
Vision Marine Technologies Files 3rd Patent for Its Unique Power Control Management Software

Vision Marine Technologies Files 3rd Patent for Its Unique Power Control Management Software

Vision Marine Technologies爲其獨特的電源控制管理軟件申請了第三項專利
Accesswire ·  05/07 07:30

MONTREAL, QC / ACCESSWIRE / May 7, 2024 / Vision Marine Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ:VMAR) ("Vision Marine" or the "Company"), a pioneer in electric marine propulsion, is proud to announce the filing of a 3rd patent for its innovative Control & Power Management Software, integral to the E-Motion High-Voltage (HV) Electric Powertrain. This advanced software, in conjunction with the E-Motion multiple sensors, is pivotal in managing the electric boating experience, offering precision and control over the motor's impressive torque capabilities, which are crucial for optimizing performance, safety, and enjoyability for users.

魁北克省蒙特利爾/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月7日/船用電動推進領域的先驅Vision Marine Technologies Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:VMAR)(“Vision Marine” 或 “公司”)自豪地宣佈其創新的控制與電源管理軟件申請了第三項專利,該軟件是E-Motion高壓(HV)電動動力系統不可或缺的一部分。這種先進的軟件與E-Motion多傳感器相結合,在管理電動划船體驗方面至關重要,可提供對電機令人印象深刻的扭矩能力的精度和控制,這對於優化性能、安全性和用戶享受性至關重要。

The Power Control Management Software is engineered to leverage the full potential of the E-Motion HV electric motor while promoting a boating experience that is not only secure but also deeply enjoyable for its passengers. Vision Marine Technologies' designed software manages torque-a key feature of the electric powertrain-while also being designed to adapt and provide control across various other operational scenarios in various water conditions.

電源控制管理軟件旨在充分發揮 E-Motion HV 電動機的全部潛力,同時促進划船體驗,這種體驗不僅安全,而且能讓乘客盡情享受。Vision Marine Technologies設計的軟件可以管理扭矩,這是電動動力系統的關鍵功能,同時還旨在適應各種水條件下的各種其他操作場景並提供控制。

Vision Marine Technologies' 180E E-Motion High-Voltage Electric Powertrain System and its components.
Vision Marine Technologies 的 180E E-Motion 高壓電動動力總成系統及其組件。

"Our new Power Control Management Software represents a significant advancement in our technology suite," added Xavier Montagne, Chief Technology Officer at Vision Marine Technologies. "It not only addresses the immediate need for torque management, critical for safe and responsive boating, but is also scalable to include additional control features that cater to various boating situations. This adaptability is key for the user experience and safe boat handling in diverse conditions."

Vision Marine Technologies首席技術官澤維爾·蒙塔涅補充說:“我們新的電源控制管理軟件代表了我們技術套件的重大進步。”“它不僅滿足了扭矩管理的迫切需求,這對於安全和響應式的划船至關重要,而且還可以擴展到包括滿足各種划船情況的額外控制功能。這種適應性是用戶體驗和不同條件下安全船隻操作的關鍵。”

180E E-Motion Equipped Pontoon - Providing steady torque to quickly lift wakeboarders out of the water in the warm waters of the Intracoastal, Miami, US
配備了 180E E-Motion 的浮橋-提供穩定的扭矩,使滑水者在美國邁阿密內陸海岸溫暖的水域中快速擡出水面

This comprehensive approach to power management enables action from the helm to be met with an appropriate and immediate response from the powertrain, making every journey smoother and every maneuver more intuitive. Developed over five years of comprehensive research, including dyno-testing and sea trials, this software exemplifies Vision Marine's expertise in electric boating.

這種全面的動力管理方法使動力系統能夠立即做出適當的響應,從而使每一次行程更加順暢,每一次操作都更加直觀。該軟件經過五年的綜合研究(包括測功機測試和海上試驗)開發,體現了Vision Marine在電動划船方面的專業知識。

Center Console Boat Powered by the E-Motion.
中央控制檯船由 E-Motion 提供動力。

By filing this patent, Vision Marine Technologies emphasizes its commitment to innovation and the protection of its intellectual properties in the rapidly growing electric boating market. This strategic patent filing seeks to safeguard Vision Marine's developments in offering advanced, cutting-edge marine propulsion control technologies and also offers a key solution for the electric marine boating industry. "Securing this patent is essential for maintaining our competitive edge and putting forth our extensive expertise in marine propulsion products," said Alexandre Mongeon, CEO of Vision Marine Technologies. "The control of power management is a key challenge for a safe and enjoyable boating experience."

通過申請這項專利,Vision Marine Technologies強調了其對創新和在快速增長的電動划船市場中保護其知識產權的承諾。這項戰略專利申請旨在保護Vision Marine在提供先進、尖端的船舶推進控制技術方面的發展,同時也爲船用電動划船行業提供關鍵解決方案。Vision Marine Technologies首席執行官亞歷山大·蒙金說:“獲得這項專利對於保持我們的競爭優勢和發揮我們在船舶推進產品方面的廣泛專業知識至關重要。”“電源管理的控制是安全愉快的划船體驗的關鍵挑戰。”

Vision Marine Technologies continues to lead the electric boating revolution, driving innovation and sustainability in the industry. As the demand for environmentally friendly marine propulsion grows, Vision Marine's advancements are key to shaping the future of boating. Investors recognizing the importance of these technologies stand to benefit from supporting Vision Marine as it paves the way for a more efficient, cleaner, and enjoyable boating experience for all.
About Vision Marine Technologies
Vision Marine Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:VMAR) epitomizes the marine industry's shift towards electric propulsion, offering the pioneering E-Motion outboard powertrain system. This innovative technology represents a significant leap forward in marine propulsion, combining advanced battery packs, inverters, and high-efficiency motors with proprietary software and assembly techniques. Vision Marine's commitment to eco-friendly electric powerboats is reshaping the recreational boating experience, offering higher speeds, longer ranges, and smoother rides than traditional internal combustion engine boats. With a focus on design, innovation, and craftsmanship, Vision Marine continues to redefine recreational boating for a more sustainable future.

Vision Marine Technologies繼續引領電動划船革命,推動該行業的創新和可持續發展。隨着對環保船舶推進器的需求增長,Vision Marine的進步是塑造未來的划船運動的關鍵。認識到這些技術重要性的投資者將受益於對Vision Marine的支持,因爲Vision Marine爲所有人提供更高效、更清潔、更愉快的划船體驗鋪平了道路。
Vision Marine Technologies, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:VMAR)提供了開創性的E-Motion舷外動力總成系統,是船舶行業向電力推進轉變的縮影。這項創新技術代表着船舶推進領域的重大飛躍,它將先進的電池組、逆變器和高效電機與專有軟件和裝配技術相結合。Vision Marine 對環保電動摩托艇的承諾正在重塑休閒划船體驗,與傳統內燃機船相比,它提供更高的速度、更長的航程和更平穩的乘坐體驗。Vision Marine 專注於設計、創新和工藝,繼續重新定義休閒划船,打造更可持續的未來。

Forward Looking Statement


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include predictions, expectations, estimates, and other information that might be considered as future events or trends, not relating to historical matters. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Vision Marine's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended August 31, 2023, and its periodic filings with the SEC provide a detailed discussion of these risks and uncertainties. Vision Marine does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》安全港條款中的前瞻性陳述。此類陳述包括預測、預期、估計和其他可能被視爲未來事件或趨勢的信息,與歷史問題無關。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果、績效或成就與此類陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。Vision Marine截至2023年8月31日止年度的20-F表年度報告及其向美國證券交易委員會提交的定期文件詳細討論了這些風險和不確定性。除非法律要求,否則Vision Marine不承擔任何義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Investor relations and Company Contact:


Bruce Nurse


SOURCE: Vision Marine Technologies Inc

來源:Vision 海洋技術公司

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