
Redishred Capital Corp. Announces Strong Q4 2023 Results

Redishred Capital Corp. Announces Strong Q4 2023 Results

Redishred Capital Corp. 公佈了強勁的2023年第四季度
Accesswire ·  2024/04/29 13:31

MISSISSAUGA, ON / ACCESSWIRE / April 29, 2024 / Redishred Capital Corp. ("Redishred", or the "Company")

安大略省密西沙加/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 4 月 29 日/Redishred Capital Corp.(“Redishred” 或 “公司”)

Quarterly Earnings Call:


9:30am EST, April 30, 2024 (updated from 8:30am EST previously announced)

美國東部標準時間 2024 年 4 月 30 日上午 9:30(從先前公佈的美國東部標準時間上午 8:30 開始更新)

Participant call in number is 1-800-319-4610

參與者的來電號碼是 1-800-319-4610

Quarterly Highlights:


Consolidated Highlights:


  • The Company generated revenue of $16.8 million CAD , growing $1.4 million CAD , or 9% versus Q4 2022.
  • Consolidated EBITDA excluding the impact of net recycling revenue was $1.5 million, growing by $1.3 million CAD or 573% versus Q4 2022.
  • The Company generated free cash flow of $2.0 million CAD , consistent with Q4 2022.
  • Consolidated EBITDA was $3.1 million CAD , growing by 2% versus Q4 2022, driven by higher shredding and scanning sales, partially offset by lower net recycling revenue due to lower commodity paper prices.
  • 該公司創造了1,680萬美元的收入 CAD ,增長了140萬美元 CAD ,與2022年第四季度相比,漲幅爲9%。
  • 不計淨回收收入的影響,合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲150萬美元,增長130萬美元 CAD 與2022年第四季度相比,漲幅爲573%。
  • 該公司創造了200萬美元的自由現金流 CAD ,與 2022 年第四季度一致。
  • 合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲310萬美元 CAD ,與2022年第四季度相比增長了2%,這得益於碎紙和掃描銷售額的增加,但由於大宗紙價格下跌導致的淨回收收入減少,部分抵消了這一增長。

Corporate Locations Highlights:


  • Corporate location revenue grew 10% versus Q4 2022 to $16.3 million CAD (10% constant currency growth - US Dollars is the constant currency) .
  • Corporate location EBITDA grew 10% versus Q4 2022 to $5.2 million CAD (11% constant currency growth) .
  • Same corporate location EBITDA grew 2% versus Q4 2022 to $4.8 million CAD (2% in constant currency).
  • 與2022年第四季度相比,公司辦公地點收入增長了10%,達到1,630萬美元 CAD (10% 的持續貨幣增長——美元是固定貨幣)
  • 與2022年第四季度相比,公司所在地的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了10%,達到520萬美元 CAD (11% 的持續貨幣增長)
  • 與2022年第四季度相比,公司所在地的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了2%,達到480萬加元(按固定貨幣計算爲2%)。

Full year Highlights:


Consolidated Highlights:


  • The Company generated revenue of $65.9 million CAD , growing $8.7 million CAD , or 15% versus 2022.
  • The Company generated free cash flow of $7.0 million CAD , growing $0.7 million CAD , or 11% versus 2022.
  • Consolidated EBITDA excluding the impact of net recycling revenue was $7.1 million CAD , growing by $2.5 million CAD or 53% versus 2022.
  • Consolidated EBITDA was $15.4 million CAD , growing by $0.1 million CAD or 1% versus 2022.
  • 該公司創造了6,590萬美元的收入 CAD ,增長了870萬美元 CAD ,與2022年相比增長15%。
  • 該公司創造了700萬美元的自由現金流 CAD ,增長70萬美元 CAD ,與2022年相比增長11%。
  • 不計淨回收收入的影響,合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲710萬美元 CAD ,增長了250萬美元 CAD 與 2022 年相比,漲幅爲 53%。
  • 合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲1,540萬美元 CAD ,增長了10萬美元 CAD 與2022年相比,漲幅爲1%。

Corporate Locations Highlights:


  • Corporate location revenue grew 16% versus 2022 to $63.7 million CAD (12% constant currency growth) .
  • Corporate location EBITDA grew 11% versus 2022 to $22.5 million CAD (7% constant currency growth) .
  • Same corporate location EBITDA was $20.4 million CAD, growing 1% versus with 2022 (3% constant currency decrease).
  • 與2022年相比,公司辦公地點收入增長了16%,達到6,370萬美元 CAD (12% 的持續貨幣增長)
  • 與2022年相比,公司所在地的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長了11%,達到2,250萬美元 CAD (7% 的持續貨幣增長)
  • 同一公司所在地的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲2,040萬加元,與2022年相比增長了1%(固定匯率下降了3%)。

Capital Management:


  • The Company generated $3.0 million CAD and $12.8 million CAD in cash from operations during Q4 2023 and 2023, respectively.
  • As at December 31, 2023, the Company has $3.6 million CAD in cash, $1 million CAD available on its demand operating line of credit, $19.2 million CAD available on its demand non-revolving re-advanceable term loan, and $6.0 million CAD available on its demand revolving re-advanceable interest only acquisition facility.
  • 該公司創造了300萬美元的收入 CAD 和 12.8 美元 百萬 CAD 分別在 2023 年第四季度和 2023 年第四季度運營產生的現金。
  • 截至2023年12月31日,該公司擁有360萬美元 CAD 現金,100 萬美元 CAD 按需提供的運營信貸額度爲1,920萬美元 CAD 可按需提供非循環可再預付定期貸款,以及600萬美元 CAD 可按需提供,僅提供可再預付利息的收購融資。

Management's Comments on Q4-2023

管理層對 Q4-2023 的評論

Jeffrey Hasham, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, noted "We are very pleased with our Q4 2023 performance, with EBITDA of $3.1 million Canadian, despite lower paper recycling prices. When we look at EBITDA less net recycling revenue, this was $1.5 million Canadian compared to $0.2 million Canadian in Q4 2022. We continue to focus on our core operations, and this has driven performance. From a top-line perspective, we continue to see strong demand for our shredding services, with organic shredding revenue growth of 10% versus Q4 2022. We also saw a very strong quarter for Proscan, our digital imaging business, with revenue growth of 11% versus Q4 2022.


In 2023, including in Q4 2023, the Company made significant investments in our information technology infrastructure, customer relationship management and marketing automation platforms, and is working towards obtaining a SOC-2 Type II certification, which could potentially increase the pipeline of scanning opportunities for our Proscan business. These investments impacted our Q4 2023 and 2023 bottom line results, but will help drive long-term value creation.

2023 年,包括 2023 年第四季度,公司對我們的信息技術基礎設施、客戶關係管理和營銷自動化平台進行了大量投資,並正在努力獲得 SOC-2 II 類認證,這可能會增加我們的 Proscan 業務的掃描機會。這些投資影響了我們2023年第四季度和2023年第四季度的利潤業績,但將有助於推動長期價值創造。

I wanted to thank our employees, franchisees, management and board members for their hard work and contributions to the Company; their support has been instrumental in creating the foundations for the continued growth of our Company."


Financial Highlights:


Three months ended
December 31,
Year ended
December 31,
2023 2022 Change (1) 2023 2022 Change (1)
System Sales Growth - in USD, in $000's
Total locations in the United States
30 30 -% 30 30 -%
Total system sales
18,014 $ 18,219 (1)% 74,234 71,764 3%
% of scheduled sales
53% 50 50% 45%
Consolidated Operating Growth - In CAD, in $000's
$ 16,816 $ 15,409 9% $ 65,934 $ 57,226 15%
$ 3,138 $ 3,071 2% $ 15,405 $ 15,318 -%
EBITDA margin
19% 20% (200) bps 23% 27% (400) bps
EBITDA less net recycling
$ 1,520 $ 226 573% $ 7,144 $ 4,658 53%
EBITDA less net recycling margin
10% 2% 800 bps 13% 10% 300 bps
Operating income
$ 1,106 $ 1,203 (8)% $ 7,696 $ 9,099 (15)%
Operating income margin
7% 8% (200) bps 12% 16% (400) bps
Free cash flow
$ 1,999 $ 1,974 1% $ 6,986 $ 6,316 11%
Operating income per weighted average share fully diluted
$ 0.06 $ 0.07 (14)% $ 0.42 $ 0.50 (16)%
EBITDA per weighted average share fully diluted
$ 0.17 $ 0.17 -% $ 0.84 $ 0.84 0%
EBITDA less net recycling per weighted average share fully diluted
$ 0.08 $ 0.01 573% $ 0.39 $ 0.26 53%
Free cash flow per weighted average share fully diluted
$ 0.11 $ 0.11 -% $ 0.38 $ 0.35 9%
Corporate Location Growth - In CAD, in $000's
$ 16,269 $ 14,850 10% $ 63,731 $ 55,020 16%
$ 5,185 $ 4,697 10% $ 22,509 $ 20,257 11%
EBITDA margin
32% 32% (100) bps 35% 37% (200) bps
Operating income
$ 3,202 $ 2,866 12% $ 15,015 $ 14,139 6%
Operating income margin
20% 19% -% 24% 26% (300) bps
Operating income less net recycling
$ 1,584 $ 22 7,100% $ 6,753 $ 3,482 94%
2023 2022 改變 (1) 2023 2022 改變 (1)
30 30 -% 30 30 -%
18,014 $ 18,219 (1)% 74,234 71,764 3%
53% 50 50% 45%
$ 16,816 $ 15,409 9% $ 65,934 $ 57,226 15%
$ 3,138 $ 3,071 2% $ 15,405 $ 15,318 -%
19% 20% (200) 個點子 23% 27% (400) bps
$ 1,520 $ 226 573% $ 7,144 $ 4,658 53%
10% 2% 800 bps 13% 10% 300 bps
$ 1,106 $ 1,203 (8)% $ 7,696 $ 9,099 (15)%
7% 8% (200) 個點子 12% 16% (400) bps
$ 1,999 $ 1,974 1% $ 6,986 $ 6,316 11%
$ 0.06 $ 0.07 (14)% $ 0.42 $ 0.50 (16)%
$ 0.17 $ 0.17 -% $ 0.84 $ 0.84 0%
$ 0.08 $ 0.01 573% $ 0.39 $ 0.26 53%
$ 0.11 $ 0.11 -% $ 0.38 $ 0.35 9%
$ 16,269 $ 14,850 10% $ 63,731 $ 55,020 16%
$ 5,185 $ 4,697 10% $ 22,509 $ 20,257 11%
32% 32% (100) 個點子 35% 37% (200) 個點子
$ 3,202 $ 2866 12% $ 15,015 $ 14,139 6%
20% 19% -% 24% 26% (300) bps
$ 1,584 $ 22 7,100% $ 6,753 $ 3,482 94%

(1) Change expressed as a percentage or basis point ("bp").

(1) 變化以百分比或點子(“bp”)表示。

Revenue Growth


The Company achieved 9% revenue growth during Q4 2023 versus Q4 2022 and 15% revenue growth during 2023 versus 2022, primarily due to acquisitions conducted during the last twelve months and organic sales growth from new customers and price increases, partially offset by a decrease in recycling revenue from lower commodity paper prices.


Corporate Locations Q4 2023 Performance

公司地點 2023 年第四季度業績

Total corporate location revenue and EBITDA grew by 10% in Q4 2023 versus Q4 2022.


Same corporate location operating income, excluding the impact of net recycling revenue, grew 6,468% in Q4 2023 versus Q4 2022. Same corporate location shredding revenue grew by 10% in Q4 2023 versus Q4 2022, with same corporate location EBITDA growing by 2%.


Total Corporate Locations Same Corporate Locations Non-same Corporate Locations
For the three months
ended December 31,
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022
$ $ $ $ $ $
Shredding sales
13,150 10,958 20% 12,090 10,958 10% 1,060 -
Secure E-cycle electronic waste sales
343 372 (8)% 343 372 (8)% - -
Scanning sales
906 360 152% 906 360 152% - -
Recycling sales
1,870 3,160 (41)% 1,664 3,160 (47)% 206 -
Total sales
16,269 14,850 10% 15,003 14,850 1% 1,266 -
Operating costs (1)
11,084 10,153 9% 10,200 10,153 -% 884 -
5,185 4,697 10% 4,803 4,697 2% 382 -
% of revenue
32% 32% - bps 32% 32% - bps 30%
Depreciation - tangible assets
1,983 1,831 8% 1,929 1,831 5% 54 -
Operating income
3,202 2,866 12% 2,874 2,866 -% 328 -
% of revenue
20% 19% 100 bps 19% 19% - bps 26%
Operating income less net recycling
1,584 22 7,100% 1,445 22 6,468% 139 -
% of revenue excluding recycling
11% -% 1,100 bps 11% -% 1,100% 13%
3,803 3,438 11% 3,524 3,438 3% 279 -
% of revenue
32% 32% - bps 32% 32% - bps 30%
公司辦公地點總數 相同的公司地點 公司所在地不一樣
已於 12 月 31 日結束,
2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022
$ $ $ $ $ $
13,150 10,958 20% 12,090 10,958 10% 1,060 -
343 372 (8)% 343 372 (8)% - -
906 360 152% 906 360 152% - -
1,870 3,160 (41%) 1,664 3,160 (47)% 206 -
16,269 14,850 10% 15,003 14,850 1% 1,266 -
運營成本 (1)
11,084 10,153 9% 10,200 10,153 -% 884 -
5,185 4,697 10% 4,803 4,697 2% 382 -
32% 32% -bps 32% 32% -bps 30%
1,983 1,831 8% 1,929 1,831 5% 54 -
3,202 2866 12% 2,874 2866 -% 328 -
20% 19% 100 bps 19% 19% -bps 26%
1,584 22 7,100% 1,445 22 6,468% 139 -
11% -% 1,100 個點子 11% -% 1,100% 13%
3,803 3,438 11% 3,524 3,438 3% 279 -
32% 32% -bps 32% 32% -bps 30%

Note 1: During Q4 2023, acquisition/vendor-related consulting fees of $68 (Q4 2022 - $236) are included in the total and non-same corporate location operating costs.


Corporate Locations 2023 Performance

公司地點 2023 年業績

Corporate location revenue and EBITDA grew by 16% and 11%, respectively, in 2023 versus 2022.


Same corporate location operating income, excluding the impact of net recycling revenue, grew 88% in 2023 versus 2022. Same corporate location shredding revenue grew by 14% in 2023 versus 2022, with same corporate location EBITDA growing by 1%.


Total Corporate Locations Same Corporate Locations Non-same Corporate Locations
For the year ended
December 31,
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022
$ $ $ $ $ $
Shredding sales
50,280 39,612 27% 45,222 39,612 14% 5,058 -
Secure e-Cycle electronic waste sales
1,393 1,398 -% 1,393 1,398 -% - -
Scanning sales
2,625 2,360 11% 2,625 2,360 11% - -
Recycling sales
9,433 11,650 (19)% 8,162 11,650 (30)% 1,271 -
Total sales
63,731 55,020 16% 57,402 55,020 4% 6,329 -
Operating costs(1)
41,222 34,763 19% 36,991 34,763 6% 4,231 -
22,509 20,257 11% 20,411 20,257 1% 2,098 -
% of revenue
35% 37% (200) bps 36% 37% (100) bps 33%
Depreciation - tangible assets
7,494 6,118 22% 6,805 6,118 11% 689 -
Operating income
15,015 14,139 6% 13,606 14,139 (4)% 1409 -
% of revenue
24% 26% (200) bps 24% 26% (200) bps 22%
Operating income less net recycling
6,754 3,482 94% 6,532 3,482 88% 222 -
% of revenue excluding recycling
12% 8% 400 bps 13% 8% 500 bps 4%
16,677 15,567 7% 15,123 15,567 (3)% 1554 -
% of revenue
35% 37% (200) bps 36% 37% (200) bps 33%
公司辦公地點總數 相同的公司地點 公司所在地不一樣
2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022
$ $ $ $ $ $
50,280 39,612 27% 45,222 39,612 14% 5,058 -
1,393 1,398 -% 1,393 1,398 -% - -
2,625 2,360 11% 2,625 2,360 11% - -
9,433 11,650 (19)% 8,162 11,650 (30)% 1,271 -
63,731 55,020 16% 57,402 55,020 4% 6,329 -
41,222 34,763 19% 36,991 34,763 6% 4,231 -
22,509 20,257 11% 20,411 20,257 1% 2,098 -
35% 37% (200) 個點子 36% 37% (100) 個點子 33%
7,494 6,118 22% 6,805 6,118 11% 689 -
15,015 14,139 6% 13,606 14,139 (4)% 1409 -
24% 26% (200) 個點子 24% 26% (200) 個點子 22%
6,754 3,482 94% 6,532 3,482 88% 222 -
12% 8% 400 bps 13% 8% 500 bps 4%
16,677 15,567 7% 15,123 15,567 (3)% 1554 -
35% 37% (200) 個點子 36% 37% (200) 個點子 33%

Note 1: During 2023, acquisition/vendor-related consulting fees of $375 (year ended December 31, 2022- $603) are included in the total and non-same corporate location operating costs.


Community and Social Commitment


Our locations under the PROSHRED banner conduct numerous community shredding events. These events provide an opportunity for our clients, clients' employees, local businesses and local residents to ensure their personal and confidential materials are securely destroyed. In addition to helping to reduce identity theft, several of these events allow for donations to various not-for-profit organizations. PROSHRED is also proud that 100% of the shredded material is recycled, as our continued goal is to foster the use of fewer trees in the production of all paper products. Future community shredding event locations can be found on our website, . Our annual national Shred Cancer event was held in June of 2023 at various Proshred locations. These events are held to raise research funds for the American Institute for Cancer Research ("AICR"). It is our goal as a Company and Franchise System to support AICR in their endeavor to prevent cancer and possibly cure this disease. So far, PROSHRED has raised over USD$243,000 for this cause. Please visit for more information on this effort.

我們的位置在 PROSHRED banner 舉辦了許多社區粉碎活動。這些活動爲我們的客戶、客戶的員工、當地企業和當地居民提供了一個機會,確保他們的個人和機密材料被安全銷燬。除了幫助減少身份盜用外,其中一些活動還允許向各種非營利組織捐款。 PROSHRED 我們還爲100%的切碎材料被回收利用而感到自豪,因爲我們的持續目標是在所有紙製品的生產中促進減少樹木的使用。未來的社區粉碎活動地點可以在我們的網站上找到,.我們的年度全國切碎癌症活動於2023年6月在Proshred的不同地點舉行。舉辦這些活動是爲了爲美國癌症研究所(“AICR”)籌集研究資金。作爲公司和特許經營體系,我們的目標是支持AICR努力預防癌症並可能治癒這種疾病。到目前爲止, PROSHRED 已爲此籌集了超過24.3萬美元的資金。請訪問以獲取有關此項工作的更多信息。

Non-IFRS Measures


There are measures included in this press release that do not have a standardized meaning under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and therefore may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other publicly traded companies. The Company includes these measures as a means of measuring financial performance of the Company.


  • Total System Sales are sales generated by franchisees, licensees and corporately operated locations. The system sales generated by franchisees and licensees drive the Company's royalties. The system sales generated by corporate locations are included in the Company's revenue.
  • Same Location are indicators of performance of corporately operated locations that have been in the system for equivalent periods in both the current period and the comparative period.
  • Consolidated EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Consolidated EBITDA also excludes government assistance, re-measurements of contingent consideration, foreign exchange gains and losses, and gains and losses on disposal of tangible assets. A reconciliation between net income and consolidated EBITDA is provided below.
  • Consolidated EBITDA less Net Recycling is defined as the consolidated EBITDA excluding the impact of corporate location recycling sales, net of paper baling costs. A reconciliation between net income and consolidated EBITDA less net recycling is provided below.
  • Consolidated Operating Income is defined as revenues less all operating expenses, including depreciation on tangible assets. Amortization for intangible assets has not been included in this calculation. A reconciliation between net income and consolidated operating income is provided below.
  • Consolidated Free Cash Flow is defined as cash provided by operating activities net of capital expenditures. The calculation of Consolidated Free Cash Flow that begins with cash provided by operating activities is provided below.
  • Capital Expenditures is defined as the purchase of tangible and intangible assets, net of proceeds received from their disposal.
  • Corporate Location EBITDA is defined as earnings for corporately operated locations before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization and also excludes items identified under the definition of Consolidated EBITDA above.
  • Corporate Location Operating Income is the income generated by corporately operated locations. The operating income generated is inclusive of depreciation on tangible assets, including trucks, right-of-use-assets and secure collection containers. It does not include amortization related to intangibles assets and interest expense.
  • Corporate Location Operating Income less Net Recycling is the corporate location operating income excluding the impact of corporate location recycling sales, net of paper baling costs.
  • Margin is the percentage of revenue that has turned into EBITDA or Operating Income. Margin is defined as EBITDA or operating income divided by revenue.
  • Constant currency is a measure of growth before foreign currency translation impacts. It is defined as the current period results in CAD currency using the foreign exchange rate in the equivalent prior year period. This allows for period over period comparisons of business performance excluding the impact of currency fluctuations.
  • 系統總銷售額是由加盟商、被許可人和公司運營地點產生的銷售額。加盟商和被許可人產生的系統銷售推動了公司的特許權使用費。公司所在地產生的系統銷售額包含在公司的收入中。
  • 相同地點是衡量公司運營地點在本期和比較期內在系統中處於同等時期的績效指標。
  • 合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤定義爲扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的收益。合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤還不包括政府援助、或有對價的重新計量、外匯損益以及處置有形資產的損益。淨收入與合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤之間的對賬情況如下。
  • 合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤減去淨回收的定義是扣除紙張打包成本後的公司所在地回收銷售的合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤。下文提供了淨收入與合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤減去淨回收之間的對賬情況。
  • 合併營業收入定義爲收入減去所有運營費用,包括有形資產折舊。無形資產的攤銷未包括在此計算中。下文提供了淨收入和合並營業收入之間的對賬情況。
  • 合併自由現金流定義爲經營活動提供的現金減去資本支出。以下是以經營活動提供的現金開始的合併自由現金流的計算方法。
  • 資本支出定義爲購買有形和無形資產,扣除處置所得收益。
  • 公司地點息稅折舊攤銷前利潤定義爲公司運營地點扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的收益,也不包括上述合併息稅折舊攤銷前利潤定義中確定的項目。
  • 公司地點營業收入是公司運營地點產生的收入。產生的營業收入包括有形資產的折舊,包括卡車、使用權資產和安全收集容器。它不包括與無形資產和利息支出相關的攤銷。
  • 公司所在地營業收入減去淨回收率是指公司所在地的營業收入,其中不包括公司所在地回收銷售的影響,扣除紙張打包成本。
  • 利潤率是收入中轉化爲息稅折舊攤銷前利潤或營業收入的百分比。利潤率定義爲息稅折舊攤銷前利潤或營業收入除以收入。
  • 固定貨幣是在外幣折算影響之前衡量增長的指標。它的定義是,本期使用上一年同期的外匯匯率得出加元貨幣。這允許對業務績效進行同期比較,不包括貨幣波動的影響。

Reconciliation of EBITDA and EBITDA less net recycling to Operating Income


For the three months ended For the year ended
December 31, December 31,
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change
$ $ $ $
3,138 3,071 2% 15,405 15,318 1%
Less: net recycling revenue
(1,618) (2,845) (43)% (8,261) (10,660) (23)%
EBITDA less net recycling
1,520 226 573% 7,144 4,658 53%
Add: net reycling revenue
1,618 2,845 (43)% 8,261 10,660 (23)%
Less: depreciation - tangible assets
(2,032) (1,868) 9% (7,709) (6,219) 24%
Operating income
1,106 1,203 (8)% 7,696 9,099 (15)%
在結束的三個月裏 截至該年度
十二月三十一日 十二月三十一日
2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022 % 變化
$ $ $ $
3,138 3,071 2% 15,405 15,318 1%
(1,618) (2,845) (43%) (8,261) (10,660) (23)%
1,520 226 573% 7,144 4,658 53%
1,618 2,845 (43%) 8,261 10,660 (23)%
(2,032) (1,868) 9% (7,709) (6,219) 24%
1,106 1,203 (8)% 7,696 9,099 (15)%

Reconciliation of Operating Income to Net Income


For the three months ended
December 31,
For the year ended
December 31,
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change
$ $ $ $
Operating income
1,106 1,203 (8)% 7,696 9,099 (15)%
Less: interest expense
(628) (711) (12)% (2,509) (1,904) 32%
Add: interest income
- 36 (100)% 14 47 (70)%
Less: amortization - intangible assets
(1,067) (959) 11% (4,108) (3,373) 22%
Add: gain on disposition of tangible assets
99 95 4% 206 95 117%
Add: remeasurement of contingent consideration
138 107 29% 154 158 (3)%
Add: Other Income
280 5 5,500% 399 122 227%
Add/(deduct): foreign exchange gain (loss)
(1,248) (664) 88% (1,400) 3,382 (141)%
Income (loss) before income tax taxes
(1,320) (888) 49% 452 7,626 (94)%
Deduct: Income tax expense
(42) (211) (80)% (981) (1,752) (44)%
Net loss (income)
(1,362) (1,099) 24% (529) 5,874 (109)%
2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022 % 變化
$ $ $ $
1,106 1,203 (8)% 7,696 9,099 (15)%
(628) (711) (12)% (2,509) (1,904) 32%
- 36 (100)% 14 47 (70)%
(1,067) (959) 11% (4,108) (3,373) 22%
99 95 4% 206 95 117%
138 107 29% 154 158 (3)%
280 5 5,500% 399 122 227%
(1,248) (664) 88% (1,400) 3,382 (141%)
(1,320) (888) 49% 452 7,626 (94%)
(42) (211) (80)% (981) (1,752) (44)%
(1,362) (1,099) 24% (529) 5,874 (109)%

Reconciliation of Consolidated Free Cash Flow with Cash Provided by Operations


For the three months ended For the year ended
December 31, December 31,
2023 2022 % Change 2023 2022 % Change
$ $ $ $
Cash provided by operations
2,959 2,937 1% 12,783 11,587 10%
Less: Capital expenditures
(960) (963) -% (5,797) (5,271) 10%
Free Cash Flow
1,999 1,974 1% 6,986 6,316 11%
在結束的三個月裏 截至該年度
十二月三十一日 十二月三十一日
2023 2022 % 變化 2023 2022 % 變化
$ $ $ $
2,959 2,937 1% 12,783 11,587 10%
(960) (963) -% (5,797) (5,271) 10%
1,999 1,974 1% 6,986 6,316 11%

Financial Statements


Redishred's December 31, 2023 Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis will be available on and .


About Redishred Capital Corp.


Redishred Capital Corp. ("Redishred") is the owner of the PROSHRED, PROSCAN and secure e-Cycle brands, trademarks and intellectual property in the United States. Redishred digitizes, secures, shreds and recycles confidential documents and proprietary materials for thousands of customers in the United States in all industry sectors. Redishred is a pioneer in the mobile document destruction and recycling industry and has the ISO 9001:2015 certification. It is Redishred's vision to be the 'system of choice' in providing digital retention, secure shredding and recycling services on a global basis. Redishred Capital Corp. grants PROSHRED` and PROSCAN franchise businesses in the United States and by way of a license arrangement in the Middle East. Redishred also operates seventeen corporate businesses directly. The Company's plan is to grow its business by way of both franchising and the acquisition and operation of information security businesses that generate stable and recurring cash flow through a scheduled client base, continuous paper recycling and concurrent unscheduled shredding service.

Redishred Capital Corp.Redishred“) 是該的所有者 PROSHREDPROSCAN 以及保護美國的電動自行車品牌、商標和知識產權。 Redishred 爲美國所有行業的數千名客戶數字化、保護、粉碎和回收機密文檔和專有材料。 Redishred 是移動文件銷燬和回收行業的先驅,並獲得了 ISO 9001:2015 認證。它是 Redishred's 願景是成爲在全球範圍內提供數字保存、安全粉碎和回收服務的 “首選系統”。Redishred Capital Corp PROSHRED`PROSCAN 在美國的特許經營業務,以及通過許可證安排在中東開展特許經營業務。 Redishred 還直接經營十七家公司業務。該公司的計劃是通過特許經營以及收購和運營信息安全業務來發展業務,這些業務通過固定的客戶群、持續的紙張回收和並行的計劃外碎紙服務產生穩定和經常性的現金流。



Redishred Capital Corp. (TSX.V - KUT)
Jeffrey Hasham, MBA, CPA, CA
Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (416) 849-3469 Fax: (905) 812-9448

Redishred Capital Corp.(TSX.V-KUT)
電話:(416) 849-3469 傳真:(905) 812-9448



Redishred Capital Corp. (TSX.V - KUT)
Harjit Brar, CPA, CA
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Phone: (437) 328-6639 Fax: (905) 812-9448

Redishred Capital Corp.(TSX.V-KUT)
電話:(437) 328-6639 傳真:(905) 812-9448

Note: Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release contains forward looking statements that reflect the current expectations of management of Redishred and Redishred's future results, performance, achievements, prospects and opportunities. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "estimate", "believe", "expect", "intend" and similar expressions have been used to identify these forward looking statements. These statements reflect current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management of Redishred. Forward looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. A number of factors, including those discussed in Redishred's 2023 Management Discussion and Analysis under "Risk Factors", could cause actual results, performance, achievements, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully and a reader should not place undue reliance on the forward looking statements. There can be no assurance that the expectations of management of Redishred will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned that such forward looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements. Redishred can give no assurance that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,反映了管理層當前對Redishred和Redishred未來業績、業績、成就、前景和機遇的期望。儘可能使用諸如 “可能”、“將”、“估計”、“相信”、“期望”、“打算” 等詞語和類似的表述來識別這些前瞻性陳述。這些陳述反映了當前的信念,並基於Redishred管理層目前獲得的信息。前瞻性陳述必然涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素。許多因素,包括Redishred的2023年管理層討論與分析在 “風險因素” 下討論的因素,可能導致實際業績、業績、成就、前景或機會與前瞻性陳述中討論或暗示的結果存在重大差異。應仔細考慮這些因素,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述。無法保證Redishred管理層的期望會被證明是正確的。提醒讀者,此類前瞻性陳述存在某些風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與這些陳述存在重大差異。Redishred無法保證實際業績將與這些前瞻性陳述一致。

SOURCE: Redishred Capital Corp.


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