
Angus Gold Makes New High-Grade Gold Discovery West of Historic Dorset Resource Area, Intersects 7.0 G/t Au Over 12.4 Metres, Including 21.7g/t Au Over 3.3 Metres

Angus Gold Makes New High-Grade Gold Discovery West of Historic Dorset Resource Area, Intersects 7.0 G/t Au Over 12.4 Metres, Including 21.7g/t Au Over 3.3 Metres

Angus Gold 在歷史悠久的多塞特資源區以西發現了新的高品位黃金,在 12.4 米處與 7.0 g/t Au 相交,包括超過 3.3 米的 21.7g/t Au
GlobeNewswire ·  05/07 07:00



  • Angus Gold's best drill intercept to date, 12.4 metres of mineralization grading 7.0 g/t Au, including 3.3 metres of 21.7 g/t Au in Hole GS24-136, 500m west of the historic Dorset resource area
  • New style of mineralization with significant quartz-veining and numerous instances of visible gold
  • A follow-up drill program on this new high-grade discovery is currently being planned for the upcoming Summer drill program
  • Assays still pending from the Eagle River Splay Zone target drilling
  • Summer drilling program on the BIF Gold Zone to commence next week
  • Angus Gold迄今最好的鑽石攔截,包括7.0 g/t Au,礦化12.4米,其中包括21.7 g/t Au,礦化3.3米,在歷史多塞特資源區以西50000萬Hole GS24-136。
  • 具有顯著石英脈化和許多可見金的新型礦化
  • 對這個新的高品位發現的跟進鑽探計劃目前正在計劃即將到來的夏季鑽探計劃
  • 鷹河Splay Zone目標鑽孔的化驗結果仍在等待
  • 針對BIF Gold區的夏季鑽探計劃將於下週開始

TORONTO, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Angus Gold Inc. (TSX-V: GUS | OTC: ANGVF) ("Angus" or the "Company") is pleased to announce assay results from the remaining five (5) exploration holes that were completed on the Dorset Zone as part of its winter 2024 drill program at the Golden Sky Project in Wawa, Ontario. The new high-grade discovery, Hole GS24-136, was drilled along the most western section of the Dorset Zone that has been tested, to date, by the ongoing exploration program. The hole intersected 7.0 g/t Au over 12.4 metres, including 3.3 metres of 21.7 g/t Au and is hosted within a zone of abundant quartz veining that is not typical of the Dorset mineralization. Previous intervals of Dorset material are characterized by broad, disseminated mineralization within strongly altered zones that lack appreciable quartz veining. Hole 136 is at the western limit of our current drilling and the change in style may be indicating a transformation of the mineralized system towards a higher-grade system. The potential zone is open for approximately 2km to the west, along the interpreted trace of the shear zone and drilling is currently being planned to begin evaluating this new, high-grade, mineralized zone.

2024年5月7日,多倫多(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-Angus Gold Inc.(TSX-V:GUS | OTC:ANGVF)(「Angus」或「公司」)很高興宣佈,作爲其2024年冬季鑽探計劃的一部分,在安大略省瓦瓦市的Golden Sky項目中完成了其餘五個勘探孔的化驗結果。新的高品位發現,Hole GS24-136,在多塞特區最西部的段進行了鑽探,迄今爲止,由正在進行的勘探計劃所測試。孔相交12.4米的7.0 g/t Au,包括21.7 g/t Au的3.3米,並位於豐富的石英脈區內,這不是多塞特礦化的典型。以前的多塞特材料間隔以廣泛的分散礦化爲特色,位於缺乏可觀的石英脈化的強烈改變區內。 136號洞位於我們當前鑽探的西部極限,並且樣式的變化可能表明礦化系統向更高品位的系統轉變。潛在區域向西約2km開放,沿剪切帶的解釋痕跡,正在計劃鑽探來評估這個新的高品位礦化區。

Breanne Beh, Chief Executive Officer of Angus, states: "This high-grade discovery on the Dorset trend is a remarkable achievement for our exploration team. This new zone remains completely open to the west, and at depth, and confirms the tremendous potential at Golden Sky to make additional gold discoveries, at higher grades, within this vastly underexplored area. What we are seeing in this new gold zone is a different style of mineralization, which suggests that we may be entering into a different phase of the deposit that could potentially support higher grade mineralization. This area has never been tested by historical work and we are excited to continue evaluating this potential. The planned summer drill program will focus on testing this structure along strike to the West."

Angus的首席執行官Breanne Beh表示:「這個多賽特趨勢上的高品位發現是我們勘查團隊的一項卓越成就。這個新區域在西部完全開放,並且在深度上確認了Golden Sky在這個極少被開發的區域內進行額外的金礦發現,更高的品位。我們在這個新的金區域看到的是一種不同的礦化類型,這表明我們可能正在進入不同階段的礦牀,從而可能支持更高品位的礦化作用。該地區從未經過歷史性的工作測試,我們很高興繼續評估這個潛在的區域。計劃的夏季鑽探計劃將以測試該結構爲重點,沿着西部展區進行。」

The current Dorset mineralized zone is characterized by albite, sericite and minor silica alteration with disseminated pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite. The high-grade intercept in GS24-136 was hosted in a zone with increased quartz-veining and contained numerous grains of visible gold at 130m true depth. GS24-136 represents a new area in which Angus can continue to focus on improving the grade and size of the Dorset Gold Zone. A follow-up drill program will be planned for the summer of 2024 to focus on this new high-grade zone at Dorset's most western edge. Three additional holes, GS24-130, GS24-133 and GS24-134 were drilled along Angus' western extension of the Dorset zone and were planned to test two hypothesized trends of the gold zone in this area. Of these three holes, anomalous mineralization of 1.2 g/t Au over 7.0 metres was intersected in GS24-133. Hole GS24-129 was drilled to the south of the deposit to test for the strike extension of a secondary gold bearing structure with no anomalous results.

目前的多賽特礦化區以長石、絹雲母和次硅酸鹽的改造爲特徵,含有瀰漫的黃鐵礦、輝鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦。GS24-136中的高品位相交通過增加石英脈化的區域承載,並在13000萬真實深度時包含許多可見金顆粒。GS24-136代表了Angus可以繼續集中精力提高多賽特金區的等級和規模的新領域。跟進鑽探計劃將計劃於2024年夏季,重點關注多塞特最西邊的這個新的高品位區域。GS24-130、GS24-133和GS24-134三個額外的鑽孔沿着Angus的多塞特區擴展進行了鑽探,並計劃測試該區域的兩個假定趨勢的黃金帶。這三個孔中,GS24-133相交了1.2克/噸黃金的異常礦化,礦化7.0米。 GS24-129鑽孔位於沉積物南部,試圖測試第二個含金構造的延伸,但沒有異常結果。

Selected drill results from the 5 holes at the Golden Sky drilling program are, as follows:

Golden Sky鑽探計劃的5個洞選定鑽孔結果如下:

Hole Number From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au g/t Area
GS-24-133 18.0 19.0 1.0 2.5 Dorset West Exploration
GS-24-133 151.0 158.0 7.0 1.2
including 156.0 157.0 1.0 2.2
GS-24-136 156.40 168.8 12.4 7.0 Dorset West Exploration
including 156.4 158.7 2.3 5.4
including 162.3 165.6 3.3 21.7
鑽孔編號 從(m) 到(m) 長度(米) Au克/噸 區域
GS-24-133 18.0 19.0 1.0 2.5 多塞特西部勘探
GS-24-133 151.0 158.0 7.0 1.2
包括 156.0 157.0 1.0 2.2
GS-24-136 156.40 168.8 12.4 7.0 多塞特西部勘探
包括 156.4 158.7 2.3 5.4
包括 162.3 165.6 3.3 21.7

(1) Assay results presented over core length. Additional drilling will be necessary to constrain the true width of the mineralized envelope of the gold system.

(1) 長度上呈現金礦體。需要進行更多的鑽探來確定其金礦體的真實寬度。

The ongoing drill program on the Company's 100%-owned Golden Sky Project is focused on the Dorset Gold Zone, which hosts a historic gold resource; the BIF Zone, a new gold zone discovery in a large banded iron formation; as well as the Eagle River Splay deformation zone, which shows potential for another extensive gold system. Angus' drill programs on the Dorset Gold Zone have been successful at extending the strike length of the previously modelled zone from 750 metres to 1.7 kilometres.

該公司在其100%擁有的Golden Sky項目上的不斷鑽探工作集中於Dorset金區,該區域擁有歷史悠久的黃金資源;BIF區,一個大型條帶狀鐵礦中新的含金區發現;以及Eagle River Splay變形帶,展示出了另一個廣泛的含金系統的潛力。Angus在Dorset Gold區域的鑽探計劃成功地將以前模擬的區域的突擊長度從750米延長到1.7公里。

The Dorset Gold Zone contains a historic estimated indicated resource (using a 0.50 g/t Au cut-off) of 40,000 ounces of gold grading 1.4 g/t Au, and an inferred resource of 180,000 ounces of gold grading 1.2 g/t Au. The Dorset Zone lies within the Mishi Creek Deformation Zone ("MCDZ"). The MCDZ can be traced for at least 7 kilometres within the Golden Sky project and has seen very little historic exploration along most of its strike length.

多塞特金區包含歷史估計的指標資源(使用0.50克/噸Au截止)40,000盎司金,品位1.4克/噸Au和推斷資源180,000盎司金,品位1.2克/噸Au。多賽特區位於瓦瓦市的Mishi Creek Deformation Zone(「MCDZ」)內。 MCDZ可以沿其長度至少可以追溯到7公里,但在大部分其走向上都曾很少有歷史性的探索。

Figure 1: Surface Map – Dorset Gold Trend new drilling, Golden Sky Project Location Map.

圖1:表面圖-多塞特金趨勢新鑽探,Golden Sky項目位置圖。

Figure 2: Section line 616850 showing the high-grade intercept in GS24-136.


Figure 3: Core photo of visible gold in GS24-136 @164.3m.
The Golden Sky Project
The 100%-owned Golden Sky Project is located within the Mishibishu Lake Greenstone Belt of Northern Ontario, which is host Wesdome's high-grade Eagle River and the Mishi open-pit gold mines. The Company's 290-square-kilometres land package is located approximately 50 kilometres west of the town of Wawa and is situated immediately between the two Wesdome mines. The project is host to the near-surface Dorset Gold Zone, which contains a historic estimated resource (using a 0.50 g/t Au cut-off) consisting of an indicated resource of 40,000 ounces of gold (780,000 tonnes grading 1.4 g/t Au), and an inferred resource of 180,000 ounces of gold (4,760,000 tonnes grading 1.2 g/t Au). For greater details on the Golden Sky Project, please refer to the NI 43-101 technical report for the Golden Sky Project entitled, "NI 43-101 Technical Report Wawa Property Ontario, Canada" dated February 18, 2020, and available on the Company's SEDAR profile.

F圖3:GS24-136 @ 16430萬可見金的核心照片。
Golden Sky項目
100%擁有的Golden Sky項目位於安大略省Mishibishu Lake綠巖帶內,是Wesdome高品位鷹河和Mishi露天金礦的核。公司的290平方公里土地包裹位於Wawa鎮以西約50公里處,位於兩個Wesdome礦區之間。該項目採用靠近地表的多賽特金區,該區包含一個歷史估計的資源(使用0.50克/噸Au截止),其中包括40,000盎司黃金指標儲量(780,000噸品位爲1.4克/噸Au)和180,000盎司黃金推斷資源(4,760,000噸品位爲1.2克/噸Au)。有關Golden Sky項目的更多詳細信息,請參閱名爲「NI 43-101 Technical Report Wawa Property Ontario,Canada」的Golden Sky項目NI 43-101技術報告,日期爲2020年2月18日,並且可以在公司的SEDAR資料檔案中找到。

Qualified Person
The scientific and technical content of this press release has been reviewed and approved by Breanne Beh, P.Geo, who is a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") and Chief Geologist for the Company.

本新聞稿的科學和技術內容已由Breanne Beh、P.Geo審核並批准,她是「合格人」 根據《43-101號國家儀器 - 披露礦業項目標準》(「NI 43-101」)的定義作爲定義爲礦物項目標準的披露標準的「合格人員」 公司的首席地質師.

About Angus Gold:
Angus Gold Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of highly prospective gold properties. The Company's flagship project is the Golden Sky Project in Wawa, Ontario. The Project is immediately adjacent to the Eagle River Mine of Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.

關於Angus Gold:Angus Gold Inc.是一家加拿大礦業勘探公司,專注於收購、勘探和開發具有高潛力的黃金物業。公司的旗艦項目是位於安大略省瓦瓦市的Golden Sky項目。該項目緊鄰 Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd 的Eagle River Mine,該礦已生產了近200萬盎司金子。
Angus Gold Inc.是一家加拿大礦物勘探公司,專注於收購、勘探和開發高潛力黃金礦產。該公司的旗艦項目是安大略省Wawa的Golden Sky項目。該項目緊鄰Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.的Eagle River礦。

On behalf of Angus Gold Inc.,

Angus Gold Inc.代表 Breanne Beh

Breanne Beh
President and Chief Executive Officer

Breanne Beh

Phone: 647-259-1790
Company Website:

電話: 647-259-1790



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