
Lithium South Development Corporation: Preliminary Economic Assessment Filed on SEDAR

Lithium South Development Corporation: Preliminary Economic Assessment Filed on SEDAR

PR Newswire ·  04/30 08:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lithium South Development Corporation (the "Company" or "Lithium South") (TSX-V: LIS) (OTCQB: LISMF) (Frankfurt: OGPQ) is pleased to announce it has today filed on SEDAR plus, its Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA report') following the summary results previously announced March 03, 2024. The report titled, N.I. 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment Hombre Muerto North Lithium Project, Salta, Argentina, was completed by Knight Piesold Consulting and JDS Energy and Mining Inc., both industry leading independent engineering consulting firms.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 4 月 30 日 /PRNewswire/-- 南方鋰業開發公司 (“公司” 或 “南方鋰業”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:LIS)(場外交易代碼:LISMF)(法蘭克福股票代碼:OGPQ)欣然宣佈,繼先前於2024年3月3日公佈的摘要業績之後,它已於今天向SEDAR plus提交了初步經濟評估(“PEA報告”)。該報告的標題是 N.I. 43-101 初步經濟評估 Hombre Muerto North 鋰項目,阿根廷薩爾塔, 由Knight Piesold Consulting和JDS能源與礦業公司完成,這兩家公司都是行業領先的獨立工程諮詢公司。

Summary of Economic Results

The PEA Report provides support for Lithium South to proceed with development plans for a 15,600 tonnes per year lithium carbonate plant, located at its wholly owned, Hombre Muerto North Lithium Project ("HMN Li Project") in Salta, Argentina. The extraction and recovery process for the project is based on conventional solar evaporation of the well brine, magnesium removal with slaked lime and lithium carbonate precipitation using soda ash, which is an industrial proven method of lithium production.

PEA報告爲Lithium South繼續實施每年15,600噸碳酸鋰工廠的開發計劃提供了支持,該工廠位於阿根廷薩爾塔的全資Hombre Muerto North鋰項目(“HMN Li項目”)。該項目的開採和回收過程基於傳統的太陽能蒸發井鹽水,用消石灰去除鎂,使用蘇打灰沉澱碳酸鋰,這是一種經過工業驗證的鋰生產方法。

The financial model shows a Net Present Value after tax of US$938 million, an after-tax Internal Rate of Return of 31.6%, and a 2.5-year payback.


Company Founder President and CEO, Adrian F. C. Hobkirk is quoted, "We are very pleased to have achieved this important milestone for the HMN Li Project. The robust economics and room for expansion indicate a promising future for Lithium South."

引述公司創始人、總裁兼首席執行官阿德里安·霍布柯克的話說:“我們很高興HMN Li項目實現了這一重要的里程碑。強勁的經濟和擴張空間表明 Lithium South 的前景光明。”

About Lithium South


Lithium South owns 100% of the HMN Li Project located in Salta and Catamarca Provinces, Argentina, in the heart of the lithium triangle. The Salar del Hombre Muerto has a history of lithium production, with Arcadium Lithium (as a result of the Alkem and Livent merger) in operation for over twenty-five years, in an area just south of the HMN Li Project. The HMN Li Project is surrounded by a US$4 billion lithium development under construction by POSCO (Korea) and the Sal de Vida Project under development by Arcadium. Exploration work to date has delineated a National Instrument 43-101 compliant 1,583,200 tonne Lithium Carbonate Equivalent ("LCE") Resource (Note 1) on the Alba Sabrina, Natalia Maria, and Tramo claim blocks, three of five non-contiguous blocks that make up the HMN Lithium Project. With pumping well installation underway, Lithium South is transitioning from being a lithium explorer to becoming a lithium developer.

Lithium South擁有位於阿根廷薩爾塔省和卡塔馬卡省的HMN Li項目的100%股份,該項目位於鋰三角中心的阿根廷薩爾塔省和卡塔馬卡省。Salar del Hombre Muerto有鋰生產的歷史,Arcadium Lithium(由Alkem和Livent合併而成)在HMN Li項目以南的地區運營了超過二十五年。HMN Li項目被浦項制鐵(韓國)正在建設的40億美元鋰開發項目和Arcadium正在開發的Sal de Vida項目所包圍。迄今爲止的勘探工作已經在構成HMN鋰項目的五個非連續區塊中的三個區塊中劃定了符合國家儀器43-101標準的1,583,200噸碳酸鋰當量(“LCE”)資源(註釋1)。隨着泵井安裝的進行,Lithium South正在從鋰勘探公司過渡到成爲鋰開發商。

Qualified Person Statements


Peter Ehren is an independent Lithium Consultant. He has more than two decades of experience in the industry. He started his interest in the lithium business during his master's thesis at Technical University of the Delft where he investigated for BHP Minerals the recovery of lithium from geothermal brine (Salton Sea), applying a Direct Lithium Extraction ("DLE") technology. After his thesis he worked for SQM as a process engineer and R&D manager till 2007. Since 2007 he started to work as independent consultant in the lithium, boron and potassium industry. He is a world expert in solar evaporation systems, phase chemistry and process developments. Additionally, his experience covers product applications, OPEX and CAPEX estimation, process simulations, engineering, R&D and product development. He has worked in lithium basins and production facilities worldwide. He is a Chartered Professional (AusIMM) and QP for NI 43-101 and JORC.

彼得·埃倫是一位獨立的鋰顧問。他在該行業擁有二十多年的經驗。他在代爾夫特理工大學攻讀碩士論文時開始對鋰業務產生興趣,在那裏他爲必和必拓礦業研究了應用直接鋰提取(“DLE”)技術從地熱鹽水(索爾頓海)中回收鋰的情況。畢業後,他在SQM擔任工藝工程師和研發經理,直到2007年。自2007年以來,他開始在鋰、硼和鉀行業擔任獨立顧問。他是太陽能蒸發系統、相化學和工藝開發方面的世界專家。此外,他的經驗還涵蓋產品應用、運營支出和資本支出估算、過程模擬、工程、研發和產品開發。他曾在全球的鋰盆地和生產設施工作。他是 NI 43-101 和 JORC 的特許專業人士 (AuSIMM) 和 QP。

Dr. Mark King, Ph.D., F.G.C., P.Geo., of Groundwater Insight, Inc., is the QP for resource estimation components of the PEA., as such term is defined by NI 43-101. Dr. King has extensive experience in salar environments and has been a QP on numerous lithium brine projects, ranging from early exploration to production. Dr. King is independent from the Company and has reviewed and approved the technical information mentioned in this press release.

地下水洞察公司的馬克·金博士、F.G.C.、P.Geo. 是PEA資源估算組成部分的QP,因爲該術語由NI 43-101定義。金博士在鹽鹼環境方面擁有豐富的經驗,曾是衆多鋰鹽水項目的合夥人,從早期勘探到生產。金博士獨立於公司,已審查並批准了本新聞稿中提到的技術信息。

Richard Goodwin, P.Eng., Project Manager for JDS Energy and Mining, Inc., is independent of Lithium South and a QP as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Goodwin is a mining engineer and study manager with over 30 years of experience managing mining operation and projects in various commodities such as base metals, precious metals, PGMs, and diamonds in various domestic and international locations. Mr. Goodwin is responsible for the PEA results, participated directly in the production of this press release, and directly related information in this press release, and approves of the technical and scientific disclosure contained herein.

理查德·古德溫工程師是JDS能源與礦業公司的項目經理,獨立於Lithium South和加拿大國家儀器43-101規定的合格P。古德溫先生是一名採礦工程師和研究經理,在管理各種國內和國際地點的各種大宗商品(例如基本金屬、貴金屬、PGM和鑽石)的採礦業務和項目方面擁有30多年的經驗。古德溫先生對PEA的結果負責,直接參與了本新聞稿的製作,並直接參與了本新聞稿中的相關信息的製作,並批准了此處包含的技術和科學披露。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Adrian F. C. Hobkirk
President and Chief Executive Officer
Investors / Shareholders call 855-415-8100 / website:

阿德里安 F.C. 霍布柯克
投資者/股東致電 855-415-8100 /網站

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed the content of this news release and therefore does not accept responsibility or liability for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release.


Note 1: A report titled, Updated Mineral Resource Estimate – Hombre Muerto North Project, NI 43-101 Technical Report Catamarca and Salta, Argentina, Mark King, PhD, PGeo, Peter Ehren, M.Sc, MAusIMM, September 5th, 2023.

注1:一份標題爲 最新礦產資源估算 — Hombre Muerto North 項目,NI 43-101 技術報告,阿根廷卡塔馬卡和薩爾塔,Mark King,博士,PGeo,Peter Ehren,理學碩士,MauSimm,2023 年 9 月 5 日。

This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Except for statements of historical fact relating to the Company, certain information contained herein constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based upon opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward- looking statements. We seek safe harbor.

本新聞稿包含經修訂的1934年《美國證券交易法》第21E條所指的某些 “前瞻性陳述”。除與公司有關的歷史事實陳述外,此處包含的某些信息構成前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述基於管理層在陳述發表之日的觀點和估計,受各種風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述中的預測存在重大差異。提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性陳述。我們尋求安全港。

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SOURCE Lithium South Development Corporation


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