Rush Rare Metals Adds 1,400 Acres to Its Copper Mountain Project
Rush Rare Metals Adds 1,400 Acres to Its Copper Mountain Project
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 24, 2024 / Rush Rare Metals Corp. (CSE:RSH) ("Rush" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has added three new and highly prospective areas totalling 1,398 acres to the Copper Mountain Project (hereinafter "Copper Mountain" or the "Property"), which areas now join the original area subject to an earn-in agreement with Myriad Uranium Corp. (hereinafter "Myriad"). More details surrounding these new areas are provided below.
Rush Rare Metals Corp.(CSE:RSH)(以下簡稱"Rush"或"公司")很高興宣佈,他們將原有的地區與Myriad Uranium Corp.(以下稱爲"Myriad")簽訂的掙扎協議相結合,增加了三個新的高度可能的地區,總面積爲1,398英畝,現在併入了Copper Mountain項目(以下簡稱"Copper Mountain"或"物業")。有關這些新地區的更多細節,本文下文詳細介紹。
On October 18, 2023, Rush signed a property option agreement with Myriad pursuant to which Myriad has the option (the "Option") to earn up to a 75% interest in and to Rush's Copper Mountain Project, now covering approximately 4,200 acres near Riverton, Wyoming. To earn its 75% interest, Myriad must make expenditures on the Property and make share payments to Rush, and in addition Rush will retain a favourable split on early production (see previous Rush news release dated October 20, 2023 for full details).
自2023年10月18日起,Rush與Myriad簽署了一份物業選擇協議,根據該協議,Myriad有選擇權(以下簡稱“選擇權”)獲得和獲得Rush的Copper Mountain項目的多達75%的權益,該項目現在覆蓋了懷俄明州里弗頓附近的約4,200英畝。爲獲得其75%權益,Myriad必須在物業上進行支出並向Rush進行股票付款,此外,Rush將保留對早期生產的有利分成(有關全部細節,請參見先前發佈於2023年10月20日的Rush新聞稿)。
Rush and Myriad have been conducting a comprehensive review of a cache of recently found historical documents indicating tens of millions of dollars in previous exploration work conducted at Copper Mountain, much of it by Union Pacific prior to 1980. The review is ongoing, but Myriad released an interim update referenced in a Rush news release dated November 1, 2023. The newly discovered documents include historical resource estimates, mining feasibility studies, geological reports, mining plans, drill logs, and a wealth of other highly useful data. This data has, in turn, provided enormous benefit to Myriad, allowing them to focus efforts on areas previously acknowledged to have the highest grades of uranium and to conduct advanced investigation into new areas that might otherwise have been considered as purely greenfield.
Rush和Myriad一直在對最近發現的歷史文件進行全面審查,這些文件指示Union Pacific在1980年之前大部分對Copper Mountain進行的勘探工作,並表明其中數千萬美元的開支。審查正在進行中,但Myriad發佈了一箇中間更新,並在Rush發佈的2023年11月1日新聞稿中提到。新發現的文件包括歷史資源估計,採礦可行性研究,地質報告,採礦計劃,鑽井日誌以及大量其他非常有用的數據。反過來,這些數據爲Myriad提供了巨大的好處,使他們能夠集中精力於先前已經確認具有最高鈾含量的地區,並對可能被視爲純新區的新區進行先進的調查。
Also based on this data cache, additional areas around Copper Mountain, deemed by previous operators such as Union Pacific to be prospective based on drilling and other exploration work, have been identified by Myriad and Rush and, in turn, added to the Property area. The three most recently added areas are as follows:
根據這些數據庫,Myriad和Rush還確定了自Union Pacific等先前運營商視爲具有勘探和其他勘探工作前景的其他地區,並將其添加到了物業區域。最近添加的三個區域如下:
- The Midnight claim area, secured by way of staking new claims, adding 798 acres to the Copper Mountain claim area as shown in Figure 1 below and as further described in Myriad's news release of April 15, 2024.
- The historic Bonanza and Kermac/Day uranium mines, secured by way of staking new claims, adding 280 acres to the Copper Mountain claim area as shown in Figure 2 below, and as further described in Myriad's news release of April 19, 2024.
- Additional key grounds expanding control around the Canning area, secured by executing a 20-year mining lease, adding a further 320 acres as shown in Figure 3 below, and as described in Myriad's new release of April 22, 2024.
- The Midnight claim area,通過新採取業權的方式,將798英畝添加到了如下圖1所示的銅山業務申請區,並根據Myriad於4月15日發佈的新聞稿進行了進一步描述。
- 弗朗司歷史上有鈾礦和Kermac / Day鈾礦,通過新採取業權的方式,將280英畝添加到了銅山業務申請區,如下圖2所示,並根據Myriad於4月19日發佈的新聞稿進行了進一步描述。
- 通過簽署20年的採礦租約,Rush和Myriad已確定鉻綠色的其他關鍵地塊,將它們添加到Canning區域中,將進一步增加320英畝,如下圖3所示,並在Myriad的新版發佈中進行了描述2024年4月22日。
Figure 1. Addition of the Midnight Claim Area
Figure 2. Addition of the Bonanza and Kermac/Day Claim Area
圖2.從Bonanza和Kermac / Day索賠區秀
Figure 3. Addition of Diamond X Claim Area
Figure 3. Addition of Diamond X Claim Area
These newest areas are added to the Knob claims, also recently staked by Rush, and as described in the Company's news release of February 27, 2024. The Copper Mountain claim area is now comprised of 4,206 acres and contains a variety of former uranium mines and historical occurrences, including Allard, Mint, Gem, Canning, Fuller, Hesitation and the Arrowhead Mine, and now including Midnight, Knob and the Bonanza and Kermac/Day mines.
這些最新的地區加入了Rush最近塞住的Knob權利,如本公司於2024年2月27日發佈的新聞稿所述。銅山業務申請區現在由4,206英畝組成,包括Allard,Mint,Gem,Canning,Fuller,Hesitation和Arrowhead Mine等多種已成爲歷史的鈾礦和歷史事件,以及午夜,門柄和Bonanza和Kermac / Day礦物。
A map showing the whole claim area as it stands today is shown below in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Full Copper Mountain Claim Area
Rush CEO Peter Smith commented, "the significance of these new areas cannot be over-stated. Midnight was highlighted as a significant uranium prospect on historical maps. The Canning area is now expanded so that all historically significant areas of it are fully within our control. Bonanza and Kermac/Day were previous uranium producing mines. We've secured these new zones based on reports and data generated by millions spent by Union Pacific and others exploring Copper Mountain, decades ago. Now that there is tremendous pressure to ramp up domestic production of uranium again, we have these invaluable 'blueprints', in the form of historical data, to guide our ongoing expansion efforts. Myriad has done a tremendous job analyzing all this data and determining where all the best prospects are to add to our already massive potential at Copper Mountain."
Rush CEO Peter Smith說:“這些新領域的重要性不容低估。午夜在歷史地圖上被標記爲重要的鈾前景。現在,更大的控制範圍涵蓋了所有具有歷史意義的區域。Bonanza和Kermac / Day是以前的鈾生產礦山。我們已根據Union Pacific和其他公司探索銅山花費的報告和數據獲得了這些有價值的“藍圖”,即歷史數據,以指導我們的持續擴張努力。Myriad在分析所有這些數據並確定所有最佳前景以加強我們在銅山已經具有的潛力方面做了大量工作。”
Mr. Smith recently (in early April) visited Copper Mountain and produced a site-tour video, which can be viewed by clicking here, or by visiting our website's media page.
Peter Smith最近(今年4月初)參觀了Copper Mountain並製作了一個現場旅遊視頻,單擊此處即可查看該視頻。
Rush's earn-in partner Myriad has produced an excellent project overview video for Copper Mountain, which can be viewed by clicking here.
Rush的掙扎夥伴Myriad爲Copper Mountain製作了優秀的項目概述視頻,單擊此處即可查看。
About the Company
Rush currently has 100% ownership in two projects - the aforementioned Copper Mountain Property in Wyoming (subject to the earn-in agreement with Myriad described above), and a niobium prospect in Quebec called Boxi.
Rush目前在兩個項目中擁有100%的所有權-上述懷俄明州的Copper Mountain物業(受上述與Myriad簽訂的掙扎協議的約束),以及魁北克的niobium前景名稱爲Boxi。
Boxi is a road accessible property comprised of over 8,000 hectares a short distance from Mont Laurier. Boxi was formerly held by Areva S.A. (now Orano), which held the property based on early samples returning very high values for uranium. Note that this early work for Orano was also conducted by Resources Maxima, the company currently assisting Rush with exploration. Orano dropped the property following the Fukushima incident in 2013, and uranium mining was subsequently suspended in Quebec under a temporary moratorium still in place today. Rush originally acquired the property from Resources Maxima (who picked up the original core clams after they were dropped by Orano) on the strength of niobium values in samples taken in 2011.
Boxi是一塊可通駁的道路物業,由8000多公頃組成,距Mont Laurier不遠。 Boxi曾經由Areva S.A.(現在的Orano)持有,基於早期樣品返回非常高的鈾值。注意,Orano的這項早期工作也是由Resources Maxima進行的,該公司目前正在協助Rush展開勘探。由於2013年福島事件,Orano刪除了該物業,並且鈾採礦在魁北克被暫時禁止仍然存在。 Rush最初在2011年訂購的Niobium和樣品的強度值上收購了資源Maxima的物業。
Niobium is categorized as a critical mineral in Canada and is used to make strong, light weight and corrosion resistant steel, superconductors, and various other highly topical products. There are only three niobium mines of any significance in the world, two of them in Brazil, and the third, the Niobec Mine, just 350km from Boxi in Quebec. At Niobec, mining occurs at between 90 and 450 meters, and niobium grades are between 0.4 and 0.5% (based on previous disclosures made by Niobec's operator).
在加拿大,niobium被歸類爲關鍵礦物,並用於製造強度高,重量輕,耐腐蝕的鋼鐵,超導材料和各種其他高度熱門的產品。世界上只有三個重要的鈮礦,其中兩個位於巴西,第三個(Niobec Mine)距離魁北克的Boxi僅有350公里。在Niobec,採礦在90至450米之間進行,鈮品位在0.4%至0.5%之間(根據Niobec運營商以前披露的信息)。
For more information about upcoming plans for the Boxi property, as well as exploration progress to date, please refer to our news release from April 2, 2024.
有關 Boxi 物業的未來計劃信息以及迄今的勘探進展的更多資訊,請參閱我們2024年4月2日發佈的新聞稿。
About Rush Rare Metals Corp.
關於 Rush Rare Metals Corp.
Rush Rare Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on its Boxi Property located in the Province of Québec, Canada. Rush also owns the Copper Mountain Project located in Wyoming, USA, which it has optioned to Myriad Uranium Corp. For further information, please refer to Rush's disclosure record on SEDAR+ () or contact Rush by email at or by telephone at 778.999.7030, or refer to Rush's website at .
Rush Rare Metals Corp. 是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於位於加拿大魁北克省的 Boxi 物業。Rush 還擁有位於美國懷俄明州的 Copper Mountain 項目,已授予 Myriad Uranium Corp. 選項。有關更多信息,請參閱 Rush 在 SEDAR+()上的披露記錄,或通過電子郵件聯繫 Rush(,或致電778.999.7030,或參閱 Rush 的網站 。
Rush Contacts:
Peter Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Rush 聯絡方式:
Peter Smith
Mineralization hosted on adjacent or nearby properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's properties. Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking statements, including with respect to future plans, and other matters. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such information can generally be identified by the use of forwarding-looking wording such as "may", "expect", "estimate", "anticipate", "intend", "believe" and "continue" or the negative thereof or similar variations. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, including but not limited to, business, economic and capital market conditions, the ability to manage operating expenses, and dependence on key personnel. Such statements and information are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Company will operate in the future, anticipated costs, and the ability to achieve goals. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include, the continued availability of capital and financing, litigation, loss of key employees and consultants, and general economic, market or business conditions. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information.
The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
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SOURCE: Rush Rare Metals Corp.
消息來源:Rush Rare Metals Corp.