
Defiance Silver Delineates High-Grade Polymetallic and Precious Metal Systems at Its Lucita Property

Defiance Silver Delineates High-Grade Polymetallic and Precious Metal Systems at Its Lucita Property

Defiance Silver 在其露西塔地產描繪了高品位多金屬和貴金屬系統
newsfile ·  04/15 02:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 15, 2024) - Defiance Silver Corp. (TSXV: DEF) (OTCQX: DNCVF) (FSE: D4E) (WKN: A1JQW5) ("Defiance" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the results from the ongoing mapping and surface sampling campaign at its Lucita property in Zacatecas, Mexico. Work to date includes surface geochemical sampling in both new and historically sampled zones and has led to a revised interpretation of the geology at Lucita. The surface work will be used to support further delineation of drill targets for future exploration. The results presented in this release demonstrate the district-scale potential of Defiance's Zacatecas district land package.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年4月15日)——Defiance Silver Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DEF)(OTCQX:DNCVF)(FSE:D4E)(WKN:A1JQW5)(“Defiance” 或 “公司”)很高興提供其位於墨西哥薩卡特卡斯的露西塔物業正在進行的測繪和表面採樣活動的最新結果。迄今爲止的工作包括在新的和歷史採樣區域進行的地表地球化學採樣,並導致了對Lucita地質學的重新解釋。地面工作將用於支持進一步劃定未來勘探的鑽探目標。本新聞稿中公佈的結果表明了Defiance的薩卡特卡斯地區土地一攬子計劃在地區範圍內的潛力。



Lucita North: Widespread, high-grade, polymetallic Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu mineralization was encountered over a multi-kilometer strike length, suggesting the presence of a large mineral system with multiple mineralizing events.

露西塔·諾斯: 在數千米的走向長度上遇到了廣泛的高品位多金屬 Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu 礦化,這表明存在一個具有多個礦化事件的大型礦物系統。

Lucita South: High-grade Ag-Au dominant mineralization has been encountered in drilling and surface sampling along multiple structures. The mineralization is characteristic of low-sulfidation epithermal vein systems.

露西塔·索斯: 在多個結構的鑽探和地表採樣中遇到了高品位的銀金占主導地位的礦化。礦化是低硫化超熱靜脈系統的特徵。

Individual surface sampling highlights include:


Lucita North


  • Gloria Zone
    • Sample 430012: 331 g/t Ag, 0.15 Au, 6.94% Pb, 14.70% Zn, and 0.35% Cu
    • Sample 430009: 552 g/t Ag, 1.34% Pb
  • Aurora Zone
    • Sample 430179: 298 g/t Ag, 3.15% Pb, 0.14% Zn
    • Sample 430027: 795 g/t Ag
  • Plomosa Zone
    • Sample 430106: 652 g/t Ag, 0.32 g/t Au, 6.48% Pb, 2.26% Zn, and 0.60% Cu
  • Lucero Vein
    • Sample 110785: 460 g/t Ag, 4.76 g/t Au, 6.33% Pb, 31.50 % Zn, and 0.87% Cu
  • 格洛麗亞區
    • 樣品 430012:331 g/t Ag、0.15 Au、6.94% Pb、14.70% Zn 和 0.35% Cu
    • 樣品 430009:552 g/t Ag,1.34% Pb
  • 極光區
    • 樣品 430179:298 g/t Ag,3.15% 鉛,0.14% 鋅
    • 樣品 430027:795 g/t Ag
  • 普洛莫薩區
    • 樣品 430106:652 g/t Ag、0.32 g/t Au、6.48% Pb、2.26% Zn 和 0.60% Cu
  • Lucero Vein
    • 樣品 110785:460 g/t Ag、4.76 g/t Au、6.33% Pb、31.50% Zn 和 0.87% Cu

Lucita South


  • Paty Vein
    • Sample 4208: 2350 g/t Ag and 0.27 Au
  • Lucita Vein
    • Sample 110895: 497 g/t Ag, 1.28 g/t Au
  • Palenque Vein
    • Sample 110834: 712 g/t Ag, 0.26 g/t Au
  • Paty Vein
    • 樣品 4208:2350 g/t Ag 和 0.27 Au
  • 露西塔·維恩
    • 樣品 110895:497 g/t Ag,1.28 g/t Au
  • 帕倫克靜脈
    • 樣品 110834:712 g/t Ag,0.26 g/t Au

Lucita Property Overview


The Lucita property is the northernmost portion of the Company's Zacatecas district land package (Figure 1). The Lucita property was acquired under an option agreement with Pan American Silver Corp. (Pan American or PanAm) in 2020 and is now 100% owned by Defiance (see News Releases December 2, 2020, and January 10, 2024). Pan American completed several work programs at Lucita, including surface sampling and reconnaissance drilling in 1996, 2011, and 2012. These work programs identified numerous near-surface vein systems with high-grade Ag, Au, Zn, and Pb values.

Lucita物業是該公司薩卡特卡斯州一攬子土地的最北端(圖1)。Lucita房產於2020年根據與泛美白銀公司(泛美或PanAm)的期權協議收購,現在由Defiance100%持有(見2020年12月2日新聞稿) 以及 2024 年 1 月 10 日)。泛美在盧西塔完成了多項工作計劃,包括1996年、2011年和2012年的地表採樣和偵察鑽探。這些工作計劃確定了許多具有高品位銀、金、鋅和鉛值的近地表靜脈系統。

Defiance's Lucita North (previously called Panuco) and Lucita South projects are located in the Zacatecas mining district within the Central Mexican Silver Belt, a northwest-trending belt of world-class mining districts including Sombrerete, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, and Guanajuato. The mineralized systems at both Lucita and Defiance's San Acacio project have similar characteristics to other ore deposits in the belt, such as Juanicipio (Mag Silver/Fresnillo), Santo Niño (Fresnillo), Cozamin (Capstone), Francisco I. Madero (Peñoles), and San Nicolas (Agnico Eagle/Teck).

Defiance的Lucita North(以前稱爲Panuco)和Lucita South項目位於墨西哥中部銀帶內的薩卡特卡斯礦區,這是一個西北趨勢的世界級礦區,包括松佈雷雷特、弗雷斯尼洛、薩卡特卡斯和瓜納華託。Lucita和Defiance的聖阿卡西奧項目的礦化系統與該地帶的其他礦牀具有相似的特徵,例如胡安尼西皮奧(Mag Silver/Fresnillo)、聖尼諾(弗雷斯尼洛)、科扎明(Capstone)、弗朗西斯科·馬德羅(佩尼奧萊斯)和聖尼古拉斯(Agnico Eagle/Teck)。

Figure 1. Plan map of Defiance Silver Corp.'s Lucita property, including Lucita North and Lucita South, with highlights of various vein systems mapped to date (in red) and historic and recent drilling locations. Coordinates are in UTM WGS84 Zone 13N.

圖 1。Defiance Silver Corp. 的平面圖Lucita的財產,包括Lucita North和Lucita South,上面有迄今爲止繪製的各種礦脈系統的亮點(紅色)以及歷史和最近的鑽探地點。座標位於 UTM WGS84 區域 13N 中。

Surface Work


The Company has been actively exploring at the Lucita property since 2021. Recent work has been focused on property-wide systematic data collection using industry best practices. Surface work to date includes geological mapping at various detailed scales, surface geochemical rock sampling, and spectral mineral alteration mapping. As of this release approximately sixty percent of the first-pass surface geological work at the Lucita property has been completed.


Surface work commenced at Lucita South and led to a first-pass drill program along the Palenque structure (see News Release April 13th, 2022 and August 9th, 2022). Recent surface work has focused on the Lucita North project. Surface geochemical results (Table 1) and the abundance of mapped veins demonstrate the potential for undiscovered and untested to poorly-tested, high-grade Ag-Au vein systems and Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu polymetallic mineralized systems at Lucita South and Lucita North, respectively.

露西塔南部的露天工作開始,並促成了帕倫克結構沿線的首次鑽探計劃(見4月13日新聞稿)第四,2022年和8月9日第四,2022年)。最近的地面工作主要集中在露西塔·諾斯項目上。地表地球化學結果(表1)和大量測繪的礦脈表明,Lucita South和Lucita North分別存在未被發現和未經測試的高品位銀金礦脈系統和Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu多金屬礦化系統。

Selected Surface Rock Geochemical Sampling Results


Project Vein System Ag ppm Au ppm Pb % Zn % Cu % Sample Type Channel Width QAQC Sample ID
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 552 0.09 1.34 0.06 0.02 Previously Mined Material
a 430009
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 416 0.11 1.07 0.16 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 111089
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 372 0.07 1.36 3.26 0.02 Previously Mined Material
b 111080
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 331 0.15 6.94 14.70 0.35 Previously Mined Material
a 430012
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 324 0.05 0.60 1.33 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 111091
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 322 0.59 0.46 0.21 0.01 Previously Mined Material
b 111061
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 942 0.08 0.43 0.11 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 110967
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 795 0.12 0.44 0.16 0.01 In Situ
a 430027
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 509 0.24 0.61 0.21 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 111019
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 342 0.16 0.38 0.19 0.02 In Situ 0.35 m b 110956
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 321 0.45 0.34 0.36 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 111014
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 298 0.06 3.15 0.14 0.06 Previously Mined Material
a 430179
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 652 0.32 6.48 2.26 0.60 Previously Mined Material
a 430106
Lucita North Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 332 0.32 3.79 0.79 0.16 Previously Mined Material
b 110617
Lucita North Lucero 460 4.76 6.33 31.50 0.87 Previously Mined Material
b 110785
Lucita North Lucero 396 0.21 0.27 0.13 0.01 In Situ
a 430262
Lucita North Lucero 366 0.32 0.16 0.19 0.01 Previously Mined Material
b 110778
Lucita North Pilitas 430 0.21 0.01 0.04 0.01 In Situ
a 430116
Lucita North Pilitas 397 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 Previously Mined Material
b 111206
Lucita North Tules 346 0.63 0.21 0.05 0.02 In Situ
a 430090
Lucita North Chucho Blanco 306 0.12 0.36 0.73 0.03 Previously Mined Material
b 111042

Lucita South Paty 2350 0.27 0.04 0.08 0.01 Previously Mined Material
a 4208
Lucita South Lucita 728 0.84 0.01 0.01 0.03 In Situ 0.45 m b 110890
Lucita South Lucita 497 1.28 0.01 0.03 0.02 Previously Mined Material
b 110895
Lucita South Lucita 461 0.05 0.21 0.20 0.01 Previously Mined Material
b 110931
Lucita South Lucita 458 0.11 0.17 0.10 0.02 In Situ 0.40 m b 110932
Lucita South Lucita 405 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.01 Previously Mined Material
b 110939
Lucita South Lucita 361 0.27 0.07 0.18 0.00 Previously Mined Material
a 4164
Lucita South Palenque 712 0.26 0.01 0.01 0.02 In Situ 0.35 m b 110834
Lucita South Palenque 324 0.32 0.06 0.38 0.01 Previously Mined Material
b 110673
Lucita South Palenque 312 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.01 Previously Mined Material
a 4152
項目 靜脈系統 Ag ppm Au ppm Pb% 鋅% 銅% 樣本類型 信道寬度 QAQC 樣本編號
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 552 0.09 1.34 0.06 0.02 以前開採的材料
一個 430009
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 416 0.11 1.07 0.16 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 111089
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 372 0.07 1.36 3.26 0.02 以前開採的材料
b 111080
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 331 0.15 6.94 14.70 0.35 以前開採的材料
一個 430012
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 324 0.05 0.60 1.33 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 111091
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-Aurora-Plomosa 322 0.59 0.46 0.21 0.01 以前開採的材料
b 111061
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 942 0.08 0.43 0.11 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 110967
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 795 0.12 0.44 0.16 0.01 就地
一個 430027
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 509 0.24 0.61 0.21 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 111019
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 342 0.16 0.38 0.19 0.02 就地 0.35 毫米 b 110956
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 321 0.45 0.34 0.36 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 111014
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-Plomosa 298 0.06 3.15 0.14 0.06 以前開採的材料
一個 430179
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-普洛莫薩 652 0.32 6.48 2.26 0.60 以前開採的材料
一個 430106
露西塔·諾斯 格洛麗亞-奧羅拉-普洛莫薩 332 0.32 3.79 0.79 0.16 以前開採的材料
b 110617
露西塔·諾斯 盧塞羅 460 4.76 6.33 31.50 0.87 以前開採的材料
b 110785
露西塔·諾斯 盧塞羅 396 0.21 0.27 0.13 0.01 就地
一個 430262
露西塔·諾斯 盧塞羅 366 0.32 0.16 0.19 0.01 以前開採的材料
b 110778
露西塔·諾斯 皮利塔斯 430 0.21 0.01 0.04 0.01 就地
一個 430116
露西塔·諾斯 皮利塔斯 397 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 以前開採的材料
b 111206
露西塔·諾斯 Tules 346 0.63 0.21 0.05 0.02 就地
一個 430090
露西塔·諾斯 Chucho Blanco 306 0.12 0.36 0.73 0.03 以前開採的材料
b 111042

露西塔·索斯 帕蒂 2350 0.27 0.04 0.08 0.01 以前開採的材料
一個 4208
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 728 0.84 0.01 0.01 0.03 就地 0.45 毫米 b 110890
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 497 1.28 0.01 0.03 0.02 以前開採的材料
b 110895
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 461 0.05 0.21 0.20 0.01 以前開採的材料
b 110931
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 458 0.11 0.17 0.10 0.02 就地 0.40 米 b 110932
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 405 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.01 以前開採的材料
b 110939
露西塔·索斯 露西塔 361 0.27 0.07 0.18 0.00 以前開採的材料
一個 4164
露西塔·索斯 帕倫克 712 0.26 0.01 0.01 0.02 就地 0.35 毫米 b 110834
露西塔·索斯 帕倫克 324 0.32 0.06 0.38 0.01 以前開採的材料
b 110673
露西塔·索斯 帕倫克 312 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.01 以前開採的材料
一個 4152

Table 1. Selected surface rock geochemical sampling results from Defiance's Lucita property. Bolded names in the vein system column indicate the sampled zone.

表 1。部分地表岩石地球化學採樣結果來自Defiance的Lucita特性。靜脈系統列中的粗體名稱表示採樣區域。

Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC)

質量保證和質量控制 (QAQC)

  • Defiance Silver sampling (2021-2024)- surface rock sampling QAQC procedures discussed at the end of this news release.
    • In Situ: outcrop composite chip samples perpendicular to the strike of the exposed structure
    • Previously Mined Material: selective grab samples from dumps of previously mined material
  • Historic Pan American sampling (2011-2012)- surface rock sampling QAQC procedures discussed at the end of this news release.
    • In Situ: outcrop channel samples
    • Previously Mined Material: selective grab samples from dumps of previously mined material
  • Defiance Silver 採樣(2021-2024)——本新聞稿末尾討論了地表岩石採樣 QAQC 程序。
    • 原位:露出的複合芯片樣品垂直於裸露結構的撞擊
    • 先前開採的材料:選擇性地從先前開採的材料堆中採集樣本
  • 歷史性的泛美採樣(2011-2012)——本新聞稿末尾討論了地表岩石採樣 QAQC 程序。
    • 現場:露頭通道樣本
    • 先前開採的材料:選擇性地從先前開採的材料堆中採集樣本

Lucita North


The mineralized systems at Lucita North show a strongly polymetallic signature, both at surface and in shallow, historic drill holes. Multiple mapped structures have returned high-grade Ag and highly anomalous to high-grade Pb, Zn, Au ± Cu along the majority of their exposed strike length (e.g., Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa, Lucero, Pilitas, and Chucho Blanco; Table 1 and Figure 2). Various highlighted surface results from in situ and previously mined material are presented in Table 1. Vein system widths at surface in Lucita North range from 0.1 - 19 meters.

Lucita North的礦化系統在地表和歷史上的淺層鑽孔中均顯示出強烈的多金屬特徵。多個測繪結構在其大部分暴露的走向長度上返回了高品位的銀和高度異常的高品位鉛、鋅、金±銅(例如,Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa、Lucero、Pilitas和Chucho Blanco;表1和圖2)。表1列出了來自現場和先前開採的材料的各種突出表面結果。露西塔北部地表的靜脈系統寬度在0.1至19米之間。

In particular, the Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa system is a high-priority target for the Company. This system contains 3 distinct zones from northwest to southeast: Gloria, Aurora, and Plomosa. This system has one of the best polymetallic surface geochemical anomalies in the district and is prospective for both intermediate-sulfidation epithermal vein and potential carbonate-replacement-style mineralization at depth.


Figure 2. Plan map of Lucita North showing new and historic surface silver geochemical results and anomalous lead, zinc, and gold zones. Historic Pan American drill hole collars and traces are shown. Coordinates are in UTM WGS84 Zone 13N.

圖 2。Lucita North的平面圖顯示了新的和歷史性的地表銀地球化學結果以及異常的鉛、鋅和金區域。顯示了歷史悠久的泛美鑽孔圈和痕跡。座標位於 UTM WGS84 區域 13N 中。

Lucita South


Mapping and sampling at Lucita South have highlighted east-west vein systems with a dominantly silver and gold signature at surface. Several mapped structures have returned high-grade samples (e.g., Paty, Palenque, and Lucita; Table 1 and Figure 3), including a sample from the Paty vein grading 2350 g/t Ag. Additionally, substantial historic workings and multiple mineralized surface samples were encountered along the Palenque structure. Widths of these structures at surface in Lucita South range from 0.1 - 4 meters.

Lucita South的測繪和採樣突顯了東西向礦脈系統,其地表以銀色和金色爲主的特徵。幾種繪製的結構已經返回了高級樣本(例如 Paty、Palenque 和 Lucita;表 1 和圖 3),包括來自 Paty 靜脈分級的樣本 2350 g/t Ag。此外,在帕倫克結構沿線還發現了大量的歷史工作和多個礦化表面樣本。這些結構在南盧西塔的地表寬度在0.1至4米之間。

These encouraging surface results led to the Company's first-pass diamond drill program at Palenque (see News Release April 13th, 2022 and August 9th, 2022). Drilling along the Palenque structure confirms the continuation of silver and gold grades at depth and identified blind mineralization in low-angle faults and within specific stratigraphic units.


Well-mineralized samples from both surface and drill core, as well as the potential for very high grades as demonstrated in the Palenque, Paty, and Lucita veins, present significant exploration upside in the Lucita South project.

來自地表和鑽芯的礦化良好的樣品,以及帕倫克、帕蒂和盧西塔礦脈所證明的極高品位的潛力,爲Lucita South項目提供了巨大的勘探前景。

Figure 3. Plan map of Lucita South showing new and historic surface silver geochemical results and anomalous gold zones. Defiance drill hole collars and traces are shown, with several previously reported drill result highlights from the 2021-2022 program. Coordinates are in UTM WGS84 Zone 13N.

圖 3.Lucita South的平面圖顯示了新的歷史性地表銀地球化學結果和異常金區。顯示了Defiance的鑽孔圈和痕跡,以及先前報告的2021-2022年計劃的幾項鑽探結果要點。座標位於 UTM WGS84 區域 13N 中。

Chris Wright, Chairman & CEO, noted:


"These surface results indicate that there is a robust polymetallic system present at Lucita North. When coupled with our excellent first-pass drilling results on the Palenque structure in Lucita South, the exploration prospectivity of the Lucita property remains high. We believe that the property contains several of the top targets in the Zacatecas district."

“這些表面結果表明,Lucita North存在強大的多金屬系統。再加上我們在南盧西塔帕倫克結構上的出色首次鑽探結果,Lucita地產的勘探前景仍然很高。我們認爲,該物業包含薩卡特卡斯地區的幾個主要目標。”

Previous Drilling summary


Lucita South


In 2021 and 2022 the Company completed a first-pass, 3801.8m diamond drill program on the undrilled Palenque vein system (Figure 3). The widely spaced drill holes returned very encouraging results over a multi-kilometer strike length. Highlights include:


  • DDLU-21-05: 3.48m of 513.57 g/t Ag from 152.52 to 156.00m, including 0.25m of 3260.00 g/t Ag (See News Release April 13th, 2022)
  • DDLU-22-10: blind discovery of a wide 49.87m zone with 58.79 g/t Ag from 370.23m to 420.1m including 3.05m of 264.29 g/t Ag and 2.25m of 235.29 g/t Ag (See News Release August 9th, 2022)
  • DDLU-21-05:從 152.52 到 156.00m 的 348m 513.57 g/t Ag,包括 0.25m 的 3260.00 g/t Ag(見 4 月 13 日新聞稿)第四,2022年)
  • DDLU-22-10:盲目發現一個寬闊的49.87米區域,銀含量爲58.79 g/t,從370.23m到420.1m,包括3.05m的264.29克/噸銀和2.25米的235.29克/噸銀(見8月9日新聞稿)第四,2022年)

Lucita North


Pan American previously conducted two diamond drill programs in 1996 and 2011-2012 for a total of 5103.35m (Figure 2). These programs shallowly tested several vein systems, including Plomosa near the historic Plomosa silver mine and Lucero. Drilling encountered positive results (see News Release December 2nd 2020). Ongoing relogging and sampling of the historic drill core continue to reveal high-level alteration zones and high-grade intercepts that warrant follow-up both down dip and along strike.

泛美此前曾在1996年和2011-2012年進行了兩次金剛石鑽探項目,總鑽探量爲51.0335億英鎊(圖2)。這些項目對多個礦脈系統進行了淺層測試,包括歷史悠久的普洛莫薩銀礦附近的普洛莫薩和盧塞羅。鑽探取得了積極成果(見12月2日新聞稿) 2020)。正在進行的對歷史鑽芯的重新記錄和採樣繼續顯示出高位變化區域和高等級截獲區域,需要對下沉和沿線鑽探進行後續跟蹤。

Discussion of Results


The most prominent structures at Defiance's Lucita property are northwest-southeast and east-west trending mineralized veins, breccias, and alteration zones. These structural orientations are characteristic of the most important mineralizing events of the world-class ore deposits in the Central Mexican Silver Belt. Intersections of these two mineralizing events often localize zones of significant mineralization.


A remarkable feature of the Lucita property is the presence of both polymetallic Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu style mineralization and Ag-Au dominant low-sulfidation epithermal-style mineralization. The most prospective targets in the Lucita North project are the Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa system, the Pilitas-Tules intersection zone, and the Lucero vein. In Lucita South the Palenque, Lucita, and Paty veins are high-priority follow-up drill targets.

Lucita特性的一個顯著特徵是既存在多金屬Ag-Zn-Pb±Au±Cu型礦化,又存在銀金占主導地位的低硫化表熱型礦化。Lucita North項目中最具前景的目標是格洛里亞-奧羅拉-普洛莫薩系統、皮利塔斯-圖爾斯交叉區和盧塞羅靜脈。在南盧西塔,帕倫克、盧西塔和帕蒂礦脈是高度優先的後續演習目標。

Lucita North


The Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa vein system is a large, regional structure similar in orientation and length to Defiance's Veta Grande system. The Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa system contains a high-density of altered and mineralized structures with high grades at and near surface.

Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa 靜脈系統是一個大型區域結構,其方向和長度與 Defiance 的 Veta Grande 系統相似。Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa系統包含高密度的變化和礦化結構,在地表和近地表處具有很高的品位。

The mineralization style is dominantly multiphase, intermediate-sulfidation epithermal style veins and breccias; this is best exhibited in the Aurora zone. The Gloria zone also contains an outstanding example of polymetallic, breccia-style mineralization with metal assemblages and textures reminiscent of carbonate-replacement style deposits. The eastern portion of the Plomosa remains to be mapped, but preliminary findings indicate the presence of multiple mineralization styles (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Photos of various polymetallic mineralization along the Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa system, representing high-grade to highly anomalous Ag, Pb, Zn, Au and Cu in semi-massive sulfides and oxide material in Gloria (A & B), Aurora (C) and Plomosa (D). Samples are highlighted in Table 1.

圖 4.Gloria-Aurora-Plomosa系統沿線各種多金屬礦化的照片,代表了格洛里亞(A和B)、奧羅拉(C)和普洛莫薩(D)中半塊狀硫化物和氧化物中高品位至高度異常的銀、鉛、鋅、金和銅。表 1 中突出顯示了示例。

The Pilitas-Tules intersection zone is of particular interest due to the presence of east-west Ag-rich structures that intersect earlier northwest-southeast structures. The northwest-southeast breccia-vein zones are understood to be exposed at a high-level of the epithermal system, and therefore present important drill targets at depth. This architecture and mineralization style is reminiscent of the structures that are known to host significant mineralization in the Fresnillo district.


Lucita South


The Palenque, Lucita, and Paty veins are east-west structures that display Ag-Au dominant mineralization characteristic of low-sulfidation epithermal vein systems. This style of mineralization was targeted by Mag Silver in the Fresnillo district and led the discovery of the Juanicipio mine.

帕倫克、盧西塔和帕蒂礦脈是東西向結構,顯示出低硫化超熱脈系統的銀金主礦化特徵。這種礦化方式是弗雷斯尼洛地區的Mag Silver瞄準的,並導致了胡安尼西皮奧礦的發現。

An important intersection of the east-west Paty vein, which contains the highest-grade surface sample from previously mined material (2350 g/t Ag), with a northwest-southeast trending structure represents an additional Fresnillo-style target.

東西向 Paty 礦脈的重要交叉點,該礦脈包含來自先前開採的材料的最高等級的地表樣本(2350 g/t Ag),西北-東南的趨勢結構代表了另一個弗雷斯尼洛式的目標。

Discussion of Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QAQC) and Analytical Procedures

討論質量保證/質量控制 (QAQC) 和分析程序

  • QAQC for Defiance rock sampling (2021-2024): Samples were selected based on the lithology, alteration, and mineralization characteristics; sample size averaged 3.3 kg. At least one blank or one standard was included within every 20 samples. Standard materials are certified reference materials (CRMs) from OREAS; the suite of standards contains a range of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, and Zn values. Blanks and standards have been used to confirm the validity of the analytical results.
  • Samples were analyzed by ALS Limited. Sample preparation was performed at their Zacatecas, Mexico, prep facility, and analyses were performed at the Vancouver, Canada, analytical facility. All elements except Au and Hg were analyzed by a multi-element geochemistry method utilizing a four-acid digestion followed by ICP-MS detection [ME-MS61m]; mercury was analyzed after a separate aqua regia digest by ICP-MS. Overlimit assays for Ag, Pb, and Zn were conducted using the OG62 method (multi-acid digest with ICP-AES/AAS finish). Gold was measured by fire-assay with an ICP-AES finish [50g sample, Au-ICP22].
  • Defiance 岩石採樣的 QAQC(2021-2024):樣本是根據巖性、蝕變和礦化特徵選擇的;樣本量平均爲 3.3 kg。每 20 個樣本中至少包含一個空白樣本或一個標準品。標準材料是來自OREAS的認證參考材料(CRM);該標準套件包含一系列銀、金、銅、鉛和鋅值。已使用空白和標準來確認分析結果的有效性。
  • ALS Limited對樣本進行了分析。樣本製備是在他們位於墨西哥薩卡特卡斯的製備設施進行的,分析是在加拿大溫哥華的分析設施進行的。除金和汞以外的所有元素均通過多元素地球化學方法進行分析,先進行四酸消解,然後進行ICP-MS檢測 [me-MS61M];在ICP-MS單獨進行王水摘要後對汞進行了分析。銀、鉛和鋅的超限測定是使用OG62方法進行的(多酸消化,經過ICP-AES/AAS表面處理)。金是通過火法測定的,表面經過ICP-AES處理 [50克樣品,Au-ICP22]。
  • QAQC for historical Pan American sampling (2011-2012): Details of sample selection are understood to be in accordance with industry best practice; however, detailed procedures of historical sampling are not recorded. The Pan American Lucita property report states that standards and blanks were included in laboratory submissions of surface samples. This report also describes the QAQC protocol for the drilling conducted in 2011 and 2012; certified reference material from GEOSTAT was used as a standard, and sterile basalt drill core from the La Preciosa project in Durango was used as blank material.
  • 歷史泛美抽樣的 QAQC(2011-2012 年): 據了解,樣本選擇的細節符合行業最佳實踐;但是,沒有記錄歷史抽樣的詳細程序。泛美露西塔財產報告指出,實驗室提交的表面樣品中包含標準和空白。該報告還描述了2011年和2012年鑽探的QAQC協議;使用了GEOSTAT的認證參考材料作爲標準,杜蘭戈La Preciosa項目的無菌玄武岩鑽芯被用作空白材料。

Both sample preparation and sample analysis were performed by SGS Labs in Durango, Mexico. All elements except Au were analyzed first by a multi-element geochemistry method utilizing a two-acid Aqua Regia digest with an ICP-AES finish [ICP14B]. Reported Ag values were assayed using AAS21E (3 acid digest with AAS finish), and overlimit Ag samples (>300 ppm) were analyzed by fire-assay with a gravimetric finish [30g sample, AAS21E]. Method ICP90Q (sodium peroxide fusion with ICP-OES finish) was used for overlimit samples of other elements (e.g. Pb, Zn, Cu). Gold was measured by fire assay with an AAS finish [30g sample, FAA313].

樣本製備和樣本分析均由位於墨西哥杜蘭戈的 SGS 實驗室進行。除金以外的所有元素首先通過多元素地球化學方法進行分析,該方法使用了經過ICP-AES表面處理的雙酸Aqua Regia摘要 [ICP14B]。報告的銀值是使用 AAS21E(經過 AAS 處理的 3 次酸性消化液)進行檢測,並通過重量法進行火法分析超限的銀樣品(>300 ppm)[30g 樣品,AAS21E]。方法 ICP90Q(過氧化鈉融合,ICP-OES 表面處理)用於超限其他元素(例如鉛、鋅、銅)的樣品。金是通過火焰分析測定的,表面處理 AAS [30g 樣品,FAA313]。

Corporate Announcement


Defiance also announces that it has granted the following awards pursuant to the Company's Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan (the "Plan"):


Incentive Stock Options - an aggregate of 3,188,750 incentive stock options ("Options") have been granted to certain directors, officers, employees, and consultants to purchase an aggregate of 3,188,750 common shares of the Company (each, a "Common Share") at an exercise price $0.18, in accordance with the Plan. The Options are exercisable for five years from the date of grant and vest equally over a three-year period beginning on the date of grant.

激勵性股票期權 -共有3,188,750份激勵性股票期權(”選項“)已獲准某些董事、高級職員、員工和顧問購買公司總共3,188,750股普通股(每股一股”普通股“)根據計劃,行使價爲0.18美元。期權自授予之日起五年內可行使,從授予之日起的三年內均等歸屬。

Deferred Share Units - an aggregate of 715,000 Deferred Share Units ("DSUs") have been granted to directors, in accordance with the Plan. Each DSU represents a right of the holder to receive one Common Share effective as at the date the holder ceases to serve as a director of the Company. The DSUs vest on the one-year anniversary of the date of grant.

遞延股份單位 -共計71.5萬個遞延股份單位(”DSU“)已根據計劃授予董事。每份 DSU 代表持有人獲得一股普通股的權利,自持有人停止擔任公司董事之日起生效。DSU在撥款之日起一週年之際歸屬。

Performance Share Units - an aggregate of 45,000 Performance Share Units ("PSUs") have been granted to certain officers of the Company, in accordance with the Plan. Each PSU entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share on the vesting date. The PSUs vest on the one-year anniversary of the date of grant, subject to certain corporate and individual performance criteria.

績效共享單位 -共計 45,000 個績效份額單位(”PSU“)已根據計劃授予公司的某些高管。每個PSU賦予持有人在歸屬之日收購一股普通股的權利。PSU在授予之日起一週年之際歸屬,但須遵守某些公司和個人績效標準。

Restricted Share Units - an aggregate of 538,750 Restricted Share Units ("RSUs") have been granted, to certain directors, officers, employees, and consultants, in accordance with the Plan. Each RSU entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share on vesting. The RSUs vest equally over a three-year period beginning on the one-year anniversary of the date of grant.

限制性股份單位 -共計538,750個限制性股票單位(”RSU“)已根據本計劃向某些董事、高級職員、僱員和顧問發放。每個 RSU 賦予持有人在歸屬時收購一股普通股的權利。從撥款之日起一週年紀念日起,RSU在三年內均等歸屬。

All of the forgoing Options, DSUs, PSUs and RSUs are subject to the terms of the Plan, the applicable grant agreement, and the requirements of the TSX Venture Exchange.


About Defiance Silver Corp.


Defiance Silver Corp. (TSXV: DEF) (OTCQX: DNCVF ) (FSE: D4E) is an exploration company advancing the district-scale Zacatecas project, located in the historic Zacatecas Silver District, and the 100% owned Tepal Gold/Copper Project in Michoacán state, Mexico. Defiance is managed by a team of proven mine developers with a track record of exploring, advancing, and developing several operating mines and advanced resource projects. Defiance Silver's corporate mandate is to advance its projects through capital-efficient exploration focused on resource growth and new mineral discoveries.

Defiance Silver Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DEF)(OTCQX:DNCVF)(FSE:D4E)是一家勘探公司,正在推進位於歷史悠久的薩卡特卡斯銀區的薩卡特卡斯州地區規模的薩卡特卡斯州項目,以及墨西哥米卻肯州100%持股的Tepal金/銅項目。Defiance 由一支久經考驗的礦山開發人員組成的團隊管理,他們在探索、推進和開發多個運營礦山和高級資源項目方面有着良好的記錄。Defiance Silver的企業使命是通過以資源增長和新礦產發現爲重點的資本節約型勘探來推進其項目。

Mr. George Cavey, P. Geo, is a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical information concerning the Company's material mineral properties contained in this press release.

George Cavey 先生,P. Geo,是 National Instrument 43-101 所指的合格人士,他已批准本新聞稿中包含的有關公司材料礦物特性的技術信息。

On behalf of Defiance Silver Corp.

代表 Defiance Silver Corp

"Chris Wright"
Chairman of the Board


For more information, please contact: Investor Relations at +1 (604) 343-4677 or via email at

欲了解更多信息,請致電 +1 (604) 343-4677 聯繫投資者關係部或發送電子郵件至。

Suite 2900-550 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 0A3
Tel: +1 (604) 343-4677

布拉德街 2900-550 號套房
不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華 V6C 0A3
電話:+1 (604) 343-4677





Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Information contained in this news release which are not statements of historical facts may be "forward-looking information" for the purposes of Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. The words "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "contemplate", "plan", "intends", "continue", "budget", "estimate", "may", "will", "schedule", "understand" and similar expressions identify forward-looking information. These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things: the Company's expectations regarding the ability of the Mining Bureau of Mexico City to reinstate ownership of the concessions to the Company, cooperation with the Mining Bureau relating to such reinstatement and the potential for any successful solution resulting therefrom.

就加拿大證券法而言,本新聞稿中包含的不是歷史事實陳述的信息可能是 “前瞻性信息”。此類前瞻性信息涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績、前景和機會與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。“相信”、“期望”、“預期”、“考慮”、“計劃”、“打算”、“繼續”、“預算”、“估計”、“可能”、“將”、“時間表”、“理解” 等詞語識別前瞻性信息。除其他外,這些前瞻性陳述涉及:公司對墨西哥城礦業局恢復公司特許權所有權的能力的期望、與礦業局就此類恢復進行合作以及由此產生的任何成功解決方案的可能性。

Forward-Looking information is necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Defiance, are inherently subject to significant technical, political, business, economic and competitive uncertainties, and contingencies. Known and unknown factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Factors and assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things: the inability of the Company to regain possession of its concessions; political risks associated with the Company's operations in Mexico; the failure of the Mining Bureau in Mexico City to take any coercive action to reinstate ownership of the concessions to the Company; and the inability of the Company and its subsidiaries to enforce their legal rights in certain circumstances. For additional risk factors, please see the Company's most recently filed Management Discussions & Analysis for its quarter ended February 29, 2024, available on SEDAR at .


There can be no assurances that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as many factors and future events, both known and unknown could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to vary or differ materially from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements contained herein or incorporated by reference. Accordingly, all such factors should be considered carefully when making decisions with respect to Defiance, and prospective investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Forward-Looking information in this news release is made as at the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect changes in assumptions, changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law.


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