
West Red Lake Gold Announces Mineral Resource Update for the Rowan Mine Deposit

West Red Lake Gold Announces Mineral Resource Update for the Rowan Mine Deposit

GlobeNewswire ·  04/26 22:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. ("West Red Lake Gold" or "WRLG" or the "Company") (TSXV: WRLG) (OTCQB: WRLGF) announces an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") effective as of March 1, 2024, on its 100% owned Rowan Mine Deposit, located in the Red Lake Gold District of Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

加拿大安大略省西北部紅湖黃金區West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.(“West Red Lake Gold”或“WRLG”或“公司”)(TSXV: WRLG)(OTCQB: WRLGF)於2024年4月26日宣佈,其100%擁有的Rowan Mine Deposit的最新礦產資源估計(“MRE”)已於2024年3月1日生效。

  • Indicated resources of 476,323 tonnes grading 12.78 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au"), for a total of 195,746 ounces ("oz") Au.
  • Indicated resources of 476,323 tonnes grading 12.78 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au"), for a total of 195,746 ounces ("oz") Au.
  • Inferred resources of 410,794 tonnes grading 8.76 g/t Au, for a total of 115,719 oz Au.
  • Inferred resources of 410,794 tonnes grading 8.76 g/t Au, for a total of 115,719 oz Au.



  • The 2024 MRE has added a significant portion of higher confidence Indicated ounces at grades 40% higher than the 2022 MRE.
  • Relative to the 2022 Rowan MRE, there was a decrease in the Inferred mineral resources from approximately 827,000 ounces to 116,000 ounces and an increase in Indicated mineral resources from zero to approximately 196,000 ounces. The drop in Inferred metal content is mainly attributed to 1) conversion of Inferred to Indicated resources, 2) a more rigorous modeling approach, and 3) more stringent resource estimation parameters implemented to account for the high gold grades typically seen at Rowan.
  • The integration of oriented drilling data and top-to-bottom geochemical analysis allowed the team to reconstruct the geologic interpretation at Rowan resulting in a much more tightly constrained, higher-grade resource that should lend itself more effectively to any future reserve calculation and underground mining design (Figure 1).
  • A $4.5M drill program is planned and fully funded for up to 15,000m of drilling at Rowan in 2024, focused on growth and resource expansion on the main Rowan Mine deposit (Figure 3).
  • 2024年MRE已經添加了可信度更高的標示盎司,其品位比2022年MRE的40%高。
  • 相對於2022年的Rowan MRE,推斷礦物資源從大約827,000盎司降至116,000盎司,並且表示出的礦物資源從0增至約196,000盎司。 推斷的金屬含量下降主要歸因於1)從推斷礦務轉換爲標示礦務,2)更嚴格的建模方法,以及3)採取更嚴格的資源估計參數來考慮Rowan通常出現的高品位金礦。
  • 定向鑽探數據和自上而下的地球化學分析的整合,使團隊重建了Rowan的地質解釋,從而獲得一個更加嚴格約束和更高品位的資源估計,這對未來的儲量計算和地下采礦設計應該更有效(圖1)。
  • 計劃進行價值450萬美元的鑽探計劃,預計在2024年鑽探了150萬個Rowan,重點是增長和資源擴展主點Rowan Mine deposit(圖3)。

Shane Williams, President & CEO, stated, "The 2024 Rowan MRE model represents a complete reinterpretation of the structural controls on mineralization and reflects a more conservative estimation approach in-line with industry best practices. When drilling off structurally complex high-grade gold systems that contain significant amounts of coarse gold it is essential to have a solid understanding of the geology and controls on mineralization early in the process. We are very encouraged to see a significant portion of higher confidence Indicated resources come from this MRE update - and at grades 40% higher than the 2022 MRE. The objective for this year at Rowan will be growth, and we continue to see significant potential for expanding this deposit at depth and along strike."

Shane Williams,總裁兼首席執行官稱:“2024 Rowan MRE模型代表了礦化物結構控制的全面重新解釋,以及反映出行業最佳實踐的更保守的估算方法。當鑽探複雜的成礦控制構造中的高品位金系統,其中含有大量的粗金,必須在早期了解地質和找礦控制的基礎上,進行更加全面,細緻的操作分析。我們非常鼓舞人心地看到這次MRE更新中有很大一部分可信度較高的推標產出-其品位比2022年MRE的40%高。Rowan今年的目標是增長,我們繼續看到在深度和沿着礦化帶擴大這一礦體的重要潛力。”



  • The 2024 MRE update for Rowan incorporated an additional 62 holes for 20,211.4m of oriented NQ diamond drill core since the December 2022 MRE.
  • A total of twenty-six (26) mineral domains were created to constrain the mineralization.
  • For more detailed information on the Rowan 2024 MRE model please refer to the Technical Report entitled "Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Rowan Property, Ontario, Canada" dated April 26, 2024 and filed contemporaneously with this press release on April 26, 2024, prepared for WRLG by Sims Resources, LLC (the "Technical Report"), copies of which can be found on SEDAR+ at .
  • 針對Rowan的2024 MRE更新加入了62個方向鑽孔,涉及2021140.0000000002萬克拉NQ金剛石鑽孔自2022年12月以來。
  • 共創建了26個礦物域來約束礦化作用。
  • 有關Rowan 2024 MRE模型的更詳細信息,請參閱名爲“Ontario,Canada Rowan Property Updated Mineral Resource Estimate”的技術報告,該報告於2024年4月26日與本新聞稿同時報送,並由Sims Resources,LLC爲WRLG準備,電子副本可在SEDA+找到。

TABLE 1. Summary of the Rowan 2024 Mineral Resources as of April 26, 2024

表1:截至2024年4月26日Rowan 2024礦產資源概況

Mineral Resource Statement - Rowan Mine Deposit
Classification Tonnes (t) Gold Grade (g/t) Gold Troy Ounces (oz Au)
Indicated 476,323 12.87 195,746
Inferred 410,794 8.76 115,719
分類 噸(t) 金品位(克/噸) 金特洛伊盎司(oz Au)
指示資源 476,323 12.87 195,746
詳見2024年4月3日新聞稿 410,794 8.76 2) Mineral Resources were estimated at a gold cut-off grade of 3.80 g/t using a long-term gold price of $1,800 USD per ounce.

1) CIM (2014) definitions were followed for Mineral Resources.
2) Mineral Resources were estimated at a gold cut-off grade of 3.80 g/t using a long-term gold price of $1,800 USD per ounce.
3) Density used for the estimation on all domains was set at 2.8 g/cm3.
4) There are no Mineral Reserves currently estimated at the Rowan Project.
5) Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
6) Mineral Resources are reported within vein wireframes at the stated cut-off grade of 3.80 g/t Au.
7) The effective date of the Mineral Resources is March 1, 2024.

1) 採用《礦物資源分類標準(2014)》中的定義。
2) 礦物資源是在金剛石切割品位爲3.8 g/t、長期金價爲每盎司1800美元的條件下估算的。
3) 所有領域估算均使用密度值2.8 g/cm。3.
4) Rowan項目目前未估算任何礦物儲量。
5) 沒有證明具有經濟可行性的礦物資源不屬於礦物儲量。
6) 礦物資源報告以在3.80 g/t金品位的脈狀線框內報告。
7) 礦物資源的有效日期爲2024年3月1日。

FIGURE 1. Plan view image comparing the 2022 MRE domains to 2024 MRE domains.

圖1. 比較2022年MRE區域與2024年MRE區域的平面圖像。



The Rowan Vein System has been the focus of most of the exploration on the Property since the initial discovery of four sub-parallel narrow veins on surface at "Discovery Hill". Since then, these veins have been drifted upon from underground on three levels and extensively drilled, including 62 drill holes for 20,211.4m in 2023. The drilling completed at the Rowan Mine deposit in 2023 focused on validating historical data across the Inferred Resource, and also infilling apparent gaps in the analytical data set which was a product of very selective sampling techniques implemented during previous drilling campaigns.
The overall deposit consists of numerous, narrow, high-grade quartz veins that define an east-northeast trending corridor, approximately 150 m wide. This corridor mainly transects the lower mafic to intermediate metavolcanic units of the Ball assemblage in the hinge of the property scale antiform and appears to dissipate once it intersects the unconformity with the metasedimentary Slate Bay assemblage to the east (Figure 2).

整個礦牀由數個狹窄的高品位石英脈組成,形成了一個大致呈東北-東走向的走廊,寬約15000萬。該走廊主要穿過Ball地層中下部的中性基性變質岩石,並在財產規模反斜褶皺的山峯地帶交匯,一旦與向東的metasedimentary Slate Bay assemblage的不整合相交就會消散(圖2)。

The best gold grades often occur when coarse and visible native gold is present. This occurs within distinct 10 cm to 30 cm up to a metre of bluish to grey, glassy quartz veins/stringer zones. Rarely do these individual veins exceed 60 cm wide with alteration halos tending to be localized. Broad zones of diffuse silicification have generally not been found. Trace to 1% pyrite and pyrrhotite is common within these veins/stringers. Less common but a better positive indicator of gold grade is the occurrence of sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite. Generally total sulphides make up less than 2%. Metallurgical tests indicate favourable recovery characteristics.


The previous interpretation of the Rowan Vein System (Kita, 2022) was that the veins were emplaced after D2 and were essentially undeformed and highly continuous over hundreds of meters. Such an interpretation was supported by the consistency of multiple narrow vein occurrences in drillholes spanning long strike lengths. With the benefit of a tighter drill spacing and oriented core following the 2023 WRLG drill campaigns, this interpretation is no longer tenable. Strictly planar vein continuity could no longer be demonstrated since east-west trending veins appeared to line up along east-northeast trends. Such an arrangement requires long trains of minor folds, and transposition into the dominant fabric. This is further supported by: (i) strongly recrystallized textures in the quartz veins, (ii) dominant parallelism with the strong penetrative S2 foliation, (iii) the great-circle distribution of poles to foliation as measured in oriented core, and (iv) locally observed minor folds, showing that the veins are overprinted by the strong ductile D2 deformation.


Modelling such complex geological shapes as transposed veins systems can be achieved using implicit methods in Leapfrog provided enough closely spaced data are present to capture the variability of the deformed vein geometries. This method is being used successfully at the Madsen mine where drill spacing is predominantly six meters or less. At Rowan, the drill spacing is not nearly as tight, but still tight enough to produce geologically plausible representations of the transposed vein geometries. Unfortunately, due to the wider drill spacing in some areas, the implicit shapes could not be adequately controlled for unsupported 'blowouts', which could lead to unreasonably inflated tonnage estimates. For this reason, and to minimize dilution in the model, the implicit shapes were used only as a guide for manually constructed vein models, using the vein modelling tool in Leapfrog. This approach allowed the construction of more tightly controlled shapes that capture the structural style of the vein system yet remain optimized for use in resource estimation.


The result is a much more realistic model of the vein system that agrees with the structural observations at the deposit and core scales, and that aligns with the structural setting and controls seen at other deposits within the belt, such as at the Madsen and Red Lake mines.

結果是對礦牀和巖芯尺度的結構觀察相一致的更加逼真的脈狀體系統模型,並與該帶內的其他礦牀(如Madsen和Red Lake礦)的結構設置和控制對齊。

FIGURE 2. Plan view of Rowan deposit projected to surface, with a transparent geology overlay.


FIGURE 3. Rowan Deposit longitudinal section showing high-priority expansion target areas for 2024 drill program[1]. Drill intercepts shown in this figure have been composited to 2m intervals.

圖3。Rowan Deposit縱剖面,顯示2024年鑽探計劃的高優先級擴展目標區。[1]. 此圖中顯示的鑽孔攔截間隙爲200萬元。



Drilling completed at the Rowan Property consists of oriented NQ-sized diamond drill core. All drill holes are systematically logged, photographed, and sampled by a trained geologist at WRLG's Mt. Jamie core processing facility. Minimum allowable sample length is 0.5m. Maximum allowable sample length is 1.5m. Standard reference materials and blanks are inserted at a targeted 5% insertion rate. The drill core is then cut lengthwise utilizing a diamond blade core saw along a line pre-selected by the geologist. To reduce sampling bias, the same side of drill core is sampled consistently utilizing the orientation line as reference. For those samples containing visible gold ("VG"), a trained geologist supervises the cutting/bagging of those samples, and ensures the core saw blade is 'cleaned' with a dressing stone following the VG sample interval. Bagged samples are then sealed with zip ties and transported by WRLG personnel directly to SGS Natural Resource's Facility in Red Lake, Ontario for assay.

在Rowan Property上完成的鑽探包括定向的NQ尺寸金剛石鑽孔。所有鑽孔都經過系統記錄、拍照和由WRLG的Mt. Jamie核心處理設備的訓練地質學家採樣。允許的樣品最小長度爲50萬元,最大長度爲150萬元。目標插入率爲5%,插入標準參考材料和白樣。然後使用鑽孔鋸切割鑽孔的同一側,沿地質學家預先選擇的線路。爲了減少採樣偏差,以取向線爲參考,一直使用同一側的鑽孔進行採樣。對於那些含可見黃金(“VG”)的樣品,受過訓練的地質學家在切割/袋裝這些樣品時進行監督,並確保核心鋸片在VG樣品間隔後用整理石清潔。袋裝樣品然後使用zip紮帶密封,並由WRLG人員直接運往安大略省雷德萊克的SGS自然資源設施進行化驗。

Samples are then prepped by SGS, which consists of drying at 105°C and crushing to 75% passing 2mm. A riffle splitter is then utilized to produce a 500g course reject for archive. The remainder of the sample is then pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns from which 50g is analyzed by fire assay and an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish. Samples returning gold values > 10 g/t Au are reanalyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 50g sample. Samples with visible gold are also analyzed via metallic screen analysis (SGS code: GO_FAS50M). For multi-element analysis, samples are sent to SGS's facility in Burnaby, British Columbia and analyzed via four-acid digest with an atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish for 33-element analysis on 0.25g sample pulps (SGS code: GE_ICP40Q12). SGS Natural Resources analytical laboratories operates under a Quality Management System that complies with ISO/IEC 17025.

樣品隨後由SGS準備,其中包括在105°C乾燥,並粉碎至75%通過200萬。然後使用篩子分樣器產生一個500g的粗樣品進行存檔。然後將樣品的剩餘部分粉碎至85%通過75微米,其中50g通過火試金法和原子吸收光譜法(AAS)完成分析。返回黃金值> 10克/噸Au的樣品將進行重複火試金法分析,並在50g樣品上進行重力法完成。帶有可見黃金的樣品也通過金屬篩分析進行分析(SGS代碼:GO_FAS50M)。對於多元素分析,樣品被送到SGS在不列顛哥倫比亞省本那比市的設施進行分析,使用四酸消化並配合原子發射光譜法(ICP-AES)完成對0.25g樣品匣的33個元素分析(SGS代碼:GE_ICP40Q12)。SGS自然資源分析實驗室遵循符合ISO / IEC 17025的質量管理系統運行。

West Red Lake Gold's Rowan Property presently hosts a National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") Indicated Mineral Resource of 473,974 t at an average grade of 12.87 g/t Au containing 196,120 ounces of gold, and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 379,571 t at and average grade of 8.49 g/t Au, with a cut-off grade of 3.8 g/t Au (as set out in the Technical Report).. The Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources are located in the area of the historic underground Rowan Mine site and situated within a 1.8 km strike length portion of the regional scale Pipestone Bay St Paul Deformation Zone.

West Red Lake Gold的Rowan Property目前擁有符合"礦產項目披露標準"(NI 43-101)的擬議礦產儲量,平均品位爲12.87克/噸Au,包含黃金196,120盎司的擬議礦產儲量,平均品位爲8.49克/噸Au的推斷礦產儲量,截止品位爲3.8克/噸Au(在技術報告中所述)。明示和推斷的礦產資源位於歷史遺留的Rowan金礦井區域,並位於區域型Pipestone Bay St Paul變形帶的1.8公里走向部分。– 礦產項目披露標準("NI 43-101")上的聲明,West Red Lake Gold的Rowan Property擁有一個473,974萬億的擬議礦藏,平均品位爲12.87克/噸Au,包含196,120盎司的黃金量,以及一個擬議的礦藏, 平均品位爲8.49克/噸Au,截止品位爲3.8克/噸Au(在Technical Report中),明示和推斷的礦藏位於歷史遺留的Rowan金礦井區域,並位於區域型Pipestone Bay St Paul變形帶的1.8公里走向部分。爲了更好地了解Rowan礦牀,建議讀者閱讀技術報告和公司的其他公開披露,包括與礦產儲量估計相關的所有限制條件,假設,排除和風險。技術報告旨在整體閱讀,不應斷章取義或單獨閱讀某些部分。礦產資源是以3.8克/噸Au的截止品位和1,800美元/盎司的黃金價格估算的。請參閱由Sims Resources,LLC於2024年4月26日爲WRLG準備的名爲"更新的Rowan礦產物業礦產資源估算"的技術報告。

For a better understanding of the Rowan deposit, readers are encouraged to read the Technical Report and other public disclosure of the Company, including all qualifications, assumptions, exclusions and risks that relate to the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates. The Technical Report is intended to be read as a whole, and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context.


The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Will Robinson, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for West Red Lake Gold and the Qualified Person for exploration at the West Red Lake Project, as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Robinson is not independent of West Red Lake Gold.

本新聞稿中展示的技術信息已經由West Red Lake Gold的勘探副總裁Will Robinson,P.Geo.審核並獲批,他是West Red Lake Gold West Red Lake項目的勘探資格人士,依據NI 43-101的定義,Robinson先生並不獨立於West Red Lake Gold公司。


關於West Red Lake黃金礦業公司

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. is a mineral exploration company that is publicly traded and focused on advancing and developing its flagship Madsen Gold Mine and the associated 47 km2 highly prospective land package in the Red Lake district of Ontario. The highly productive Red Lake Gold District of Northwest Ontario, Canada has yielded over 30 million ounces of gold from high-grade zones and hosts some of the world's richest gold deposits. WRLG also holds the wholly owned Rowan Property in Red Lake, with an expansive property position covering 31 km2 including three past producing gold mines - Rowan, Mount Jamie, and Red Summit.

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.是一家礦產勘探公司,公開交易,並致力於推進和開發其旗艦Madsen Gold Mine以及相關的長度爲47公里,高潛力的土地包裹,位於安大略省紅湖區。加拿大的高產紅湖黃金區已經從高品位區域中產生了超過3000萬盎司的黃金,這裏擁有一些世界上最富有的金礦。WRLG還擁有位於Red Lake的全資Rowan Property,其中包括Rowan、Mount Jamie和Red Summit三個曾經生產過黃金的礦山。2本新聞稿中包含的某些聲明可能構成適用證券法的“前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息通常可以通過諸如“預計”、“預計”、“估計”、“預測”、“計劃”等詞語進行識別,這些詞語暗示着未來的結果或事件。前瞻性信息基於管理層目前的預期;但是,它受到已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能使本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息與事實不符,幷包括但不限於與Madsen Mine和Rowan存儲區的潛力相關的聲明;Madsen存儲區或Rowan存儲區中未挖掘的增長潛力;Madsen礦山進一步清理和恢復的結果;以及公司未來的目標和計劃。讀者應謹慎對待前瞻性信息。2高潛力的47公里長的土地包裹


代表West Red Lake黃金礦業有限公司。

"Shane Williams"

“Shane Williams”

Shane Williams
President & Chief Executive Officer

Shane Williams



Freddie Leigh
Tel: (604) 609-6132
Email: or visit the Company's website at

Freddie Leigh
電話:(604) 609-6132

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information generally can be identified by words such as "anticipate", "expect", "estimate", "forecast", "planned", and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or events. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations of management; however, it is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information in this news release and include without limitation, statements relating to the potential of the Madsen Mine and Rowan Mine; any untapped growth potential in the Madsen deposit or Rowan deposit; the Company's intention to establish additional drilling platforms; and the Company's future objectives and plans. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述可能構成"前瞻性信息",其可能在適用的證券法中定義,前瞻性信息通常可以通過諸如"預期","期望","估計","預測","計劃"之類的字眼進行識別,暗示未來的結果或事件。前瞻性信息基於管理層的當前期望;然而,它受到已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素的影響,這可能會導致本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息與實際結果不符,並且包括但不限於與Madsen Mine和Rowan Mine相關的潛在增長潛力;公司打算建立更多鑽探平台;及公司未來的目標和計劃。請讀者注意不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。

Forward‐looking information involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, market volatility; the state of the financial markets for the Company's securities; fluctuations in commodity prices and changes in the Company's business plans. Forward-looking information is based on a number of key expectations and assumptions, including without limitation, that the Company will continue with its stated business objectives and its ability to raise additional capital to proceed. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Additional information about risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the year ended November 30, 2023, and the Company's annual information form for the year ended November 30, 2023, copies of which are available on SEDAR+ at .


The forward-looking information contained herein is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement. Forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to the Company. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required by applicable law.


For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's continuous disclosure filings that are available on SEDAR+ at .

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:


1 Mineral Resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.8 g/t Au and using a gold price of US$1,800/oz. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Rowan Property, Ontario, Canada" dated April 26, 2024 prepared for WRLG by Sims Resources, LLC.

1礦產資源在以3.8克/噸Au的截止品位和1,800美元/盎司的黃金價格下進行估算。請參閱由Sims Resources,LLC於2024年4月26日爲WRLG準備的名爲"更新的Rowan礦產物業礦產資源估算"的技術報告。

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