
Parex Resources and Ecopetrol Enter Into Definitive Agreements to Explore Colombia's High-Potential Llanos Foothills Trend

Parex Resources and Ecopetrol Enter Into Definitive Agreements to Explore Colombia's High-Potential Llanos Foothills Trend

Parex Resources和Ecopetrol達成最終協議,探索哥倫比亞高潛力的拉諾斯山麓趨勢
GlobeNewswire ·  04/11 08:00

CALGARY, Alberta, April  11, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parex Resources Inc. ("Parex" or the "Company") (TSX: PXT) and its strategic partner Ecopetrol S.A. ("Ecopetrol"), are pleased to announce that they have entered into definitive agreements to consolidate their position along the Llanos Foothills trend in alignment with current Colombian government objectives to secure gas supply and support energy transition initiatives.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里,2024年4月11日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Parex Resources Inc.(“Parex” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:PXT)及其戰略合作伙伴Ecopetrol S.A.(“Ecopetrol”)欣然宣佈,他們已簽訂最終協議,鞏固其在拉諾斯山麓趨勢中的地位,以符合哥倫比亞政府當前的天然氣安全目標供應和支持能源轉型舉措。

Parex and Ecopetrol are now strategically positioned with eight blocks, along with the creation of a mutual area of interest ("AMI"), to capitalize on the approximately 500-kilometer geological trend and explore for new sources of domestic gas and liquids. This trend boasts world-class discoveries at both ends, which cumulatively have produced over 1.4 million barrels of oil(1), and roughly 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas(1), with the middle of the trend largely unexplored.


The agreements signify progress in Parex's long-term gas strategy to pursue underexplored liquids-rich plays, which are within an area that has existing infrastructure that can be leveraged to accelerate exploration and development following new regulations that have been approved by the Colombian government.


"After extensive joint efforts, Parex and Ecopetrol are proud to announce the execution of definitive agreements to explore the high-potential Foothills of Colombia and harmonize our respective land positions. On behalf of Parex, I want to express my gratitude to Ecopetrol for their trust in our company, while reaffirming our commitment to the respectful treatment of community and stakeholder rights. This collaboration not only supports Colombia's energy position and the current administration's initiatives, but also marks a transformative frontier for Parex as we advance our gas strategy alongside our strategic partner," commented Imad Mohsen, President & Chief Executive Officer.

“經過廣泛的共同努力,Parex和Ecopetrol自豪地宣佈執行最終協議,以探索高潛力的哥倫比亞山麓並協調我們各自的土地地位。我謹代表Parex對Ecopetrol對我們公司的信任表示感謝,同時重申我們對尊重社區和利益相關者權利的承諾。這種合作不僅支持哥倫比亞的能源地位和現任政府的舉措,而且標誌着帕雷克斯與戰略合作伙伴一起推進天然氣戰略的變革前沿。” 總裁兼首席執行官伊瑪德·穆赫森評論道。

"Over the last three years, Parex has strategically strengthened our asset portfolio, such as carrying out the Arauca & LLA-38 farm-in and acquiring 18 new blocks in the 2021 Colombia bid round. This further partnership with Ecopetrol is a continuation of those efforts to expand and high-grade our portfolio as we focus on executing near-field exploration prospects – while concurrently drilling high-impact targets with step-change potential."

“在過去的三年中,Parex從戰略上加強了我們的資產組合,例如進行阿勞卡和 LLA-38 農場投資,並在2021年哥倫比亞競標輪中收購了18個新區塊。與Ecopetrol的進一步合作是擴大和提高我們產品組合的努力的延續,因爲我們專注於執行近場勘探前景,同時鑽探具有階躍潛力的高衝擊目標。”

Key Highlights


  • Assumed operatorship in all exploration and future development activities where Parex holds a newly acquired working interest ("W.I.")(2).

  • Harmonized the LLA-4-1, LLA-16-1, and LLA-121 blocks(2) to become 50-50 joint venture partners as well as the option to jointly participate in two additional blocks within the trend is under evaluation.

  • Received a 50% participation share in the form of exploratory rights within the Sirirí Convenio(2), where the producing Gibraltar field is located, in exchange for drilling the Gibraltar Profundo exploration well and further capital investments of $11 million (gross).  

    • The Gibraltar field is currently producing from the Mirador formation(3)(4), which is excluded from the definitive agreements(2) and will remain 100% Ecopetrol W.I.

    • Gibraltar Profundo is a 3D-defined exploration prospect targeting gas and condensate below the Mirador formation, and becomes one of the highest-ranking prospects in Parex's high-impact big 'E' exploration portfolio; with expected results in 2025, the prospect is located within the existing facilities of the Gibraltar field where a discovery could be fast-tracked to existing pipeline infrastructure.

  • Created an AMI within the Foothills trend that includes the Niscota exploration area, whereby if either party acquires the rights within an area, each party has the right to acquire a 50% W.I. of the acquired area(5)(6).  

    • The Niscota area is on trend to the producing fields of Cusiana, Cupiagua, Floreña, and Pauto Sur, which together produced over 23,000 bbl/d of oil(4) and roughly 1 bcf/d of natural gas(4) in 2023 from discoveries made in the 1980s and 1990s; peak average production from the combined fields was approximately 450,000 bbl/d of oil(1) and roughly 3 bcf/d of natural gas(1).

  • Continuing to work jointly to unlock transportation via recent changes in regulations that allow for the conversion of existing oil pipelines to multiphase pipelines, minimizing the need for new independent treatment facilities for each block, and accelerating commercial onstream time for successful gas production.

  • 假設在Parex持有新收購的工作權益(“W.I.”)的所有勘探和未來開發活動中擔任運營商(2)。

  • 統一 LLA-4-1、LLA-16-1 和 LLA-121 區塊(2),使其成爲50-50的合資夥伴,並且在該趨勢中共同參與另外兩個區塊的選擇正在評估中。

  • 以直布羅陀產油田所在的SiririíConvenio(2)內勘探權的形式獲得50%的參與份額,以換取鑽探直布羅陀普羅豐多勘探井和進一步的1,100萬美元(總額)資本投資。

    • 直布羅陀油田目前使用米拉多爾地層(3)(4)進行生產,該地層不在最終協議(2)中,並將保持100%Ecopetrol W.I。

    • Gibraltar Profundo是一個三維定義的勘探前景,目標是米拉多地層下方的天然氣和凝析油,併成爲Parex高影響力的大型 “E” 勘探組合中排名最高的勘探前景之一;該勘探區位於直布羅陀油田的現有設施內,可快速發現到現有的管道基礎設施,其結果將在2025年公佈。

  • 在包括Niscota勘探區域在內的Foothills趨勢範圍內創建了AMI,根據該AMI,如果任何一方獲得區域內的權利,則各方都有權收購所收區域的50%W.I.(5)(6)。

    • 尼斯科塔地區有向庫西亞納、庫皮亞瓜、弗洛倫納和南保託等產油田的趨勢,這些油田在2023年共生產了超過23,000桶/日的石油(4)和大約10億立方英尺/日的天然氣(4),這些油田的峯值平均產量約爲45萬桶/日的石油(1),大約30億立方英尺天然氣的/d (1)。

  • 繼續共同努力,通過最近修改法規來解鎖運輸,允許將現有石油管道轉換爲多相管道,最大限度地減少每個區塊對新的獨立處理設施的需求,並縮短成功生產天然氣的商業上線時間。

(1) Source: IHS – S&P Global.
(2) See "Block & Working Interest Summary" for additional information.
(3) The Gibraltar field currently produces approximately 37,000 mcf/d of natural gas and roughly 700 barrels of light crude oil from the Mirador formation (January 2024).
(4) Source: National Hydrocarbons Agency of the Republic of Colombia ("ANH").
(5) Excludes the extension of the existing discoveries from the Piedemonte Convenio, where Ecopetrol will keep 100% rights over such area.
(6) Subject to government approval.

(1) 資料來源:IHS — 標普全球。
(2) 有關其他信息,請參閱 “區塊和工作興趣摘要”。
(3) 直布羅陀油田目前從米拉多地層生產約37,000立方英尺/日的天然氣和約700桶輕質原油(2024年1月)。
(5) 不包括《皮埃蒙特公約》中現有發現的延期,在該協議中,Ecopetrol將保留對該區域的100%權利。
(6) 須經政府批准。

Llanos Foothills Block & Working Interest Summary

Llanos Foothills 區塊和工作興趣摘要





Sirirí Convenio

50% W.I. in Future Exploration(1)(4)

100% W.I. in Current Producing Area(3)
50% W.I. in Future Exploration


50% W.I.(2)(4)

50% W.I.


50% W.I.(2)(4)

50% W.I.


50% W.I.(1)(4)

50% W.I.

Existing Partnerships


50% W.I.(2)

50% W.I.


Parex 50% Participating Share(2)(5)

50% W.I.


50% W.I.(2)

50% W.I.


50% W.I.(2)

50% W.I.






未來探索的 W.I. 50% (1) (4)

當前產區的 100% W.I. (3)
未來探索的 W.I. 50%


50% W.I. (2) (4)

50% W.I.


50% W.I. (2) (4)

50% W.I.

哈哈 121

50% W.I. (1) (4)

50% W.I.



50% W.I. (2)

50% W.I.


Parex 50% 參與股份 (2) (5)

50% W.I.


50% W.I. (2)

50% W.I.


50% W.I. (2)

50% W.I.

(1) New Parex operatorship.
(2) Pre-existing Parex operatorship.
(3) Parex receives 50% participating share in future exploration; Ecopetrol retains 100% W.I. and operatorship of current production, with 50% participating share in future exploration.
(4) Subject to government approval.
(5) Business Collaboration Agreement with Ecopetrol (Parex 50% Participating Share); Ecopetrol currently holds 100% of the W.I. in the Convenio Arauca while the assignment procedure is pending.

(1) 新的帕雷克斯運營商。
(2) 先前存在的 Parex 運營商。
(3) Parex在未來勘探中獲得50%的參與份額;Ecopetrol保留100%的WI和當前生產的運營權,50%的參與份額將用於未來的勘探。
(4) 須經政府批准。
(5) 與Ecopetrol的業務合作協議(Parex的50%參與股份);Ecopetrol目前持有Convenio Arauca中WI的100%股份,而轉讓程序尚待審批。

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