
Core Nickel Completes Winter Drill Program at the Halfway Lake Project, With Sulfide Mineralization Identified in All Three Drillholes

Core Nickel Completes Winter Drill Program at the Halfway Lake Project, With Sulfide Mineralization Identified in All Three Drillholes

Core Nickel 完成了 Halfway Lake 項目的冬季鑽探計劃,在所有三個鑽孔中都發現了硫化物礦化物
newsfile ·  2024/04/08 19:30

Saskatoon, Sasketchwan--(Newsfile Corp. - April 8, 2024) - Core Nickel Corp. (CSE: CNCO) ("Core Nickel" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has successfully completed the 2024 winter drill program at the Company's 100% owned Halfway Lake project (the "Project") in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba (Figure 1), highlighted by visual sulfide mineralization in all three diamond drillholes.

薩斯喀徹溫省薩斯卡通--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 8 日)- Core Nickel Corp. (CSE: CNCO) (”核心鎳“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈,它已成功完成該公司100%控股的Halfway Lake項目(”項目“)位於曼尼托巴省湯普森鎳礦帶(圖 1),所有三個鑽石鑽孔中的可視硫化物礦化突顯了這一點。



  • A total of 797.45 metres drilled in three diamond drillholes.
  • HFW-001 and HFW-002 intersected ultramafic lithologies over 55.6 metres and 90.9 metres, respectively, with disseminated sulfide mineralization throughout.
  • HFW-003 intersected 7.7 metres of intermittent sulfide mineralization including 4.4 metres of continuous semi-massive to massive sulfide mineralization.
  • 在三個鑽石鑽孔中總共鑽了797.45米。
  • HFW-001 和 HFW-002 分別與超過 55.6 米和 90.9 米的超鎂鐵質巖性相交,整個岩層均有浸染硫化物礦化。
  • HFW-003 橫穿了 7.7 米的間歇性硫化物礦化,包括 4.4 米的連續半塊狀至塊狀硫化物礦化。

Figure 1 — Halfway Lake Project Location

圖 1 — Halfway Lake 項目地點

As announced on March 11, 2024 the Company initiated its 2024 drill program on the Project. The program consisted of three diamond drillholes totalling 797.45 metres, targeting nickel sulfide-bearing stratigraphy in the W62 Zone (Figure 2). Historical drilling in the W62 Zone from the 1960s intersected grades up to 1.32% Ni over 3.05 m in drillhole W62-D. Known mineralized horizons in the area are hosted within ultramafic rocks proximal to Pipe Formation metasediments, within a magnetic anomaly. The Company was successful in intersecting visual sulfide mineralization in all three diamond drillholes completed in its inaugural drill campaign.

正如2024年3月11日宣佈的那樣,該公司啓動了該項目的2024年鑽探計劃。該項目包括三個總長797.45米的金剛石鑽孔,目標是W62區域的含硫化鎳地層(圖2)。20 世紀 60 年代在 W62 區域進行的歷史鑽探在 W62-D 鑽孔中,在 3.05 米以上的鎳礦相交的品位高達 1.32%。該地區已知的礦化地平線位於磁異常內,位於管道形成變沉積物附近的超鎂鐵質岩石中。該公司成功地在首次鑽探活動中完成的所有三個金剛石鑽孔中穿透了可視硫化物礦化。

Drillhole HFW-001 drill tested a 70-metre gap in historical drilling, 35 metres along strike to the north of W62-D, targeting nickel sulfide-bearing stratigraphy at the same elevation as W62-D. HFW-001 intersected ultramafic rocks over 55.6 m with disseminated sulfide mineralization throughout, proximal to the sulfidic Pipe Formation.

鑽孔 HFW-001 鑽探測試了歷史鑽探中 70 米的間隙,位於 W62-D 以北走向 35 米處,目標是海拔與 W62-D 相同的含硫化鎳地層。HFW-001 與超過 55.6 米的超鎂鐵質岩石相交,整個硫化物礦化層在硫化物管道形成附近。

Drillhole HFW-002 drill tested 45 metres down-dip of the mid-point of the ultramafic package intersected in HFW-001. HFW-002 intersected ultramafic rocks over 90.9 m with disseminated sulfide mineralization throughout, proximal to the sulfidic Pipe Formation.

Drillhole HFW-002 在 HFW-001 中相交的超鎂鐵封裝的中點向下傾斜45米處進行了鑽探測試。HFW-002 與超過 90.9 米的超鎂鐵質岩石相交,整個硫化物礦化層在硫化物管道形成附近。

Drillhole HFW-003 drill tested a 110-metre gap in historical drilling, 100 metres to the south of W62-D, targeting the along strike projection of the sulfide mineralization intersected in HFW-002. HFW-003 intersected 7.7 metres of intermittent sulfide mineralization including 4.4 metres of continuous semi-massive to massive sulfide mineralization (Figure 3).

Drillhole HFW-003 鑽探測試了歷史鑽探中 110 米的間隙,位於 W62-D 以南 100 米處,目標是與 HFW-002 相交的硫化物礦化的沿走向投影。 HFW-003 與 7.7 米的間歇性硫化物礦化區相交,包括 4.4 米的連續半塊狀至塊狀硫化物礦化(圖 3)。

Assay results for all drillholes completed during the winter program are currently pending.


Figure 3 HFW-003 Semi-massive to Massive Sulfide Mineralization 174.8 metres to 179.2 metres

圖 3 HFW-003 半塊狀到塊狀硫化物礦化 174.8 米到 179.2 米

The 2024 drill program expanded on the Technical Report on the Halfway and Resting Lake Properties Thompson, Manitoba, prepared by Chris Beaumont-Smith in 2023, filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR+.

2024 年的鑽探計劃擴展了 中途湖和休息湖地產技術報告曼尼托巴省湯普森,由 Chris Beaumont-Smith 於 2023 年編寫,根據公司在 SEDAR+ 上的簡介提交。

Misty Urbatsch, CEO, comments: "Core Nickel's inaugural drill program led by our recently appointed vice-president of exploration, Caitlin Glew, has highlighted the strength of our exploration team and the exploration potential on the Halfway Lake property. I am incredibly proud of the Core Nickel team for hitting another significant company milestone by completing the company's first-ever drill program. On top of the Halfway Lake property, the company holds 100% ownership in four other properties, equating to a total of 27,000 hectares of prospective land in the Thompson Nickel belt; the successful work completed on this year's drilling campaign is just the beginning of Core Nickel's bright future."

首席執行官 Misty Urbatsch 評論道: “由我們最近任命的勘探副總裁凱特琳·格魯領導的Core Nickel的首個鑽探計劃凸顯了我們勘探團隊的實力以及Halfway Lake地產的勘探潛力。我爲Core Nickel團隊通過完成公司的首次鑽探計劃,實現了公司的又一個重要里程碑感到非常自豪。除了Halfway Lake物業外,該公司還擁有其他四處房產的100%所有權,相當於湯普森鎳礦帶總共27,000公頃的潛在土地;今年鑽探活動的成功完成只是Core Nickel光明未來的開始。”

Core Nickel Vice President Exploration, Caitlin Glew, comments: "Core Nickel's inaugural drill program set out to confirm and build on the geological framework presented from historical drilling at the W62 Zone. I am extremely pleased with the drill results from the program, which confirmed the presence of sulfide mineralization in all three drillholes. The down-dip testing of historical results increases the prospectivity of the W62 zone itself and of an under explored trend to the north of the W62 Zone, evidenced by the encouraging results from the intersection of massive-sulfide mineralization in HFW-003."

Core Nickel 勘探副總裁 Caitlin Glew 評論道: “Core Nickel的首個鑽探計劃旨在確認和建立在W62區歷史鑽探中提出的地質框架。我對該項目的鑽探結果感到非常滿意,該項目證實了所有三個鑽孔中都存在硫化物礦化。對歷史結果的向下傾測試增加了W62區域本身以及W62區以北勘探不足的趨勢的前景,HFW-003 中塊狀硫化物礦化交匯處取得的令人鼓舞的結果就證明了這一點。”

Geochemical Sampling Procedures


All drill core samples were shipped to Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories (SRC) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in secure containment for preparation, processing, and ICP-OES analysis for major and minor elements and ICP-MS analysis for trace elements using total 4-acid digestion (HF:HNO3:HCl:HClO4). All assay samples will be analyzed for gold, platinum, and palladium using the AU5 Fire Assay Technique. Assay samples comprise 0.3 1.7 metre, generally 1.0 metre, continuous split-core samples over the sulfide mineralized intervals. The SRC is an ISO/IEC 17025/2005 and Standards Council of Canada certified analytical laboratory. Blanks, standard reference materials, and duplicates are inserted into the sample stream at regular intervals by Core Nickel and the SRC in accordance with Core Nickel's quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures. Geochemical assay data are subject to verification procedures by qualified persons employed by Core Nickel prior to disclosure.

所有鑽芯樣本都被運往位於薩斯喀徹溫省薩斯卡通的薩斯喀徹溫省研究委員會地質分析實驗室(SRC),使用全四酸消化法(HF: HNO3: HCL: HCL: HCL: HCL: HCL: HCL: HCL4)對微量元素進行製備、處理和ICP-OES分析,進行微量元素的ICP-MS分析。將使用AU5火焰分析技術對所有化驗樣本進行金、鉑和鈀分析。化驗樣本包括硫化物礦化區間的0.3 — 1.7米,通常爲1.0米的連續裂芯樣品。SRC 是經過 ISO/IEC 17025/2005 和加拿大標準委員會認證的分析實驗室。根據Core Nickel的質量保證/質量控制 (QA/QC) 程序,Core Nickel和SRC定期將空白、標準參考材料和副本插入樣品流。在披露之前,地球化學分析數據必須經過Core Nickel僱用的合格人員的驗證程序。

All reported depths and intervals are drillhole depths and intervals, unless otherwise noted, and do not represent true thicknesses, which have yet to be determined.


About Core Nickel


Core Nickel Corp. is a junior nickel exploration company that controls 100% of five properties in the prolific nickel district, the Thompson Nickel Belt (TNB) in Northern Manitoba, Canada. The five properties consist of approximately 27,000 hectares of land that is proximal to existing infrastructure, such as highways and operating mills.

Core Nickel Corp. 是一家初級鎳礦勘探公司,控制着加拿大曼尼托巴省北部的湯普森鎳礦帶(TNB)——多產的鎳礦區(TNB)五處房產的100%。這五處房產由大約 27,000 公頃的土地組成,靠近高速公路和運營磨坊等現有基礎設施。

Map: Core Nickel's Thompson Nickel Belt Properties

地圖:Core Nickel 的湯普森鎳帶特性

Core Nickel has a large contiguous land package in the northern part of the TNB, situated approximately 16-20 km from the City of Thompson. Core Nickel's northern TNB projects consist of three properties: Mel, Hunter, and Odei River. The Mel property encompasses the Mel deposit, which is characterized by a historical NI-43-101 resource estimate with an indicated resource of 4.3 million tonnes at 0.875% nickel, equating to 82.5 million lbs contained nickel, and a historical inferred resource estimate of 1.0 million tonnes at 0.839% nickel, equating to 18.7 million pounds of contained nickel1. The target stratigraphy (Pipe Formation) that hosts the Mel deposit, and other deposits in the Thompson Nickel Belt, extend onto the Hunter and Odei River properties and drillhole intersections into the target stratigraphy on the Hunter project have successfully intersected elevated nickel.

Core Nickel在TNB的北部擁有一大片連續的土地,距離湯普森市約16-20公里。Core Nickel在北部的TNB項目包括三個房產:梅爾、亨特和奧迪河。梅爾礦牀包括梅爾礦牀,其特徵是 NI-43-101 的歷史資源估計,其指示資源量爲 430 萬噸,鎳含量爲 0.875%,相當於 8250 萬磅含鎳,歷史推斷資源量爲 100 萬噸,鎳含量爲 0.839%,相當於 1,870 萬磅含鎳1。託管梅爾礦牀的目標地層學(管道形成)以及湯普森鎳帶的其他礦牀延伸到亨特河和奧代河地產,亨特項目中進入目標地層的鑽孔交叉點成功地與高位鎳相交。

1"Technical Report on the Mel Deposit, Northern Manitoba" prepared for Victory Nickel Inc, Shane Naccashian (P. Geo) of Wardrop Engineering Inc., March 9, 2007

1爲勝利鎳業公司編寫的 “曼尼托巴省北部梅爾礦牀技術報告”,Wardrop Engineering Inc.的Shane Naccashian(P. Geo),2007年3月9日

The Company also holds two properties in the southern TNB near Wabowden: Halfway Lake and Resting Lake. Both properties host the target Pipe Formation associated with known elevated nickel mineralization and are proximal to existing nickel deposits, mills, and other infrastructure.

該公司還在南部的瓦博登附近擁有兩處房產:Halfway Lake和Resint Lake。這兩處房產都擁有與已知的鎳礦化程度升高相關的目標管道地層,並且靠近現有的鎳礦牀、磨坊和其他基礎設施。

The Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for this news release is Caitlin Glew, P. Geo., Vice-President Exploration for Core Nickel Corp., who has reviewed and approved its contents.

根據National Instrument 43-101礦產項目披露標準發佈本新聞稿的合格人員是Core Nickel Corp勘探副總裁Caitlin Glew, P. Geo.,他已審查並批准了該新聞稿的內容。

Technical Disclosure


The historical results contained within this news release have been captured from Manitoba Integrated Mining and Quarrying System ("iMaQs") as available and may be incomplete or subject to minor location inaccuracies. Management cautions that historical results were collected and reported by past operators and have not been verified nor confirmed by a Qualified Person but form a basis for ongoing work on the subject properties.


On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Misty Urbatsch"
Misty Urbatsch
CEO, President and Director
Core Nickel Corp.

“Misty Urbatsch”
Misty Urbatsch



Misty Urbatsch, CEO and President
Tel: 306-668-6927

Misty Urbatsch,首席執行官兼總裁

General Enquiry
Tel: 306-668-6927


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulations services accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking information


All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.


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