Orchard Software Partners With Luxor Scientific to Expand Testing Services
Orchard Software Partners With Luxor Scientific to Expand Testing Services
CARMEL, Ind., May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Orchard Software is pleased to announce its collaborative test-expansion partnership with Luxor Scientific Medical Laboratories.
印第安納州卡梅爾,2024年5月8日 /PRNewswire/ — Orchard Software很高興地宣佈與盧克索科學醫學實驗室建立了合作擴展測試合作伙伴關係。
Luxor Scientific has grown rapidly from a toxicology lab to a full-service referral laboratory that provides laboratory testing for hospitals, clinics, laboratories, universities, and commercial and governmental organizations across the country. Luxor Scientific's growth was enabled by the implementation of Orchard Software's laboratory information system (LIS) solutions, which provide the connectivity, workflow support, and scalability they need to continue to grow.
Luxor Scientific已從毒理學實驗室迅速發展成爲提供全方位服務的轉診實驗室,爲全國各地的醫院、診所、實驗室、大學以及商業和政府組織提供實驗室檢測。Luxor Scientific的增長是由Orchard Software實驗室信息系統(LIS)解決方案的實施推動的,該解決方案爲他們提供了持續增長所需的連接、工作流程支持和可擴展性。
"We share Luxor's goal to enable better healthcare outcomes faster" said Billie Whitehurst, CEO of Orchard Software.
Orchard Software首席執行官比利·懷特赫斯特表示:“我們和盧克索一樣,目標是更快地實現更好的醫療保健成果。”
Luxor Scientific opened in 2016 primarily as a toxicology laboratory with locations in South Carolina and Texas. In 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic started, Luxor Scientific quickly added COVID-19 testing to their menu. From there, they expanded to become a full-service laboratory, adding molecular testing in 2021 and continuing to grow their menu and expand their offerings.
Luxor Scientific於2016年開業,主要是毒理學實驗室,在南卡羅來納州和德克薩斯州設有分支機構。2020 年,當冠狀病毒疫情開始時,Luxor Scientific 迅速將 COVID-19 測試添加到他們的菜單中。從那以後,他們擴展到提供全方位服務的實驗室,在2021年增加了分子測試,並繼續擴大菜單和擴大產品範圍。
The partnership between Orchard Software and Luxor Scientific will enable Luxor Scientific to further expand their testing menu, including additional unique esoteric tests not offered by other laboratories.
Orchard Software和Luxor Scientific之間的合作將使Luxor Scientific能夠進一步擴大其測試範圍,包括其他實驗室未提供的其他獨特的深奧測試。
"We share Luxor's goal to 'enable better healthcare outcomes faster' and are pleased to be able to implement and support the laboratory software solutions that support that mission," said Billie Whitehurst, CEO of Orchard Software.
Orchard Software首席執行官比利·懷特赫斯特表示:“我們認同盧克索的目標,即'更快地實現更好的醫療保健結果',並很高興能夠實施和支持支持這一使命的實驗室軟件解決方案。”
Orchard Molecular has been an important addition to Luxor Scientific's molecular workflow.
果園 分子一直是盧克索科學分子工作流程的重要補充。
"What really sold us on Orchard was the addition of Orchard Molecular. Instead of navigating multiple Excel spreadsheets, Orchard is able to do all of that work for us," said Lindsey Contella, Director of Strategic Laboratory Development at Luxor Scientific. "We've never had a solution that can maintain all of the information we need and display trends within our data sets. Orchard can maintain all of our quality control and toxicology data. No other LIS that we have used maintained that level of information."
“真正讓我們在Orchard上賣掉我們的是Orchard Molecular的加入。與其瀏覽多個Excel電子表格,Orchard能夠爲我們完成所有這些工作。” 盧克索科學戰略實驗室開發董事林賽·康特拉說。“我們從未有過能夠維護我們需要的所有信息並在數據集中顯示趨勢的解決方案。Orchard 可以維護我們所有的質量控制和毒理學數據。我們使用過的任何其他 LIS 都無法保持這種信息水平。”
About Luxor Scientific
Luxor Scientific's mission is to enable better healthcare outcomes faster. Their industry-leading team of scientists and operational leadership has developed proprietary technology that increases the speed and accuracy of laboratory testing. They provide extensive testing in the following areas: infectious disease, gastrointestinal, genetics & cancer, wellness & general health, clinical drug monitoring, women's health, allergy, and anatomical pathology.
Luxor Scientific的使命是更快地實現更好的醫療保健結果。他們行業領先的科學家團隊和運營領導層開發了專有技術,提高了實驗室測試的速度和準確性。他們在以下領域提供廣泛的測試:傳染病、胃腸道、遺傳學和癌症、健康和一般健康、臨床藥物監測、女性健康、過敏和解剖病理學。
About Orchard Software Corporation
Orchard Software Corporation is a leader in the laboratory information system industry and offers a variety of solutions. Orchard serves more than 2,000 laboratories across the country, helping them improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance integration. Orchard's cloud-based solutions are installed in physician groups and clinics, hospitals, independent reference labs, student health centers, veterinary labs, public health organizations, universities, and retail facilities. For more information regarding Orchard Software Corporation, visit .
Orchard 軟件公司簡介
Orchard Software Corporation是實驗室信息系統行業的領導者,提供各種解決方案。Orchard 爲全國各地的 2,000 多個實驗室提供服務,幫助他們提高效率、減少錯誤和加強整合。Orchard 基於雲的解決方案安裝在醫生團體和診所、醫院、獨立參考實驗室、學生健康中心、獸醫實驗室、公共衛生組織、大學和零售設施中。有關 Orchard 軟件公司的更多信息,請訪問。
Media Contact:
Steve Hurwitz, Vice President of Marketing
(800) 856-1948 | [email protected]
Steve Hurwitz,市場營銷副總裁
(800) 856-1948 | [電子郵件保護]
SOURCE Orchard Software Corporation
來源 Orchard 軟件公司