


PR Newswire ·  04/18 06:00

VANCOUVER, BC, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. (the "Company" or "ReconAfrica") (TSXV: RECO) (OTCQX: RECAF) (Frankfurt: 0XD) announces an operations update with respect to activity relating to Petroleum Exploration Licence 73 ("PEL 73"), onshore northeast Namibia, an update with respect to the ongoing joint venture process and a conference event.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年4月18日 /PRNewswire/-非洲偵察能源有限公司(“公司” 或 “ReconAfrica”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:RECO)(OTCQX:RECAF)(法蘭克福:0XD)宣佈了與73號石油勘探許可證(“PEL 73”)、納米比亞東北部陸上活動有關的最新運營情況、正在進行的合資企業流程和會議活動的最新情況。

Brian Reinsborough, President and CEO commented: "With our recently completed upsized bought deal financing we are now in a position to commence drilling of the Naingopo exploration well (also referred to as Prospect L), in the Damara Fold Belt. Demining and brush clearing activities on Prospect L were completed in March 2024. Heavy equipment and key personnel are now in the field with construction of the well pad and access roads now commencing. We are meeting with our partner NAMCOR and the Ministry of Mines and Energy this week to finalize the detailed drilling program and future drilling and subsurface data acquisition plans. We thank them for their continued support and are encouraged by the overwhelming support from the people in Namibia, particularly those in the Kavango East and Kavango West regions. We have recently met with both governors of the Kavango region, who continue to express gratitude for Recon's safe activities and community involvement. To date we have employed over 1,350 people from the region and our 36 community water wells have positively impacted the lives of over 10,000 people. We look forward to employing more people from the local communities now that our operations have once again progressed to the exploration and appraisal drilling phase."

總裁兼首席執行官布萊恩·雷恩斯伯勒評論說: “隨着我們最近完成的大規模收購交易融資,我們現在可以開始鑽探位於達馬拉摺疊帶的納因戈波勘探井(也稱爲Prospect L)。Prospect L 的排雷和灌木叢清理活動已於 2024 年 3 月完成。重型設備和關鍵人員現已進入現場,井場和通道的施工現已開始。我們本週將與我們的合作伙伴NAMCOR和礦業和能源部會面,以敲定詳細的鑽探計劃以及未來的鑽探和地下數據採集計劃。我們感謝他們的持續支持,並對納米比亞人民,特別是東卡萬戈和西卡萬戈地區人民的壓倒性支持感到鼓舞。我們最近會見了卡萬戈地區的兩位州長,他們繼續對Recon的安全活動和社區參與表示感謝。迄今爲止,我們已經從該地區僱用了1350多名員工,我們的36口社區水井對超過10,000人的生活產生了積極影響。既然我們的業務再次進入勘探和評估鑽探階段,我們期待僱用更多來自當地社區的人員。”

First Damara Fold Belt Well
第一款 Damara 摺疊腰帶

The Company has commenced the major civil works associated with building access roads to the well site with the primary contractor having mobilized equipment and personnel to the region. The Company is in the process of completing the drilling of the water well necessary for the completion of major civil works and drilling operations. On completion of the civil works, access road and wellsite construction, the Jarvie-1 drilling rig will be mobilized for drilling. Key services relating to the maintenance of the Jarvie-1 are all scheduled to be undertaken in May.


The Company expects to begin drilling the first Damara Fold Belt exploration well, Naingopo (Prospect L), in June 2024. The Naingopo exploration well is targeting 163 million barrels of unrisked prospective oil resources or 843 billion cubic feet of unrisked prospective natural gas resources based on the most recent prospective resources report prepared by Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. ("NSAI") dated March 12, 2024, and available on the Company's website (the "NSAI Report")(1). The well is expected to drill to a depth of approximately 12,500 feet or 3,800 meters and is projected to encounter four primary reservoir intervals targeting both oil and natural gas. Drilling is expected to take approximately 90 days and will include three sets of logging operations, coring and reservoir testing.

該公司預計將於2024年6月開始鑽探第一口達馬拉摺疊帶勘探井奈格波(Prospect L)。根據荷蘭Sewell & Associates, Inc.(“NSAI”)於2024年3月12日編寫並可在公司網站上發佈的最新前景資源報告(“NSAI報告”),Naingopo勘探井的目標是1.63億桶無風險的潛在石油資源或8430億立方英尺的無風險潛在天然氣資源(1)。預計該油井將鑽探至約12,500英尺或3,800米的深度,預計將遇到四個主要儲層間隔,分別針對石油和天然氣。鑽探預計需要大約90天,將包括三組測井作業、取芯和儲層測試。

The Company has been in contact with key drilling personnel who have agreed to rejoin the Company in preparation for the upcoming drilling program and will be mobilizing to Namibia in May and June. The Company has also awarded critical oilfield services contracts to key contractors, and drilling tools and equipment recently purchased are preparing to be shipped to Namibia this month.


Future Plans

Following the drilling of the Naingopo well, ReconAfrica is planning to drill a second Damara Fold Belt well, Prospect P, targeting 278 million barrels of unrisked prospective oil resources, or 1.5 trillion cubic feet of unrisked prospective natural gas resources, based on the NSAI Report(1). Drilling of the second Damara Fold Belt well is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2024, subject to the results of the Naingopo well.

根據NSAI的報告,繼Naingopo油井鑽探之後,ReconAfrica計劃鑽探第二口達馬拉摺疊帶油井Prospect P,目標是2.78億桶無風險的潛在石油資源,或1.5萬億立方英尺的無風險潛在天然氣資源(1)。第二口達馬拉折帶油井的鑽探預計將於2024年第四季度開始,但要視奈格波油井的結果而定。

Joint Venture Process

The Company has provided interested third parties with bid instructions and guidelines. Initial bids are expected this month and will be reviewed and negotiated as necessary by management. Only strong bids that enhance shareholder and stakeholder value will be considered.


Namibia International Energy Conference

ReconAfrica is a sponsor of the 2024 Namibia International Energy Conference taking place in Windhoek, Namibia from April 23 to April 25, 2024. The Company will be participating in two key industry panels with representation from President and CEO, Brian Reinsborough, and Reconnaissance Energy Namibia ("REN"), Vice President and General Manager, Robert Mwanachilenga. Additionally, Mwanyengwa Ndapewoshali Shapwanale, Director of Communication and Stakeholder Relations with REN, will be a moderator at the conference.

ReconAfrica是2024年納米比亞國際能源會議的贊助商,該會議將於2024年4月23日至4月25日在納米比亞溫得和克舉行。該公司將參加兩個重要的行業小組,總裁兼首席執行官布萊恩·雷恩斯伯勒和納米比亞偵察能源公司(“REN”)、副總裁兼總經理羅伯特·姆瓦納奇倫加將出席。此外,REN傳播與利益相關者關係總監Mwanyengwa Ndapewoshali Shapwanale將擔任會議的主持人。

About ReconAfrica
關於 ReconAfr

ReconAfrica is a Canadian oil and gas company engaged in the opening of the newly discovered deep Kavango Sedimentary Basin in the Kalahari Desert of northeastern Namibia and northwestern Botswana, where the Company holds petroleum licenses comprising ~8 million contiguous acres. In all aspects of its operations ReconAfrica is committed to minimal disturbance of habitat in line with international standards and will implement environmental and social best practices in all of its project areas.


Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


(1) Prospective resources are those quantities of oil estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance of development. Prospective resources are the arithmetic sum of multiple probability distributions. Unrisked prospective resources are estimates are the volumes that could reasonably be expected to be recovered in the event of the discovery and development of these prospects. There is no certainty that any portion of the resources will be discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources.

(1) 潛在資源是指截至給定日期,通過應用未來開發項目,估計有可能從未發現的儲量中開採的石油數量。潛在資源既有相關的發現機會,也有開發的機會。預期資源是多重概率分佈的算術總和。無風險的潛在資源是指如果發現和開發這些前景,可以合理預期可以回收的數量。不確定是否會發現任何一部分資源。如果被發現,就不確定生產任何一部分的資源是否具有商業可行性。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under applicable Canadian, United States and other applicable securities laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, statements with respect to drilling the Naingopo exploration well, the timing of the completion of civil works, the timing of the mobilization of the Jarvie-1 rig, statements with respect to the estimates of prospective resources, the expected time it will take to drill the Naingopo well, the ability to attract and retain key personnel, the timing of maintenance for the Jarvie-1 drilling rig, the timing of the delivery of key equipment, the timing of the drilling of the Prospect P and/or Prospect L exploration wells, the timing and outcome of the joint venture process, the Company's commitment to minimal disturbance of habitat, in line with best international standards and its implementation of environmental and social best practices in all of its project areas. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on ReconAfrica's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as the Company's actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of the factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section in the Company's annual information form dated December 4, 2023, available under the Company's profile at . Actual future results may differ materially. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to ReconAfrica. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and ReconAfrica undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

根據適用的加拿大、美國和其他適用的證券法律、規章和條例,本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成前瞻性信息,包括但不限於有關鑽探奈因戈波勘探井、土木工程完工時間、調動Jarvie-1鑽機時機、有關潛在資源估計的聲明、鑽探奈因戈波油井的預計時間、吸引能力的陳述留住關鍵人員,Jarvie-1鑽機的維護時間、關鍵設備的交付時間、Prospect P和/或Prospect L勘探井的鑽探時間、合資過程的時間和結果、公司承諾根據最佳國際標準將棲息地的干擾降至最低,以及在所有項目區域實施的環境和社會最佳實踐。這些陳述與未來事件或未來表現有關。使用任何 “可能”、“打算”、“期望”、“相信”、“將”、“預測”、“估計” 等詞語以及與非歷史事實相關的類似表述和陳述均旨在確定前瞻性信息,並基於ReconAfrica目前對此類未來事件的結果和時間的看法或假設。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲公司的實際業績和未來事件可能與這些前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異,這是公司2023年12月4日年度信息表中 “風險因素” 部分討論的因素所致,該表可在公司簡介下找到。未來的實際結果可能存在重大差異。在得出結論或做出前瞻性信息中提出的預測或預測時,通常會使用各種假設或因素。這些假設和因素基於ReconAfrica目前獲得的信息。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息是截至本新聞稿發佈之日發佈的,除非適用的證券法要求,否則ReconAfrica沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。由於此處包含的風險、不確定性和假設,投資者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。上述陳述明確限制了此處包含的任何前瞻性信息。

Disclosure of Oil and Gas Information:

The report of Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. ("NSAI") entitled "Estimates of Prospective Resources to the Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. Interests in Certain Opportunities Located in Damara Fold and Thrust Belt Play Area in Petroleum Exploration Licence 73, Kavango Basin, Namibia as of February 29, 2024" (the "NSAI Report") and the prospective resource estimates contained therein and in this press release were prepared by NSAI, an independent qualified reserves evaluator, with an effective date of February 29, 2024. The NSAI Report was prepared in accordance with the definitions and guidelines of the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook prepared jointly by the Society of Petroleum and Engineers (Calgary Chapter) (the "COGE Handbook") and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum and National Instrument 51-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101"). For additional information concerning the risks and the level of uncertainty associated with recovery of the prospective resources detailed herein and in the NSAI Report, the significant positive and negative factors relevant to the prospective resources estimates detailed herein and in the NSAI Report and a description of the project to which the prospective resources estimates detailed herein and in the NSAI Report applies are contained within the NSAI Report, a copy of which has been filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and is available under the Company's issued profile on SEDAR+ at .

荷蘭Sewell & Associates, Inc.(“NSAI”)題爲 “截至2024年2月29日納米比亞卡萬戈盆地73號石油勘探許可證中位於達馬拉褶皺和推力帶遊樂區的某些機會的潛在資源估計”(“NSAI報告”)以及其中和本新聞稿中包含的潛在資源估算由獨立合格NSAI編寫儲備金評估員,生效日期爲2024年2月29日。NSAI報告是根據石油和工程師學會(卡爾加里分會)(“COGE手冊”)和加拿大礦業、冶金和石油及國家儀器協會聯合編寫的《加拿大石油和天然氣評估手冊》(“NI 51-101”)的定義和指導方針編寫的。有關本文和NSAI報告中詳述的與潛在資源回收相關的風險和不確定性水平的更多信息,此處和NSAI報告中詳述的與潛在資源估算相關的重要正面和負面因素,以及此處和NSAI報告中詳述的潛在資源估算所適用的項目的描述,均包含在NSAI報告中,該報告的副本已提交加拿大證券管理局,可在以下網址查閱那個公司在SEDAR+上發佈的簡介地址爲

The prospective resources shown in the NSAI Report have been estimated using probabilistic methods and are dependent on a petroleum discovery being made. If a discovery is made and development is undertaken, the probability that the recoverable volumes will equal or exceed the unrisked estimated amounts is 90 percent for the low estimate, 50 percent for the best estimate, and 10 percent for the high estimate. Low estimate and high estimate prospective resources have not been included in the NSAI Report. For the purposes of the NSAI Report, the volumes and parameters associated with the best estimate scenario of prospective resources are referred to as 2U. The 2U prospective resources have been aggregated beyond the prospect and lead level by arithmetic summation; therefore, these totals do not include the portfolio effect that might result from statistical aggregation. Statistical principles indicate that the arithmetic sums of multiple estimates may be misleading as to the volumes that may actually be recovered.

NSAI報告中顯示的潛在資源是使用概率方法估算的,取決於石油的發現。如果發現並進行了開發,則低估值的可回收量等於或超過無風險估計量的概率爲 90%,最佳估計值爲 50%,最高估計值爲 10%。低估計值和高估計值的潛在資源未包含在NSAI報告中。就NSAI報告而言,與潛在資源最佳估算情景相關的數量和參數被稱爲2U。2U 潛在資源是通過算術求和彙總的,超出潛在客戶和潛在客戶水平;因此,這些總數不包括統計聚合可能產生的投資組合效應。統計原理表明,多重估計值的算術總和可能會誤導實際回收量。

SOURCE Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd.


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