
West Red Lake Gold Intersects 21.33 G/t Au Over 3.1m and 6.75 G/t Au Over 9m at South Austin Zone – Madsen Mine

West Red Lake Gold Intersects 21.33 G/t Au Over 3.1m and 6.75 G/t Au Over 9m at South Austin Zone – Madsen Mine

西紅湖金在南奧斯汀區與超過31米的金相交21.33 g/t Au和超過9m的6.75 g/t金相交——Madsen Mine
GlobeNewswire ·  05/07 07:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. ("West Red Lake Gold" or "WRLG" or the "Company") (TSXV: WRLG) (OTCQB: WRLGF) is pleased to report drill results from its 100% owned Madsen Mine located in the Red Lake Gold District of Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年5月7日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——西紅湖金礦有限公司(“西紅湖金礦” 或 “WRLG” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:WRLG)(OTCQB:WRLGF)很高興地報告其位於加拿大安大略省西北部紅湖金區的100%控股的Madsen礦的鑽探結果。

The drill results featured in this news release are focused on the high-grade South Austin Zone. The South Austin zone currently contains an Indicated mineral resource of 474,600 ounces ("oz") grading 8.7 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au"), with an additional Inferred resource of 31,800 oz grading 8.7 g/t Au.


The purpose of the drilling reported in this news release is definition within South Austin to continue building an inventory of high-confidence ounces for eventual restart of the Madsen mill.




  • Hole MM24D-07-4198-012 Intersected 3.1m @ 21.33 g/t Au, from 83.9m to 87.0m, Including 0.5m @ 32.74 g/t Au, from 85.50m to 86.00m; also Including 1.0m @ 28.78 g/t Au, from 86.00 to 87.00m; And 1.0m @ 16.97 g/t Au, from 9.00m to 10.00m.
  • Hole MM24D-07-4198-009 Intersected 9.0m @ 6.75 g/t Au, from 103.0m to 112.0m, Including 0.9m @ 27.91 g/t Au, from 104.0m to 104.9m; also Including 1.0m @ 23.47 g/t Au, from 111.00m t0 112.00m.
  • Hole MM24D-07-4198-010 Intersected 2.55m @ 6.08 g/t Au, from 75.45m to 78.00m, Including 1.0m @ 11.08 g/t Au, from 76.0m to 77.0m.
  • The high-grade mineralization encountered near the collar (top of hole) in Hole MM24D-07-4198-012 is believed to be the down-dip continuation of a mineralized domain defined further up in the system.
  • MM24D-07-4198-012 孔 3.1m @ 21.33 g/t Au,從 83.9 米到 87.0m 相交,包括 0.5m @ 32.74 g/t Au,從 85.50m 到 86.00m;還包括從 86.00 到 87.00m 的 1.0m @ 28.78 g/t Au;以及 1.0m @ 16.97 g/t Au,從 9.00 米到 10.00m。
  • MM24D-07-4198-009 孔從 104.0m 到 104.9m 相交 9.0m @ 6.75 g/t Au,從 103.0m 到 112.0m,包括 0.9m @ 27.91 g/t Au,從 104.0m 到 104.9m;還包括 1.0m @ 23.47 g/t Au,從 111.00m t0 112.00m
  • MM24D-07-4198-010 洞 2.55m @ 6.08 g/t Au 相交,從 75.45m 到 78.00m,包括 1.0m @ 11.08 g/t Au,從 76.0m 到 77.0m。
  • 據信,在 MM24D-07-4198-012 孔環附近(孔頂)附近遇到的高品位礦化是系統中更上方定義的礦化域的向下延續。

Shane Williams, President & CEO, stated, "We are happy to report more encouraging results out from the South Austin definition program. De-risking this high-priority area of the Madsen deposit will be a key component for the mine restart plan, and the team continues to execute the drill program safely and efficiently."


Plan maps and section for the South Austin drilling outlined in this release are provided in Figures 2 through 5.

圖 2 至圖 5 中提供了本版本中概述的南奧斯汀鑽探的平面圖和剖面圖。

TABLE 1. Significant intercepts (>3 g/t Au) from drilling at South Austin Zone.

表 1。南奧斯汀區鑽探產生的重大截獲量(>3 g/t Au)。

Hole ID Target From (m) To (m) Thick (m)* Au (g/t)
MM24D-07-4198-007 South Austin No Assays > 3 g/t Au
MM24D-07-4198-008 South Austin 98.50 101.00 2.50 4.69
MM24D-07-4198-009 South Austin
103.00 112.00 9.00 6.75
Incl. 104.00 104.90 0.90 27.91
Also Incl. 111.00 112.00 1.00 23.47
MM24D-07-4198-010 South Austin
75.45 78.00 2.55 6.08
Incl. 76.00 77.00 1.00 11.08
MM24D-07-4198-011 South Austin No Assays > 3 g/t Au
MM24D-07-4198-012 South Austin
8.00 10.00 2.00 8.70
Incl. 9.00 10.00 1.00 16.97
AND 83.90 87.00 3.10 21.33
Incl. 85.50 86.00 0.50 32.74
Also Incl. 86.00 87.00 1.00 28.78
洞 ID 目標 從 (m) 到 (m) 厚度 (m) * 金 (g/t)
MM24D-07-4198-007 南奧斯汀 無檢測 > 3 g/t Au
MM24D-07-4198-008 南奧斯汀 98.50 101.00 2.50 4.69
MM24D-07-4198-009 南奧斯汀
103.00 112.00 9.00 6.75
包括。 104.00 104.90 0.90 27.91
還包括 111.00 112.00 1.00 23.47
MM24D-07-4198-010 南奧斯汀
75.45 78.00 2.55 6.08
包括。 76.00 77.00 1.00 11.08
MM24D-07-4198-011 南奧斯汀 無檢測 > 3 g/t Au
MM24D-07-4198-012 南奧斯汀
8.00 10.00 2.00 8.70
包括。 9.00 10.00 1.00 16.97
83.90 87.00 3.10 21.33
包括。 85.50 86.00 0.50 32.74
還包括 86.00 87.00 1.00 28.78

*The "From-To" intervals in Table 1 are denoting overall downhole length of the intercept. True thickness has not been calculated for these intercepts but is expected to be ≥ 70% of downhole thickness based on intercept angles observed in the drill core.

*表 1 中的 “自至” 間隔表示截距的井下總長度。尚未計算出這些截距的真實厚度,但根據在鑽芯中觀察到的截距,預計將大於井下厚度的70%。

FIGURE 1. Deposit-scale plan map of Madsen Mine highlighting South Austin Zone.

圖 1。Madsen 礦山的存款規模平面圖突出顯示了南奧斯汀區。

TABLE 2: Drill collar summary for holes reported in this News Release.

表 2:本新聞稿中報道的孔洞的鑽環摘要。

Hole ID Target Easting Northing Elev
Azimuth Dip
MM24D-07-4198-007 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 222 154 -21
MM24D-07-4198-008 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 165 157 -22
MM24D-07-4198-009 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 162 166 -16
MM24D-07-4198-010 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 180 116 -17
MM24D-07-4198-011 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 183 120 -19
MM24D-07-4198-012 South Austin 435390 5646225 22 195 124 -23
洞 ID 目標 向東 北方 Elev
MM24D-07-4198-007 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 222 154 -21
MM24D-07-4198-008 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 165 157 -22
MM24D-07-4198-009 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 162 166 -16
MM24D-07-4198-010 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 180 116 -17
MM24D-07-4198-011 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 183 120 -19
MM24D-07-4198-012 南奧斯汀 435390 5646225 22 195 124 -23



Accessed through the Madsen Mine West Portal, the South Austin Zone sits south in the hanging wall of the main Austin Zone. Like the other mineralized domains that comprise the Madsen Mine, the South Austin structure is hosted within broad, kilometer-scale planar alteration and deformation corridors that have been repeatedly reactivated during gold mineralization and subsequent deformation and metamorphism.

通過 Madsen Mine West Portal 進入,南奧斯汀區域位於奧斯汀主區的懸掛牆以南。與構成麥德森礦的其他礦化區域一樣,南奧斯汀結構位於寬闊的、千米級的平面蝕變和變形走廊內,這些走廊在金礦化以及隨後的變形和變質作用期間反覆被重新激活。

At the deposit-scale the Austin, South Austin, North Austin, and McVeigh Zones are locally folded and structurally dismembered by transposition and rotation into the penetrative S2 Foliation. In addition to this intense deformation overprint, the mineralized veins and alteration have been subjected to the relatively high temperatures of amphibolite facies metamorphism, which led to extensive recrystallization and growth of the skarn-like replacement mineral assemblage of diopside-amphibole-quartz-biotite.

在沉積規模上,奧斯汀、南奧斯汀、北奧斯汀和麥克維地帶在局部摺疊,通過移位和旋轉進入穿透性的 S2 Foliation 在結構上被分割。除了這種強烈的變形套印外,礦化礦脈和蝕變還受到相對較高的閃石相變質溫度的影響,這導致了透輝石-閃石-石英黑雲母的硅卡恩樣替代礦物組合的廣泛再結晶和生長。

All significant gold mineralization on the mine property is demonstrably early relative to the most significant, penetrative deformation (D2) and metamorphic events. The North Austin Zone displays 'mine-style' alteration and mineralization and consists of multiple mineralized domains defined over a strike length of 0.5km. Mineralization remains open at depth and along strike to the northeast.

與最嚴重的穿透變形 (D2) 和變質事件相比,礦山地產上所有顯著的金礦化都顯而易見。北奧斯汀區呈現 “礦山式” 蝕變和礦化,由多個礦化區組成,走向長度爲0.5km。礦化區在深處和向東北走向仍然是開放的。

In drill core, or at underground face exposures, gold-bearing zones at the Madsen Mine are best identified visually by fine (sub-millimetre) grains of free gold within strong alteration and veining. All high-grade intervals generally contain visible gold on drill core exteriors, although numerous examples exist of high-grade assays where visible gold was only identified within the interior (cut surface) of the core samples. Apart from the presence of free gold, pervasive silicification (locally accompanied by discrete quartz veining) and quartz-carbonate or diopside veining are the best indicators that a given interval is within a high-grade zone along/within the mineralized structure.

在鑽芯或地下表面暴露時,最好通過強烈變化和脈絡中的細小(亞毫米)遊離金顆粒來直觀地識別 Madsen 礦的含金區域。所有高品位間隔通常在鑽芯外部都含有可見的金,儘管有許多高等級分析的例子,其中僅在岩心樣品的內部(切割表面)內識別出可見的金。除了遊離金的存在外,普遍的硅化(局部伴有離散的石英脈紋)和石英碳酸鹽或透輝石脈絡是給定間隔處於礦化結構沿線/內部的高品位區域內的最佳指標。

The current underground drilling program at the Madsen Mine is focused on further definition of near-term mining inventory, as well as growth of the current mineral resource. Drilling has been focused on the more continuous and higher-grade portions of the Austin, South Austin, and North Austin Zones. This will continue to be the strategy through 2024.

Madsen 礦目前的地下鑽探計劃側重於進一步定義短期採礦庫存以及當前礦產資源的增長。鑽探的重點是奧斯汀、南奧斯汀和北奧斯汀區域中更連續且品位更高的部分。這將是到2024年的戰略。

High resolution versions of all the figures contained in this press release can be found at the following web address:


FIGURE 2. Madsen Mine long section showing location of 07-4198 Drill Bay in South Austin Zone.[1]

圖 2。Madsen Mine 的長段顯示了南奧斯汀區 07-4198 鑽井灣的位置。[1]

[1] Mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.38 g/t Au and a gold price of US1,800/oz. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the PureGold Mine, Canada", prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. and dated June 16, 2023, and amended April 24, 2024. A full copy of the SRK report is available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+ at .

[1] 礦產資源的臨界品位估計爲3.38克/噸金,金價爲1,800美元/盎司。請參閱由SRK諮詢(加拿大)公司編寫、2023年6月16日並於2024年4月24日修訂的標題爲 “加拿大純金礦獨立NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 的技術報告。SRK報告的完整副本可在公司網站和SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

FIGURE 3. South Austin plan view drill section showing assay highlights for Holes MM24D-07-4198-007 through -012.[1]

圖 3。南奧斯汀平面圖鑽探部分顯示了 MM24D-07-4198-007 至 -012 孔的化驗要點。[1]

[1] Mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.38 g/t Au and a gold price of US1,800/oz. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the PureGold Mine, Canada", prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. and dated June 16, 2023, and amended April 24, 2024. A full copy of the SRK report is available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+ at .

[1] 礦產資源的臨界品位估計爲3.38克/噸金,金價爲1,800美元/盎司。請參閱由SRK諮詢(加拿大)公司編寫、2023年6月16日並於2024年4月24日修訂的標題爲 “加拿大純金礦獨立NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 的技術報告。SRK報告的完整副本可在公司網站和SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

FIGURE 4. South Austin section view showing assay highlights for Holes MM24D-07-4198-010 through -012.[1]

圖 4。南奧斯汀剖面圖顯示了 MM24D-07-4198-010 至 -012 孔的化驗亮點。[1]

[1] Mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.38 g/t Au and a gold price of US1,800/oz. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the PureGold Mine, Canada", prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. and dated June 16, 2023, and amended April 24, 2024. A full copy of the SRK report is available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+ at .

[1] 礦產資源的臨界品位估計爲3.38克/噸金,金價爲1,800美元/盎司。請參閱由SRK諮詢(加拿大)公司編寫、2023年6月16日並於2024年4月24日修訂的標題爲 “加拿大純金礦獨立NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 的技術報告。SRK報告的完整副本可在公司網站和SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

FIGURE 5. South Austin section view showing assay highlights for Holes MM24D-07-4198-008 and -009.[1]

圖 5。南奧斯汀剖面圖顯示了 MM24D-07-4198-008 和 -009 孔的化驗亮點。[1]

[1] Mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.38 g/t Au and a gold price of US1,800/oz. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the PureGold Mine, Canada", prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. and dated June 16, 2023, and amended April 24, 2024. A full copy of the SRK report is available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+ at .

[1] 礦產資源的臨界品位估計爲3.38克/噸金,金價爲1,800美元/盎司。請參閱由SRK諮詢(加拿大)公司編寫、2023年6月16日並於2024年4月24日修訂的標題爲 “加拿大純金礦獨立NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 的技術報告。SRK報告的完整副本可在公司網站和SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。



Drilling completed underground at the Madsen Mine consists of BQ-sized diamond drill core for definition drill programs and oriented NQ-sized diamond drill core for exploration focused drilling. All drill holes are systematically logged, photographed, and sampled by a trained geologist at the Madsen Mine core processing facility. Minimum allowable sample length is 0.5m. Maximum allowable sample length is 1.5m. Control samples (certified standards and uncertified blanks), along duplicates, are inserted at a target 5% insertion rate. Results are assessed for accuracy, precision, and contamination on an ongoing basis. The BQ-sized drill core is whole core sampled. The NQ-sized drill core is then cut lengthwise utilizing a diamond blade core saw along a line pre-selected by the geologist. To reduce sampling bias, the same side of drill core is sampled consistently utilizing the orientation line as reference. For those samples containing visible gold ("VG"), a trained geologist supervises the cutting/bagging of those samples, and ensures the core saw blade is 'cleaned' with a dressing stone following the VG sample interval. Bagged samples are then sealed with zip ties and transported by Madsen Mine personnel directly to SGS Natural Resource's Facility in Red Lake, Ontario for assay.

在 Madsen 礦山完成的地下鑽探包括用於定義鑽探程序的 BQ 大小的金剛石鑽芯和用於勘探重點鑽探的定向鑽探的 NQ 大小的金剛石鑽芯。所有鑽孔均由訓練有素的地質學家在 Madsen 礦芯處理設施進行系統記錄、拍照和採樣。允許的最小樣本長度爲 0.5m。允許的最大樣本長度爲 1.5 米。對照樣本(認證標準和未經認證的空白)以及副本的插入率目標爲 5%。持續評估結果的準確性、精度和污染程度。BQ 大小的鑽芯是整個岩心採樣的。然後,使用金剛石刀片芯鋸沿着地質學家預先選擇的線條縱向切割 NQ 大小的鑽芯。爲了減少採樣偏差,使用方向線作爲參考,對鑽芯的同一側進行持續採樣。對於那些含有可見金(“VG”)的樣品,訓練有素的地質學家監督這些樣品的切割/裝袋,並確保在VG採樣間隔之後用修整石 “清潔” 核心鋸片。然後,將袋裝樣本用拉鍊封好,由麥德森礦業人員直接運送到位於安大略省紅湖的SGS自然資源設施進行化驗。

Samples are then prepped by SGS, which consists of drying at 105°C and crushing to 75% passing 2mm. A riffle splitter is then utilized to produce a 500g course reject for archive. The remainder of the sample is then pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns from which 50g is analyzed by fire assay and an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish (SGS Code GO-FAA50V10). Samples returning gold values > 100 g/t Au are reanalyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish on a 50g sample (SGS Code GO_FAG50V). Samples with visible gold are also analyzed via metallic screen analysis (SGS code: GO_FAS50M). For multi-element analysis, samples are sent to SGS's facility in Burnaby, British Columbia and analyzed via four-acid digest with an atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish for 33-element analysis on 0.25g sample pulps (SGS code: GE_ICP40Q12). SGS Natural Resources analytical laboratories operates under a Quality Management System that complies with ISO/IEC 17025.

然後,樣品由 SGS 製備,包括在 105°C 下乾燥,然後在 2 毫米處壓碎到 75%。然後,使用步槍分離器生成 500 克的球場廢料以供存檔。然後,樣品的剩餘部分通過75微米粉碎至85%,然後通過火焰分析和原子吸收光譜(AAS)表面處理(SGS代碼 GO-FAA50V10)對其中50克進行分析。返回金值大於 100 g/t Au 的樣品通過火法測定對 50 克樣品(SGS 代碼 GO_FAG50V)進行重量法再分析。還可以通過金屬屏幕分析(SGS 代碼:GO_FAS50M)對含有可見金的樣品進行分析。爲了進行多元素分析,樣品被送往位於不列顛哥倫比亞省本那比的SGS工廠,通過帶有原子發射光譜(ICP-AES)表面處理的四酸摘要進行分析,對0.25g樣品紙漿(SGS代碼:GE_ICP40Q12)進行33種元素分析。SGS 自然資源分析實驗室在符合 ISO/IEC 17025 的質量管理體系下運作。

The Madsen Mine deposit presently hosts a National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") Indicated resource of 1.65 million ounces ("Moz") of gold grading 7.4 g/t Au and an Inferred resource of 0.37 Moz of gold grading 6.3 g/t Au. Mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 3.38 g/t Au and a gold price of US1,800/oz. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Please refer to the technical report entitled "Independent NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the PureGold Mine, Canada", prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. and dated June 16, 2023, and amended April 24, 2024 (the "Madsen Report"). The Madsen Resource Estimate has an effective date of December 31, 2021 and excludes depletion of mining activity during the period from January 1, 2022 to the mine closure on October 24, 2022 as it has been deemed immaterial and not relevant for the purpose of the Madsen Report. A full copy of the Madsen Report is available on the Company's website and on SEDAR+ at .

麥德森礦牀目前擁有國家儀器43-101 — 礦產項目披露標準 (“NI 43-101”)指示資源爲165萬盎司(“莫茲”)金品位爲7.4克/噸的黃金,推斷資源爲0.37莫茲的金,金品位爲6.3克/噸的黃金。據估計,礦產資源的臨界品位爲3.38克/噸金,金價爲1,800美元/盎司。非礦產儲量的礦產資源沒有顯示出經濟可行性。請參閱由SRK諮詢(加拿大)公司編寫、日期爲2023年6月16日並於2024年4月24日修訂的題爲 “加拿大純金礦獨立NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 的技術報告(“麥德森報告”)。《麥德森資源估算》的生效日期爲2021年12月31日,不包括2022年1月1日至2022年10月24日礦山關閉期間的採礦活動枯竭,因爲該估算被認爲不重要,與麥德森報告的目的無關。《瘋狂報告》的完整副本可在公司網站和SEDAR+上查閱,網址爲。

The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Will Robinson, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for West Red Lake Gold and the Qualified Person for exploration at the West Red Lake Project, as defined by NI 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects".

根據NI 43-101 “礦產項目披露標準” 的規定,本新聞稿中提供的技術信息已由西紅湖黃金勘探副總裁兼西紅湖項目勘探合格人員Will Robinson,P.Geo. 的審查和批准。



West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. is a mineral exploration company that is publicly traded and focused on advancing and developing its flagship Madsen Gold Mine and the associated 47 km2 highly prospective land package in the Red Lake district of Ontario. The highly productive Red Lake Gold District of Northwest Ontario, Canada has yielded over 30 million ounces of gold from high-grade zones and hosts some of the world's richest gold deposits. WRLG also holds the wholly owned Rowan Property in Red Lake, with an expansive property position covering 31 km2 including three past producing gold mines - Rowan, Mount Jamie, and Red Summit.

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd. 是一家公開交易的礦產勘探公司,專注於推進和開發其旗艦麥德森金礦及相關的47公里2 安大略省紅湖區極具前景的一攬子土地。加拿大安大略省西北部的高產紅湖金礦區已從高品位區開採了超過3000萬盎司的黃金,並擁有一些世界上最豐富的金礦。WRLG還持有位於紅湖的全資Rowan Property,其廣闊的房地產佔地31公里2 包括過去生產的三個金礦——羅文、傑米山和雷德薩米特。



"Shane Williams"

“Shane Williams”

Shane Williams
President & Chief Executive Officer




Freddie Leigh
Tel: (604) 609-6132
Email: or visit the Company's website at

Freddie Leigh
電話:(604) 609-6132
電子郵件 或訪問公司的網站

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information generally can be identified by words such as "anticipate", "expect", "estimate", "forecast", "planned", and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or events. Forward-looking information is based on current expectations of management; however, it is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information in this news release and include without limitation, statements relating to the potential of the Madsen Mine and Rowan; any untapped growth potential in the Madsen deposit or the Rowan deposit; the results of further cleanup and recovery at the Madsen Mine; the Company's intention to establish additional drilling platforms; and the Company's future objectives and plans. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述可能構成適用證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息通常可以通過 “預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“預測”、“計劃” 等詞語以及暗示未來結果或事件的類似表述來識別。前瞻性信息基於管理層當前的預期;但是,它受已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際業績與本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息存在重大差異,包括但不限於與麥德森礦和羅文潛力有關的陳述;麥德森礦牀或羅文礦牀任何未開發的增長潛力;意向的馬德森礦進一步清理和回收的結果;公司的意向進行額外的鑽探平台;以及公司的未來目標和計劃。提醒讀者不要過分依賴前瞻性信息。

Forward‐looking information involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, market volatility; the state of the financial markets for the Company's securities; fluctuations in commodity prices; timing and results of the cleanup and recovery at the Madsen Mine; and changes in the Company's business plans. Forward-looking information is based on a number of key expectations and assumptions, including without limitation, that the Company will continue with its stated business objectives and its ability to raise additional capital to proceed. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Additional information about risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the year ended November 30, 2023, and the Company's annual information form for the year ended November 30, 2023, copies of which are available on SEDAR+ at .


The forward-looking information contained herein is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement. Forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available to the Company. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as may be required by applicable law.


For more information on the Company, investors should review the Company's continuous disclosure filings that are available on SEDAR+ at .


Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


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