
Abacus Group Enhances Its Managed IT and Cybersecurity Services for Evolving Needs of Financial Services

Abacus Group Enhances Its Managed IT and Cybersecurity Services for Evolving Needs of Financial Services

Abacus Group 增強其託管 IT 和網絡安全服務,以滿足不斷變化的金融服務需求
PR Newswire ·  04/22 09:00

NEW YORK, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Abacus Group, the leading Managed Services Provider ("MSP") to financial services firms with specialized cybersecurity expertise provided by Gotham Security, an Abacus Group company, today unveils a revamp of its integrated IT and security solutions and services to meet the changing needs of the financial services industry.

紐約,2024年4月22日 /PRNewswire/ — Abacus集團旗下公司Gotham Security向金融服務公司提供專業網絡安全專業知識的領先託管服務提供商(“MSP”)今天宣佈對其綜合IT和安全解決方案及服務進行改版,以滿足金融服務行業不斷變化的需求。

The enhanced offering aims to provide firms with easy-to-select and comprehensible packages, which can be tailored to emerging firms, established and regulated firms, and sophisticated high-tech firms, as well as providing guidance on what is regulator and investor-friendly. This one-stop-shop solution will be provided by Abacus Group and Gotham Security under the "One Abacus" umbrella following the company's acquisition of the cybersecurity provider last year.

增強版產品旨在爲企業提供易於選擇和易於理解的一攬子計劃,這些套餐可以針對新興企業、成熟和受監管的公司以及成熟的高科技公司量身定製,並就什麼是監管機構和投資者友好型提供指導。繼去年收購網絡安全提供商之後,Abacus集團和Gotham Security將在 “One Abacus” 的保護下提供這種一站式解決方案。

This strategic change will enable Abacus Group to manage all of its clients' IT and security requirements now and in the future. It is focused on helping financial services firms navigate the ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape and align with operational due diligence and regulatory requirements, both current and pending. This includes the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, and the Digital and Operational Resiliency Act (DORA) for European entities.

這一戰略變革將使Abacus Group能夠管理其客戶現在和將來的所有IT和安全需求。它專注於幫助金融服務公司應對不斷變化的網絡安全威脅格局,並符合當前和待定的運營盡職調查和監管要求。這包括美國的證券交易委員會(SEC)、英國的金融行爲監管局(FCA)以及針對歐洲實體的數字和運營靈活性法案(DORA)。

At the core of the enhanced solutions is abacusFlex, a comprehensive, secure and compliant integrated Managed Services Provider (MSP) and Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) ecosystem, which is already trusted by more than 700 financial services customers globally. The solution provides clients with a full spectrum of security controls from baseline protection to advanced enterprise-grade security, all through a single platform that scales as needs evolve. abacusFlex will now be provided to clients via three tailored packages:

增強型解決方案的核心是 AbacusFlex,一個全面、安全和合規的綜合託管服務提供商 (MSP) 和託管安全服務提供商 (MSSP) 生態系統,已經受到全球700多家金融服務客戶的信任。該解決方案爲客戶提供從基準保護到高級企業級安全性的全方位安全控制措施,所有這些都通過一個可隨着需求變化而擴展的單一平台進行。 算盤Flex 現在將通過三種量身定製的套餐提供給客戶:

  • CyberBasic – providing baseline cybersecurity protection and fast onboarding for emerging and non-regulated firms
  • CyberCore – a comprehensive package of technical and process controls providing security protection for regulated financial services firms and addressing Operational Due Diligence (ODD)
  • CyberEnterprise – a sophisticated security ecosystem providing cyber-governance capabilities alongside advanced technology for regulated firms, with governance and risk management add-on services powered by Gotham Security
  • 網絡基礎知識 — 爲新興和非監管公司提供基本的網絡安全保護和快速入職
  • 賽博核心 — 一整套技術和流程控制措施,爲受監管的金融服務公司提供安全保護,並解決運營盡職調查(ODD)
  • CyberEnterprise — 一個複雜的安全生態系統,爲受監管的公司提供網絡治理能力和先進技術,治理和風險管理附加服務由 Gotham Security 提供支持

"As cyber threats continue to evolve, it's critical that our clients know our top priority is keeping them secure, no matter their maturity and unique needs," says Jonathan Bohrer, President at Abacus Group. "Leveraging extensive client feedback and insights from our cyber special forces at Gotham Security, we've revamped and upgraded our cybersecurity packages to provide the most advanced, comprehensive protection available. Our goal is to reduce cyber risk and simplify compliance so our clients can focus on their core business objectives. These enhancements deliver cyber defenses in a flexible, tiered model."

Abacus 集團總裁喬納森·博勒說:“隨着網絡威脅的不斷演變,讓我們的客戶知道無論他們的成熟度和獨特需求如何,我們的首要任務都是確保他們的安全。”“利用來自哥譚安全網絡特種部隊的廣泛客戶反饋和見解,我們對網絡安全套餐進行了改進和升級,以提供最先進、最全面的保護。我們的目標是降低網絡風險並簡化合規性,以便我們的客戶可以專注於其核心業務目標。這些增強功能以靈活的分層模型提供網絡防禦。”

Abacus Group's dedicated cybersecurity team, including certified ethical hackers from Gotham Security, will deliver the enhanced solutions, including real-world penetration testing, risk assessments, and ongoing monitoring and response through the company's Security Operations Center (SOC). Abacus Group clients will maintain visibility into their firm's cybersecurity program through a transparent Cybersecurity and Risk Management Dashboard, which was designed with ease-of-use and financial services regulatory requirements in mind.

Abacus Group的專業網絡安全團隊,包括來自Gotham Security的認證道德黑客,將提供增強的解決方案,包括現實世界的滲透測試、風險評估以及通過公司的安全運營中心(SOC)進行持續的監控和響應。Abacus Group的客戶將通過透明的網絡安全和風險管理儀表板保持對公司網絡安全計劃的可見性,該儀表板在設計時考慮了易用性和金融服務監管要求。

The new cybersecurity packages are available immediately. For more information about Abacus Group and its services, please visit .

新的網絡安全包立即可用。如需了解有關 Abacus 集團及其服務的更多信息,請訪問。

About Abacus Group
Abacus Group is a global Managed Services Provider with specialized cybersecurity expertise provided by Gotham Security, an Abacus Group company. Together with Gotham Security, a leading Managed Services Security Provider (MSSP), Abacus Group provides a one-stop-shop of IT and security solutions and services specifically designed for the unique needs of the financial services industry.

關於 Abacus 集團
Abacus Group 是一家全球託管服務提供商,其專業網絡安全專業知識由 Abacus 集團旗下公司 Gotham Security 提供。Abacus 集團與領先的託管服務安全提供商 (MSSP) Gotham Security一起,提供專爲金融服務行業的獨特需求而設計的一站式IT和安全解決方案及服務。

The innovative and award-winning abacusFlex platform allow financial services firms to source all technology and security needs as a service, offering the capacity to scale on demand to meet current and future cybersecurity, regulatory compliance, and storage requirements. The company has offices in New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Greenwich, CT; Los Angeles, CA; Charlotte, NC; Miami, FL; London, UK and Edinburgh, UK. For more information, visit .

創新且屢獲殊榮 算盤Flex 平台允許金融服務公司以服務形式採購所有技術和安全需求,提供按需擴展的能力,以滿足當前和未來的網絡安全、監管合規和存儲要求。該公司在紐約州紐約、加利福尼亞州舊金山、馬薩諸塞州波士頓、德克薩斯州達拉斯、康涅狄格州格林威治、加利福尼亞州洛杉磯、北卡羅來納州夏洛特、佛羅里達州邁阿密、英國倫敦和英國愛丁堡設有辦事處。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

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