
Harfang and Quebec Precious Metals Jointly Identify High-Priority Gold and Lithium Drill Targets on Their Serpent-Radisson and Sakami Projects, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec

Harfang and Quebec Precious Metals Jointly Identify High-Priority Gold and Lithium Drill Targets on Their Serpent-Radisson and Sakami Projects, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec

Harfang 和 Quebec Precious Metals 共同確定其位於魁北克 Eeyou Istchee James Bay 的 Serpent-Radisson 和 Sakami 項目的高優先級黃金和鋰鑽探目標
GlobeNewswire ·  04/03 07:00

MONTREAL, April 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Harfang Exploration Inc. ("Harfang") (TSX.V: HAR) and Quebec Precious Metals Corporation ("QPM") (TSX.V: QPM, OTCQB: CJCFF, FSE: YXEP) are pleased to announce the results of a joint targeting study (the "Study") conducted on adjacent and wholly-owned Serpent-Radisson and Sakami projects (the "Projects") (see Figure 1). The Projects demonstrate significant potential for high-grade gold and more recently for lithium (see Harfang's press releases dated October 5, 2022, September 13 and December 6, 2023, and QPM's press releases dated September 20, 2023, and February 29, 2024).

蒙特利爾,2024年4月3日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——哈方勘探公司(“Harfang”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:HAR)和魁北克貴金屬公司(“QPM”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:QPM,OTCQB:CJCFF,FSE:YXEP)欣然宣佈對鄰近和全資擁有的Serpent-Radisport進行的一項聯合靶向研究(“研究”)的結果 Son 和 Sakami 項目(“項目”)(參見圖 1)。這些項目顯示出高品位黃金以及最近鋰的巨大潛力(參見哈方於2022年10月5日、2023年9月13日和12月6日發佈的新聞稿,以及QPM於2023年9月20日和2024年2月29日發佈的新聞稿)。

The Study was designed to identify additional gold and lithium drill targets on the western portion of the Sakami project and on the eastern portion of the Serpent-Radisson project. The close collaboration between the two companies resulted in:


  • The identification of 12 priority gold and lithium targets including 3 high-priority targets that can be drill-ready following a field inspection later this year (see Figure 2); and,
  • An improved geological understanding and confirmation of the structural and lithological controls on gold and lithium mineralization.
  • 確定了12個優先黃金和鋰目標,包括3個高優先級目標,這些目標在今年晚些時候進行實地檢查後可以進行鑽探(見圖2);以及,
  • 提高了對地質學的理解,並確認了金和鋰礦化的結構和巖性控制。

Normand Champigny, QPM's Chief Executive Officer, stated "The collaboration with Harfang has been very beneficial to demonstrate the stronger exploration potential for both gold and lithium at our respective projects. We look forward to the follow-up in the field, drill the best targets and continue our collaboration with Harfang."

QPM首席執行官諾曼德·尚皮尼表示 “與Harfang的合作非常有益於展示我們各自項目中更強的黃金和鋰勘探潛力。我們期待着實地的後續行動,鑽出最佳目標,並繼續與Harfang合作。”

"These types of collaborations are exactly what this industry needs more of," Rick Breger, Harfang's President & Chief Executive Officer, stated. "Not only were we able to more efficiently deploy our capital by pooling and sharing resources, but we also now have a much better technical understanding of our respective projects. Afterall, the geology does not change on the other side of the claim boundary."

“這些類型的合作正是這個行業更需要的,” 哈方總裁兼首席執行官裏克·佈雷格表示。 “我們不僅能夠通過彙集和共享資源來更有效地部署資金,而且現在我們對各自項目的技術理解也要好得多。畢竟,索賠邊界另一側的地質狀況沒有變化。”

Using both company and publicly available data, the Study generated a comprehensive geological and structural lineament map of the Sakami-Serpent-Radisson area. Highlights of the Study are as follows:


  • Mafic to ultramafic slivers extend to the SW along shears in the Sakami project area, deflecting to the WSW along splays in the Serpent-Radisson project area;
  • Mafic gabbroic dyke swarms that were previously unrecognized occur within tonalitic gneiss and felsic intrusions at Sakami. Additional gabbroic material occurs at the Serpent project, mainly along interpreted structures;
  • Several untested pegmatites, potentially lithium-bearing bodies, are present; and,
  • Anastomosed shear zones are present with reverse movement and/or primarily sinistral-strike slip component, in a Riedel-like system associated to a N-S compression.
  • Magic to Ultramafic slives 沿着 Sakami 項目區域的剪刀向西南延伸,沿着 Serpent-Radisson 項目區的噴口向西南偏轉;
  • 以前無法識別的魔法輝長岩巖壩群發生在 Sakami 的調質片麻岩和長石入侵體中。其他輝煌材料出現在Serpent項目中,主要出現在解釋結構沿線;
  • 存在幾種未經測試的偉晶岩,可能含有鋰的物體;以及,
  • 在與 N-S 壓縮相關的類裏德爾系統中,吻合剪切區存在反向運動和/或主要是正向衝擊滑動部件。

Both projects exhibit the presence of high-grade gold:


  • Sakami: the discovery of 29 showings with up to 62.92 g/t Au (grab sample), up to 48.93 g/t Au over 1.0 m (channel sample), and up to 120.4 g/t Au over 0.45 m (drillhole) along a 23-km mineralized corridor, and including more than 50,000 m of drilling on two well-defined deposits (La Pointe and La Pointe Extension) with intercepts up to 1.15 g/t Au over 80.1 m including 2.21 g/t Au over 24.85 m.
  • Serpent-Radisson: the discovery of more than 50 showings with up to 340 g/t Au (grab sample), up to 7.78 g/t Au over 6.15 m (channel sample), and up to 2.52 g/t Au over 19.65 m and 1.64 g/t Au over 22.40 m (drillhole) along an interpreted 20-km long mineralized corridor.
  • Sakami:在 23 千米的礦化走廊上發現了 29 個礦牀,金含量高達 62.92 g/t(抓取樣品),在 1.0 m(通道樣品)上金含量高達 48.93 g/t,金含量高達 120.4 g/t(鑽孔),包括在兩個明確的礦牀(La Pointe和La Pointe Extension)上鑽探超過50,000米,截距高達1.15 超過 80.1 m 的 g/t Au 包括超過 24.85 m 的 2.21 g/t Au。
  • Serpent-Radisson:在解釋的20公里長的礦化走廊上發現了50多處礦物,金含量高達340克/噸(採集樣品),超過6.15米的金含量高達7.78克/噸,超過19.65米的金含量高達2.52克/噸,超過22.40米(鑽孔)。

Both projects exhibit lithium potential:


  • Sakami: several interpreted pegmatite bodies to be field-tested to determine their potential to contain lithium.
  • Serpent-Radisson: the discovery of spodumene and tantalite showings in the eastern part of the project with up to 4.56% Li2O (grab sample) over a favourable zone that is greater than 15 km2.
  • Sakami:一些人解釋說,偉晶岩體需要經過現場測試,以確定其含有鋰的可能性。
  • Serpent-Radisson:在項目東部發現鋰輝石和鉭鐵礦樣品,鋰含量高達 4.56%2O(採集樣本)越過大於 15 km 的有利區域2

The Study was performed by ALS GoldSpot Discoveries Ltd. with the assistance of GeoVector Management Inc. and under the guidance of QPM and Harfang.

該研究由ALS GoldSpot Discoveries Ltd.在GeoVector Management Inc.的協助下,在QPM和Harfang的指導下進行。

Qualified Persons


Normand Champigny, Eng., Chief Executive Officer of QPM, and Ludovic Bigot, P.Geo., VP Exploration of Harfang, are both qualified persons within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 on standards of disclosure for mineral projects. They have reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this press release.

QPM首席執行官諾曼德·尚皮尼工程師和哈方勘探副總裁Ludovic Bigot P.Geo都是美國國家儀器43-101關於礦產項目披露標準的合格人員。他們已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。

About Harfang Exploration Inc.


Harfang Exploration Inc. is a well-financed technically driven mineral exploration company with the primary mission to discover ore deposits in Québec and Ontario. The Company is managed by an experienced team of industry professionals with a proven track record of success and controls a portfolio of highly prospective projects. Harfang is dedicated to best practices through engagement with all stakeholders and commitment to the environment.

Harfang Exploration Inc. 是一家資金充足、技術驅動的礦產勘探公司,其主要使命是在魁北克和安大略省發現礦牀。該公司由一支經驗豐富的行業專業人員團隊管理,他們擁有良好的成功記錄,並控制着一系列極具前景的項目。Harfang致力於通過與所有利益相關者的參與和對環境的承諾來實現最佳實踐。

About Quebec Precious Metals Corporation


QPM is an exploration company with a large land position in the highly prospective Eeyou Istchee James Bay territory, Quebec, near Newmont Corporation's Éléonore gold mine. The company focuses on advancing its Sakami Gold project and its newly discovered, drill-ready Ninaaskuwin lithium showing on the Elmer East project. In addition, the Company holds a 68% interest in the Kipawa/Zeus rare earths project located near Temiscaming, Quebec.

QPM是一家勘探公司,在魁北克省極具前景的Eeyou Istchee James Bay地區擁有大片土地,靠近紐蒙特公司的埃萊奧諾爾金礦。該公司專注於推進其Sakami金礦項目及其在Elmer East項目上新發現的、可供鑽探的Ninaaskuwin鋰礦。此外,該公司持有位於魁北克省特米斯卡明附近的Kipawa/Zeus稀土項目68%的權益。

For further information, please contact:


Rick Breger, P.Geo.
President and CEO


Normand Champigny
Chief Executive Officer
+1 (514) 979-4746

+1 (514) 979-4746

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements are based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially from those anticipated and indicated by these forward-looking statements. Any number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements as well as future results. Although Harfang believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by law, Harfang disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Figure 1 – Location map of the Projects

圖 1 — 項目位置圖

Figure 2 – Location map of the targets

圖 2 — 目標的位置圖

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