
American Aires Announces Record Q4 and Annual 2023 Order Volume and Significant Q4 EBITDA Profitability

American Aires Announces Record Q4 and Annual 2023 Order Volume and Significant Q4 EBITDA Profitability

newsfile ·  04/11 20:33
  • Record quarterly order volume of $3.7 million and gross margin of 59%1
  • Record annual order volume of $10.4 million (79% increase YoY) and gross margin of 61%1
  • First significant adjusted quarterly EBITDA profitability1
  • 創紀錄的季度訂單量爲370萬美元,毛利率爲59%1
  • 創紀錄的年度訂單量爲1,040萬美元(同比增長79%),毛利率爲61%1
  • 調整後的季度息稅折舊攤銷前利潤首次大幅盈利1

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 11, 2024) - American Aires Inc. (CSE: WIFI) (OTC Pink: AAIRF) ("Aires" or the "Company"), a pioneer in cutting-edge technology designed to protect against electromagnetic radiation and optimize human health, is pleased to announce the filing the Company's Financial Statements and Management's Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) for the year ended December 31, 2023 and disclose key performance metrics (non-IFRS and unaudited financial results). To keep financial results comparable on a YoY basis while making them consistent with ongoing and future reporting, all figures below combine the results of Aires and those achieved by HUCK Project LLC ("HUCK") pursuant to the Distributor-Royalty agreement initially announced on August 28, 2023 and which has been subsequently terminated by mutual agreement of the parties, as announced on February 16, 2024.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 4 月 11 日)——美國艾利斯公司(CSE:WIFI)(場外交易鏈接:AAIRF)(”艾利斯“或者”公司”)是旨在防範電磁輻射和優化人類健康的尖端技術的先驅,很高興地宣佈已提交截至2023年12月31日止年度的公司財務報表和管理層討論與分析(MD&A),並披露關鍵績效指標(非國際財務報告準則和未經審計的財務業績)。爲了保持財務業績的同比可比性,同時使其與當前和未來的報告保持一致,以下所有數據彙總了艾利斯的業績和哈克項目有限責任公司的業績(”哈克“)根據最初於2023年8月28日宣佈的分銷商特許權使用費協議,該協議隨後經雙方共同協議終止,該協議於2024年2月16日宣佈。

The Aires team is proud of its Q4 2023 performance, achieving record order volume of $3.7 million,1 largely due to enhancements made to Aires' marketing and advertising strategy. The increased order volume represents strong growth YoY (up $1.3 million for 53% growth), while advertising and promotion expenses grew by only a modest $0.3 million YoY as we continue to scale up our growth engine, and marketing costs were slightly reduced by 2% YoY.

艾利斯團隊爲其2023年第四季度的業績感到自豪,實現了創紀錄的370萬美元的訂單量,1 這主要是由於對Aires的營銷和廣告策略進行了改進。訂單量的增加代表着強勁的同比增長(增長130萬美元,增長53%),而隨着我們繼續擴大增長引擎,廣告和促銷費用同比僅增長了30萬美元,營銷成本同比略有下降了2%。

The record level of quarterly order volume was achieved despite a temporary shortage of product that limited sales. The related supply chain constraint has now been resolved, and the Company has been fully stocked since that time thanks to the negotiation of new supply terms and increased working capital from our recently closed $4 million financing, as announced on February 16, 2024.


The Company's most important quarterly achievement was reporting its first significant adjusted quarterly EBITDA profitability at $77,750, which is a milestone that underscores the Company's ongoing strategic delivery of shareholder value. EBITDA adjustments are for inclusion of HUCK results and non-recurring expenses associated with restructuring and other one-time costs. Please see "Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation Table for Q4/2023" below for more details.

該公司最重要的季度成就是首次公佈調整後的季度息稅折舊攤銷前利潤盈利能力爲77,750美元,這是一個里程碑,凸顯了公司持續的股東價值戰略交付。息稅折舊攤銷前利潤調整包括哈克業績以及與重組相關的非經常性支出和其他一次性成本。有關更多詳情,請參閱下面的 “2023年第四季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤對賬表”。

The Aires team is equally proud of its annual performance in 2023 on multiple fronts. The Company drove an impressive order volume increase of 79% YoY to $10.4 million (up from $5.8 million in 2022). The strong order volume financial results are a direct result of the brand-building vision of American Aires CEO, Josh Bruni, and his ability to consistently drive growth, such as 2022's order volume increase of 128% YoY. As with previous years, the main catalyst for revenue growth was Bruni's measured, data-driven and iterative growth engine.


American Aires CEO, Josh Bruni, commented: "This success builds on the hard work and sustainable growth we've demonstrated over the past 2 years. These financial results are just the latest proof that we have what it takes to reach and convert the massive and growing consumer market focused on wellbeing and EMF protection. Now it's time to focus on making 2024 our best year ever and continuing our trajectory of significant revenue growth. That means staying the course but with the welcomed advantage of working with a larger budget. That will involve ramping up our predictable growth engine to drive further revenue increases and deepening and widening our relationships with athletes, celebrities and performers to elevate Aires to the level of household brand."


Gross margin as a percentage in 2023 was mostly in line at 61% relative to from 2022's level (62%), exemplifying continued focus on optimization of manufacturing and fulfillment costs. Gross margin in dollars increased by 76% YoY to $6.4 million (up from $3.6 million in 2022) on the back of stronger order volumes.


The financial results for 2023 demonstrate the effectiveness and ROI of the Company's revamped advertising and promotions approach, which includes expanded spending on social media platforms and further spending on developing affiliate relationships to promote Aires' products. During the year, advertising and promotion spend increased by only $1.3 million YoY compared to an annual YoY increase in order volume that was 3.4x greater ($4.6 million).


Marketing expenses remained relatively stable with a modest 8% YoY increase to $2.1 million. The expenses are based on contracts with a number of marketing agencies that provide services based on a fee as opposed to commissions. As a result, marketing expenses are not expected to increase in the same proportion to sales.


Overhead costs for the year remained flat at $1.9 million. Largely non-recurring legal and professional fees increased mainly related to an increased use of legal firms during the year for capital raising events and restructuring activities. In contrast, the Company diligently drove down office and general costs by 5% and consulting and payroll expenses by 7%, demonstrating our commitment to efficiency and to creating value for Aires shareholders.


American Aires Chief Financial Officer, Vitaliy Savitsky, commented: "American Aires is a young high-growth company, so a lot of my focus has been on disciplining growth, measuring effectiveness of ad spend, and reducing costs. That strategy paid off tremendously in 2023 with its difficult year in the capital markets. Instead of losing ground, we focused on hitting adjusted EBITDA profitability and on growing sustainably. I'm very excited about scaling up the business in existing markets and expanding internationally in 2024 and beyond with this disciplined approach. That's our strategy and vision for further strengthening our industry leader status and delivering more shareholder value."


Detailed breakdown of preliminary, non-IFRS, unaudited figures
Due to the HUCK agreement being in effect since August 28, 2023 and for the entire Q4 2023, the Company realized the economic benefit from the sale of its products in the form of royalty and credit reimbursement rather than the typical formula of revenues less cost of goods sold ("COGS"), less advertising and promotion, less marketing and other expenses. As a result, accounting rules required revenues, COGS, advertising and promotion, marketing and certain other expenses to be allocated to HUCK during this period. The Company reported cash royalty income and credit reimbursement income for 2024 in the amounts of $283,427 and $197,183, respectively, or $480,610 combined. Management believes that the overall net income effect of the HUCK agreement on the Company's bottom line was negligible in 2024 as HUCK realized neither profit nor loss from the distribution partnership. However, to keep investors well informed and be able to compare results with prior years and future quarters, since the HUCK agreement was terminated as of January 1, 2024, the Company is pleased to provide certain relevant metrics on a combined basis, removing the effect of the HUCK agreement to demonstrate the true state of operations. More details are available in the table below.


HUCK-Aires Reconciliation Table








Sales $ 5,499,689
$ 4,912,433
$ 10,412,122
$ 5,822,140
Cost of sales $ (2,081,563) $ (1,969,637) $ (4,051,200) $ (2,211,890)
Gross margin $ 3,418,126
$ 2,942,796
$ 6,360,921
$ 3,610,250
Gross margin %




Core expenses

Advertising and promotion $ (2,210,866) $ (1,571,541) $ (3,782,406) $ (2,443,604)
Marketing $ (1,307,692) $ (824,846) $ (2,132,538) $ (1,970,265)
Core Net Income (Loss) $ (100,432) $ 546,409
$ 445,977
$ (803,619)

Overhead costs

Office and general $ (293,557) $ (53,867) $ (347,424) $ (363,818)
Consulting and payroll $ (1,149,231) $ (11,875) $ (1,161,105) $ (1,249,912)
Legal and professional $ (392,190) $ (58) $ (392,248) $ (283,864)
Adjusted EBITDA $ (1,935,410) $ 480,610
$ (1,454,800) $ (2,701,213)


Cash royalty income/(expense) $ 283,427
$ (283,427) $ -
$ -
Credit reimbursement income/(expense) $ 197,183
$ (197,183) $ -
$ -
Stock-based compensation $ (554,744) $ -
$ (554,744) $ (139,667)
Interest charges $ (616,809) $ -
$ (616,809) $ (502,089)
Equity-based finance charge $ (953,444) $ -
$ (953,444) $ (353,000)
Consulting fees settled in shares $ (782,057) $ -
$ (782,057) $ -
Depreciation $ (137,958) $ -
$ (137,958) $ (138,359)
Foreign exchange settlement $ (100,000) $ -
$ (100,000) $ -
Sales tax provision $ (146,707) $ -
$ (146,707) $ (74,520)
Net Income (Loss) $ (4,746,519) $ -
$ (4,746,519) $ (3,908,848)







銷售 $ 5,499,689
$ 4,912,433
$ 10,412,122
$ 5,822,140
銷售成本 $ (2,081,563) $ (1,969,637) $ (4,051,200) $ (2,211,890)
毛利率 $ 3,418,126
$ 2,942,796
$ 6,360,921
$ 3,610,250





廣告和促銷 $ (2,210,866) $ (1,571,541) $ (3,782,406) $ (2,443,604)
市場營銷 $ (1,307,692) $ (824,846) $ (2,132,538) $ (1,970,265)
核心淨收益(虧損) $ (100,432) $ 546,409
$ 445,977
$ (803,619)


辦公室和一般 $ (293,557) $ (53,867) $ (347,424) $ (363,818)
諮詢和工資發放 $ (1,149,231) $ (11,875) $ (1,161,105) $ (1,249,912)
法律和專業 $ (392,190) $ (58) $ (392,248) $ (283,864)
調整後 EBITDA $ (1,935,410) $ 480,610
$ (1,454,800) $ (2,701,213)


現金特許權使用費收入/(支出) $ 283,427
$ (283,427) $ -
$ -
信貸報銷收入/(支出) $ 197,183
$ (197,183) $ -
$ -
基於股票的薪酬 $ (554,744) $ -
$ (554,744) $ (139,667)
利息費用 $ (616,809) $ -
$ (616,809) $ (502,089)
股票融資費用 $ (953,444) $ -
$ (953,444) $ (353,000)
以股票結算的諮詢費 $ (782,057) $ -
$ (782,057) $ -
折舊 $ (137,958) $ -
$ (137,958) $ (138,359)
外匯結算 $ (100,000) $ -
$ (100,000) $ -
銷售稅條款 $ (146,707) $ -
$ (146,707) $ (74,520)
淨收益(虧損) $ (4,746,519) $ -
$ (4,746,519) $ (3,908,848)

*Note: The "2023 HUCK" and "2023 Combined" columns contain non-IFRS, unaudited figures.

*注意:“2023年哈克” 和 “2023年合併” 列包含非國際財務報告準則、未經審計的數據。

Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation Table for Q4/2023




Q4 2023


Sales $ -
$ 3,746,442
$ 3,746,442
Cost of sales $ -
$ (1,546,300) $ (1,546,300)
Gross margin $ -
$ 2,200,142
$ 2,200,142
Gross margin %



Core expenses

Advertising and promotion $ -
$ (1,144,965) $ (1,144,965)
Marketing $ -
$ (624,499) $ (624,499)
Core Net Income (Loss) $ -
$ 430,678
$ 430,678

Overhead costs

Office and general $ (43,133) $ (40,580) $ (83,713)
Consulting and payroll $ (159,542) $ (8,679) $ (168,221)
Legal and professional $ (100,937) $ (58) $ (100,995)
Adjusted EBITDA $ (303,612) $ 381,362
$ 77,750


Cash royalty income/(expense) $ 168,392
$ (168,392) $ -
Stock-based compensation $ (554,744) $ -
$ (554,744)
Interest charges $ (27,843) $ -
$ (27,843)
Equity-based finance charge $ -
$ -
$ -
Consulting fees settled in shares $ (782,057) $ -
$ (782,057)
Depreciation $ (34,489) $ -
$ (34,489)
Foreign exchange settlement $ (100,000) $ -
$ (100,000)
Legal costs - restructuring $ (20,000) $ -
$ (20,000)
Sales tax provision $ (146,707) $ -
$ (146,707)
Net Income (Loss) $ (1,801,061) $ 212,970
$ (1,588,091)


2023 年第四季度


銷售 $ -
$ 3,746,442
$ 3,746,442
銷售成本 $ -
$ (1,546,300) $ (1,546,300)
毛利率 $ -
$ 2,200,142
$ 2,200,142




廣告和促銷 $ -
$ (1,144,965) $ (1,144,965)
市場營銷 $ -
$ (624,499) $ (624,499)
核心淨收益(虧損) $ -
$ 430,678
$ 430,678


辦公室和一般 $ (43,133) $ (40,580) $ (83,713)
諮詢和工資發放 $ (159,542) $ (8,679) $ (168,221)
法律和專業 $ (100,937) $ (58) $ (100,995)
調整後 EBITDA $ (303,612) $ 381,362
$ 77,750


現金特許權使用費收入/(支出) $ 168,392
$ (168,392) $ -
基於股票的薪酬 $ (554,744) $ -
$ (554,744)
利息費用 $ (27,843) $ -
$ (27,843)
股票融資費用 $ -
$ -
$ -
以股票結算的諮詢費 $ (782,057) $ -
$ (782,057)
折舊 $ (34,489) $ -
$ (34,489)
外匯結算 $ (100,000) $ -
$ (100,000)
法律費用-重組 $ (20,000) $ -
$ (20,000)
銷售稅條款 $ (146,707) $ -
$ (146,707)
淨收益(虧損) $ (1,801,061) $ 212,970
$ (1,588,091)

*Note: The "Q4 HUCK" and "Q4 Combined" columns contain non-IFRS, unaudited figures.

*注意:“第四季度哈克” 和 “第四季度合併” 欄目包含非國際財務報告準則、未經審計的數據。

In addition, the Company has also extended its engagement of Clarkham Capital Ltd. ("Clarkham") (phone: +44-20-3883-9398; address: Flat 285 - 61 Praed Street, London, W2 1NS, United Kingdom) to provide investor relations and consulting services with a focus on the German stock market and the German-speaking investor community. The services will include the preparation of articles and coverages on several financial platforms and newsletters. The services will also include the translation and distribution of news releases in Germany. The services commenced on April 11, 2024 and will end on May 11, 2024. The Company will pay Clarkham EUR€150,000 for its services. The Company will not issue any securities to Clarkham in consideration of the services. The Company and Clarkham deal at arm's length and do not have any prior relationship.

此外,該公司還延長了與克拉克漢姆資本有限公司(“克拉克漢姆”)(電話:+44-20-3883-9398;地址:英國倫敦普雷德街285-61號公寓,W2 1NS)的合作,以提供投資者關係和諮詢服務,重點關注德國股票市場和德語投資者社區。這些服務將包括在多個金融平台和時事通訊上撰寫文章和報道。這些服務還將包括在德國翻譯和分發新聞稿。這些服務於 2024 年 4 月 11 日開始,並將於 2024 年 5 月 11 日結束。該公司將向克拉克漢姆支付15萬歐元的服務費。公司不會以服務爲代價向克拉克漢姆發行任何證券。該公司和克拉克漢姆的交易是保持一定距離的,之前沒有任何關係。

About American Aires Inc.
American Aires Inc. is a Canadian-based nanotechnology company committed to enhancing well-being and environmental safety through science-led innovation, education, and advocacy. The company has developed a proprietary silicon-based resonator that protect against the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Aires' Lifetune products target EMR emitted by consumer electronic devices such as cellphones, computers, baby monitors, and Wi-Fi, including the more powerful and rapidly expanding high-speed 5G networks. Aires is listed on the CSE under the ticker 'WIFI' and on the OTC Pink under the symbol 'AAIRF'. Learn more at .

American Aires Inc. 是一家總部位於加拿大的納米技術公司,致力於通過以科學爲主導的創新、教育和宣傳來改善福祉和環境安全。該公司開發了一種專有的硅基諧振器,可防止電磁輻射(EMR)的有害影響。Aires的Lifetune產品針對手機、計算機、嬰兒監視器和Wi-Fi等消費電子設備發出的EMR,包括功能更強大、擴展速度更快的高速5G網絡。Aires在CSE上市,股票代碼爲 “WIFI”,在場外交易粉紅上市,代碼爲 “AAIRF”。要了解更多,請訪問

On behalf of the board of directors


Company Contact:


Josh Bruni, CEO
Telephone: (415) 707-0102

電話: (415) 707-0102

The financial results of HUCK included in this news release are unaudited and actual results may vary materially from the estimated results included in this press release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or supplement the information with respect to HUCK's financial results provided in this press release. The HUCK financial information included in this press release reflects the Company's current estimates based on information available as of the date of this press release and has been prepared by management of the Company. This preliminary financial information should not be viewed as a substitute for full financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and is not necessarily indicative of the results to be achieved for any future periods.


This news release refers to certain financial performance measures that are not defined by and do not have a standardized meaning under International Financial Reporting Standards including "Adjusted EBITDA" (termed "Non-IFRS measures"). Non-IFRS measures are used by management to assess the financial and operational performance of the Company. The Company believes that these Non-IFRS measures, in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, enable investors to evaluate the Company's operating results, underlying performance and prospects in a similar manner to the Company's management. As there are no standardized methods of calculating these Non-IFRS measures, the Company's approach may differ from those used by others, and accordingly, the use of these measures may not be directly comparable. Accordingly, these Non-IFRS measures are intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The Corporation defines EBITDA as earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortisation. Adjusted EBITDA removes irregular and non-recurring items that distort EBITDA.

本新聞稿涉及某些未由《國際財務報告準則》定義且不具有標準化含義的財務業績指標,包括 “調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤”(稱爲 “非國際財務報告準則指標”)。管理層使用非國際財務報告準則指標來評估公司的財務和運營業績。該公司認爲,這些非國際財務報告準則指標,加上根據國際財務報告準則制定的傳統指標,使投資者能夠以與公司管理層類似的方式評估公司的經營業績、基本業績和前景。由於沒有計算這些非國際財務報告準則指標的標準化方法,該公司的方法可能與其他人使用的方法不同,因此,這些指標的使用可能無法直接比較。因此,這些非國際財務報告準則指標旨在提供額外信息,不應孤立地考慮,也不應作爲根據《國際財務報告準則》編制的業績衡量標準的替代品。公司將息稅折舊攤銷前利潤定義爲扣除利息、稅收折舊和攤銷前的收益。調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤去除了扭曲息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的不定期和非經常性項目。

Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding future financial position and financial measures, future market position, growth, innovations, global impact, business strategy, brand development, product adoption, use of proceeds, corporate vision, proposed acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, 2024 being our best year ever, continuing our trajectory of revenue growth, relationships with athletes, celebrities and performers, the size and growth of the consumer market focused on wellbeing and EMF protection, strategic alliances and co-operations, budgets, cost and plans and objectives of or involving the Company. Such forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to management. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "predicts", "intends", "targets", "aims", "anticipates" or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases or may be identified by statements to the effect that certain actions "may", "could", "should", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. A number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause the actual results or performance to materially differ from any future results or performance expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of the Company including, but not limited to, the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, the occurrence of force majeure events, developments and changes in laws and regulations, competitive factors, and dependence upon regulatory approvals. Certain material assumptions regarding such forward-looking statements may be discussed in this news release and the Company's annual and quarterly management's discussion and analysis filed at . Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. The Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by securities laws.

本新聞稿中列出的某些信息可能包含前瞻性陳述,涉及大量已知和未知的風險和不確定性。除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於有關未來財務狀況和財務指標、未來市場地位、增長、創新、全球影響力、業務戰略、品牌發展、產品採用、收益用途、企業願景、擬議收購、戰略合作伙伴關係、合資企業的陳述,2024年是我們有史以來最好的一年,延續我們的收入增長軌跡、與運動員、名人和表演者的關係、規模和增長消費者市場側重於公司的福祉和EMF保護、戰略聯盟與合作、預算、成本以及公司或參與的計劃和目標。此類前瞻性信息反映了管理層當前的信念,並基於管理層目前獲得的信息。通常,但並非總是如此,前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “計劃”、“期望”、“預期”、“預算”、“預期”、“估計”、“預測”、“打算”、“目標”、“目標”、“預期” 或 “相信” 等詞語或此類詞語和短語的變體(包括負面變體)來識別,或者可以通過大意爲某些行爲的陳述來識別 “可能”、“可以”、“應該”、“將”、“可能” 或 “將” 被採取、發生或實現。許多已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致實際業績或業績與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績或業績存在重大差異。這些前瞻性陳述受到許多風險和不確定性的影響,其中一些風險和不確定性是公司無法控制的,包括但不限於總體經濟狀況、行業狀況、不可抗力事件的發生、法律法規的發展和變化、競爭因素以及對監管部門批准的依賴的影響。本新聞稿以及公司年度和季度管理層的討論和分析中可能會討論有關此類前瞻性陳述的某些重大假設,網址爲。請讀者注意,在準備此類信息時使用的假設雖然在準備時被認爲是合理的,但可能被證明是不準確的,因此,不應過度依賴前瞻性陳述。除非證券法要求,否則公司不承擔任何更新或修改其前瞻性陳述的義務,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release. The Shares have not been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States, or to or for the account or benefit of any person in the United States, absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any common shares in the United States, or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. We seek safe harbour.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


1 Please see "HUCK-Aires Reconciliation Table" for a breakdown of order volume generated by Aires and by HUCK pursuant to the Distributor-Royalty agreement between Aires and HUCK, prior to termination of the agreement.

1 請參閱 “哈克-艾利斯對賬表”,了解Aires和HUCK在協議終止前根據艾利斯和哈克之間的分銷商特許權使用費協議生成的訂單量明細。

声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息