
Chemomab to Host Virtual Key Opinion Leader Webinar on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis on April 10, 2024

Chemomab to Host Virtual Key Opinion Leader Webinar on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis on April 10, 2024

GlobeNewswire ·  04/02 07:00

—"Breaking New Ground: Expert Perspectives on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis" Will Feature Clinical, Academic and Patient Advocacy Leaders Discussing PSC Disease Management and Evolving Views on Clinical Development—

— “開闢新天地:原發性硬化性膽管炎的專家觀點” 將邀請臨床、學術和患者權益領袖討論PSC疾病管理和不斷變化的觀點 關於臨床開發—

TEL AVIV, Israel, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd. (Nasdaq: CMMB), (Chemomab), a clinical stage biotechnology company developing innovative therapeutics to treat rare fibro-inflammatory diseases with high unmet need, today announced it will host a live key opinion leader (KOL) virtual event on primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM ET. To register, click here.

以色列特拉維夫,2024年4月2日(環球新聞專線)——開發創新療法的臨床階段生物技術公司Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd.(納斯達克股票代碼:CMMB)(Chemomab)今天宣佈,將於2024年4月10日星期三舉辦關於原發性硬化性膽管炎(PSC)的現場關鍵意見領袖(KOL)虛擬活動美國東部時間上午 10:00要註冊,請點擊這裏。

The event, "Breaking New Ground: Expert Perspectives on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis," will feature Christopher Bowlus, MD (UC Davis Health), Ricky Safer (PSC Partners Seeking a Cure), and Massimo Pinzani, MD, PhD, (UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, UPMC ISMETT), who will provide clinical and patient perspectives on PSC, a devastating rare liver disease with no FDA-approved therapies. They will discuss the urgent need for new PSC treatments and emerging developments that could facilitate new drug approvals.

該活動,“開闢新天地:原發性硬化性膽管炎的專家觀點”, 將邀請醫學博士(加州大學戴維斯分校健康中心)克里斯托弗·鮑勒斯、瑞奇·薩弗(PSC合作伙伴尋求治癒方法)和醫學博士馬西莫·平扎尼(倫敦大學學院肝臟與消化健康研究所,UPMC ISMETT),他們將就PSC提供臨床和患者觀點,這是一種沒有獲得美國食品藥品管理局批准的療法的毀滅性罕見肝病。他們將討論對新的PSC療法的迫切需求以及可能促進新藥批准的新進展。

Chemomab's co-founder, CEO & CSO Adi Mor, PhD and CMO Matt Frankel, MD, will provide an overview of the CM-101 Phase 2 PSC clinical trial that will report topline results midyear 2024. CM-101 is a dual mechanism first-in-class monoclonal antibody that neutralizes CCL24, a soluble protein that is a key driver of inflammatory and fibrotic pathways central to PSC and other fibro-inflammatory diseases.

Chemomab的聯合創始人、首席執行官兼首席安全官阿迪·莫爾博士兼首席營銷官馬特·弗蘭克爾醫學博士將概述CM-101 2期PSC臨床試驗,該試驗將在2024年年中公佈主要結果。CM-101 是一種雙機制同類首創的單克隆抗體,可中和 CCL24,這是一種可溶性蛋白,是 PSC 和其他纖維炎性疾病的關鍵炎症和纖維化通路的關鍵驅動因素。

A Q&A session will follow the presentations.


About Christopher Bowlus, MD
Chris Bowlus, MD is the Lena Valente Professor and Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of California Davis School of Medicine. Dr. Bowlus has an active research program bridging the basic and clinical aspects of PSC and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), with the goal of bringing more effective treatments to patients. He is a founding member of the International PSC Study Group and leads the U.S,-based Consortium for Autoimmune Liver Disease. Dr. Bowlus is also active in supporting patient advocacy, serving as Co-Chair of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee of PSC Partners Seeking a Cure. He received his BA degree from the University of California San Diego and his MD degree from the St. Louis University School of Medicine. Dr. Bowlus completed a Fellowship in Gastroenterology at the Yale University School of Medicine.

克里斯·鮑勒斯醫學博士是加州大學戴維斯分校醫學院莉娜·瓦倫特教授兼胃腸病學和肝病學系主任。Bowlus博士有一個活躍的研究計劃,將PSC和原發性膽源性膽管炎(PBC)的基礎和臨床方面聯繫起來,目標是爲患者提供更有效的治療方法。他是國際PSC研究小組的創始成員,並領導總部位於美國的自身免疫性肝病聯盟。Bowlus博士還積極支持患者權益,曾擔任PSC Partners Seeking a Curey的科學和醫學諮詢委員會聯席主席。他獲得了加州大學聖地亞哥分校的學士學位和聖路易斯大學醫學院的醫學博士學位。鮑勒斯博士在耶魯大學醫學院完成了胃腸病學獎學金。

About Ricky Safer
Ricky Safer is a patient living with PSC and Founder and CEO of PSC Partners Seeking a Cure, a non-profit organization whose mission is to drive PSC research to identify treatments and a cure and provide education and support for those impacted by PSC. PSC Partners collaborates with researchers, clinicians, industry and regulators to accelerate PSC research and drug development. Its many initiatives include creation of a PSC Patient Registry, an international database to create a synthetic arm for later stage clinical trials, and regulatory-grade, validated Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for major PSC symptoms. Safer serves on a number of healthcare-related boards and steering committees. She is a frequent presenter at medical conferences and has co-authored numerous posters and peer-reviewed scientific studies. Safer received a BA with honors from the University of Michigan and an MA degree from Johns Hopkins University.

關於 Ricky Safer
瑞奇·薩弗爾是一名與PSC同住的患者,也是PSC Partners Seeking a Cure的創始人兼首席執行官。PSC Partners Seeking a Cure是一家非營利組織,其使命是推動PSC研究,以確定治療方法和治療方法,併爲受PSC影響的人提供教育和支持。PSC Partners與研究人員、臨床醫生、行業和監管機構合作,加速PSC的研究和藥物開發。它的許多舉措包括創建 PSC 患者登記處、創建用於後期臨床試驗的合成組的國際數據庫,以及針對主要PSC症狀的監管級、經過驗證的患者報告結果衡量標準。Safer 在多個醫療保健相關委員會和指導委員會任職。她經常在醫學會議上發表演講,並共同撰寫了許多海報和經過同行評審的科學研究。Safer 獲得了密歇根大學的榮譽學士學位和約翰霍普金斯大學的碩士學位。

About Massimo Pinzani, MD, PhD, FRCP, FAASLD
Professor Massimo Pinzani is a clinical and translational hepatologist and Emeritus Professor of Medicine at University College London (UCL). Until 2023 he was Sheila Sherlock Chair of Hepatology and Director of the UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health. Prof. Pinzani is a pioneer in researching cellular and molecular mechanisms of liver fibrosis and diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to managing liver fibrotic diseases. He has authored more than 300 peer-reviewed publications and has served as a board member of major hepatology and gastroenterology organizations, including the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), and as an associate editor of major journals in the field. Prof. Pinzani was recently appointed Scientific Director of UPMC-ISMETT, a renowned center for transplantation and advanced specialized therapies in Palermo, Italy.

關於 Massimo Pinzani,醫學博士,FRCP,FAASLD

About CM-101
Chemomab is assessing CM-101 as a potential treatment for PSC in the Phase 2 SPRING trial. CM-101 is a first-in-class monoclonal antibody that neutralizes CCL24, a soluble protein that helps drive the inflammatory and fibrotic pathways central to PSC and other fibro-inflammatory diseases. In clinical and preclinical studies, CM-101 appears safe, with the potential to treat multiple fibro-inflammatory disorders. Data from a Phase 2a liver fibrosis trial in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients showed consistent, positive improvements in key inflammatory and fibrogenesis-related biomarkers, including several that may serve as a potential bridge to activity in PSC. Patient enrollment in the Phase 2 SPRING trial has been completed and a readout of topline data is expected midyear 2024. CM-101 has Orphan Drug status in the U.S. and E.U. and was awarded FDA Fast Track designation.

關於 CM-101
在第二階段 SPRING 試驗中,Chemomab 正在評估 CM-101 作爲 PSC 的潛在治療方法。CM-101 是同類首創的單克隆抗體,可中和 CCL24,這是一種可溶性蛋白,有助於驅動 PSC 和其他纖維炎性疾病的核心炎症和纖維化途徑。在臨床和臨床前研究中,CM-101 似乎是安全的,有可能治療多種纖維炎性疾病。一項針對非酒精性脂肪肝炎(NASH)患者的2a期肝纖維化試驗的數據顯示,與炎症和纖維化相關的關鍵生物標誌物持續出現積極改善,其中包括幾種可能作爲PSC活性潛在橋樑的生物標誌物。第二階段SPRING試驗的患者入組工作已經完成,預計將於2024年年中公佈頭條數據。CM-101 在美國和歐盟具有孤兒藥地位,並獲得了 FDA 快速通道稱號。

A recording of the PSC KOL webinar will be available following the live session on Chemomab's website at Chemomab Investor Relations - Presentations.

PSC KOL網絡研討會的錄像將在Chemomab網站Chemomab投資者關係——演示文稿的直播之後公佈。

About Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd.
Chemomab is a clinical stage biotechnology company developing innovative therapeutics for fibro-inflammatory diseases with high unmet need. Based on the unique and pivotal role of CCL24 in promoting fibrosis and inflammation, Chemomab developed CM-101, a monoclonal antibody that neutralizes CCL24 activity. In clinical and preclinical studies, CM-101 appears safe, with the potential to treat multiple severe and life-threatening fibro-inflammatory diseases. Chemomab has reported positive results from three clinical trials of CM-101 in patients, including a Phase 2a liver fibrosis trial in NASH patients and an investigator-initiated study in patients with severe lung injury. A Phase 2 trial in primary sclerosing cholangitis has completed patient enrollment, with topline data expected midyear 2024. Chemomab's CM-101 program for the treatment of systemic sclerosis is Phase 2-ready. For more information about Chemomab, visit

Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd
Chemomab是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,爲需求未得到滿足的纖維炎性疾病開發創新療法。基於 CCL24 在促進纖維化和炎症方面的獨特而關鍵的作用,Chemomab 開發了 CM-101,這是一種中和 CCL24 活性的單克隆抗體。在臨床和臨床前研究中,CM-101 似乎是安全的,有可能治療多種嚴重且危及生命的纖維炎性疾病。Chemomab 報告了三項針對患者 CM-101 的臨床試驗的陽性結果,包括一項針對 NASH 患者的2a期肝纖維化試驗和一項由研究者發起的針對嚴重肺損傷患者的研究。一項針對原發性硬化性膽管炎的2期試驗已完成患者入組,主要數據預計將於2024年年中發佈。Chemomab 用於治療系統性硬化症的 CM-101 計劃已準備就緒 2 期。有關 Chemomab 的更多信息,請訪問。



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Consulting Vice President, Investor & Public Relations, Strategic Communications
Phone: +1 917-355-9234

電話:+1 917-355-9234

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