering customers to lead healthier, more vibrant lives. BioTRUST is a Wellbeam Consumer Health brand and is available on the company's website and on Amazon.

BioTrust Nutrition成立於2011年,是一家領先的電子商務營養和補充劑品牌,致力於促進健康衰老。BioTrust 將健康衰老重新定義爲豐富生活質量,而不僅僅是延長壽命。BioTrust 致力於提高透明度和質量,提供精心製作、天生誠實、以科學爲依據的產品組合。這些配方不含人工色素、香料或甜味劑,由牧場飼養、不含激素和不含抗生素的成分製成。除產品外,BioTrust的承諾還延伸到全面的教育資源、專家教練的個性化指導以及蓬勃發展的在線社區,使客戶能夠過上更健康、更有活力的生活。BioTrust是Wellbeam消費者健康品牌,可在該公司的網站Biotrust.com和亞馬遜上購買。

About PLT Health Solutions

關於 PLT 健康解決方案

Headquartered in Morristown, NJ, USA, PLT Health Solutions is a trusted discoverer, developer, and marketer of high-quality, scientifically supported ingredients that enhance health and functionality. As a leading ingredients innovator, PLT's global network of strategic partnerships provides unique access to impactful solutions. PLT Health Solutions is a purpose-driven company passionate about helping people live healthier, happier lives. By delivering an unsurpassed mix of expertise, resources, and service, PLT is committed to helping both its strategic partners and valued customers grow.

PLT Health Solutions總部位於美國新澤西州莫里斯敦,是值得信賴的發現者、開發者和營銷者,其產品具有科學依據,可增強健康和功能。作爲領先的原料創新者,PLT的全球戰略合作伙伴網絡爲獲得有影響力的解決方案提供了獨一無二的途徑。PLT Health Solutions是一家以目標爲導向的公司,熱衷於幫助人們過上更健康、更幸福的生活。通過提供無與倫比的專業知識、資源和服務組合,PLT致力於幫助其戰略合作伙伴和尊貴的客戶成長。

Media Contact:
Mark Falconer
E-mail: [email protected]


PLT Company Contact:
Steve Fink
PLT Health Solutions, Inc.
E-mail: [email protected]

PLT 公司聯繫方式:
PLT 健康解決方案有限公司

BIOTRUST Contact :
Rachel Sexton
BioTRUST Nutrition
E-mail: [email protected]


SOURCE PLT Health Solutions

來源 PLT 健康解決方案

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