
G2 Goldfields Provides Exploration Update

G2 Goldfields Provides Exploration Update

G2 Goldfields 提供勘探最新信息
GlobeNewswire ·  04/15 07:57

TORONTO, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- G2 Goldfields Inc. ("G2" or the "Company") (TSX: GTWO; OTCQX: GUYGF) is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing exploration program at the Company's 27,719 acre OKO-AREMU gold project. G2 recently announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the OKO-Aremu Project comprised of 922,000 ounces of gold ("Indicated") and 1,099,000 ounces of gold ("Inferred") [see press release dated April 03, 2024].

多倫多,2024年4月15日(環球通訊社)——G2 Goldfields Inc.(“G2” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GTWO;OTCQX:GUYGF)很高興提供該公司佔地27,719英畝的OKO-AREMU黃金項目正在進行的勘探計劃的最新情況。G2最近公佈了OKO-AREMU項目的最新礦產資源估算(“MRE”),其中包括92.2萬盎司黃金(“指示”)和1,099,000盎司黃金(“推斷”)[見 2024 年 4 月 3 日的新聞稿]。

The entirety of the reported gold resource lies within 500 meters of surface and contains a high grade core of 688,000 ounces Au at 9.03 g/t Au (Indicated) and 495,000 ounces Au at 6.38 g/t Au (Inferred) at the OKO MAIN ZONE (OMZ).


Recent drill results confirm the prospectivity of the area between the high grade OMZ resource and Ghanie open pit area, approximately 1 km to the south. The Ghanie Resource currently hosts 236,000 ounces Au (Indicated) and 604,000 ounces Au (Inferred).


Figure 1

圖 1

Ghanie Area Drilling Results


Since February, G2 has completed an additional twenty drill holes (8,600 meters) at Ghanie, for a total of 124 holes totalling 25,520 meters to date in the greater Ghanie area [see press released February 22, 2024].

自二月份以來,G2在加尼又完成了二十個鑽孔(8,600米),迄今爲止,在大加尼地區共完成了124個鑽孔,總長度爲25,520米。[見 2024 年 2 月 22 日發佈的新聞稿]。

Figure 2

圖 2

Results from an additional five holes are reported herein and continue to establish significant widths of gold mineralization in the lower (-400m) part of the Ghanie Central area. Highlights include 24m @ 2.9 g/t Au (GDD-92) including 3.0m @ 7.0 g/t Au as well as 10.5m @ 4.5 g/t Au (GDD-90), including 4.5m @ 6.7 g/t Au. A complete table of results is available here.

本文報告了另外五個鑽孔的結果,這些結果繼續在加尼中央區域的下部(-400m)確定了顯著的金礦化寬度。亮點包括 24m @ 2.9 g/t Au (GDD-92) 包括 3.0m @ 7.0 g/t Au 以及 10.5 m @ 4.5 g/t Au (GDD-90), 包括 4.5m @ 6.7 g/t Au。完整的結果表可在此處獲得。

At the Ghanie North area, hole GDD-93 returned 24.5m @ 5.3 g/t Au (including 4.5m @ 25.2 g/t Au). This intercept lies within a relatively unexplored 1 km long section of the Oko structure that is currently being drilled by G2. Near surface drilling results from the 2023 program include 36.2m @ 0.9 g/t Au (GDD-15), 45.9m @ 0.9 g/t Au (GDD-16) and 27m @ 1.2 g/t Au (GDD-51) as well as 1.5m @ 69.3 g/t Au (GDD-43) and 1.5m @ 45.6 g/t Au (GDD-01). Current drilling has intercepted visible gold (VG) in two holes well outside the current geological model (GDD-104 and GDD-109, a shallow drill hole approximately 200m north of GDD-104). Assays are pending from a further fifteen holes in the Ghanie district.

在加尼北部區域,GDD-93 孔返回 24.5 米 @ 5.3 g/t Au(包括 4.5m @ 25.2 g/t Au)。該截距位於G2目前正在鑽探的Oko結構中相對未開發的1公里長的路段內。2023 年計劃的近地表鑽探結果包括 36.2m @ 0.9 g/t Au (GDD-15)、45.9m @ 0.9 g/t Au (GDD-16) 和 27m @ 1.2 g/t Au (GDD-51) 以及 1.5m @ 69.3 g/t Au (GDD-43) 和 1.5m @ 45.6 g/t Au (GDD-01)。目前的鑽探已經在遠離當前地質模型的兩個洞中截獲了可見的金(VG)(GDD-104 和 GDD-109,一個位於 GDD-104 以北約 200 米處的淺層鑽孔)。正在等待對加尼區另外十五個洞進行化驗。



Drill core is logged and sampled in a secure core storage facility located on the OKO project site, Guyana. Core samples from the program are cut in half, using a diamond cutting saw, and are sent to MSALABS Guyana, in Georgetown, Guyana, which is an accredited mineral analysis laboratory, for analysis. Samples from sections of core with obvious gold mineralisation are analysed for total gold using an industry-standard 500g metallic screen fire assay (MSALABS method MSC 550). All other samples are analysed for gold using standard Fire Assay-AA with atomic absorption finish (MSALABS method; FAS-121). Samples returning over 10.0 g/t gold are analysed utilizing standard fire assay gravimetric methods (MSALABS method; FAS-425). Certified gold reference standards, blanks, and field duplicates are routinely inserted into the sample stream, as part of G2 Goldfield's quality control/quality assurance program (QAQC). No QA/QC issues were noted with the results reported herein.

在位於圭亞那 OKO 項目現場的安全岩心存儲設施中對鑽芯進行記錄和採樣。該項目的核心樣本使用金剛石切割鋸切成兩半,然後送到位於圭亞那喬治敦的圭亞那MSALABS Guyana進行分析,該實驗室是經認證的礦物分析實驗室。使用行業標準的 500 克金屬篩火試驗(MSALABS 方法 MSC 550),對來自具有明顯金礦化的岩心部分的樣本進行總金分析。使用具有原子吸收表面處理的標準 Fire Assay-AA(MSALABS 方法;FAS-121)對所有其他樣品進行金分析。使用標準火試重法(MSALABS 方法;FAS-425)對返回金量超過 10.0 g/t 的樣品進行分析。作爲 G2 Goldfield 質量控制/質量保證計劃 (QAQC) 的一部分,經過認證的黃金參考標準、空白和現場副本通常會插入樣品流。此處報告的結果未發現質量保證/質量控制問題。

About G2 Goldfields Inc.

關於 G2 Goldfields Inc.

The G2 Goldfields team is comprised of professionals who have been directly responsible for the discovery of millions of ounces of gold in Guyana as well as the financing and development of the Aurora Gold Mine, Guyana's largest gold mine [RPA, 43-101, Technical Report on the Aurora Gold Mine, March 31, 2020].

G2 Goldfields團隊由專業人員組成,他們直接負責在圭亞那發現數百萬盎司的黃金,以及圭亞那最大的金礦奧羅拉金礦的融資和開發。[RPA,43-101,奧羅拉金礦技術報告,2020 年 3 月 31 日]。

Anglo Gold Ashanti ("AGA"), the fourth largest gold producer in the world, recently made a substantial investment in the Company. At the close of the Subscription, AGA (NYSE: AU) owned approximately 11.7% of G2's issued and outstanding Shares [see press release dated January 19, 2024].

全球第四大黃金生產商Anglo Gold Ashanti(“AGA”)最近對該公司進行了大量投資。在訂閱結束時,AGA(紐約證券交易所代碼:AU)擁有G2已發行和流通股票的約11.7%。[見 2024 年 1 月 19 日的新聞稿]。

In April 2024, G2 announced an Updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the Oko property in Guyana [see press release dated April 03, 2024]. Highlights of the Updated MRE include:

2024 年 4 月,G2 公佈了圭亞那 Oko 房產的最新礦產資源估算(“MRE”)。見 2024 年 4 月 3 日的新聞稿]。更新後的 MRE 的亮點包括:

Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Oko Main Zone (OMZ):

Oko 主區 (OMZ) 的露天礦和地下綜合資源總量:

  • 495,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 2,413,000 tonnes @ 6.38 g/t Au
  • 686,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 2,368,000 tonnes @ 9.03 g/t Au
  • 495,000 盎司金 — 推斷金含量在 2,413,000 噸以內 @ 6.38 克/噸
  • 686,000 盎司金 — 表示金含量在 2,368,000 噸以內 @ 9.03 g/t Au

Total combined open pit and underground Resource for the Ghanie Zone:


  • 604,000 oz. Au – Inferred contained within 12,216,000 tonnes @ 1.54 g/t Au
  • 236,000 oz. Au – Indicated contained within 3,344,000 tonnes @ 2.20 g/t Au
  • 604,000 盎司金 — 推斷金含量在 12,216,000 噸以內 @ 1.54 g/t Au
  • 236,000 盎司金 — 表示金含量在 3,344,000 噸以內 @ 2.20 g/t Au

The MRE was prepared by Micon International Limited with an effective date of March 27, 2024. Significantly, the updated mineral resources lie within 500 meters of surface. The Oko district has been a prolific alluvial goldfield since its initial discovery in the 1870's, and modern exploration techniques continue to reveal the considerable potential of the district.

MRE 由美康國際有限公司編寫,生效日期爲 2024 年 3 月 27 日。值得注意的是,更新後的礦產資源位於地表500米以內。自19世紀70年代首次發現以來,奧科地區一直是多產的沖積金礦,現代勘探技術繼續揭示該地區的巨大潛力。

All scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dan Noone (CEO of G2 Goldfields Inc.), a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Noone (B.Sc. Geology, MBA) is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

本新聞稿中的所有科學和技術信息均經過丹·努恩(G2 Goldfields Inc.首席執行官)的審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101所指的 “合格人士”。努恩先生(理學士)地質學,工商管理碩士)是澳大利亞地球科學研究所的會員。

Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR () and the Company's website ().


For further information, please contact:


Dan Noone
+1 416.628.5904

+1 416.628.5904

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements about the Strategic Investment, including the proposed use of proceeds and final TSXV approval. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof.

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Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.


Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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