
Taranis Announces Exercise of Warrants, Private Placements; Outlines 2024 Exploration Targets

Taranis Announces Exercise of Warrants, Private Placements; Outlines 2024 Exploration Targets

Accesswire ·  05/02 19:00

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ESTES PARK, CO / ACCESSWIRE / May 2, 2024 / Taranis Resources Inc. ("Taranis" or the "Company") (TSXV:TRO)(OTCQB:TNREF) is pleased to announce efforts that will enable the Company to test for the presence of a porphyry body under the Thor epithermal deposit. This includes the exercise of warrants and terms for a financing that will enable the Company to complete its objectives. Taranis has prepared a geological overview of the 2024 exploration program and it can be found by clicking on the following link:

科羅拉多州埃斯特斯公園/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月2日/塔拉尼斯資源公司(“塔拉尼斯” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TRO)(OTCQB: TNREF)欣然宣佈努力使公司能夠測試雷神淺成熱礦牀下是否存在斑岩體。這包括行使認股權證和融資條款,這將使公司能夠完成其目標。塔拉尼斯已經準備了2024年勘探計劃的地質概述,點擊以下鏈接即可找到:

Exercise of Warrants


Taranis recently received $250,000 from the exercise of 1,250,000 share purchase warrants at a price of $0.20 per share. These 1,250,000 shares will be issued shortly.




Taranis also announces a non-brokered private placement (the "Offering") of up to $1,400,000. The Offering will consist of the sale of:


(a) up to 2,592,592 non-flow-through units (the "NFT Units") at a price of $0.27 per NFT Unit, to raise gross proceeds of up $700,000; and

(a) 最多2592,592個非流通單位(“NFT單位”),價格爲每個NFT單位0.27美元,總收益高達70萬美元;以及

(b) up to 2,333,333 flow-through units (the "FT Units") at a price of $0.30 per FT Unit, to raise gross proceeds of up to $700,000.

(b) 以每英尺0.30美元的價格提供多達2,333,333個流通單位(“全日制單位”),總收益最高可達70萬美元。

Each NFT Unit will consist of one common share and one common share purchase warrant (a "NFT Warrant"), with each NFT Warrant to entitle the holder to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.35 per share for a period of 24 months from closing. Each FT Unit will consist of one flow-through common share and one common share purchase warrant (a "FT Warrant"). Each FT Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional common share at a price of $0.35 for a period of 24 months from closing.


The proceeds from the sale of the FT Units will be used to incur exploration expenses that qualify as Canadian Exploration Expenses to conduct further exploration at Taranis' Thor property in southeastern British Columbia. The proceeds from the sale of the NFT Units will be used for general working capital purposes.


Finders' fees or brokers' commissions may be paid in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange policy. All securities issued as part of the Offering will be subject to a hold period in Canada of four months and one day from the closing of the Offering. The Offering and the payment of any finders' fees or brokers' commissions are subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance.


Taranis anticipates that insiders may subscribe for a portion of the Offering. The participation of insiders in the private placement would constitute a related party transaction, within the meaning of TSX-V Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - "Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions" ("MI 61-101"). Taranis intends to rely on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements provided under sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(a) of MI 61-101 on the basis that the fair market value (as determined under MI 61-101) of insider participation in the Offering would not exceed 25% of Taranis's market capitalization.

塔拉尼斯預計,內部人士可能會訂閱本次發行的一部分。根據多倫多證券交易所政策5.9和61-101號多邊文書的定義,內部人士參與私募將構成關聯方交易- “在特殊交易中保護少數股權持有人”(“MI 61-101”)。 塔拉尼斯打算依賴密歇根州61-101號文件第5.5(a)和5.7(a)條規定的正式估值和少數股東批准要求的豁免,理由是內部人士參與本次發行的公允市場價值(根據密歇根州61-101確定)將不超過塔拉尼斯市值的25%。

Outline of 2024 Exploration Activities

2024 年勘探活動概述

Taranis views 2024 as the most impactful in its sixteen-year long exploration of the project. As the knowledge base at Thor has improved, it has become apparent that there are several important targets that exist under the Thor epithermal deposit. Although Taranis has recently updated the Mineral Resource for its epithermal deposit (See Taranis News Release dated February 26, 2024), the Company has been aggressively developing deep targets. The geological thesis is that the Thor epithermal deposit originated from an underlying intrusive. This is commonly seen in many porphyry deposits throughout the world. Drilling and exploration will be focused on three targets, each of which could yield important new mineral discoveries at Thor.


  • The first of these is an intrusive target measuring 1,000 x 800m that lies underlies the main Thor epithermal deposit. This feature called the 'Elephant' has been outlined through a variety of exploration surveys, including airborne magnetics and magnetotelluric surveys. The intrusive target occurs at the south end of the epithermal deposit and is estimated to lie at a depth of at least 300-400m below the surface. At surface near Broadview, the target is capped by intense lime-green colored phyllic alteration, The phyllic alteration is underlain by a magnetite-quartz altered unit with potassium enrichment. Taranis believes that a dome-shape magnetic-low located under the magnetite-quartz altered unit could be a large, concealed copper-gold bearing intrusive. Alteration patterns such as those observed at Thor are commonly in sediment-hosted copper-gold porphyry deposits such as Elatsite mine in Bulgaria.
  • The secondary targets are two several-km-long conductive 'Tusks' that wrap around the intrusive target discussed above and are only identified on the MT survey. As the tusk reference implies, these features have a close spatial relationship to the Elephant. The 'North Tusk' is associated with a massive gossan that is located on the North side of Thor's Ridge and has never been explored owing to its depth. Megagossan has ore-grade nickel and cobalt deposited by leaching at surface and overlies a deeply buried conductive feature. Groundwater is interpreted to have leached metals and iron sulfides from this conductive target and these have been transported by groundwater up to surface, forming the gossan. All of the known epithermal deposits at Thor were previously discovered by exploring gossans. The 'South Tusk' appears to be the same type of feature that occurs on the south side of the intrusive target. It is known to have anomalous antimony seeping from the target that is buried 200-250m below the surface.
  • The third target was discovered late in 2023 and occurs west of the known Thor epithermal deposit. This target is believed to be a continuation of the Thor epithermal deposit and as such is part of the 'Trunk' of the elephant. The up-dip end of the main Thor epithermal deposit has been downfaulted to the west along the Ripper Fault, and it appears that an undiscovered portion of the Thor epithermal deposit occurs downfaulted in this area. Although this was long postulated at Thor, there was no direct evidence to support this theory until a high-grade boulder field (Horton) was found in September of 2023. Exploration efforts in 2024 will seek to discover the source of these high-grade boulders, which occur to the west and up-slope from the known Thor epithermal deposit. Taranis' knowledge of the Thor epithermal deposit has shown that the up-dip edges of the epithermal deposit contain extremely high levels of gold and silver, and this was borne out by boulder sampling in 2023 (See Taranis News Release dated November 6, 2023). This coincides with the high gold grades found in the boulder field in 2023.
  • 其中第一個是尺寸爲 1,000 x 800 米的侵入性目標,它位於雷神主要超熱成熱礦牀的下方。這一名爲 “大象” 的特徵已通過各種勘探調查進行了概述,包括機載磁學和大地電磁測量。侵入性目標位於超熱礦牀的南端,估計位於地表以下至少300-400米的深度。在Broadview附近的表面,靶點被強烈的石灰綠色葉片變化所覆蓋,葉狀變化由富鉀的磁石石英改變單元所掩蓋。塔拉尼斯認爲,位於磁鐵石英改造單元下方的圓頂形磁低位可能是一個大型的、隱蔽的含銅金的侵入物。諸如在托爾觀察到的變化模式通常出現在沉積物承載的銅金斑岩礦牀中,例如保加利亞的埃拉特賽特礦。
  • 次要目標是兩個幾千米長的導電 “象牙”,它們環繞着上面討論的侵入性目標,只能在MT調查中發現。正如象牙參考文獻所暗示的那樣,這些特徵與大象有着密切的空間關係。“北象牙” 與位於雷神嶺北側的巨大棉花有關,由於其深度而從未被探索過。Megossan 通過在表面浸出沉積了礦石級鎳和鈷,並覆蓋了深埋的導電特徵。地下水被解釋爲從該導電目標中浸出金屬和硫化鐵,這些金屬和硫化鐵通過地下水向上輸送到地表,形成了鵝絨。雷神所有已知的超熱礦牀都是先前通過探索高山發現的。“South Tusk” 似乎與侵入性目標南側出現的特徵類型相同。已知有異常銻從埋在地表以下200-250米處的目標中滲出。
  • 第三個目標是在2023年底發現的,位於已知的雷神超熱礦牀以西。該目標被認爲是雷神超熱沉積物的延續,因此是大象 “樹幹” 的一部分。雷神超熱液沉積物的上傾端已沿開膛手斷層向西向西延伸,看來雷神超熱礦牀中未被發現的部分位於該地區的下斷層。儘管雷神早就假定了這一點,但直到2023年9月發現了高等級巨石場(霍頓)之前,沒有直接的證據支持這一理論。2024年的勘探工作將尋求發現這些高品位巨石的來源,這些巨石位於已知的雷神超熱礦牀的西部和上坡。塔拉尼斯對雷神超熱礦牀的了解表明,超熱液礦牀的上傾邊緣含有極高的金和銀含量,2023年的巨石採樣證實了這一點(見2023年11月6日的塔拉尼斯新聞稿)。這與2023年在巨石場發現的高黃金等級相吻合。

About Taranis


Taranis Resources Inc. is a well-positioned exploration company that is exploring and developing its 100%-owned Thor precious-base metal project in British Columbia. Taranis has drilled over 250 drill holes on the project, defining a near-surface epithermal deposit that is over 2 km long. The Company refers to the epithermal trend as the "Trunk," invoking the anatomy of an elephant to portray the connection of the epithermal deposit to the underlying Jumbo and Horton intrusive targets.

Taranis Resources Inc. 是一家定位良好的勘探公司,正在不列顛哥倫比亞省勘探和開發其100%擁有的Thor貴金屬項目。塔拉尼斯在該項目上鑽了250多個鑽孔,定義了一個長度超過2公里的近地表淺熱礦牀。該公司將超熱趨勢稱爲 “樹幹”,以大象的解剖結構來描繪超熱礦牀與潛在的巨型和霍頓侵入性目標之間的聯繫。

Qualified Persons


Exploration activities at Thor were overseen by John Gardiner (P. Geo.), who is a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101. John Gardiner, P.Geo. is a principal of John J. Gardiner & Associates, LLC, which operates in British Columbia under Firm Permit Number 1002256.

雷神的勘探活動由約翰·加德納(P. Geo.)監督,他是加拿大國家儀器43-101所指的合格人士。John Gardiner, P.Geo. 是 John J. Gardiner & Associates, LLC 的負責人,該公司在不列顛哥倫比亞省經營,公司許可證號爲 1002256。

The technical content in this news release has been reviewed and approved by independent Qualified Person Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, President of P&E which operates under EGBC Permit to Practice Number 1000275.

本新聞稿中的技術內容已由獨立合格人員尤金·普里奇、P.Eng.、FEC、CET、P&E總裁尤金·普里奇(EGBC 執業許可證編號爲1000275)審查和批准。

For additional information on Taranis or its 100%-owned Thor project in British Columbia, visit


Taranis currently has 94,587,027 shares issued and outstanding (109,262,027 shares on a fully-diluted basis).




Per: John J. Gardiner (P. Geo.),
President and CEO

Per:John J. Gardiner(P. Geo.),

For further information contact:


John J. Gardiner
681 Conifer Lane
Estes Park, Colorado
Phone: (720) 209-3049

681 Conifer Lane
電話:(720) 209-3049

The securities referred to in this news release have not been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer for the sale of securities, nor a solicitation for offers to buy any securities. Any public offering of securities in the United States must be made by means of a prospectus containing detailed information about the company and management, as well as financial statements.




This News Release may contain forward looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results that may prove to be inaccurate as a result of factors beyond its control, and actual results may differ materially from expected results.


SOURCE: Taranis Resources, Inc.


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