
Global X Expands Its Income Product Lineup With Launch of New Covered Call ETFs

Global X Expands Its Income Product Lineup With Launch of New Covered Call ETFs

Global X推出新的擔保看漲期權ETF,擴大其收益產品陣容
PR Newswire ·  05/08 09:35

NEW YORK, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global X ETFs, the New York-based provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), today launched the Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure Covered Call ETF (MLPD) and the Global X S&P 500 Quality Dividend Covered Call ETF (QDCC). The funds are Global X's latest additions to its covered call suite, which offers investors ETF strategies that look beyond traditional fixed income to potentially increase or diversify a portfolio's yield.

紐約,2024年5月8日 /PRNewswire/ — 總部位於紐約的交易所交易基金(ETF)提供商Global X ETF今天推出了Global X MLP和能源基礎設施擔保看漲期權ETF(MLPD)和環球X標準普爾500指數質量股息擔保看漲期權ETF(QDCC)。這些基金是Global X在其承保看漲期權套件中最新增加的基金,該套件爲投資者提供的ETF策略不僅侷限於傳統的固定收益,還可能增加或分散投資組合的收益率。

Covered call strategies can play an important role in a portfolio, offering a diversified source of income while helping to potentially mitigate downside risk. While covered call strategies once required investors to trade options themselves, the availability of covered call ETFs can help investors more easily and efficiently integrate these strategies.


The Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure Covered Call ETF (MLPD) and the Global X S&P 500 Quality Dividend Covered Call ETF (QDCC) seek to offer diversified income by holding and then writing call options on the Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF (MLPX) and the Global X S&P 500 Quality Dividend ETF (QDIV) respectively.

Global X MLP和能源基礎設施擔保看漲期權ETF(MLPD)和環球X標準普爾500指數質量股息擔保看漲期權ETF(QDCC)尋求通過分別持有Global X MLP和能源基礎設施ETF(MLPX)和環球X標準普爾500指數質量股息ETF(QDIV)的看漲期權來提供多元化收益。

"During volatile markets, elevated premiums can make covered call strategies especially appealing for investors seeking higher income and risk management," said Rohan Reddy, Director of Research at Global X ETFs. "Global X is a long-time leader when it comes to exchange-traded covered call strategies, and these latest two offerings build on our leadership by offering income solutions to investors seeking access to MLPs or quality dividend equities."

Global X ETF研究董事羅漢·雷迪表示:“在動盪的市場中,較高的溢價可能使承保看漲策略對尋求更高收入和風險管理的投資者特別有吸引力。”“在交易所交易擔保看漲期權策略方面,Global X長期處於領先地位,最新的兩次產品通過爲尋求獲得MLP或優質股息股票的投資者提供收益解決方案,建立了我們的領導地位。”

The Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure Covered Call ETF (MLPD) and the Global X S&P 500 Quality Dividend Covered Call ETF (QDCC) seek to provide investment results that correspond, before fees and expenses, to the Cboe MLPX ATM BuyWrite Index and the Cboe QDIV ATM BuyWrite Index, respectively. MLPD carries an expense ratio of 0.60% and QDCC carries an expense ratio of 0.35%.

Global X MLP和能源基礎設施擔保看漲期權ETF(MLPD)和環球X標準普爾500指數質量股息擔保看漲期權ETF(QDCC)旨在提供在扣除費用和支出前分別與芝加哥期權交易所MLPX ATM BuyWrite指數和芝加哥期權交易所QDIV ATM BuyWrite指數相對應的投資業績。MLPD的支出比率爲0.60%,QDCC的支出比率爲0.35%。

About Global X ETFs:

關於Global X ETF:

Global X ETFs was founded in 2008. For more than a decade, our mission has been empowering investors with unexplored and intelligent solutions. Our product lineup features a wide range of ETF strategies and over $47 billion in U.S. assets under management.iv While we are distinguished for our Thematic Growth, Income and International Access ETFs, we also offer both Core and Commodity funds to suit a wide range of investment objectives. Explore our ETFs, research and insights, and more at .

Global X ETF成立於2008年。十多年來,我們的使命一直是爲投資者提供未開發的智能解決方案。我們的產品陣容包括廣泛的ETF策略和超過470億美元的美國管理資產。iv 雖然我們以主題增長、收益和國際准入ETF而著稱,但我們也提供核心基金和大宗商品基金,以滿足廣泛的投資目標。瀏覽我們的ETF、研究和見解等,請訪問。

Global X is a member of Mirae Asset Financial Group, a global leader in financial services, with more than $600 billion in assets under management worldwide.v Mirae Asset has an extensive global ETF platform ranging across the US, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam with over $120bn in assets under management. vi

Global X是未來資產金融集團的成員,該集團是金融服務領域的全球領導者,在全球管理着超過6000億美元的資產。v Mirae Asset擁有廣泛的全球ETF平台,涵蓋美國、巴西、加拿大、哥倫比亞、歐洲、香港、印度、日本、韓國和越南,管理的資產超過1200億美元。

Important Disclosures:


Strategies discussed may not be suitable for all investors. Please consult a financial professional for more information regarding your investment situation.


Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against a loss. Investors should be willing to accept a high degree of volatility in the price of the funds' shares and the possibility of significant losses.


The funds engage in options trading. An option is a contract sold by one party to another that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a stock at an agreed upon price within a certain period or on a specific date. A covered call option involves holding a long position in a particular asset and writing a call option on that same asset with the goal of realizing additional income from the option premium. By selling covered call options, the fund limits its opportunity to profit from an increase in the price of the underlying asset above the exercise price, but continue to bear the risk of a decline in the asset. A liquid market may not exist for options held by the funds. While the fund receives premiums for writing the call options, the price it realizes from the exercise of an option could be substantially below the indices current market price.


Investments in securities of MLPs involve risk that differ from investments in common stock including risks related to limited control and limited rights to vote on matters affecting the MLP. MLP common units and other equity securities can be affected by macro-economic and other factors affecting the stock market in general, expectations of interest rates, investor sentiment towards MLPs, changes in a particular issuer's financial condition, or unfavorable or unanticipated poor performance of a particular issuer (in the case of MLPs, generally measured in terms of distributable cash flow). MLPD invests in the energy industry, which entails significant risk and volatility.


MLPD also expects to pay distributions, which will be treated as a return of capital for tax purposes rather than from net profits and shareholders should not assume that the source of distributions is from the net profits of the Fund.


Neither the Fund nor the Adviser has control over the actions of underlying MLPs. The amount of cash that each individual MLP can distribute to its partners will depend on the amount of cash it generates from operations, which will vary from quarter to quarter depending on factors affecting the energy infrastructure market generally. Available cash will also depend on the MLPs' level of operating costs (including incentive distributions to the general partner), level of capital expenditures, debt service requirements, acquisition costs (if any), fluctuations in working capital needs, and other factors. The MLP holdings of the underlying fund expect to generate significant investment income, and the fund's investments may not distribute the expected or anticipated levels of cash, resulting in the risk that the fund may not have the ability to make cash distributions as investors expect from MLP-focused investments. Past distributions are not indicative of future distributions. There is no guarantee that dividends will be paid. Companies may reduce or eliminate dividends at any time.


Carefully consider the funds' investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the funds' full or summary prospectuses, which may be obtained at Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.


Global X Management Company LLC serves as an advisor to Global X Funds. The Funds are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co., which is not affiliated with Global X Management Company LLC or Mirae Asset Financial Group.

Global X管理公司有限責任公司擔任環球X基金的顧問。這些基金由SEI投資分銷公司分發,該公司不隸屬於Global X管理公司有限責任公司或未來資產金融集團。

CONTACT: Naomi Sussis, [email protected]

聯繫人:娜奧米·蘇西斯, [電子郵件保護]

iv Source: Global X ETFs, as of April 2024
v Source: Mirae Asset, as of April 2024
vi Source: Mirae Asset, as of April 2024

iv 來源:Global X ETF,截至 2024 年 4 月
v 來源:未來資產,截至 2024 年 4 月
vi 來源:未來資產,截至 2024 年 4 月

SOURCE Global X Management Company LLC

來源 Global X 管理公司有限責任公司

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