
Silver Tiger Intersects 32.0 Meters of 1.36 G/T Gold Equivalent Within 81.1 Meters of 0.94 G/T Gold Equivalent in the Stockwork Zone

Silver Tiger Intersects 32.0 Meters of 1.36 G/T Gold Equivalent Within 81.1 Meters of 0.94 G/T Gold Equivalent in the Stockwork Zone

Silver Tiger 在庫存區 0.94 G/T 黃金當量的 81.1 米範圍內與 32.0 米的 1.36 G/T 黃金當量相交
Accesswire ·  04/30 07:00

HALIFAX, NS / ACCESSWIRE / April 30, 2024 / Silver Tiger Metals Inc. (TSXV:SLVR)(OTCQX:SLVTF) ("Silver Tiger" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the Company's ongoing Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS") drilling program on the Stockwork gold deposit on its El Tigre Project in Sonora, Mexico. Silver Tiger has completed 23,500 metres of a 25,000 metre drilling program focused on expanding the Mineral Resource, up-grading the classification, completing metallurgical testwork and geotechnical studies as it progresses from an exploration to a development project. The value-added PFS progress is on schedule for publication in H2-2024.

新澤西州哈利法克斯/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月30日/銀虎金屬公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SLVR)(OTCQX: SLVTF)(“Silver Tiger” 或 “公司”)很高興介紹該公司正在進行的墨西哥索諾拉El Tigre項目Stockwork金礦牀預可行性研究(“PFS”)鑽探計劃的最新情況。Silver Tiger已經完成了25,000米鑽探計劃中的23,500米,重點是擴大礦產資源,升級分類,完成從勘探到開發項目的冶金測試和岩土工程研究。PFS 的增值進展按計劃在 H2-2024 中公佈。

Three main areas of the Stockwork gold deposit are being targeted and show potential for expansion: a) the footwall, b) the hanging wall and c) bottom 'keel'. After releasing the first 75 drill holes of the program, the Company is pleased to announce conversion, expansion and derisking of the potential 'Starter Stockwork Zone'.

Stockwork金礦牀的三個主要區域正成爲目標,並顯示出擴張潛力:a)腳踏板,b)懸掛牆和c)底部的 “龍骨”。在發佈該項目的前75個鑽孔後,該公司很高興地宣佈對潛在的 “Starter Stockwork Zone” 進行改造、擴建並消除風險。

The Stockwork gold deposit, comprised of the Footwall, Hanging Wall and high-grade Keel Zones, is seen in the below highlighted intercepts:


  • Drill hole ET-23-541: 79.5 metres grading 0.75 g/t gold equivalent or 56.1 g/t silver equivalent from 92.5 to 172.0 metres, consisting of 0.52 g/t gold and 17.4 g/t silver INCLUDING 26.5 metres grading 1.19 g/t gold equivalent or 89.3 g/t silver equivalent from 94.0 to 120.5 metres consisting of 1.08 g/t gold and 8.0 g/t silver in the Hanging Wall Zone.
  • Drill hole ET-23-543: 40.2 metres grading 1.21 g/t gold equivalent or 90.7 g/t silver equivalent from 148.0 to 188.2 metres, consisting of 0.84 g/t gold and 27.9 g/t silver INCLUDING 23.0 metres grading 1.72 g/t gold equivalent or 129.3 g/t silver equivalent from 152.0 to 175.0 metres consisting of 1.22 g/t gold and 37.9 g/t silver in the Keel Zone.
  • Drill hole ET-23-548: 71.0 metres grading 0.67 g/t gold equivalent or 50.6 g/t silver equivalent from 0.0 to 71.0 metres, consisting of 0.62 g/t gold and 3.9 g/t silver INCLUDING 18.5 metres grading 1.36 g/t gold equivalent or 101.7 g/t silver equivalent from 39.5 to 58.0 metres consisting of 1.32 g/t gold and 2.4 g/t silver in the Footwall Zone.
  • Drill hole ET-23-550: 81.1 metres grading 0.94 g/t gold equivalent or 70.3 g/t silver equivalent from 43.5 to 124.5 metres, consisting of 0.90 g/t gold and 3.0 g/t silver INCLUDING 32.0 metres grading 1.36 g/t gold equivalent or 102.1 g/t silver equivalent from 54.0 to 86.0 metres consisting of 1.31 g/t gold and 3.6 g/t silver in the Footwall Zone (Figure 2) and 21.0 metres grading 0.68 g/t gold equivalent or 50.1 g/t silver equivalent from 0.0 to 21.0 metres, consisting of 0.53 g/t gold and 10.5 g/t silver at the top of the hole.
  • ET-23-541 鑽孔:從 92.5 到 172.0 米的 79.5 米品位爲 0.75 克/噸的黃金當量或 56.1 克/噸的銀當量,包括 0.52 克/噸的金和 17.4 克/噸的銀,包括 26.5 米品位爲 1.19 克/噸金當量或從 94.0 到 120.5 米的 89.3 克/噸的銀當量,由懸牆區的 1.08 克/噸金和 8.0 克/噸的銀當量組成。
  • ET-23-543 鑽孔:從 148.0 到 188.2 米的 40.2 米品位爲 1.21 克/噸的黃金當量或 90.7 克/噸的銀當量,包括 0.84 克/噸的金和 27.9 克/噸的銀,包括 23.0 米品位爲 1.72 克/噸金當量或從 152.0 到 175.0 米的 129.3 克/噸銀當量,由龍骨區的 1.22 克/噸金和 37.9 克/噸的銀當量組成。
  • ET-23-548 鑽孔:從 0.0 到 71.0 米的 71.0 米品位爲 0.67 克/噸的黃金當量或 50.6 克/噸的銀當量,包括 0.62 克/噸的金和 3.9 克/噸的銀,包括 18.5 米品位爲 1.36 克/噸的黃金當量或從 39.5 到 58.0 米的 101.7 克/噸銀當量,包括 Footwall 區域的 1.32 克/噸金和 2.4 克/噸的銀。
  • ET-23-550 鑽孔:從 43.5 到 124.5 米的 81.1 米金當量品位爲 0.94 g/t 或 70.3 g/t 銀當量,包括 0.90 g/t 金和 3.0 g/t 銀,包括 32.0 米,品位爲 1.36 g/t 金當量或 102.1 g/t 銀當量從 54.0 到 86.0 米,包括 1.31 g/t 的金和 3.6 g/t 的銀,品位爲 0.68 0.0 至 21.0 米範圍內的 50.1 克/噸金當量或 50.1 克/噸的銀當量,由孔頂的 0.53 克/噸金和 10.5 克/噸的銀當量組成。

Silver Tiger's CEO, Glenn Jessome, stated, "As we continue receiving promising assay results, it is apparent that the developing "Footwall" and "Keel Zones" shows excellent grade and continuity." Mr. Jessome further stated, "The results may increase the updated MRE associated with the PFS-level study, as well as further de-risk the project."

銀虎首席執行官格倫·傑索姆表示:“隨着我們繼續獲得令人鼓舞的化驗結果,很明顯,開發中的 “Footwall” 和 “Keel Zones” 表現出優異的成績和連續性。”傑索姆進一步表示:“結果可能會增加與PFS級別研究相關的最新MRE,並進一步降低該項目的風險。”

Figure 1 : Stockwork Zone - Plan View

圖 1:庫存區域-平面圖視圖

Figure 2: Stockwork Zone Cross Section 4100N

圖 2:庫存區域橫截面 4100N

Highlights from the on-going Pre-Feasibility Study Drilling Program include the following:


  • Expanding known mineralization by 10 to 15%, to the footwall and hanging wall zones, as well as the higher-grade 'keel' at PEA pit bottom associated with the El Tigre and SK Veins;
  • Converting first two to three years of mineralized material in the potential 'Starter Stockwork Zone' from Indicated Mineral Resource to Measured;
  • Converting a significant portion of the 2 km strike length 'ultimate' PEA pit-constrained Inferred Mineral Resource to Indicated;
  • Completion of enhanced PFS Metallurgical Drilling, with samples underway comminution and leach testing; and
  • Completion of enhanced PFS Geotechnical Drilling, with samples undergoing testing.
  • 將已知的礦化範圍擴大10%至15%,擴展到腳下和懸壁區,以及與El Tigre和SK礦脈相關的PEA礦坑底部更高等級的 “龍骨”;
  • 將潛在的 “初始庫存區” 中的前兩到三年的礦化材料從指示礦產資源轉化爲已測礦產資源;
  • 將受礦坑限制的 2 千米走向長度 “極限” PEA 礦坑限制的推斷礦產資源中的很大一部分轉換爲指示礦產資源;
  • 完成增強型 PFS 冶金鑽探,樣品正在進行粉碎和滲濾測試;以及
  • 完成增強型 PFS 岩土工程鑽探,樣品正在測試中。

Mineral Resource Drilling


P&E Mining Consultants Inc. ("P&E") of Brampton, Ontario completed the initial MRE in 2017. On Oct 27, 2023, P&E released an updated El Tigre Project NI 43-101 and NI 43-01 F1 compliant MRE technical report titled "Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate of the El Tigre Silver-Gold Project, Sonora, Mexico" authored by William Stone, Ph.D., P.Geo.,Yungang Wu, P.Geo.,

位於安大略省布蘭普頓的P&E Mining Consultants Inc.(“P&E”)於2017年完成了最初的MRE。2023年10月27日,寶潔發佈了最新的符合北卡羅來納州El Tigre項目43-101和NI 43-01 F1標準的MRE技術報告,標題爲 “墨西哥索諾拉州El Tigre銀金項目的技術報告和最新礦產資源估算”,由P.Geo博士撰寫。,吳雲剛,P.Geo,

Fred H. Brown, P.Geo., Jarita Barry, P.Geo., David Burga, P.Geo., D. Grant Feasby, P.Eng., Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET and David Salari, P.Eng. The MRE has a pit-constrained Indicated Mineral Resource totaling 43.0 million tonnes containing 818 thousand ounces AuEq grading 0.59 g/t AuEq; and a pit-constrained Inferred Mineral Resource of 11.5 million tonnes containing 267 thousand ounces AuEq grading 0.72 g/t AuEq (see update MRE press release dated September 12th 2023).

P.Geo. Fred H. Brown、P.Geo. Jarita Barry、P.Geo. David Burga、P.Eng. D. Grant Feasby、P.Eng.、P.Eng. Eng.Eng. Eng.Eng. Eng. Eng.Eng. Eng.Eng.MRE 擁有礦坑受限的指示礦產資源總量爲 4,300 萬噸,含有 81.8 萬盎司 aUeQ,品位爲 0.59 g/t auEq;礦坑受限的推斷礦產資源爲 1150 萬噸,含有 26.7 萬盎司 aUeQ,品位爲 0.72 g/t auEq(參見 9 月 12 日的 MRE 最新新聞稿)第四 2023)。

PEA-level bench optimization of the pit-constrained Mineral Resource highlighted the higher-grade (~0.80 gpt AuEq), low strip ratio (~0.3) potential Starter Stockwork Zone which contains 5.7 million tonnes of mineralized material (see PEA press release dated November 1st, 2023). Recommendations of the PEA-level study included increasing Mineral Resource confidence in potential 'Starter Stockwork Zone' and additional exploratory drilling to target the 1) Footwall, 2) Hanging Wall and 3) 'Keel' areas of the Stockwork Zone. P&E were again retained to lead the current El Tigre PFS-level study with 23,500 metres of the program complete (Figure 1). Complete and final assay results are listed in Table 1.

對礦坑受限的礦產資源進行PEA級別的基準優化凸顯了更高品位(約0.80 gpt auEq)、低剝離率(約0.3)的潛在起始庫存區,該區域含有570萬噸礦化材料(見PEA於11月1日發佈的新聞稿)st,2023)。PEA級研究的建議包括提高礦產資源對潛在的 “初級庫存區” 的信心,以及進行更多勘探性鑽探,以瞄準庫區的 1) 腳牆、2) 懸掛牆和3) “龍骨” 區域。P&E再次獲聘領導當前的El Tigre PFS級研究,該項目已完成23,500米(圖1)。表 1 中列出了完整和最終的化驗結果。

Below, highlighted intersections are enumerated with reference to the three (3) zones targeted:

下面,重點列舉了針對的三 (3) 個區域的交叉點:

  • Drill hole ET-23-541: Confirms location and grade of the Hanging Wall Zone, and downhole, expands depth of high-grade Keel Zone (Figure 1);
  • Drill hole ET-23-543: Expands depth and strike of Keel Zone over the 2023 MRE (Figure 1);
  • Drill hole ET-23-545: Expands Footwall Zone by 20 m to east over 2023 MRE (Figure 1); and
  • Drill hole ET-23-550: Expands Footwall Zone by 40 m to east over 2023 MRE (Figure 2).
  • ET-23-541 鑽孔:確認懸掛牆區域的位置和坡度,井下可擴大高等級龍骨區的深度(圖 1);
  • ET-23-543 鑽孔:在 2023 年 MRE 的基礎上擴大了龍骨區域的深度和衝擊(圖 1);
  • ET-23-545 鑽孔:在 2023 年 MRE 上向東擴展 20 m 的足部區域(圖 1);以及
  • ET-23-550 鑽孔:在 2023 年 MRE 上向東擴展 40 m 的足部區域(圖 2)。

Table 1-Mineral Resource Drill Hole Results

表 1-礦產資源鑽孔結果

Total (2)

Total (2)

Hole ID Comment From To Length(1) Gold Silver
m m m g/t g/t g/t g/t
ET-23-532 STOCKWORK ZONE 22.0 74.5 52.5 0.48 5.3 0.56 41.7
including 29.5 57.0 27.5 0.73 5.4 0.80 60.1
ET-23-533 STOCKWORK ZONE 30.0 44.0 14.0 0.86 24.0 1.18 88.2
STOCKWORK ZONE 59.7 66.5 6.8 0.36 2.2 0.39 29.3
STOCKWORK ZONE 121.2 144.0 22.9 0.04 28.7 0.42 31.6
including 141.0 144.0 3.0 0.08 102.0 1.44 108.0
ET-23-534 STOCKWORK ZONE 8.4 16.8 8.5 0.14 15.4 0.35 26.2
STOCKWORK ZONE 38.7 57.5 18.9 0.45 2.0 0.47 35.5
ET-23-535 STOCKWORK ZONE 15.5 29.1 13.6 0.85 3.8 0.90 67.6
Mining VOID 29.1 32.2 3.1 * * * *
STOCKWORK ZONE 32.2 50.8 18.6 0.13 7.1 0.23 17.1
STOCKWORK ZONE 56.5 64.0 7.5 0.29 5.0 0.36 27.1
ET-23-536 STOCKWORK ZONE 89.0 99.0 10.0 0.78 3.1 0.82 61.4
STOCKWORK ZONE3 112.3 158.0 45.7 0.38 7.9 0.49 36.4
Mining VOID 144.1 145.5 1.4 * * * *
STOCKWORK ZONE 123.0 133.0 10.0 0.58 8.5 0.70 52.4
STOCKWORK ZONE 197.0 207.0 10.0 0.14 15.7 0.35 26.1
ET-23-537 STOCKWORK ZONE 88.0 90.0 2.0 1.39 2.5 1.42 106.5
STOCKWORK ZONE 101.0 140.0 39.0 0.37 11.8 0.52 39.3
STOCKWORK ZONE 168.0 182.0 14.0 0.30 15.2 0.50 37.7
El Tigre vein 206.0 210.0 4.0 2.93 46.5 3.55 266.6
ET-23-539 STOCKWORK ZONE 0.0 42.7 42.7 0.36 42.9 0.94 70.2
including 22.5 41.2 18.7 0.43 74.8 1.42 106.8
ET-23-540 STOCKWORK ZONE4 128.0 173.0 45.0 0.50 9.1 0.63 46.9
including 158.0 162.5 4.5 0.85 52.1 1.54 115.6
ET-23-541 STOCKWORK ZONE 92.5 172.0 79.5 0.52 17.4 0.75 56.1
including 94.0 120.5 26.5 1.08 8.0 1.19 89.3
Seitz Kelly 187.0 197.2 10.2 0.14 26.8 0.50 37.6
ET-23-543 STOCKWORK ZONE5 148.0 188.2 40.2 0.84 27.9 1.21 90.7
Including 152.0 175.0 23.0 1.22 37.9 1.72 129.3
Mining VOID 183.0 184.7 1.7 * * * *
ET-23-545 STOCKWORK ZONE 74.5 125.0 50.5 0.32 28.1 0.69 52.1
including 87.5 112.0 24.5 0.47 57.0 1.23 92.0
El Tigre vein 93.3 95.1 1.8 2.22 549.4 9.55 715.9
ET-23-547 STOCKWORK ZONE 99.0 117.0 18.0 0.53 1.5 0.55 41.0
STOCKWORK ZONE 132.9 155.0 22.1 0.96 2.6 1.00 74.9
including 143.0 152.0 9.0 1.71 2.3 1.74 130.2
Seitz Kelly 218.0 221.0 3.0 1.48 0.8 1.49 111.4
ET-23-548 STOCKWORK ZONE 0.0 71.0 71.0 0.62 3.9 0.67 50.6
including 39.5 58.0 18.5 1.32 2.4 1.36 101.7
STOCKWORK ZONE 86.3 97.5 11.3 0.68 0.7 0.69 52.0
ET-23-550 STOCKWORK ZONE 0.0 21.0 21.0 0.53 10.5 0.67 50.1
STOCKWORK ZONE 43.5 124.5 81.1 0.90 3.0 0.94 70.3
including 54.0 86.0 32.0 1.31 3.6 1.36 102.1

總計 (2)

總計 (2)

洞 ID 評論 來自 長度(1) 黃金
m m m g/t g/t g/t g/t
ET-23-532 庫存區 22.0 74.5 52.5 0.48 5.3 0.56 41.7
包括 29.5 57.0 27.5 0.73 5.4 0.80 60.1
ET-23-533 庫存區 30.0 44.0 14.0 0.86 24.0 1.18 88.2
庫存區 59.7 66.5 6.8 0.36 2.2 0.39 29.3
庫存區 121.2 144.0 22.9 0.04 28.7 0.42 31.6
包括 141.0 144.0 3.0 0.08 102.0 1.44 108.0
ET-23-534 庫存區 8.4 16.8 8.5 0.14 15.4 0.35 26.2
庫存區 38.7 57.5 18.9 0.45 2.0 0.47 35.5
ET-23-535 庫存區 15.5 29.1 13.6 0.85 3.8 0.90 67.6
挖礦 VOID 29.1 32.2 3.1 * * * *
庫存區 32.2 50.8 18.6 0.13 7.1 0.23 17.1
庫存區 56.5 64.0 7.5 0.29 5.0 0.36 27.1
ET-23-536 庫存區 89.0 99.0 10.0 0.78 3.1 0.82 61.4
庫存區3 112.3 158.0 45.7 0.38 7.9 0.49 36.4
挖礦 VOID 144.1 145.5 1.4 * * * *
庫存區 123.0 133.0 10.0 0.58 8.5 0.70 52.4
庫存區 197.0 207.0 10.0 0.14 15.7 0.35 26.1
ET-23-537 庫存區 88.0 90.0 2.0 1.39 2.5 1.42 106.5
庫存區 101.0 140.0 39.0 0.37 11.8 0.52 39.3
庫存區 168.0 182.0 14.0 0.30 15.2 0.50 37.7
El Tigre 靜脈 206.0 210.0 4.0 2.93 46.5 3.55 266.6
ET-23-539 庫存區 0.0 42.7 42.7 0.36 42.9 0.94 70.2
包括 22.5 41.2 18.7 0.43 74.8 1.42 106.8
ET-23-540 庫存區4 128.0 173.0 45.0 0.50 9.1 0.63 46.9
包括 158.0 162.5 4.5 0.85 52.1 1.54 115.6
ET-23-541 庫存區 92.5 172.0 79.5 0.52 17.4 0.75 56.1
包括 94.0 120.5 26.5 1.08 8.0 1.19 89.3
塞茨·凱利 187.0 197.2 10.2 0.14 26.8 0.50 37.6
ET-23-543 庫存區5 148.0 188.2 40.2 0.84 27.9 1.21 90.7
包括 152.0 175.0 23.0 1.22 37.9 1.72 129.3
挖礦 VOID 183.0 184.7 1.7 * * * *
ET-23-545 庫存區 74.5 125.0 50.5 0.32 28.1 0.69 52.1
包括 87.5 1120 24.5 0.47 57.0 1.23 92.0
El Tigre 靜脈 93.3 95.1 1.8 2.22 549.4 9.55 715.9
ET-23-547 庫存區 99.0 117.0 18.0 0.53 1.5 0.55 41.0
庫存區 132.9 155.0 22.1 0.96 2.6 1.00 74.9
包括 143.0 152.0 9.0 1.71 2.3 1.74 130.2
塞茨·凱利 218.0 221.0 3.0 1.48 0.8 1.49 111.4
ET-23-548 庫存區 0.0 71.0 71.0 0.62 3.9 0.67 50.6
包括 39.5 58.0 18.5 1.32 2.4 1.36 101.7
庫存區 86.3 97.5 11.3 0.68 0.7 0.69 52.0
ET-23-550 庫存區 0.0 21.0 21.0 0.53 10.5 0.67 50.1
庫存區 43.5 124.5 81.1 0.90 3.0 0.94 70.3
包括 54.0 86.0 32.0 1.31 3.6 1.36 102.1



  1. Not true width.
  2. Silver Equivalent ("AgEq") ratios are based on a silver to gold price ratio of 75:1 (Au:Ag).
  3. Excludes 1.40m of Mining void
  4. Excludes 1.70m of Mining void
  5. Excludes 2.00m of Mining void
  1. 不是真正的寬度。
  2. 白銀當量(“AgeQ”)比率基於白銀與黃金的價格比率爲 75:1(Au: Ag)。
  3. 不包括 140 萬的採礦空隙
  4. 不包括 170 萬的採礦空隙
  5. 不包括 200 萬的採礦空隙

Table 2-Drill Hole Locations

表 2-鑽孔位置

Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Length
ET-23-532 671,190.4 3,384,252.8 1993.5 90 -44 90.5
ET-23-533 671,071.1 3,383,868.4 1867.9 90 -45 152.0
ET-23-534 671,189.9 3,384,300.6 1989.4 90 -45 96.6
ET-23-535 671,187.3 3,384,321.6 1987.9 90 -45 90.5
ET-23-536 671,044.6 3,384,272.1 1978.6 90 -45 228.0
ET-23-537 671,235.0 3,383,485.4 2014.3 90 -70 291.0
ET-23-539 671,167.4 3,384,023.7 1933.0 90 -45 154.5
ET-23-540 671,043.9 3,384,272.1 1978.5 90 -54 241.0
ET-23-541 671,058.4 3,384,026.1 1925.7 90 -50 215.9
ET-23-543 671,043.6 3,384,271.9 1978.4 90 -61 261.0
ET-23-545 671,211.2 3,383,666.6 2001.0 65 -50 150.0
ET-23-547 671,047.5 3,384,314.8 1983.5 90 -45 221.0
ET-23-548 671,196.8 3,384,073.1 1963.0 90 -45 150.0
ET-23-550 671,180.3 3,384,125.6 2002.6 90 -45 166.5
洞 ID 向東 北方 海拔 方位角 長度
ET-23-532 671,190.4 3,384,252.8 1993.5 90 -44 90.5
ET-23-533 671,071.1 3,383,868.4 1867.9 90 -45 152.0
ET-23-534 671,189.9 3,384,300.6 1989.4 90 -45 96.6
ET-23-535 671,187.3 3,384,321.6 1987.9 90 -45 90.5
ET-23-536 671,044.6 3,384,272.1 1978.6 90 -45 228.0
ET-23-537 671,235.0 3,383,485.4 2014.3 90 -70 291.0
ET-23-539 671,167.4 3,384,023.7 1933.0 90 -45 154.5
ET-23-540 671,043.9 3,384,272.1 1978.5 90 -54 241.0
ET-23-541 671,058.4 3,384,026.1 1925.7 90 -50 215.9
ET-23-543 671,043.6 3,384,271.9 1978.4 90 -61 261.0
ET-23-545 671,211.2 3,383,666.6 2001.0 65 -50 150.0
ET-23-547 671,047.5 3,384,314.8 1983.5 90 -45 221.0
ET-23-548 671,196.8 3,384,073.1 1963.0 90 -45 150.0
ET-23-550 671,180.3 3,384,125.6 2002.6 90 -45 166.5

Figure 3: El Tigre - Conceptual Cross-Section Showing Mineralization Styles

圖 3:El Tigre-顯示礦化風格的概念橫截面

Figure 4: El Tigre-Longitudinal Projection Showing Exploration Potential

圖 4:顯示勘探潛力的 El Tigre-縱向投影

About Silver Tiger and the El Tigre Historic Mine District

關於 Silver Tiger 和 El Tigre 歷史礦區

Silver Tiger Metals Inc. is a Canadian company whose management has more than 25 years' experience discovering, financing and building large hydrothermal silver projects in Mexico. Silver Tiger's 100% owned 28,414 hectare historic El Tigre Mining District is located in Sonora, Mexico. Principled environmental, social and governance practices are core priorities at Silver Tiger.

Silver Tiger Metals Inc. 是一家加拿大公司,其管理層在墨西哥發現、融資和建設大型熱液銀項目方面擁有超過25年的經驗。Silver Tiger 100% 擁有佔地 28,414 公頃的歷史悠久的埃爾蒂格雷礦區,位於墨西哥索諾拉。有原則的環境、社會和治理實踐是Silver Tiger的核心優先事項。

The El Tigre historic mine district is located in Sonora, Mexico and lies at the northern end of the Sierra Madre silver and gold belt which hosts many epithermal silver and gold deposits, including Dolores, Santa Elena and Las Chispas at the northern end. In 1896, gold was first discovered on the Property in the Gold Hill area and mining started with the Brown Shaft in 1903. The focus soon changed to mining silver veins in the area with production coming from 3 parallel veins the El Tigre Vein, the Seitz Kelley Vein and the Sooy Vein. Underground mining on the middle El Tigre Vein extended 1,450 metres along strike and was mined on 14 levels to a depth of approximately 450 metres. The Seitz Kelley Vein was mined along strike for 1 kilometre to a depth of approximately 200 metres. The Sooy Vein was only mined along strike for 250 metres to a depth of approximately 150 metres. Mining abruptly stopped on all three of these veins when the price of silver collapsed to less than US20¢ per ounce with the onset of the Great Depression. By the time the mine closed in 1930, it is reported to have produced a total of 353,000 ounces of gold and 67.4 million ounces of silver from 1.87 million tons (Craig, 2012). The average grade mined during this period was over 2 kilograms silver equivalent per ton.

埃爾蒂格雷歷史礦區位於墨西哥索諾拉,位於馬德雷山脈銀金帶的北端,那裏有許多超熱銀和金礦牀,包括北端的多洛雷斯、聖埃琳娜和拉斯奇斯帕斯。1896年,金山地區的該地產首次發現了黃金,1903年從棕礦井開始開採。重點很快轉向了開採該地區的銀礦脈,產量來自三條平行礦脈,即埃爾蒂格雷礦脈、塞茨凱利礦脈和蘇伊礦脈。埃爾蒂格雷脈中部的地下采礦沿着走向延伸了1,450米,在14層進行了地下采礦,深度約爲450米。Seitz Kelley Vein 沿着走向地雷開採了 1 千米,深度約爲 200 米。Sooy Vein 僅在攻擊沿線 250 米處埋設地雷,深度約爲 150 米。隨着大蕭條的開始,白銀價格跌至每盎司20美分以下,這三條礦脈的採礦突然停止了。據報道,到1930年該礦關閉時,它從187萬噸中總共生產了35.3萬盎司黃金和6,740萬盎司白銀(Craig,2012年)。在此期間開採的平均品位超過每噸2千克白銀當量。

The El Tigre silver and gold deposit is related to a series of epithermal veins controlled by a north-south trending structure cutting across the andesitic and rhyolitic tuffs of the Sierra Madre Volcanic Complex within a broad silver and gold mineralized prophylitic alteration zone developed in the El Tigre Formation that can be up to 150 metres wide. The veins dip steeply to the west and are typically 0.5 metre wide; however, locally can be up to 5 metres in width. The veins, structures and mineralized zones outcrop on surface and have been traced for 5.3 kilometres along strike in our brownfield exploration area. Historical mining and exploration activities focused on a 1.6-kilometre portion of the southern end of the deposits, principally on the El Tigre, Seitz Kelly and Sooy veins. The under explored Caleigh, Benjamin, Protectora and the Fundadora exposed veins continue north for more than 3 kilometres. Silver Tiger has delivered its updated NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resource Estimate and PEA and is currently drilling to update its Mineral Resource Estimate and publish a PFS.

埃爾蒂格雷銀金礦牀與一系列超熱礦脈有關,該礦脈由南北向結構控制,該結構橫跨馬德雷山脈火山群的安第斯巖和流紋凝灰岩,位於埃爾蒂格雷組開發的寬闊的銀金礦化預生蝕變帶內,寬度可達150米。靜脈向西陡峭地傾斜,寬度通常爲 0.5 米;但是,局部靜脈的寬度可達 5 米。礦脈、結構和礦化帶在地表露出,沿着我們的棕地勘探區域走向進行了5.3公里的追蹤。歷史上的採礦和勘探活動集中在礦牀南端1.6公里處,主要是埃爾蒂格雷、塞茨凱利和蘇伊礦脈。未開發的卡利、本傑明、Protectora和Fundadora裸露的礦脈向北延伸了3公里以上。Silver Tiger已經發布了符合NI 43-101標準的最新礦產資源估算和PEA,目前正在進行鑽探,以更新其礦產資源估算併發布PFS。

VRIFY Slide Deck and 3D Presentation - Silver Tiger's El Tigre Project

VRIFY 幻燈片和 3D 演示文稿——Silver Tiger 的 El Tigre 項目

VRIFY is a platform being used by companies to communicate with investors using 360° virtual tours of remote mining assets, 3D models and interactive presentations. VRIFY can be accessed by website and with the VRIFY iOS and Android apps.

VRIFY是公司使用的平台,通過遠程採礦資產的360°虛擬導覽、3D模型和交互式演示與投資者進行溝通。VRIFY 可以通過網站訪問,也可以通過 VRIFY iOS 和 Android 應用程序訪問。

Access the Silver Tiger Metals Inc. Company Profile on VRIFY at:

在 VRIFY 上訪問 Silver Tiger Metals Inc. 公司簡介,網址爲:

The VRIFY Slide Deck and 3D Presentation for Silver Tiger Metals Inc. can be viewed at: and on the Corporation's website at: .

Silver Tiger Metals Inc. 的 VRIFY Slide Deck 和 3D 演示文稿可以在以下網址查看:也可以在公司的網站上查看:。

Procedure, Quality Assurance / Quality Control and Data Verification


The diamond drill core (HQ size) is geologically logged, photographed and marked for sampling. When the sample lengths are determined, the full drill core is sawn with a diamond blade drill core saw with one half of the drill core being bagged and tagged for assay. The remaining half portion is returned to the drill core trays for storage and/or for metallurgical test work.

金剛石鑽芯(HQ 尺寸)經過地質記錄、拍照並標記以供採樣。確定樣品長度後,使用金剛石刀片鑽芯鋸切割整個鑽芯,將一半的鑽芯裝袋並標記進行化驗。剩餘的一半將返回鑽芯托盤進行儲存和/或進行冶金測試工作。

The sealed and tagged drill core sample bags are transported to the Bureau Veritas facility in Hermosillo, Mexico. Bureau Veritas crushes the samples (Code PRP70-250) and prepares 200-300 gram pulp samples with ninety percent passing Tyler 200 mesh (Code PUL85). The pulps are assayed for gold using a 30-gram charge by fire assay (Code FA630) and over limits greater than 10 grams per tonne are re-assayed using a gravimetric finish (Code FA530). Silver and multi-element analysis is completed using total digestion (Code MA200 Total Digestion ICP). Over limits greater than 100 grams per tonne silver are re-assayed using a gravimetric finish (Code FA530).

密封並貼有標籤的鑽芯樣品袋被運送到墨西哥埃莫西約的必維集團工廠。必維國際檢驗集團壓碎樣品(代碼 PRP70-250),製備 200-300 克紙漿樣品,百分之九十通過泰勒 200 目(代碼 PUL85)。使用30克的電荷通過火法試驗(代碼 FA630)對紙漿進行金檢測,超過每噸10克的限值使用重量法完成(代碼 FA530)重新測定。銀和多元素分析使用全消化(代碼 MA200 總消化 ICP)完成。對於超過限值的每噸 100 克的銀,使用重量法進行重新分析(代碼 FA530)。

Quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") procedures monitor the chain-of-custody of the samples and includes the systematic insertion and monitoring of appropriate reference materials (certified reference materials, blanks and duplicates) into the sample strings. The results of the assaying of the QA/QC material included in each batch are tracked to ensure the integrity of the assay data. All results stated in this announcement have passed Silver Tiger's QA/QC protocols.

質量保證和質量控制(“QA/QC”)程序對樣品的監管鏈進行監管,包括系統地將適當的參考材料(經認證的參考材料、空白和副本)插入樣本串並進行監測。跟蹤每批中包含的質量保證/質量控制材料的分析結果,以確保分析數據的完整性。本公告中列出的所有結果均已通過Silver Tiger的質量保證/質量控制協議。

Qualified Person


David R. Duncan, P. Geo., V.P. Exploration of the Corporation, is the Qualified Person for Silver Tiger as defined under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Duncan has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this press release.

根據國家儀器43-101的定義,公司勘探副總裁David R. Duncan,P. Geo.,是銀虎合格人士。鄧肯先生審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息。

For further information, please contact:


Glenn Jessome
President and CEO
902 492 0298

Glenn Jessome
902 492 0298



Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, the ability to convert Inferred Resources to Indicated Resources, the ability to complete future drilling programs and infill sampling, the ability to extend Mineral Resource blocks, the similarity of mineralization at El Tigre to Delores, Santa Elena and Chispas, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of Silver Tiger, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "may", "is expected to", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans", "projection", "could", "vision", "goals", "objective" and "outlook" and other similar words. Although Silver Tiger believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Silver Tiger's expectations include risks and uncertainties related to exploration, development, operations, commodity prices and global financial volatility, risk and uncertainties of operating in a foreign jurisdiction as well as additional risks described from time to time in the filings made by Silver Tiger with securities regulators.

本新聞稿包括某些 “前瞻性陳述”。除本新聞稿中包含的歷史事實陳述外,所有陳述,包括但不限於有關潛在礦化、礦產資源和礦產儲量、將推斷資源轉換爲指示資源的能力、完成未來鑽探計劃和填充採樣的能力、擴展礦產資源區塊的能力、埃爾蒂格雷礦化與德洛雷斯、聖埃琳娜和奇斯帕斯的相似之處、勘探結果以及銀虎未來的計劃和目標的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述這樣的陳述涉及各種風險和不確定性。前瞻性陳述通常以 “可能”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“打算”、“計劃”、“預測”、“可能”、“願景”、“目標”、“目標” 和 “展望” 等詞語以及其他類似詞語來表徵。儘管Silver Tiger認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。可能導致實際業績與銀虎預期存在重大差異的重要因素包括與勘探、開發、運營、大宗商品價格和全球金融波動相關的風險和不確定性、在外國司法管轄區經營的風險和不確定性,以及銀虎向證券監管機構提交的文件中不時描述的其他風險。

SOURCE: Silver Tiger Metals Inc.


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