
Patriot Achieves Key Permitting Milestone for Corvette With Receipt of Guidelines From the Ministry

Patriot Achieves Key Permitting Milestone for Corvette With Receipt of Guidelines From the Ministry

PR Newswire ·  04/16 20:10

VANCOUVER, BC, April 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - April 17, 2024Sydney, Australia

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 4 月 16 日 /PRNewswire/- 2024 年 4 月 17 日 — 澳大利亞悉尼



Figure 1: Corvette Project, CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite, and regional infrastructure (CNW Group/Patriot Battery Metals Inc)
圖 1:克爾維特項目、CV5 鋰輝石偉晶岩和區域基礎設施(CNW 集團/愛國者電池金屬公司)
  • Patriot has received the Guidelines from the MELCCFP, advancing the approvals process for the Project, as expected the guidelines from COMEV were clear and consistent with other proposed mining projects of this scale and nature in Eeyou Istchee.
  • Patriot will be in a position to provide a more fulsome update to the market with next steps for anticipated submission of the ESIA in the coming weeks.
  • The Company anticipates submission of the complete ESIA to MELCCFP in late CY25.
  • 愛國者已經收到了MELCCFP的指導方針,推進了該項目的批准程序,正如預期的那樣,COMEV的指導方針很明確,與Eeyou Istchee中其他類似規模和性質的擬議採礦項目一致。
  • 愛國者將有能力向市場提供更全面的最新情況,預計將在未來幾周內提交ESIA,並採取下一步措施。
  • 該公司預計將在25財年末向MELCCFP提交完整的ESIA。

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (the "Company" or "Patriot") (TSX: PMET) (ASX: PMT) (OTCQX: PMETF) (FSE: R9GA) is pleased to announce that it has received its guidelines from the Québec Government (Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs or "MELCCFP") for its wholly owned Corvette Project (the "Project") located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec. As per the process, the MELCCFP sought input from the Evaluating Committee known as "COMEV", a committee composed of members appointed by the Cree Nation Government, the Government of Québec, and the Canadian Government. The guidelines received outline the scope and nature of the impact study that must be undertaken for the Project

P愛國者電池金屬公司(“公司” 或 “愛國者”) (TSX: PMET) (ASX: PMT) (OTCQX: PMETF) (FSE: R9GA) 欣然宣佈,它已收到魁北克政府(環境部、反氣候變化、動物和公園或 “MELCCFP”)爲其全資克爾維特項目提供的指導方針(“項目”)位於魁北克省的 Eeyou Istchee James Bay 地區。根據程序,MELCCFP徵求了名爲 “COMEV” 的評估委員會的意見,該委員會由克里民族政府、魁北克政府和加拿大政府任命的成員組成。收到的指導方針概述了該項目必須進行的影響研究的範圍和性質

Ken Brinsden, President and CEO of Patriot commented: "The guidelines for the Corvette project outline MELCCFP's requirements for the Project's Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and provide the Company with the roadmap to completing the ESIA. We are eager to continue our baseline data collection which started in 2022 as we advance the permitting and study phases of Corvette."


Alix Drapack, Vice President of ESG, Patriot, commented: "The guidelines from COMEV were clear and consistent with other proposed mining projects of this scale and nature in Eeyou Istchee and were as expected. We are looking forward to continuing our discussions on the Project with the tallyman and his family and the Cree community of Chisasibi.

愛國者ESG副總裁阿利克斯·德拉帕克評論說:”COMEV的指導方針很明確,與Eeyou Istchee其他類似規模和性質的擬議採礦項目一致,符合預期。我們期待着繼續與理貨員及其家人以及Chisasibi的Cree社區討論該項目

The Company is currently evaluating the Corvette Project as a potential hard rock spodumene mining operation. The Company is well-funded and is carrying out an intensive in-fill drilling on CV-5 this winter and a regional exploration campaign on the Corvette area during the summer and fall season. An updated NI 43-101 resource estimate on the Corvette project is planned for release in CYQ3 2024. The Company commenced collection of environmental baseline data at the Project in 2022 and will continue to collect data in accordance with the newly received guidelines. The Company will provide regular updates on the progress of the work programs associated with the completion of the ESIA and submission of the ESIA is anticipated in late 2025.

該公司目前正在評估Corvette項目作爲潛在的硬巖鋰輝石開採業務。該公司資金充足,將於今年冬天對CV-5進行密集的填埋鑽探,並在夏季和秋季對Corvette地區進行區域勘探活動。Corvette項目的最新NI 43-101資源估算計劃於2024年第三季度發佈。該公司於2022年開始在該項目中收集環境基線數據,並將繼續根據新收到的指導方針收集數據。該公司將定期提供與完成ESIA相關的工作計劃的最新進展情況,ESIA預計將於2025年底提交。

The Corvette Project is highlighted by the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite which hosts a maiden mineral resource estimate of 109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O inferred1 and ranks as the largest lithium pegmatite resource in the Americas based on contained lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE), and one of the top 10 largest lithium pegmatite resources in the world. The CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite is located approximately 13.5 km south of the regional and all‐weather Trans-Taiga Road and powerline infrastructure, and approximately 50 km from the La-Grande 4 hydroelectric power station in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec (Figure ).

CV5 鋰輝石偉晶岩突顯了克爾維特項目,其首次礦產資源估計爲1.092億噸,鋰含量爲1.42%2我推斷出來了1 根據所含碳酸鋰當量(LCE),是美洲最大的鋰偉晶岩資源,也是全球十大鋰偉晶岩資源之一。CV5 鋰輝石偉晶岩位於區域和全天候跨泰加公路和電力線基礎設施以南約 13.5 公里處,距離魁北克埃尤伊奇詹姆斯灣地區的 La-Grande 4 水力發電站約 50 千米(圖)。

1 The CV5 mineral resource estimate (109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O and 160 ppm Ta2O5 inferred) is reported at a cut-off grade of 0.40% Li2O with effective date of June 25, 2023 (through drill hole CV23-190). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability.

1 CV5 礦產資源估算(1.092 萬噸,鋰含量爲 1.42%)2O 和 160 ppm Ta2O5 推斷) 報告的臨界值爲 0.40% Li2O,生效日期爲 2023 年 6 月 25 日 (通孔鑽孔 CV23-190)。礦產資源不是礦產儲量,因爲它們沒有顯示出經濟可行性。

About the CV Lithium Trend

關於 CV 鋰趨勢

The CV Lithium Trend is an emerging spodumene pegmatite district discovered by the Company in 2017 and is interpreted to span more than 50 kilometres across the Corvette Property. The core area includes the approximate 4.4 km long CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite, which hosts a maiden mineral resource estimate of 109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O inferred1.

CV Lithium Trend 是該公司於 2017 年發現的一個新興鋰輝石偉晶岩區,據解釋,該區域橫跨克爾維特地產超過 50 千米。核心區域包括長約4.4千米的CV5鋰輝石偉晶岩,其首次礦產資源估計爲1.092億噸,推斷的鋰含量爲1.42%1

To date, eight (8) distinct clusters of lithium pegmatite have been discovered across the Corvette Property – CV4, CV5, CV8, CV9, CV10, CV12, CV13, and the recently discovered CV14. Given the proximity of some pegmatite outcrops to each other, as well as the shallow till cover in the area, it is probable that some of the outcrops may reflect a discontinuous surface exposure of a single, larger pegmatite "outcrop" subsurface.

迄今爲止,已經在克爾維特地產中發現了八(8)個不同的鋰偉晶岩簇——CV4、CV5、CV8、CV9、CV10、CV12、CV13和最近發現的CV14。鑑於一些偉晶岩露頭彼此靠近,以及該區域的淺層覆蓋層,一些露頭很可能反映出單個更大的偉晶岩 “露頭” 地下不連續的表面暴露情況。

Qualified/Competent Person


The information in this news release that relates to exploration results for the Corvette Property is based on, and fairly represents, information compiled by Mr. Darren L. Smith, M.Sc., P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and member in good standing with the Ordre des Géologues du Québec (Geologist Permit number 01968), and with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (member number 87868). Mr. Smith has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

本新聞稿中與克爾維特地產勘探結果有關的信息基於並公平地代表了由理學碩士、P.Geo. 達倫·史密斯先生彙編的信息,他是國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員- 礦產項目披露標準,並且是魁北克地質學家協會(地質學家許可證號01968)和艾伯塔省專業工程師和地球科學家協會(成員編號87868)的信譽良好的會員。史密斯先生已審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。

Mr. Smith is Vice President of Exploration for Patriot Battery Metals Inc. and holds common shares and options in the Company.


Mr. Smith has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralization, type of deposit under consideration, and to the activities being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as described by the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (the JORC Code). Mr. Smith consents to the inclusion in this news release of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.


About Patriot Battery Metals Inc.

Patriot Battery Metals Inc. is a hard-rock lithium exploration company focused on advancing its district-scale 100% owned Corvette Property located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Quebec, Canada, and proximal to regional road and powerline infrastructure. The Corvette Property hosts the CV5 Spodumene Pegmatite with a maiden mineral resource estimate of 109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O inferred1 and ranks as the largest lithium pegmatite resource in the Americas based on contained lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE), and one of the top 10 largest lithium pegmatite resources in the world. Additionally, the Corvette Property hosts multiple other spodumene pegmatite clusters that remain to be drill tested, as well as more than 20 km of prospective trend that remain to be assessed.

Patriot Battery Metals Inc.是一家硬石鋰勘探公司,專注於推進其地區規模、100%控股的克爾維特地產的發展,該地產位於加拿大魁北克省的Eeyou Istchee James Bay地區,靠近區域道路和電力線基礎設施。Corvette Property 擁有 CV5 鋰輝石偉晶岩,其首次礦產資源估計爲 1.092 億噸,鋰含量爲 1.42%2我推斷出來了1 根據所含碳酸鋰當量(LCE),是美洲最大的鋰偉晶岩資源,也是全球十大鋰偉晶岩資源之一。此外,Corvette Property還擁有其他多個鋰輝石偉晶岩群有待鑽探測試,還有超過20公里的潛在趨勢有待評估。

1 The CV5 mineral resource estimate (109.2 Mt at 1.42% Li2O and 160 ppm Ta2O5 inferred) is reported at a cut-off grade of 0.40% Li2O with effective date of June 25, 2023 (through drill hole CV23-190). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability.

1 CV5 礦產資源估算(1.092 萬噸,鋰含量爲 1.42%)2O 和 160 ppm Ta2O5 推斷) 報告的臨界值爲 0.40% Li2O,生效日期爲 2023 年 6 月 25 日 (通孔鑽孔 CV23-190)。礦產資源不是礦產儲量,因爲它們沒有顯示出經濟可行性。

For further information, please contact us at [email protected] or by calling +1 (604) 279-8709, or visit . Please also refer to the Company's continuous disclosure filings, available under its profile at and , for available exploration data.

欲了解更多信息,請致電 [email protected] 或致電 +1 (604) 279-8709 聯繫我們,或訪問。另請參閱公司的持續披露文件,該文件位於和的簡介下方,以獲取可用的勘探數據。

This news release has been approved by the Board of Directors.




Kenneth Brinsden, President, CEO, & Managing Director


Disclaimer for Forward-looking Information

This news release contains "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are included to provide information about management's current expectations and plans that allows investors and others to have a better understanding of the Company's business plans and financial performance and condition.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息” 或 “前瞻性陳述” 以及其他非歷史事實的陳述。包括前瞻性陳述是爲了提供有關管理層當前預期和計劃的信息,使投資者和其他人能夠更好地了解公司的業務計劃以及財務業績和狀況。

All statements, other than statements of historical fact included in this news release, regarding the Company's strategy, future operations, financial position, prospects, plans and objectives of management are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "plan", "expect", "estimate", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. In particular and without limitation, this news release contains forward-looking statements pertaining to the Company's "ESIA" process and its aims with respect to bringing the Corvette Project into production, including with respect to creating sustainable value and benefits for host communities, shareholders and employees.

除本新聞稿中包含的歷史事實陳述外,所有關於公司戰略、未來運營、財務狀況、前景、計劃和管理目標的陳述均爲涉及風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常由 “計劃”、“期望”、“估計”、“打算”、“預期”、“相信” 等詞語來識別,或某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“可能會”、“可能”、“可能” 或 “將” 被採取、發生或實現的某些行動、事件或結果的變體。特別是,但不限於,本新聞稿包含與公司的 “ESIA” 流程及其將Corvette項目投入生產的目標有關的前瞻性陳述,包括爲東道社區、股東和員工創造可持續的價值和福利。

Forward-looking information is based upon certain assumptions and other important factors that, if untrue, could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such information or statements. There can be no assurance that such information or statements will prove to be accurate. Key assumptions upon which the Company's forward-looking information is based include the total funding required to complete the development of the Company's Corvette Project.


Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive of all factors and assumptions which may have been used. Forward-looking statements are also subject to risks and uncertainties facing the Company's business, any of which could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition, results of operations and growth prospects. Some of the risks the Company faces and the uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the ability to execute on plans relating to the Company's Corvette Project, including the timing thereof. In addition, readers are directed to carefully review the detailed risk discussion in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form filed on SEDAR+, which discussion is incorporated by reference in this news release, for a fuller understanding of the risks and uncertainties that affect the Company's business and operations.


Although the Company believes its expectations are based upon reasonable assumptions and has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. As such, these risks are not exhaustive; however, they should be considered carefully. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results may vary materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements found herein. Due to the risks, uncertainties and assumptions inherent in forward-looking statements, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Forward-looking statements contained herein are presented for the purpose of assisting investors in understanding the Company's business plans, financial performance and condition and may not be appropriate for other purposes.


The forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law. The Company qualifies all of its forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.


Competent Person Statement (ASX Listing Rule 5.22)

合資格人士聲明(澳大利亞證券交易所上市規則 5.22)

The mineral resource estimate in this release was reported by the Company in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.8 on July 31, 2023. The Company confirms it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the previous announcements and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the previous announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed.


SOURCE Patriot Battery Metals Inc

來源 Patriot 電池金屬公司

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