
Significant Improvement in Vanadium Grade in Phase 1 Sizing Metallurgical Testwork

Significant Improvement in Vanadium Grade in Phase 1 Sizing Metallurgical Testwork

Accesswire ·  04/25 04:50

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / April 25, 2024 / Velox Energy Materials Inc. (TSXV:VLX) ("Velox" or "the Company") is pleased to provide an update on results received from its Phase 1 metallurgical testwork program completed on samples from the Cambridge Vanadium Deposit at the North Queensland Vanadium Project ("NQVP" or "the Project").

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月25日/Velox能源材料公司(TSXV: VLX)(“Velox” 或 “公司”)很高興提供其對北昆士蘭釩項目(“NQVP” 或 “項目”)劍橋釩礦牀樣品完成的第一階段冶金測試工作計劃的最新結果。



  • Sizing of three (3) composite samples completed.
  • Findings indicate a significant improvement in V 2 O 5 grade from within the -38μm fraction.
  • Head grade results of 0.23% V 2 O 5 from Composite 1 and 0.41% V 2 O 5 from Composite 2 received.
  • Pre-scrub results from the first two composites returned significant improvements to head grade including:
    • Composite 1 (-9.5mm sub split) within the -38μm fraction returning assays of 0.84% V 2 O 5;
    • Composite 2 (-9.5mm sub split) within the -38μm fraction returning assays of 0.98% V 2 O 5.
  • 三 (3) 個複合樣品的尺寸已完成。
  • 研究結果表明 V 有顯著改善 2 O 5 從 -38μm 分數內分級。
  • Head Grade 成績爲 0.23% V 2 O 5 來自複合材料 1 和 0.41% V 2 O 5 從複合材料2中收到。
  • 前兩種複合材料的預擦洗結果使頭部等級有了顯著改善,包括:
    • -38μm 分數內的複合 1(-9.5 毫米亞分裂)返回 0.84% V 的測定結果 2 O 5;
    • -38μm 組分內的複合 2(-9.5 毫米亞分裂)返回 0.98% V 的測定結果 2 O 5

Three composite samples were created from four diamond drillholes completed in September 2023 [1] and submitted to Brisbane Met Labs (BML), an expert in the assessment of North Queensland vanadium deposits, to assess mineral recovery within identified stratigraphic horizons of the prospective Toolebuc Formation. Assay results of up to 0.98% V 2 O 5 were achieved within the -38μm fraction indicating a significant 2.4 to 3.65 times improvement in grade.

從 2023 年 9 月完成的四個鑽石鑽孔中提取了三個複合樣本 [1],並提交給北昆士蘭釩礦評估專家布里斯班氣象實驗室 (BML),以評估前景圖勒布克組在已確定的地層視野內的礦物回收情況。測定結果高達 0.98% V 2 O 5 在-38μm範圍內達到,表明等級顯著提高了2.4至3.65倍。

Velox's President and CEO, Simon Coyle, commented:


"Our understanding of the stratigraphy and the various horizons within the mineralised zone has improved considerably as a result of last year's diamond drilling program and this work has led the direction of the current metallurgical testwork. These initial results have confirmed that there is scope to improve head grade through simple first pass sizing of selected horizons.


"To have a pre-float grade of 0.98% V 2 O 5 is extremely pleasing and provides an excellent platform to further increase the V 2 O 5 grade and consequently see an outcome in concentrate grades that may be substantially higher.

“使浮動前等級達到 0.98% V 2 O 5 非常令人愉悅,爲進一步提高 V 提供了絕佳的平台 2 O 5 等級,因此濃縮品等級的結果可能會大大提高。

"Mineralisation is near surface (which implies a low strip ratio), occurs in soft flat lying oxidised sediments (implying low cost mining) and coupled with the sizing results and the identification of vanadium in the -38μm fraction, we have increased confidence in the successful economic and technical extraction of vanadium."


Cambridge Mineral Resource - Toolebuc Formation

劍橋礦產資源-Toolebuc 形成

As per Figure 1, the separation of the Toolebuc can be seen, which has been derived by separating the Toolebuc into a series of stratigraphic horizons based on lithological, mineralogy, and geochemical variations observed. The horizons represent distinctive stages in the deposition of the Toolebuc Formation and mineralisation. The horizon variation has material significance to understanding the deposit and mineral processing.

如圖 1 所示,可以看出 Toolebuc 的分離,這是通過根據觀測到的巖性、礦物學和地球化學變化將 Toolebuc 分成一系列地層視野得出的。這些地平線代表了Toolebuc組沉積和礦化的獨特階段。地平線變化對了解礦牀和礦物加工具有重要意義。

Figure 1: NQVP Cambridge Vanadium Deposit Cross Section

圖 1:NQVP 劍橋釩礦牀橫截面


  • Represents correlative of the St Elmo Coquina;
  • Limestone, shell tests typically exceed 50%, laminated with clay bands;
  • Mineralogy dominated by coarse crystalline calcite; and
  • Geochemically, typically moderate vanadium, high calcium, low silica content.


  • Represents correlative of the Willats Crossing Shale;
  • Shale-Limestone, shell tests typically 10-50%, laminated with clay bands and micrite;
  • Mineralogy increasingly dominated by clay and micrite; and
  • Geochemically, typically high vanadium, moderate calcium, moderate silica content.


  • Represents correlative of the Manfred Coquina;
  • Limestone, shell tests typically exceed 50%;
  • Mineralogically dominated by coarse crystalline calcite, with apatite often abundant; and
  • Geochemically, typically moderate vanadium, high calcium, low silica, often enriched P and TREO.


  • Represents correlative of the Arrolla Shale;
  • Shale, shell tests typically less than 10%;
  • Mineralogy dominated by clay, micrite, and often increase pyrite; and
  • Geochemically, typically high vanadium, low calcite, high silica, increased sulphur.


  • Represents correlative of the Arrolla Shale Lower Transition to Wallumbilla Formation;
  • Shale-Mudstone, shell tests generally absent;
  • Mineralogy dominated by clay, limited micrite, minor pyrite; and
  • Geochemically, typically low vanadium, low calcium, high silica.


  • 代表 St Elmo Coquina 的相關性;
  • 石灰石,外殼測試通常超過 50%,用粘土帶層壓;
  • 礦物學以粗晶方解石爲主;以及
  • 地球化學方面,釩含量通常適中,鈣含量高,二氧化硅含量低。


  • 代表威拉茨十字路口頁岩的相關性;
  • 頁岩-石灰石,外殼測試通常爲 10-50%,用粘土帶和微米岩層壓;
  • 礦物學越來越多地以粘土和微晶石爲主;以及
  • 地球化學方面,通常是高釩、中等鈣、中等二氧化硅含量。


  • 代表曼弗雷德·科奎納的相關性;
  • 石灰石、外殼測試通常超過 50%;
  • 礦物學上以粗晶方解石爲主,磷灰石通常豐富;以及
  • 地球化學方面,通常是中度釩、高鈣、低二氧化硅,通常富含 P 和 TREO。


  • 代表阿羅拉頁岩的相關性;
  • 頁岩、殼層測試通常低於 10%;
  • 礦物學以粘土、微米礦爲主,通常會增加黃鐵礦;以及
  • 地球化學方面,通常是高釩、低方解石、高二氧化硅、增硫。


  • 代表阿羅拉頁岩下游過渡到瓦倫比亞組的相關性;
  • 頁岩泥岩,通常不進行殼層試驗;
  • 礦物學以粘土、有限微晶石、次要黃鐵礦爲主;以及
  • 地球化學方面,通常是低釩、低鈣、高二氧化硅。

Metallurgical Testwork Program


Four diamond drill holes were selected to represent the Cambridge Vanadium Deposit (NQP23_002, NQVP23_003, NQVP23_006 and NQVP23_008), with three geological horizons (A,B/C and D) within the Toolebuc Formation being identified from drill logging and assays for testwork:

選擇了四個金剛石鑽孔來代表劍橋釩礦牀(NQP23_002、NQVP23_003、NQVP23_006 和 NQVP23_008),通過鑽探記錄和測試工作分析確定了圖勒布克組內的三個地質視野(A、B/C 和 D):

  • Composite 1: Represents horizon A
  • Composite 2: Represents horizon B/C
  • Composite 3: Represents horizon D
  • 合成 1:代表地平線 A
  • 複合材料 2:代表地平線 B/C
  • 合成 3:代表地平線 D

Assays and quantitative XRD analyses of the head size were completed by BML as part of the testwork program.


Metallurgical Testwork Results


The results of the testwork have been assessed by Velox metallurgical consultants, BHM Process Consultants (BHM), with the following key observations identified :

測試工作的結果已由Velox冶金顧問BHM Process Consultants(BHM)進行了評估,並確定了以下關鍵觀察結果:

  • A strong correlation between the head assays and the drill assays was identified.
  • Head grade results for of 0.23% V 2 O 5 from Composite 1 and 0.41% V 2 O 5 from Composite 2 received.
  • Pre-scrub results proved very promising with results including:
  • Composite 1 (-9.5mm sub split) within the -38μm fraction returning assays of 0.84% V 2 O 5 ;
  • Composite 2 (-9.5mm sub split) within the -38μm fraction returning assays of 0.98% V 2 O 5 .
  • 發現頭部檢測和鑽探檢測之間存在很強的相關性。
  • 0.23% V 的頭等級成績 2 O 5 來自複合材料 1 和 0.41% V 2 O 5 從複合材料2中收到。
  • 事實證明,擦洗前的效果非常有希望,其結果包括:
  • -38μm 分數內的複合 1(-9.5 毫米亞分裂)返回 0.84% V 的測定結果 2 O 5 ;
  • -38μm 組分內的複合 2(-9.5 毫米亞分裂)返回 0.98% V 的測定結果 2 O 5

These findings indicate a significant improvement of 2.4 - 3.65 times in V 2 O 5 grade from the original sample to the mass within the -38μm fraction.

這些發現表明 V 的顯著改善 2.4-3.65 倍 2 O 5 從原始樣品到質量在 -38μm 分數範圍內的等級。

Next Steps


The positive findings from the Phase 1 metallurgical testwork program provide a solid foundation for the next phase of testwork (Phase 2), which will include:


  • Receipt of Composite 3 results;
  • Bulk scrubbing of Composites 1 and 2; and
  • Commencement of sighter flotation testing.
  • 收到 Composite 3 結果;
  • 對複合材料 1 和 2 進行批量清洗;以及
  • 開始瞄準器浮選測試。

Velox anticipates results from Phase 2 testwork will be concluded by the end of Q2 CY24. Continued updates will be provided as and when results are received.


Sample Analysis and QA/QC Program


Velox uses a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program that monitors the chain of custody of samples and includes the insertion of blanks, duplicates, and reference standards in each batch of samples sent for analysis. The drill core is photographed, logged, and longitudinally cut, then 1⁄4 core sampled and shipped for analysis. The 3⁄4 retained sample is held in a secured location for verification purposes. Sample preparation (drying, crushing and pulverizing) is performed at Mitra PTS Laboratory, an independent (NATA Accreditation No 14525) laboratory, in Gladstone, Queensland, Australia. The entire sample is crushed to 70% passing -6 mm, and a riffle split of 250 grams is taken and pulverized to 75 microns. Pulps are sent to Bureau Veritas, in Perth, Australia (and other independent Laboratories) for analysis with the sample and pulp rejects stored as reserve.

Velox 使用質量保證/質量控制 (QA/QC) 程序來監控樣品的監管鏈,包括在送交分析的每批樣品中插入空白、副本和參考標準。對鑽芯進行拍照、記錄和縱向切割,然後採樣 1⁄4 岩心並運送進行分析。保留的 3⁄4 個樣本存放在安全的地方以進行驗證。樣品製備(乾燥、粉碎和粉碎)由位於澳大利亞昆士蘭州格拉德斯通的獨立(NATA認證編號14525)實驗室Mitra PTS實驗室進行。整個樣品經-6 mm壓碎至70%,然後取出250克的裂縫並粉碎至75微米。紙漿被送往澳大利亞珀斯的必維集團(和其他獨立實驗室)進行分析,樣本和廢紙漿作爲儲備儲存。

Mitra PTS also complete density, moisture, carbon and sulfur testing on all samples.

Mitra PTS還對所有樣品完成了密度、溼度、碳和硫的測試。

Samples are analysed for vanadium and 50 other trace elements using Laser Ablation ICP-MS (LA101) from a 30-gram pulp. All samples are also subject the assay by XRF (XF202), testing 13 major element oxides with Umpire laboratory checks completed by ALS in Brisbane using lithium-borate fused digest ICP-MS (ME-MS81) at 1:10 sample ratio.

使用激光燒蝕 ICP-MS (LA101) 從 30 克紙漿中提取樣品中是否含有釩和 50 種其他微量元素。所有樣本還要通過XRF(XF202)進行檢測,由ALS在布里斯班使用鋰硼酸熔消化ICP-MS(ME-MS81)以1:10的樣本比例完成了由ALS完成的Umpire實驗室檢查,對13種主要的氧化元素進行了檢測。

Blind duplicates were included in the (LA101/XF202) at a 1:10 sample ratio and certified reference standards (CRSs) and blanks were included in the assay program, including CRSs selected to represent the expected vanadium assay grades.

以 1:10 的樣本比例在 (LA101/XF202) 中納入盲效副本,而經認證的參考標準 (CRS) 和空白樣本也包含在分析計劃中,包括爲代表預期的釩化驗等級而選擇的CRS。

No QA/QC issues were noted with the results reported herein.


About Velox Energy Materials

關於 Velox 能源材料

Velox Energy Materials is a publicly traded energy materials company developing and progressing high-value assets in resource and research-friendly jurisdictions. The Company's priority focus is the advanced NQV Project in Queensland, Australia. The NQV Project hosts the Cambridge Deposit with an CIM compliant Indicated Mineral Resource of 61.33 Mt @ 0.34% V 2 O 5 and 234.6 ppm MoO 3 along with an Inferred Mineral Resource of 144.87 Mt @ 0.33% V 2 O 5 ( cut-off grade of 0.25% V2O5) and 241.9 ppm MoO 3 (Dufresne et al., 2022). The Company is targeting shallow, high-grade mineralisation that can be developed using low-cost mining and processing options.

Velox Energy Materials是一家上市的能源材料公司,在資源和研究友好型司法管轄區開發和開發高價值資產。該公司的優先重點是澳大利亞昆士蘭州先進的NQV項目。NQV 項目託管劍橋礦牀,其指示礦產資源爲 6133 萬噸 @ 0.34% V 2 O 5 還有 234.6 ppm MoO 3 以及推斷的礦產資源量爲144.87萬噸 @ 0.33% V 2 O 5 截止等級爲 0.25% V2O5) 和 241.9 ppm MoO 3 (杜弗雷斯納等人,2022 年)。該公司的目標是淺層、高品位的礦化區,這些礦化區可以使用低成本的採礦和加工方案進行開發。

The Company additionally owns Kotai Energy and the option to acquire 100% of the intellectual property rights associated with the Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Project from Curtin University in Western Australia. Kotai is focused on the commercialisation of technology that can produce high-pressure hydrogen following transport as an inert powder.

該公司還擁有Kotai Energy,並有權從西澳大利亞州科廷大學收購與固態氫氣儲存項目相關的100%的知識產權。Kotai專注於技術的商業化,該技術可以在作爲惰性粉末運輸後產生高壓氫氣。

In October 2023, the Company acquired a package of tenements that are prospective for lithium in eastern Quebec.

2023 年 10 月,該公司收購了魁北克東部一攬子有望開採鋰礦的礦權。

Please visit our website at for further information.


Approved by the Board of Velox Energy Materials Inc.

已獲得 Velox 能源材料公司董事會的批准

Investor Relations Contact


Andrew Rowell
Investor Relations - Australia
M: +61 400 466 226

M: +61 400 466 226

Qualified Persons


The Velox Energy Materials technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) and reviewed and approved on behalf Velox Energy Materials by Michael Griffiths, FAusIMM, Director & VP Exploration for Velox Energy Materials, a Qualified Person.

本新聞稿中的Velox能源材料技術信息是根據National Instrument 43-101(礦業項目披露標準)中規定的加拿大監管要求編制的,並由Velox Energy Materials的合格人員Fausimm董事兼勘探副總裁邁克爾·格里菲思代表Velox Energy Materials進行了審查和批准。

Forward Looking Statements


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release may contain forward-looking statements that are based on the Company's expectations, estimates and projections regarding its business and the economic environment in which it operates. Statements about the closing of the transaction, expected terms of the transaction, the number of securities of Velox Energy Materials that may be issued in connection with the transaction, and the parties' ability to satisfy closing conditions and receive necessary approvals are all forward-looking information. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to control or predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements and readers should not place undue reliance on such statements. Statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them publicly to reflect new information or the occurrence of future events or circumstances, unless otherwise required to do so by law.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述基於公司對其業務和運營經濟環境的預期、估計和預測。關於交易結束、預期交易條款、可能發行的與交易相關的Velox Energy Materials證券數量以及雙方滿足成交條件和獲得必要批准的能力的聲明均爲前瞻性信息。這些陳述不能保證未來的表現,涉及難以控制或預測的風險和不確定性。因此,實際結果和結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述中表達的結果和結果存在重大差異,讀者不應過分依賴此類陳述。聲明僅代表其發表之日,除非法律另有要求,否則公司沒有義務公開更新聲明以反映新信息或未來事件或情況的發生。

The figures noted in this announcement are in USD and sourced from the Future of Hydrogen Report prepared by the IEA. They are not actual costs nor forward looking statements or financial forecasts and are not indicative of the future performance of the Company


[1] VLX Announcement dated 24 January 2024: Velox drilling identifies high-grade vanadium zone within the Cambridge Deposit in Queensland, Australia

[1] VLX 於 2024 年 1 月 24 日發佈的公告:Velox 鑽探在澳大利亞昆士蘭州劍橋礦牀內發現了高品位釩區

SOURCE: Velox Energy Materials Inc.

來源:Velox 能源材料公司

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