


斯科蒂資源概述了 2024 年的勘探計劃
PR Newswire ·  05/08 07:30

VANCOUVER, BC, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Scottie Resources Corp. ("Scottie" or the "Company") (TSXV: SCOT) (OTCQB: SCTSF) (FSE: SR8) is pleased to announce the exploration plan for the 2024 season on the Company's flagship asset, the Scottie Gold Mine Project, located in BC's Golden Triangle. Slated to start in late June, the $4.5 M program will provide expansionary drilling at the Blueberry and D-Zone targets, initial drilling of a new showing, and testing at the historic Scottie Gold Mine that will aim to define a high-grade gold resource. The Scottie Gold Mine Project, which includes the 100% owned historic mine, and the adjacent Blueberry Zone, is located 35 kilometres north of the town of Stewart, BC, along the Granduc Road.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 5 月 8 日 /PRNewswire/-斯科蒂資源公司 (”斯科蒂“或者”公司“)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SCOT)(場外交易代碼:SCTSF)(FSE:SR8)很高興地宣佈了該公司位於不列顛哥倫比亞省金三角的旗艦資產斯科蒂金礦項目的2024年勘探計劃。這項耗資450萬美元的項目定於6月下旬開始,將提供藍莓和D-Zone目標的擴張性鑽探,新礦區的初步鑽探,以及在歷史悠久的斯科蒂金礦進行測試,旨在定義高品位的黃金資源。斯科蒂金礦項目包括100%擁有的歷史礦山和鄰近的藍莓區,位於不列顛哥倫比亞省斯圖爾特鎮以北35公里處的格蘭杜克路沿線。

Figure 1: Overview plan view map of the Scottie Gold Mine Project, illustrating known mineralized zones along the margin of the Texas Creek intrusive, and the planned 2024 exploration objectives. (CNW Group/Scottie Resources Corp.)
圖 1:斯科蒂金礦項目概覽平面圖,說明了德克薩斯溪侵入性邊緣的已知礦化區,以及計劃的 2024 年勘探目標。(CNW 集團/斯科蒂資源公司)



  • Fully financed $4.5 M budget
  • Expansionary drilling of the Blueberry Zone (~2,500 metres)
  • Underground validation of historic drilling at the Scottie Gold Mine and defining a high-grade resource for the deposit
    • Continued drilling of the Scottie Gold Mine P-Zone (~1,000 metres)
  • Step-out drilling on D-Zone targets (~1,500 metres)
  • Initial testing of the new high-grade gold showing discovered in 2023 located
    between the Scottie Gold Mine and D-Zone (~1,000 metres)
  • Robust TerraSpec program (short-wave infrared spectroscopy) designed to establish
    the fertile window around the Texas Creek intrusive
  • 資金充足 450 萬美元的預算
  • 擴張性鑽探 藍莓區(約 2,500 米)
  • 對斯科蒂金礦歷史鑽探進行地下驗證以及 爲礦牀定義高品位資源
    • 繼續鑽探斯科蒂金礦 P 區(約 1,000 米)
  • 在 D 區目標(約 1,500 米)上進行跨步鑽探
  • 的初步測試 全新高品位黃金上市 於 2023 年發現,位於
    在 Scottie 金礦和 D 區之間(約 1,000 米)
  • 強大的 TerraSpec 程序(短波紅外光譜)旨在建立

President and CEO, Brad Rourke commented: "Fully financed, our program this year is designed to efficiently consolidate and leverage Scottie's exploration successes at Blueberry and D-Zone into a robust framework that directly links the Scottie Gold Mine and other local deposits with these discoveries. Another key component of the program will be to establish a resource at the Scottie Gold Mine to underpin value and demonstrate a pathway for a global project-scale resource encompassing the belt of high-grade deposits that occur along the margin the Texas Creek aged intrusive stock - notably Blueberry, D-Zone, and Bend. With a healthy treasury and a clear plan to demonstrate value, we are well positioned to benefit from opportunities unfolding in the area."


2024 Exploration Program

2024 年探索計劃

The exploration program will commence in late-June (snow melt dependant). Drilling will commence with one diamond drill targeting the Blueberry Contact Zone for expansion, and a fly-drill will focus on targets requiring helicopter access, e.g. D-Zone and the Scottie Gold Mine. Total initial meterage budgeted is about 6,000 metres, spread across multiple targets, the allocation being dependant upon initial field observations and results. The program is being developed with the ability to easily scale up, should the market conditions change.


The TerraSpec program (short-wave infrared spectroscopy) will be following up on positive initial results from a small pilot program on the Blueberry Contact Zone that indicated a link between clay/mica minerals and proximity to the high-grade ore shoots. The 2024 TerraSpec program will expand on these results in order to assess other deposits in the Scottie Gold Mine and their relation to the adjacent Texas Creek intrusive. The program will combine data from surficial transects, analysis of historic drill core, and the 2024 drill holes.


In addition to work on the Scottie Gold Mine Project, the company will be carrying out a concerted greenfield exploration program on the Georgia Project where a new showing was discovered in 2023. The showing is located 3 kilometres south of the historic Georgia River Mine where a grab sample hosting visible gold ran 165 g/t gold. The location the 1.5 metre wide, banded quartz-carbonate-chlorite vein, is approximately 3 kilometres along strike of the historic Georgia River Mine. Additional field work is also planned on the Cambria Project which is located between Ascot's Premier Project and their Red Mountain deposit, the project hosts multiple small past-producing high-grade silver-rich polymetallic mines.

除了Scottie金礦項目的工作外,該公司還將在喬治亞項目上開展協調一致的綠地勘探計劃,該項目於2023年發現了一個新的礦場。該展品位於歷史悠久的喬治亞河礦以南 3 公里處,那裏的黃金採集樣本含有 165 克/噸黃金。這條 1.5 米寬的帶狀石英碳酸鹽岩脈位於歷史悠久的喬治亞河礦山礦脈沿線約 3 千米處。坎布里亞項目還計劃進行額外的實地工作,該項目位於阿斯科特的Premier項目和他們的紅山礦牀之間,該項目擁有多個過去生產的高品位富銀多金屬礦山。

About the Scottie Gold Mine Project


Exploration of the Scottie Gold Mine Project over the past 5 years has produced exceptional drill results through the discovery of high-grade gold in four new zones (Blueberry Contact Zone, Domino, D-Zone, P-Zone) and the expansion of previously drill confirmed targets (Scottie Gold Mine, C-Zone, Bend Vein, Stockwork). When depicted on a map of property scale geology (Figure 1) there is a clear spatial relation between the outcropping and drill-confirmed high-grade gold targets and the contact with the Jurassic aged, Texas Creek Plutonic suite intrusion. The new 2023 surface discovery of gold-rich vein style mineralization between the Scottie Gold Mine and the C & D-Zones further supports this relationship. Geological work in the area has established strong connections between the various deposits. The chemical, mineralogical, structural, and age relationships of the deposits and host rocks support a genetic model whereby all deposits are linked to the same mineralizing event.

在過去的5年中,對斯科蒂金礦項目的勘探取得了卓越的鑽探成果,在四個新區域(藍莓接觸區、多米諾礦區、D區、P區)發現了高品位的黃金,並擴大了先前已確認的鑽探目標(斯科蒂金礦、C區、彎脈、Stockwork)。當在地產規模的地質地圖(圖 1)上描繪時,露出和經鑽探確認的高品位金目標與與侏羅紀時代的德州溪普魯託尼克套件入侵的接觸之間存在明顯的空間關係。2023 年在斯科蒂金礦和 C 和 D 區之間新發現的富含金礦脈樣式礦化的地表進一步支持了這種關係。該地區的地質工作在各種礦牀之間建立了牢固的聯繫。沉積物和宿主岩石的化學、礦物學、結構和年齡關係支持一種遺傳模型,即所有沉積物都與同一個礦化事件有關。

About the Blueberry Contact Zone


The Blueberry Contact Zone is located just 2 kilometres northeast of the 100% owned, past-producing Scottie Gold Mine located in British Columbia, Canada's Golden Triangle region. Historic trenching and channel sampling of the Blueberry Vein include results of 103.94 g/t gold over 1.43 metres, and 203.75 g/t gold over 1.90 metres. Despite high-grade surficial samples and easy road access, the Blueberry Vein had only limited reported drilling prior to the Company's exploration work. The target was significantly advanced during Scottie's 2019 drill program when an interval grading 7.44 g/t gold over 34.78 metres was intersected in a new N-S oriented zone adjacent to the main Blueberry Vein. The drill results received from 2020 - 2023, coupled with surficial mapping and sampling suggest that the N-S mineralized trend is a first order structure that hosts an array of SW-trending, sub-parallel, sulphide-rich veins that obliquely crosscut it which host high-grade gold. As of the end of 2023, the extent of the N-S zone, defined by the contact between andesite and siltstone units of the Hazelton Formation and the presence of the cross-cutting sulfide-rich structures, has a drilled strike length of 1,550 metres and has been tested to >525 metres depth. The Blueberry Contact Zone is located on the Granduc Road, 20 kilometres north of the Ascot Resources' Premier Mine. Newmont's Brucejack Mine is located 25 kilometres to the north.

藍莓接觸區位於加拿大金三角地區不列顛哥倫比亞省的 100% 自有、過去生產的斯科蒂金礦東北僅2公里處。藍莓礦脈的歷史性挖溝和河道採樣結果包括1.43米以上的103.94克/噸黃金和超過1.90米的203.75克/噸黃金。儘管地表樣品質量高,道路交通便利,但在公司勘探工作之前,藍莓礦脈報告的鑽探數量有限。在 Scottie 2019 年的鑽探計劃中,目標取得了顯著進展,當時在藍莓主礦脈附近的新北南方向區域相交了一段超過 34.78 米的黃金品位爲 7.44 g/t 的間隔。從2020-2023年獲得的鑽探結果,加上地表測繪和採樣表明,N-S礦化趨勢是一階結構,它擁有一系列呈西南向、次平行、富含硫化物的礦脈,這些礦脈傾斜橫穿其中,這些礦脈含有高品位的黃金。截至2023年底,北南區的範圍由黑澤爾頓組的安山岩和粉砂岩單元之間的接觸以及橫向富含硫化物的結構的存在來定義,鑽探長度爲1,550米,並已測試到>525米的深度。藍莓接觸區位於格蘭杜克路,位於阿斯科特資源公司頂級礦山以北20公里處。紐蒙特的布魯斯傑克礦位於北部 25 公里處。

Quality Assurance and Control


Results from samples taken during the 2023 field season were analyzed at SGS Minerals in Burnaby, BC. The sampling program was undertaken under the direction of Dr. Thomas Mumford. A secure chain of custody is maintained in transporting and storing of all samples. Gold was assayed using a fire assay with atomic absorption spectrometry and gravimetric finish when required (+9 g/t gold). Analysis by four acid digestion with multi-element ICP-AES analysis was conducted on all samples with silver and base metal over-limits being re-analyzed by emission spectrometry.

位於不列顛哥倫比亞省本那比的SGS礦業對2023年野外採集的樣本的結果進行了分析。抽樣計劃是在托馬斯·芒福德博士的指導下進行的。所有樣品的運輸和儲存都保持了安全的監管鏈。在需要時使用原子吸收光譜法和重量法完成的火法測定金(+9 g/t 金)。通過四次酸消解和多元素 ICP-AES 分析對所有銀和賤金屬超限的樣品進行了分析,並通過發射光譜法進行了重新分析。

Dr. Thomas Mumford, P.Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the technical information contained in this news release on behalf of the Company.

P.Geo. Thomas Mumford博士是美國國家儀器43-101的合格人員,他代表公司審查了本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。


Scottie owns a 100% interest in the Scottie Gold Mine Property which includes the Blueberry Contact Zone and the high-grade, past-producing Scottie Gold Mine. Scottie also owns 100% interest in the Georgia Project which contains the high-grade past-producing Georgia River Mine, as well as the Cambria Project properties and the Sulu and Tide North properties. Altogether Scottie Resources holds approximately 58,500 hectares of mineral claims in the Stewart Mining Camp in the Golden Triangle.


The Company's focus is on expanding the known mineralization around the past-producing mines while advancing near mine high-grade gold targets, with the purpose of delivering a potential resource.


All of the Company's properties are located in the area known as the Golden Triangle of British Columbia which is among the world's most prolific mineralized districts.


Forward Looking Statements
This news release may contain forward‐looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward‐looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward‐looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date such statements were made. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward‐looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述是不是歷史事實的陳述,通常以 “期望”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛力” 和類似表述來識別,或者 “將”、“將”、“可能” 或 “應該” 發生的事件或條件。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中的業績存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述基於公司管理層在發表此類陳述之日的信念、估計和意見。無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,公司明確表示不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this release.


SOURCE Scottie Resources Corp.

來源 Scottie 資源公司

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