
Regional Silt Survey Highlights Trifecta Gold's Eureka Project, Yukon

Regional Silt Survey Highlights Trifecta Gold's Eureka Project, Yukon

區域泥沙調查重點介紹了Trifecta Gold在育空地區的尤里卡項目
Accesswire ·  04/04 08:00

VANCOVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 4, 2024 / Trifecta Gold Ltd. (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ("Trifecta" or the "Company") is pleased to report results of a regional Bulk Leach Extractable Gold ("BLEG") survey conducted in 2023 by Newmont Canada, which included the area covering the Company's 100% owned, road accessible Eureka Project. Multiple sample sites on the Company's Eureka Project returned 99th percentile results for gold and other pathfinder elements characteristic of orogenic gold deposits.

不列顛哥倫比亞省VANCOVER/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月4日/Trifecta Gold Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TG)(OTCQB: TRRFF)(“Trifecta” 或 “公司”)欣然報告加拿大紐蒙特於2023年進行的區域批量浸出可提取金(“BLEG”)調查的結果,其中包括涵蓋該公司100%擁有的道路無障礙尤里卡項目的區域。該公司尤里卡項目的多個樣本場地返回了 99 個第四 造山金礦牀特有的黃金和其他開拓者元素的百分位數結果。

"The results of Newmont Canada's BLEG survey highlights the prospectivity of the Eureka Project to host a significant orogenic gold deposit," states Richard Drechsler, Trifecta's President and CEO. "Prior work has largely focused on showings along the central axis of the property, where excavator trenching and reverse circulation drilling have returned broad gold intercepts associated with breccias, gouge zones and quartz veins developed along both low angle shears and high angle fault zones. This newly identified silt anomaly is from an area that has seen relatively limited exploration and is underlain by a major north- to northwest-trending fault. We are very encouraged by these results and look forward to returning to site for follow-up."


Survey details:


In 2023, Newmont Canada conducted an independent regional BLEG sampling survey totaling 292 sample sites in west-central Yukon. With permission from Trifecta, Newmont Canada sampled 6 sites within the Company's Eureka Project as allowed by the Company's existing exploration permits. Sample sites were selected to be outside or upstream of historical placer mining ground disturbance and no samples were collected within active mining operations.


Field samples were collected by Newmont personnel and chemical analyses were performed in the Newmont (USA) laboratory in Denver, Colorado. Trifecta was recently provided the analytical results for 6 sample sites on the Eureka Project, including the values of 50 elements as well as a percentile ranking value (out of 100%, where 100% is highest value) for each element analyzed, relative to the 292-sample regional dataset.


Percentile rankings of the 6 samples, for orogenic gold pathfinder elements gold (Au), tellurium (Te), silver (Ag), arsenic (As), bismuth (Bi), as well as copper (Cu) and lead (Pb), are classified below.


Element of interest >99th to 100th percentile 90th to <99th percentile

Gold (Au)

2 of 6 samples

Tellurium (Te)

1 of 6 samples

1 of 6 samples

Silver (Ag)

3 of 6 samples

Arsenic (As)

1 of 6 samples*

2 of 6 samples

Bismuth (Bi)

2 of 6 samples

Copper (Cu)

1 of 6 samples

Lead (Pb)

2 of 6 samples

興趣要素 >99第四 到 100第四 百分位數 90第四 到 第四 百分位數


6 個樣本中的 2 個

Tellurium (Te)

6 個樣本中的 1 個

6 個樣本中的 1 個


6 個樣本中的 3 個


6 個樣本中的 1 個*

6 個樣本中的 2 個


6 個樣本中的 2 個


6 個樣本中的 1 個

鉛 (Pb)

6 個樣本中的 2 個

* includes the highest arsenic value of the entire regional survey

* 包括整個區域調查中最高的砷值

The survey highlighted the left fork of Eureka Creek and Child's Gulch as highly anomalous, with multiple samples returning 90th percentile to 100th percentile values for pathfinder elements. The eastern tributary of the left fork of Eureka Creek has not been sampled or prospected by Trifecta and represents a priority target area for future work.

調查顯示,尤里卡溪和兒童峽谷的左叉高度異常,多個樣本返回了 90%第四 百分位數到 100第四 探路者元素的百分位數值。Trifecta尚未對尤里卡溪左叉的東部支流進行採樣或勘探,它是未來工作的優先目標區域。

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Jackson Morton, P.Geo., a geologist with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited and a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已獲得P.Geo的傑克遜·莫頓的批准,他是Archer, Cathro & Associates(1981)有限公司的地質學家,也是National Instrument 43-101的合格人士。

Corporate Update


Trifecta recently announced that it entered into a binding agreement with Strategic Metals Ltd. to acquire up to 100% of Mt. Hinton and 10 other highly prospective, intrusion-related gold projects located in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt. The TSX Venture Exchange has notified the Company that the agreement requires disinterested shareholder approval, which the Company plans to seek at its upcoming Annual General and Special Meeting.

Trifecta最近宣佈,它與Strategic Metals Ltd.簽訂了一項具有約束力的協議,以收購Mt高達100%的股份。欣頓和其他10個極具前景的、與入侵相關的黃金項目位於育空地區的墓碑金帶。多倫多證券交易所風險交易所已通知公司,該協議需要無私股東的批准,該公司計劃在即將舉行的年度股東大會和特別會議上尋求批准。

Trifecta is proceeding with a 4:1 share consolidation as announced March 1st, 2024. The effective date of the consolidation will be confirmed at a future time, following the Company's receipt of acceptance from the TSX Venture Exchange for this consolidation. The reason for the consolidation is to tighten the public float so as to facilitate the raising of the required capital to fund Trifecta's obligations under its agreement with Strategic Metals Ltd. There are currently 80,099,286 shares of Trifecta issued and outstanding, and there will be approximately 20,024,822 shares issued and outstanding post-consolidation. There will not be a change of name in conjunction with this consolidation.

正如3月1日宣佈的那樣,Trifecta正在進行4:1的股票整合st,2024。合併的生效日期將在公司收到多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的合併同意後,在將來予以確認。整合的原因是收緊公衆持股量,以促進籌集所需資金,爲Trifecta與Strategic Metals Ltd的協議下的義務提供資金。Trifecta目前已發行和流通80,099,286股,合併後將發行和流通約20,024,822股股票。此次合併不會更改名稱。

About Trifecta Gold Ltd.

關於 Trifecta Gold Ltd.

Trifecta is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration company dedicated to increasing shareholder value through the discovery and development of 100% held gold projects in Yukon and Nevada. Initial drilling at its Yuge Gold Project, located in northern Nevada, has identified multiple broad zones of gold mineralization near historical high-grade mines. The Company's Eureka Project hosts an 8 x 2.5 kilometre belt of surface showings and anomalous gold-in-soil that straddle the headwaters of two of the most productive placer creeks in Yukon's southern Klondike Goldfields. The Company's Treble Project covers a large hydrothermal system, located midway between Western Copper and Gold Corporation's Casino Deposit, the largest copper and gold deposit in the Yukon, and Rockhaven Resources Ltd.'s Klaza Deposit, a high-grade gold-silver deposit.

Trifecta是一家總部位於加拿大的貴金屬勘探公司,致力於通過在育空地區和內華達州發現和開發100%持有的黃金項目來增加股東價值。其位於內華達州北部的尤格金礦項目的初步鑽探已在歷史悠久的高品位礦山附近發現了多個廣闊的金礦化帶。該公司的尤里卡項目擁有一條8 x 2.5千米的地表露帶和異常土壤中的金,橫跨育空地區南部克朗代克金礦區兩條產量最高的砂溪的源頭。該公司的Treble項目涵蓋一個大型熱液系統,位於西部銅金公司的賭場礦牀、育空地區最大的銅金礦牀和Rockhaven Resources Ltd之間。”s Klaza 礦牀,一種高等級的金銀礦牀。



"Richard Drechsler"
President and CEO


For further information concerning Trifecta or its various exploration projects please visit or contact:


Corporate Information


Trifecta Gold Ltd.
Richard Drechsler
President and CEO
Tel: (604) 687-2522

Trifecta Gold Ltd.
電話:(604) 687-2522

This news release may contain forward looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of exploration and other risk factors beyond its control, and actual results may differ materially from the expected results.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


SOURCE: Trifecta Gold Ltd.

來源:Trifecta Gold Ltd.

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