
Copper Fox Provides Update for Mineral Mountain Project

Copper Fox Provides Update for Mineral Mountain Project

Copper Fox 爲礦山項目提供最新信息
newsfile ·  04/11 06:00

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - April 11, 2024) - Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUU) (OTCQX: CPFXF) (FSE: HPU) ("Copper Fox" or the "Company") and its wholly owned subsidiary, Desert Fox Mineral Mountain Co. ("Desert Fox"), are pleased to provide an update on its 100% owned Mineral Mountain porphyry copper property (2,692.4 ha) located in the Mineral Mountain Mining District, Arizona.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里--(新聞檔案公司,2024年4月11日)-Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUU) (OTCQX: CPFXF) (FSE: HPU) (“Copper Fox” 或 “公司”) 及其全資子公司沙漠之狐礦山有限公司(”沙漠之狐“),很高興提供其位於亞利桑那州礦山礦區的100%擁有的礦山斑岩銅礦產的最新情況(2,692.4公頃)。

The Mineral Mountain project is located on a northeast trending, regional scale, porphyry copper belt that hosts some of the largest porphyry copper deposits in Arizona including Santa Cruz and Resolution. The project is located approximately 25 kilometers ("km") (15 miles) southwest from Rio Tinto and BHP's giant Resolution porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit and approximately 25 km northeast of Taseko's Florence porphyry copper deposit.

Mineral Mountain項目位於東北朝向、區域規模的斑岩銅帶,擁有亞利桑那州一些最大的斑岩銅礦牀,包括聖克魯斯和Resolution。該項目位於力拓和必和必拓巨型Resolution斑岩銅鉬礦牀西南約25千米(“千米”)(15英里)處,位於Taseko的佛羅倫薩斑岩銅礦牀東北約25公里處。



  • Three distinct areas of higher positive chargeability located within a larger 18 milliradians ("mrad") chargeability anomaly have been identified.
  • These areas of higher chargeability are interpreted to represent three potential porphyry copper centers.
  • Target #1, located in the central portion of the property, has been discussed in several previous news releases. Targets #2 and #3 are located northeast and southwest of Target #1 respectively.
  • The Plan of Operations submitted to the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") contemplates drill testing the chargeability signature of Target #1 and Target #2, each with a 1,000-meter-deep hole.
  • An Environmental Review ("ER"), as required pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act, ("NEPA"), and Solicitation of Public Comments on the Plan of Operations must be completed prior to receiving a final decision from the BLM on the drilling permit.
  • SWCA has been retained to assist Copper Fox to determine the scope and scale of the ER in conjunction with the BLM.
  • 已經確定了位於更大的 18 毫弧度(“mrad”)可充電性異常內的三個具有更高正電荷性的不同區域。
  • 這些可充電性更高的區域被解釋爲代表三個潛在的斑岩銅中心。
  • 位於該物業中心部分的目標 #1 已在之前的幾份新聞稿中進行了討論。目標 #2 和 #3 分別位於目標 #1 的東北和西南。
  • 提交給土地管理局(“BLM”)的運營計劃考慮對目標 #1 和 Target #2 的可充電性特徵進行鑽探測試,每一個都有1,000米深的孔。
  • 在收到BLM關於鑽探許可證的最終決定之前,必須完成根據《國家環境保護法》(“NEPA”)的要求進行環境審查(“ER”)和對運營計劃的公衆徵求意見。
  • 聘請了SWCA,以協助Copper Fox與BLM一起確定急診室的範圍和規模。

Elmer B. Stewart, President, and CEO of Copper Fox, stated, "The geological setting, geophysical signatures and porphyry footprint represents a compelling example of a buried porphyry copper target, like the giant Resolution porphyry Cu-Mo deposit. The chargeability and associated magnetic signatures are interpreted to represent early stage potassic alteration associated with significant bodies of sulphide mineralization at depth. Copper Fox is working diligently assisting SWCA to determine the scope and scale of the ER and public consultation process with the objective of obtaining the BLM's approval to conduct drilling operations."

Copper Fox總裁兼首席執行官埃爾默·斯圖爾特表示:“地質背景、地球物理特徵和斑岩足跡代表了埋藏斑岩銅靶的令人信服的例子,例如巨型Resolution斑岩銅鉬礦牀。可充電性和相關的磁特徵被解釋爲代表與深度大量硫化物礦化相關的早期鉀蝕變。Copper Fox正在努力協助SWCA確定ER和公衆諮詢過程的範圍和規模,目的是獲得BLM的批准進行鑽探作業。”

Update On Drilling Permit
In response to the Plan of Operations to drill test Targets #1 and #2, the BLM have advised that:

在回應鑽探測試目標 #1 和 #2 的行動計劃時,BLM 建議:

  1. consistent with Federal and State surface management regulations, the filed Plan of Operations and Reclamation Cost Estimate meets the content requirements for the Plan of Operations.
  2. Solicitation of Public Comment on the Plan of Operations under 43 CFR 3809.411(c) is required.
  3. An ER pursuant to NEPA, the scope and scale of which must be agreed to by the BLM prior to commencing the field work.
  4. The Solicitation of Public Comment and ER must be completed before the BLM would decide to either approved or not approved the Plan of Operations.
  1. 根據聯邦和州地面管理法規,提交的運營計劃和回收成本估算符合運營計劃的內容要求。
  2. 需要就43 CFR 3809.411(c)下的運營計劃徵求公衆意見。
  3. 根據NEPA設立的急診室,其範圍和規模必須得到BLM的同意,然後才能開始實地工作。
  4. 在BLM決定批准或不批准運營計劃之前,必須完成公衆意見徵詢和急診的徵集。

SWCA Environmental Consultants, an Arizona based firm specializing in environmental, regulatory, and natural and cultural resources management services, has been retained to act on behalf of Copper Fox to determine the scope and scale of the ER in conjunction with the BLM.

SWCA Environmental Consultants是一家總部位於亞利桑那州的專門從事環境、監管以及自然和文化資源管理服務的公司,已受聘代表Copper Fox行事,與BLM一起確定急診室的範圍和規模。

Project Review
Dr. Timothy Marsh, PhD., P.Eng., was retained to complete an independent review of the project data. Dr. Marsh has over 35 years of experience in the exploration of porphyry copper systems in Arizona. Dr. Marsh concluded:
"The overlapping mineralogical, lithological, geochemical, and geophysical signatures at Mineral Mountain is most easily reconciled in a model where a Laramide age, copper-mineralized porphyry body is present beneath the heart of a region measuring 3400 meters by 1600 meters and apexing at a depth 400-500 meters below surface."

聘請蒂莫西·馬什博士(P.Eng.)完成對項目數據的獨立審查。Marsh 博士在亞利桑那州斑岩銅系統的勘探方面擁有超過 35 年的經驗。馬什博士得出結論:

Chargeability Targets
The chargeability component of a geophysical survey measures the relative concentration of disseminated, vein and fracture-controlled sulphide minerals, such as chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite. Figures 1 and 2 show the locations of three areas of higher chargeability (>20 mrads) at a depth of 600m below surface (designated Target #1, #2 and #3). These targets occur within the northeast trending chargeability anomaly (>14 mrads) that remains open below the +/- 600-700m level below surface.

地球物理調查的可充電性部分用於測量浸染、礦脈和裂縫控制的硫化物礦物的相對濃度,例如黃銅礦、硼石和黃鐵礦。圖 1 和圖 2 顯示了位於地表以下 600 米深度的三個可充電性更高的區域(>20 mrad)的位置(指定爲目標 #1、#2 和 #3)。這些目標發生在東北趨勢充電異常(>14 mrads)內,該異常在地表下方+/-600-700m處仍處於開放狀態。

Figure-1: Correlation between copper values and interpreted porphyry centers.

圖 1:銅值與解釋的斑岩中心之間的相關性。

Figure-2: Correlation between molybdenum values and interpreted porphyry centers.

圖 2:鉬值與解釋的斑岩中心之間的相關性。

Note: The contouring of the copper and molybdenum values was completed using Micromine software.


Target #1 has been discussed in several news releases (see news release dated November 22, 2023) and displays a prominent "leakage" halo estimated to be approximately 1,200m long by up to 900m wide, characterized by abundant secondary copper mineralization, (malachite-chrysocolla-chalcocite-covellite) alteration patterns, intrusive rocks indicative of a buried porphyry copper system and strong associated molybdenum signature.

目標 #1 已在多個新聞稿中進行了討論(見2023年11月22日的新聞稿),其中顯示了一個突出的 “泄漏” 光環,估計長約1200米,寬度可達900米,其特徵是豐富的二次銅礦化、(孔雀石-chrysocolla-chalcocite-covellite)的蝕變模式、表明斑岩系統埋藏的侵入性岩石以及強烈的相關鉬特徵。

Target #2 represents the top of a chargeability anomaly that is estimated to occur at 300m below surface and extends below the 600m depth of geophysical investigation. The chargeability signature (20 mrads) measures 1,300m by 1,000m within the larger open-ended chargeability signature. The surface geology consists of porphyritic quartz monzonite, granodiorite, and late stage granodioritic, hornblende dacite and aplite dikes. Secondary copper minerals (malachite-chrysocolla-chalcocite) hosted in quartz veins, quartz veinlets and in copper-hematite filled fractures occur along the northern and western portions of the target. The molybdenum signature in this target is restricted in extent and subdued compared to Target #1 and #3.

目標 #2 代表可充電性異常的頂部,該異常估計發生在地表以下 300 米,延伸到地球物理調查深度以下 600 米以下。在較大的開放式可充電性簽名中,可充電性簽名(20 mrads)的尺寸爲1300米乘1,000米。地表地質包括斑狀石英蒙長石、花崗閃長巖,以及晚期花崗閃長巖、角閃長巖和阿普利特堤壩。次生銅礦物(孔雀石-chrysocolla-chalcocite)存在於石英脈、石英脈和充滿銅赤鐵礦的裂縫中,位於目標的北部和西部。與目標 #1 和 #3 相比,該靶標中的鉬特徵在範圍上受到限制和抑制。

Target #3 is a circular (300m by 300m) chargeability anomaly (>18 mrads) located at the southwest end of the project. This area is underlain by porphyritic and non-porphyritic fine and coarse-grained granodiorite, quartz monzonite and late-stage, hornblende dacite, granodiorite and aplite dikes. Alteration minerals (tremolite) suggest the inner portion of the propylitic zone. Secondary copper minerals (malachite-chrysocolla-chalcocite) hosted in quartz veins, quartz veinlets and copper-hematite filled fractures occur along the northern and western portion of this target. This target exhibits a strong molybdenite association with the copper mineralization.

目標 #3 是位於項目西南端的圓形(300米乘300米)充電異常(>18 mrads)。該區域的下層是斑岩和非卟啉質細顆粒和粗粒花崗閃長巖、石英單柱石和晚期、角閃石達克巖、花崗閃長巖和阿普利特堤巖。蝕變礦物(透閃石)提示丙質區的內部。次生銅礦物(孔雀石-chrysocolla-chalcocite)存在於石英脈、石英脈和充滿銅赤鐵礦的裂縫中,位於該目標的北部和西部。該目標顯示出輝鉬礦與銅礦化密切相關。

Elmer B. Stewart, MSc. P.Geo., President, and CEO of Copper Fox, is the Company's non-independent, nominated Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and has reviewed and approves the scientific and technical information disclosed in this news release.

埃爾默·斯圖爾特,理學碩士Copper Fox總裁兼首席執行官P.Geo. 是該公司的非獨立人士,根據National Instrument 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》提名的合格人士,並已審查並批准了本新聞稿中披露的科學和技術信息。

About Copper Fox
Copper Fox is a Tier 1 Canadian resource company focused on copper exploration and development in Canada and the United States. The principal assets of Copper Fox and its wholly owned subsidiaries being Northern Fox Copper Inc. and Desert Fox Copper Inc., are the 100% ownerships of the Van Dyke ISCR project, and the Mineral Mountain and Sombrero Butte porphyry copper exploration projects all located in Arizona, the 25% interest in the Schaft Creek Joint Venture with Teck Resources Limited on the Schaft Creek copper-gold-molybdenum-silver project and the 100% owned Eaglehead polymetallic porphyry copper project each located in northwestern British Columbia. For more information on Copper Fox's mineral properties and investments visit the Company's website at .

關於 Copper Fox
Copper Fox是一家加拿大一級資源公司,專注於加拿大和美國的銅礦勘探和開發。Copper Fox及其全資子公司爲北狐銅業公司和沙漠狐銅業公司的主要資產是範戴克ISCR項目、礦山和Sombrero Butte斑岩銅勘探項目的100%所有權,與泰克資源有限公司在沙夫特溪銅金鉬銀項目上合資的沙夫特溪合資企業的25%權益以及100%擁有的Eaglehead Polyhead Polybute項目金屬斑岩銅項目均位於不列顛哥倫比亞省西北部。有關Copper Fox礦產和投資的更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站,網址爲。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Elmer B. Stewart
President and Chief Executive Officer

埃爾默 B. 斯圖爾特

For additional information contact:
Fidel Montagu at or 1-844-464-2820

菲德爾·蒙塔古致電 或 1-844-464-2820

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking information"). Forward-looking information is generally identifiable by use of the words "believes," "may," "plans," "will," "anticipates," "intends," "budgets," "could", "estimates", "expects", "forecasts", "projects" and similar expressions, and the negative of such expressions. Forward-looking information in this news release includes statements regarding; a regional scale mineral trend; several chargeability targets; positive magnetic features; potential targets; Plan of Operation and planned exploration activities.

本新聞稿包含1933年《證券法》第27A條和1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的前瞻性陳述,以及加拿大證券法所指的前瞻性信息(統稱爲 “前瞻性信息”)。前瞻性信息通常可以通過使用 “相信”、“可能”、“計劃”、“將”、“預期”、“打算”、“預算”、“可能”、“估計”、“預期”、“預測”、“項目” 等詞語以及此類表達的否定詞來識別。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括以下方面的陳述:區域規模的礦產趨勢;幾個可充電性目標;積極的磁性特徵;潛在目標;運營計劃和計劃勘探活動。

In connection with the forward-looking information contained in this news release, Copper Fox and its subsidiaries have made numerous assumptions regarding, among other things: the geological advice that Copper Fox has received is reliable and is based upon practices and methodologies which are consistent with industry standards; and the reliability of historical reports. While Copper Fox considers these assumptions to be reasonable, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies.

關於本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息,Copper Fox及其子公司對以下方面做出了許多假設:Copper Fox收到的地質建議是可靠的,基於符合行業標準的做法和方法;以及歷史報告的可靠性。儘管Copper Fox認爲這些假設是合理的,但這些假設本質上會受到重大的不確定性和突發性的影響。

Additionally, there are known and unknown risk factors which could cause Copper Fox's actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information contained herein. Known risk factors include, among others: the chargeability targets may not represent porphyry centers, the chargeability targets may not contain significant porphyry style copper mineralization; the positive magnetic features may not be as interpreted; further exploration of the property may not be completed as planned or at all; the surface mineralization may not represent porphyry or supergene style mineralization; uncertainties relating to interpretation of the chargeability results; the Solicitation of Public Comment may not occur as planned or at all; the Environmental Review may not be completed as planned or at all; and the Plan of Operation may not be approved as contemplated or at all; the financial markets and the overall economy may deteriorate; the need to obtain additional financing and uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals.

此外,還有一些已知和未知的風險因素可能導致Copper Fox的實際業績、業績或成就與本文所包含的前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。已知的風險因素包括:可充電性目標可能不代表斑岩中心,可充電性目標可能不包含顯著的斑岩型銅礦化;正磁特徵可能與解釋不符;對該地產的進一步勘探可能無法按計劃完成或根本無法完成;地表礦化可能不代表斑岩或超基因式礦化;與可充電性結果解釋有關的不確定性;徵集公衆意見可能無法按計劃進行,也可能根本無法按計劃進行;環境審查可能無法按計劃完成或根本無法完成;運營計劃可能未按設想或根本沒有獲得批准;金融市場和整體經濟可能會惡化;需要獲得額外資金,以及能否及時獲得許可證和其他政府批准的不確定性。

A more complete discussion of the risks and uncertainties facing Copper Fox is disclosed in Copper Fox's continuous disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities at . All forward-looking information herein is qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement, and Copper Fox disclaims any obligation to revise or update any such forward-looking information or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any of the forward-looking information contained herein to reflect future results, events, or developments, except as required by law.

Copper Fox向加拿大證券監管機構提交的持續披露文件中披露了對Copper Fox面臨的風險和不確定性的更全面的討論。除非法律要求,否則此處的所有前瞻性信息均受本警示聲明的全部限制,Copper Fox不承擔修改或更新任何此類前瞻性信息或公開宣佈對本文包含的任何前瞻性信息進行任何修訂以反映未來業績、事件或發展的結果的義務。

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