
Moon River Capital Ltd. to Proceed With Previously Announced Proposed Acquisition of 25% Interest in the Endako Molybdenum Mine

Moon River Capital Ltd. to Proceed With Previously Announced Proposed Acquisition of 25% Interest in the Endako Molybdenum Mine

Moon River Capital Ltd.將繼續進行先前宣佈的收購恩達科鉬礦25%權益的提議
newsfile ·  04/29 12:23

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 29, 2024) - Moon River Capital Ltd. (TSXV: MOO) ("Moon River" or the "Company") is pleased to advise that it intends to proceed with the previously announced share purchase agreement (the "SPA") dated February 28, 2024 with Sojitz Corporation ("Sojitz"), a Japanese multi-national company.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 4 月 29 日)-月亮河資本有限公司 (TSXV:MOO) (”月亮河“或者”公司“)很高興地表示,它打算繼續執行先前宣佈的2024年2月28日與日本跨國公司雙日公司(“雙日”)簽訂的股票購買協議(“SPA”)。

On February 28, 2024 the Company announced its intention to indirectly acquire, through the acquisition of Sojitz Moly Resources Inc. ("SMR") (the "Acquisition"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sojitz, (i) a 25% participating interest in the Endako molybdenum mine complex in British Columbia (the "Endako Mine Complex") and (ii) certain funding provided by Sojitz to SMR for the Endako Mine Complex in the aggregate of approximately $43,010,000.


SMR is the holder of a 25% participating interest in the Endako Mine Complex pursuant to an exploration, development and mine operating agreement dated as of June 12, 1997 (the "JVA") entered into between SMR and Thompson Creek Mining Ltd. (now Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc.) ("TCM"), a subsidiary of Centerra Gold Inc.

根據SMR與湯普森溪礦業有限公司(現爲湯普森溪金屬公司)於1997年6月12日簽訂的勘探、開發和礦山運營協議(“JVA”),SMR持有恩達科礦山綜合體25%的參與權益(“TCM”),Centerra Gold Inc.的子公司

The acquisition was subject to the waiver or expiry of an outstanding pre-emptive right relating to SMR's interest in the Endako Mine Complex, which could have been exercised within 60 days of the date notice was provided of the Acquisition. Moon River has received notice from SMR that the pre-emptive right will not be exercised.

此次收購受與SMR在恩達科礦山綜合體權益相關的未償優先購買權的豁免或到期,該權益本可以在收購通知發出之日起的60天內行使。Moon River已收到SMR的通知,表示不會行使先發制人的權利。

Paul Parisotto, President and Chief Executive Officer of Moon River said:


"Acquiring a 25% participating interest in the Endako Mine Complex elevates Moon River's position in the Molybdenum space and compliments our existing asset, the Davidson Property which hosts a large molybdenum-tungsten deposit. Davidson is located near Smithers, British Columbia and the Endako Mine Complex is located 160 km to the southeast of the Davidson Property. This close proximity to the Davidson Project makes this an even more compelling acquisition.


Molybdenum has earned the designation of "Critical Mineral" by the Canadian government as it is essential to Canada's economic security and required for Canada's transition to a low-carbon economy. It plays a crucial role in contemporary industrial technology, which requires stainless steels that can withstand high stress, extreme temperature ranges and highly corrosive environments, without adding excessive extra weight.

鉬已獲得加拿大政府的 “關鍵礦物” 稱號,因爲它對加拿大的經濟安全至關重要,也是加拿大向低碳經濟過渡的必要條件。它在當代工業技術中起着至關重要的作用,現代工業技術需要能夠承受高應力、極端溫度範圍和高度腐蝕性環境的不鏽鋼,而不會增加過多的額外重量。

Endako is a modern, efficient and established asset and is the largest mine to produce molybdenum in Canada and one of the largest molybdenum mines in North America. We are delighted to have the opportunity to complete this transaction, which is expected to occur within approximately 60 days."


Highlights of the Proposed Acquisition


  • Moon River to acquire SMR (including all of its assets and liabilities) which holds a 25% interest in the Endako Mine Complex;
  • Sojitz to provide the following funding to SMR:
    • $15,475,000, representing SMR's current portion of the environmental reclamation security in respect of the Endako Mine Complex;
    • $25,535,000 to be deposited into trust to fund SMR's future care and maintenance costs and/or future increases to SMR's responsibility for 25% of the environmental and asset retirement obligations for the Endako Mine Complex; and
    • $2,000,000 in cash; and
  • Significant tax losses which could potentially be utilized by SMR in the future;
  • Earn-out payments of up to $10,000,000 in aggregate payable annually by the Company to Sojitz beginning three years following completion of the Acquisition, subject to the future price of molybdenum as described in more detail below.
  • 月亮河將收購持有恩達科礦山綜合體25%權益的SMR(包括其所有資產和負債);
  • Sojitz 將向 SMR 提供以下資金:
    • 15,475,000美元,代表SMR目前在恩達科礦山綜合體環境填海保障中所佔的部分;
    • 25,535,000美元將存入信託基金,爲SMR未來的保養和維護費用和/或SMR未來增加的責任提供資金,用於支付恩達科礦山綜合體25%的環境和資產報廢債務;以及
    • 2,000,000 美元現金;以及
  • SMR將來可能會利用的重大稅收損失;
  • 從收購完成後的三年起,公司每年向Sojitz支付總額高達1,000萬美元的收益,視未來鉬的價格而定,詳情見下文。

The Endako Mine Complex


SMR is the holder of a 25% participating interest in the Endako Mine Complex pursuant to the JVA.


The following information on the Endako Mine Complex is based on public disclosure by Centerra Gold Inc. included in its 2023 Annual Information Form dated March 28, 2024, available on SEDAR+ at .

有關恩達科礦山綜合體的以下信息基於Centerra Gold Inc.的公開披露,該披露包含在2024年3月28日的2023年年度信息表中,該表可在SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

TCM holds a 75% interest in and is the manager of the Endako Mine Complex.


The Endako Mine Complex is an open-pit molybdenum mine and concentrator, located approximately 161 kilometres west of Prince George, British Columbia. The infrastructure at the Endako Mine Complex includes a 55,000 tons (50,000 tonnes) per day concentrator, tailings and reclaim water ponds, a crushing plant, waste rock dumps, an administrative building, a truck shop/warehouse, a change house, a first aid station, a laboratory, a garage and other shops. The power supply of the site is provided by a nine-kilometre, 69 kV power line owned by B.C. Hydro from a nearby substation. Water for the milling process is re-circulated from the tailings facility while make-up water is pumped from nearby François Lake. There are no royalties, back-in rights, encumbrances on title or other agreements, other than the JVA.


Operations at the Endako Mine Complex began in 1965 and were suspended in December 2014 as a result of market conditions and the Endako Mine Complex has been held on a care and maintenance basis since July 2015.


Table 1

表 1

The historical mineral resource estimates above were prepared in 2011 and were estimated based on a molybdenum price of $14.00 per pound and an exchange rate of 1USD:1.25CAD. The open pit mineral resources are constrained by a pit shell and are estimated based on a 0.025% molybdenum cut-off grade. Further information concerning the Endako Mine Complex deposit is described in the technical report dated September 12, 2011, and filed on SEDAR+ at by TCM. Such technical report describes the exploration history, geology, and style of molybdenum mineralization at the Endako Mine Complex. Sample preparation, analytical techniques, laboratories used, and quality assurance-quality control protocols used during the exploration drilling programs are reported to have been consistent with industry standards and carried out by independent, certified assay labs.

上述歷史礦產資源估算值是在2011年編制的,是根據每磅14.00美元的鉬價格和1美元兌1.25加元的匯率估算得出的。露天礦產資源受到礦殼的限制,是根據 0.025% 的鉬臨界品位估算的。有關恩達科礦山綜合體礦牀的更多信息,見2011年9月12日的技術報告,該報告由TCM在SEDAR+上提交。此類技術報告描述了恩達科礦山綜合體的勘探歷史、地質和鉬礦化風格。據報告,樣本製備、分析技術、使用的實驗室以及勘探鑽探計劃中使用的質量保證質量控制協議均符合行業標準,並由獨立的認證化驗實驗室執行。

A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources and Moon River is not treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources. The scientific and technical content of this news release was reviewed and approved by Brian LeBlanc, P. Eng of A-Z Mining Professionals Ltd., and a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

合格人員在將歷史估計值歸類爲當前礦產資源方面做得不夠,而且月亮河沒有將歷史估計值視爲當前的礦產資源。本新聞稿的科學和技術內容由A-Z礦業專業人員有限公司的P.Eng和National Instrument 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》定義的 “合格人員” 進行了審查和批准。

The Acquisition


Pursuant to the SPA, the Company has agreed to acquire, on an arm's length as is where is basis, all issued and outstanding common shares of SMR in consideration for $1.00 and four annual earn-out payments (each an "Earn-out Payment") beginning on the third anniversary of completion of the Acquisition and ending on the sixth anniversary of completion of the Acquisition.

根據SPA,公司已同意從收購完成三週年起至收購完成六週年之際,以1.00美元的對價收購SMR的所有已發行和流通普通股,每股年度收益付款(均爲 “收益付款”),按現狀進行公平交易。

Each Earn-out Payment shall be determined based on the average market price of molybdenum for a period from the anniversary of the closing date of the Acquisition in the previous calendar year to the date immediately prior to the next anniversary date, in accordance with the following table:


Table 2

表 2

The Earn-out Payments payable by the Company to Sojitz shall not exceed $10 million in the aggregate and are payable irrespective of whether or not the Endako Mining Complex is in production at such time. As at the date hereof, the market price of molybdenum is US$20.50, based on information from the London Metals Exchange.


Sojitz, in turn, has agreed to:

反過來,Sojitz 已同意:

(i) deposit $15,475,000, subject to adjustment prior to closing as required by governmental authorities, in a bank account in SMR's name for the purposes of satisfying SMR's reclamation security obligations pursuant to the mine permit for the Endako Mine Complex (the "Environmental Security");

(i) 以SMR的名義在銀行賬戶中存入15,475,000美元,但須根據政府當局的要求在關閉前進行調整,以履行SMR根據恩達科礦山綜合體的採礦許可證(“環境安全”)承擔的填海安全義務;

(ii) deliver approximately $25,535,000 (the "Trust Funds"), subject to adjustment prior to closing as described below, to TSX Trust Company (the "Trustee") to establish a trust fund administered by the Trustee for the purpose of paying for SMR's share of care and maintenance and other environmental expenses in respect of the Endako Mine Complex following closing; and

(ii) 向多倫多證券交易所信託公司(“受託人”)交付約25,535,000美元(“信託基金”),在關閉前進行調整,以設立一個由受託管理人管理的信託基金,用於支付SMR在關閉後與恩達科礦山綜合體相關的護理和維護以及其他環境費用;以及

(iii) cause SMR to have funds in a bank account in an amount of $2,000,000.

(iii) 促使SMR在銀行賬戶中存入金額爲200萬美元的資金。

The Company, Sojitz and SMR have agreed to enter into a trust indenture with the Trustee pursuant to which the Trust Funds will be placed in an irrevocable single-purpose trust for the exclusive purpose of providing funding for SMR's share of the care and maintenance of the Endako Mine Complex and satisfaction of other environmental obligations of SMR relating to the Endako Mine Complex.


The amount of the Trust Funds shall be determined immediately prior to closing subject to adjustments related to the Environmental Security and payments made by Sojitz with respect to the 2023 and 2024 plans and budgets of the Endako Mine Complex prior to closing.


The Acquisition is subject to a number of conditions precedent, including receipt of all corporate and regulatory approvals (including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange), and obtaining clearance under the Investment Canada Act.


About Moon River


Moon River is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral projects. Moon River is focused on the development of the Davidson Property which hosts a large molybdenum-tungsten deposit and is located near Smithers, British Columbia.

Moon River是一家總部位於加拿大的資源公司,專注於採購、勘探和開發礦產項目。Moon River專注於開發戴維森地產,該地產擁有大型鉬鎢礦牀,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省史密瑟斯附近。

For further information please contact:


Paul Parisotto, President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, at (416) 800-1753 or

總裁、首席執行官兼董事保羅·帕裏索托致電 (416) 800-1753 或。

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements:


This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-Looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "will", "estimates", "believes", "intends", "expects" and similar expressions, which are intended to identify forward-looking statements. More particularly and without limitation, this press release contains forward-looking statements concerning the Acquisition, and the Company's ability to close the Acquisition. These forward-looking statements reflect the current views of the Company, represent the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release, and are based on certain assumptions that the Company has made in respect thereof as at the date of this press release.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息(統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”)。本新聞稿中包含的任何非歷史事實陳述的陳述均可被視爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常由 “可能”、“應該”、“預期”、“將”、“估計”、“相信”、“打算”、“期望” 等術語以及旨在識別前瞻性陳述的類似表述來識別。更具體地說,不限於,本新聞稿包含有關此次收購以及公司完成收購能力的前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述反映了公司當前的觀點,代表了公司截至本新聞稿發佈之日的預期,並基於公司截至本新聞稿發佈之日對此做出的某些假設。

Although the Company believes the expectations and material factors and assumptions reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date hereof, there can be no assurance that these expectations, factors and assumptions will prove to be correct. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties including risks detailed in the Company's Filing Statement and continuous disclosure, which are available on SEDAR+ at . Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.


These risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Readers are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause results to differ materially from those predicted, forecasted or projected. The forward-looking statements contained in this document speak only as of the date of this document. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements or information contained herein, except as required by applicable laws. The forward-looking statements contained in this document are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息