
Basin Uranium Announces Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at Its Chord Uranium Project

Basin Uranium Announces Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at Its Chord Uranium Project

Basin Uranium宣佈了其Chord鈾項目的首次礦產資源估算
newsfile ·  05/09 03:05

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 9, 2024) - BASIN URANIUM CORP. (CSE: NCLR) (CNSX: NCLR.CN) ("Basin Uranium" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an initial mineral resource estimate (MRE) for its Chord uranium project located in Fall River County, South Dakota, USA. This MRE incorporates the Company's historic data set acquired through private and public sources and provides a path to expand and build towards a much larger, potentially in-situ recoverable (ISR) resource.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 9 日)- 盆地鈾公司(案例:NCLR)(CNSX:NCLR.CN) (”盆地鈾“或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈其位於美國南達科他州福爾裏弗縣的Chord鈾項目的初步礦產資源估算(MRE)。該MRE整合了公司通過私人和公共來源獲得的歷史數據集,爲向更大、可能的原地可恢復(ISR)資源進行擴展和建設提供了途徑。

The MRE was prepared by BRS Engineering Inc. in accordance with NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosures for Mineral Projects.

MRE由BRS工程公司根據NI 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》編制。

Chord MRE Highlights:

Chord MRE 亮點:

  • Total inferred resources of 2.75 Mlb U3O8 at an average grade of 810 ppm over an average thickness of 8.5 feet.
  • 推斷資源總量爲 2.75 Mlb U3O8 平均等級爲 810 ppm,平均厚度爲 8.5 英尺。
  • MRE was based off only 431 of the over 1,247 drill holes historically drilled at the Chord. The 431 drill holes had both reliable collar mapping and geophysical data available for interpretation.
  • 在歷史上在喬德鑽探的1,247個鑽孔中,MRE僅以431個爲基礎。431 個鑽孔既有可靠的環狀測繪,也有可供解釋的地球物理數據。
  • The areas underlying the MRE have the reasonable possibility of connectivity between them along trends within the same fluvial sands of the Inyan Kara group. These broad trends have been projected to connect the drilling in the Viking Area to the Ridge Runner, the Ridge Runner to the October-Jinx, and Southwest of October Jinx.
  • 沿着Inyan Kara集團同一河流沙地帶的趨勢,地震危險地帶的地下區域有可能在它們之間建立聯繫。預計這些廣泛的趨勢將把維京地區的鑽探與Ridge Runner、Ridge Runner與October-Jinx以及十月金克斯的西南部的鑽探聯繫起來。
  • The Company has delineated Exploration Targets at the Chord Project is estimated in the range of 1.42 to 4.23 Mlb U3O8 of potential as further described below. These targets currently have insufficient data and are conceptual in nature. Further exploration is needed to test them for mineralization. No guarantee is made that any future resource will be delineated by future exploration.
  • 該公司已經確定了Chord項目的勘探目標,估計在1.42至4.23萬億美元之間3O8 其潛力如下文所述。這些目標目前沒有足夠的數據,本質上是概念性的。需要進一步勘探以測試它們的礦化情況。不能保證未來的勘探會劃定任何未來的資源。
  • Estimated Inferred Mineral resources for uranium are reported at a GT cutoff of 0.25 with a minimum intercept grade of 0.02% equivalent U3O8.
  • 據報告,鈾的推斷礦產資源量估計值爲0.25,最低截獲品位爲當量U3O8的0.02%。
  • A drilling program targeting the confirmation of the current resource would also provide data on the hydrogeology of the mineralized horizons and evaluate their potential for extraction by ISR methods. If the deposit or portions thereof are determined to be In-situ Recovery (ISR) amenable, similar grade and GT cut-offs as were applied to the current Inferred Resource would also be applicable.
  • 旨在確認當前資源的鑽探計劃還將提供有關礦化地層的水文地質數據,並評估其通過ISR方法開採的潛力。如果確定存款或部分存款符合原地回收(ISR)標準,則與當前推斷資源相似的等級和總產值截止值也將適用。
  • Data from two existing monitoring wells onsite indicates that the lower portion of the Chilson member lies within a saturated aquifer. The mineralized portion of this aquifer may prove to be potentially extractable by in-situ recovery (ISR) methods.
  • 來自現場兩口現有監測井的數據表明,奇爾森成員的下半部分位於飽和含水層內。事實證明,該含水層的礦化部分有可能通過原地回收(ISR)方法開採。
  • The Fall River Uranium district is a past producer of approximately 250,000 tons of mineralized material. Mining in the project area was primarily limited to small sized open pit methods, and focused on the uppermost, oxidized mineral horizons within the Inyan Kara Group. The deeper mineral horizons, particularly with the October-Jinx area were left undeveloped but were strongly explored by Union Carbide Corporation in the late 1970's.
  • 福爾裏弗鈾區過去是大約25萬噸礦化材料的生產地。該項目區域的採礦主要限於小型露天開採方法,並側重於Inyan Kara集團內最上層的氧化礦物地帶。更深的礦產地帶,尤其是十月-金克斯地區尚未開發,但聯合碳化物公司在20世紀70年代末進行了大量勘探。

"The initial MRE at Chord represents a major milestone, establishing Chord as a cornerstone asset for our Company. As we turn our efforts to confirming, expanding and upgrading the resource at Chord, and our other high-quality assets, we have a great roadmap to follow, and the future is bright," commented Mike Blady, CEO of Basin Uranium. "The resource modelling exercise has highlighted the potential for significant expansion of potentially ISR-amenable uranium mineralization. Domestically sourced, secure uranium supplies are becoming more crucial as global conflicts continue to fester and industry supply is squeezed by insatiable demand. Global transitions to a 'green economy' will only exacerbate this demand as nuclear energy is the only true carbon free source of safe, reliable baseload power currently. Overall, we at Basin Uranium feel we have a large-scale project with outstanding potential."

“Chord最初的MRE是一個重要的里程碑,它使Chord成爲我們公司的基石資產。當我們將精力轉向確認、擴大和升級Chord的資源以及我們的其他高質量資產時,我們有一個很好的路線圖要遵循,前景一片光明。” Basin Uranium首席執行官邁克·布拉迪評論道。“資源建模工作突顯了可能符合ISR標準的鈾礦化範圍顯著擴張的潛力。隨着全球衝突的持續惡化和行業供應受到貪得無厭的需求的擠壓,來自國內、安全的鈾供應變得越來越重要。全球向 “綠色經濟” 的過渡只會加劇這種需求,因爲核能是目前唯一真正的無碳安全、可靠的基本負荷能源。總體而言,Basin Uranium認爲我們有一個潛力巨大的大型項目。”

Table 1 - Total Inferred Mineral Resources

表 1-推斷的礦產資源總量

Uranium Inferred
Mineral Resource
GT Cutoff
Pounds (e U3O8)
October-Jinx 0.25 8.8 0.081 1.584 2.569
Viking 0.25 6.0 0.082 .050 .082
Ridge Runner 0.25 5.9 0.069 .075 .103
Total Inferred Mineral Resource 0.25 8.5 .081 1.709 2.754
GT 截止時間
(% 歐盟

英鎊 (e U)3O8)
October-Jinx 0.25 8.8 0.081 1.584 2.569
維京人 0.25 6.0 0.082 .050 .082
山脊賽跑者 0.25 5.9 0.069 .075 .103
推斷的礦產資源總量 0.25 8.5 .081 1.709 2.754

Pounds and tons as reported are rounded to the nearest 1,000.
Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.

報告的磅和噸四捨五入到最接近的 1,000。

  1. The MRE has an Effective Date of May 7, 2024.
  2. The Qualified Person for the MRE is Mr. Carl Warren, P.E., P.G., whom is a Senior Engineer for BRS Engineering in Riverton, Wyoming.
  3. Mineral resources are reported using the 2014 CIM Definition Standards and were estimated in accordance with the CIM 2019 Best Practices Guidelines, as required by NI 43-101.
  4. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Additional drilling will be required to convert Inferred Mineral Resources to indicated Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that any part of a Mineral Resource will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves.
  5. All data used in the MRE consists of original drill hole maps and geophysical logs and was sourced from a combination of the South Dakota Geological Survey and private parties.
  6. The MRE was performed using the Grade time Thickness (GT) contour modeling method.
  7. The available original data was evaluated for authenticity and the equivalent uranium oxide (eU3O8) grades recalculated from the original gamma curves using K factor, deadtime, water and air factors clearly stated on each original geophysical log.
  8. A disequilibrium factor of 1 was applied to the resulting eU3O8 intercept dataset.
  9. An intercept grade cutoff of 0.02% eU3O8 was applied to the grade data to screen for intercepts which are not economically extractable by conventional heap or milling methods.
  10. Intercept data meeting the grade cutoff criteria were split into mineral horizons based on 3-dimensional interpretation of geological units and were composited and modeled within each horizon using a minimum 0.1 GT cutoff, a maximum vertical distance of 10 feet between intercepts, and a maximum radius of influence of 200 feet between drill holes.
  11. Three Mineralized Horizons were Identified by 3-dimensional interpretation and modeled: Horizon A being the highest in elevation, C being the lowest in elevation and B residing between A and C.
  12. These mineral horizons are variably present within the three project areas: October-Jinx, Viking, and Ridge Runner.
  13. A bulk density of 14 ft3/ton (2.288 tonne/m3) was applied for the MRE in mineral horizons B and C. For mineral resource estimations in the Fall River sandstone, Horizon A, a bulk density of 15.5 ft3/ton (2.067 tonne/m3) was used.
  14. A marginal economic GT cut off of 0.25 was further applied to the GT model, based on US$70 per ton average conventional underground mining costs and US$90 per pound U3O8 assumptions for reasonable eventual economic extraction.
  15. Moreover, isolated, and small pods of mineralization were removed from the MRE due to lack of reasonable eventual economic extraction.
  16. Figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate and may not sum due to rounding.
  17. Resources are presented as undiluted and in-situ, are constrained by the GT contour model for each mineral horizon, and
  18. The Qualified Person is not aware of environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues that could materially affect the potential development of the Mineral Resources.
  1. MRE 的生效日期爲 2024 年 5 月 7 日。
  2. MRE的合格人員是卡爾·沃倫先生,P.E.,P.G.,他是懷俄明州里弗頓的BRS工程高級工程師。
  3. 礦產資源使用2014年CIM定義標準進行報告,並根據NI 43-101的要求根據CIM 2019年最佳實踐指南進行估算。
  4. 礦產資源不是礦產儲量,尚未顯示出經濟可行性。將需要進行更多鑽探,才能將推斷的礦產資源轉化爲指定的礦產資源或礦產儲量。不確定礦產資源的任何部分是否會被轉化爲礦產儲量。
  5. MRE 中使用的所有數據均包含原始鑽孔圖和地球物理日誌,來自南達科他州地質調查局和私人機構。
  6. MRE 是使用坡度時間厚度 (GT) 輪廓建模方法進行的。
  7. 對現有原始數據的真實性和等效的氧化鈾(歐盟)進行了評估3O8) 使用每份原始地球物理日誌上明確說明的 K 係數、死區時間、水和空氣因子,根據原始伽瑪曲線重新計算出等級。
  8. 將不平衡係數 1 應用於生成的歐盟3O8 截取數據集。
  9. 截距等級截止值爲 0.02% eU3O8 應用於等級數據,以篩選傳統堆積或研磨方法無法經濟地提取的截獲物。
  10. 根據對地質單位的三維解釋,將符合品位截止標準的截距數據分爲礦物視域,並在每個地平線內進行合成和建模,使用最低 0.1 GT 的截距、截距之間的最大垂直距離爲 10 英尺,鑽孔之間的最大影響半徑爲 200 英尺。
  11. 通過三維解釋和建模確定了三個礦化地平線:地平線 A 是海拔最高,C 是海拔最低,B 位於 A 和 C 之間。
  12. 這些礦物視野在三個項目區域內存在差異:October-Jinx、Viking和Ridge Runner。
  13. 堆積密度爲 14 英尺3/噸 (2.288 噸/m3) 應用於礦物地平線 B 和 C 中的 MRE 用於估算福爾裏弗砂岩地平線 A 的礦產資源,體積密度爲 15.5 英尺3/噸 (2.067 噸/m3) 被使用了。
  14. 根據常規地下采礦平均成本每噸70美元和每磅90美元,進一步將0.25的邊際經濟總產值截止值應用於GT模型3O8 合理的最終經濟開採的假設。
  15. 此外,由於缺乏合理的最終經濟開採,孤立的小型礦化池被從地震資源中移除。
  16. 數字經過四捨五入以反映估計值的相對準確性,由於四捨五入,可能無法求和。
  17. 資源以未稀釋和原地呈現,受每個礦物層的 GT 輪廓模型的限制,以及
  18. 合格人員不了解可能對礦產資源潛在開發產生重大影響的環境、許可、法律、所有權、稅收、社會政治、市場營銷或其他相關問題。

The NI 43-101 technical report for the MRE will be accessible on SEDAR+ under the company's issuer profile and the company's website within 45 days of this news release.

在本新聞發佈後的45天內,將在SEDAR+的發行人簡介和公司網站上發佈MRE的NI 43-101技術報告。

Chord Project, South Dakota


The Chord Project consists of 3,640 contiguous acres. The project lies on the southern end of the Black Hills, in Fall River County, South Dakota approximately seven miles north of Edgemont. Mineralization is sandstone-hosted, and channel-bound into tabular and lenticular deposits within the Lakota and Fall River formations of the Inyan Kara Group.

Chord 項目由 3,640 英畝的連續土地組成。該項目位於南達科他州福爾裏弗縣黑山的南端,位於埃奇蒙特以北約七英里處。礦化以砂岩爲主,通過渠道進入因揚·卡拉集團的拉科塔和福爾河地層內的板狀和柱狀沉積物。

The Project lies within a historically explored and mined district. Nearly 300 historical uranium mines and prospects once dotted western South Dakota. Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) spent approximately $3.5 to 4.0 million dollars in development of the project in the late 1970's. UCC conducted extensive exploration drilling in the late 1970's, culminating in a Feasibility Study and planned conventional mine development by 1979.


The Chord Project is located just 5.5 miles southeast of enCore Energy's advanced stage and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensed Dewey-Burdock ISR uranium project, which is one of the Company's initial development priorities following the start of production in South Texas.

Chord項目位於Encore Energy後期和核監管委員會(NRC)許可的杜威-牛蒡ISR鈾項目東南僅5.5英里處,這是該公司在南德克薩斯州投產後最初的開發重點之一。

During the tabulation of the MRE the author and the Company were only able to accurately verify 35% of the holes historically drilled on the Chord property. This, in itself, provides the potential for significant exploration upside to increase the confidence and potential size of the resource at Chord. The Company will be working diligently to continue to upgrade the size and potential of the Chord project. In addition, Basin will also be undertaking steps to assess the ISR viability of the deeper sands that form the majority of the resource on the project. The Company has established exploration targets outside of the ground covered by the MRE, as disclosed below.


Table 2 - Exploration Target Range Summary

表 2-勘探目標範圍摘要

Exploration Target Trend Trend
Length (ft)
Width (ft)
AVG. Thickness Range (ft) AVG. Grade Range
Tons Range (Millions) Pounds (e U3O8)
Range (Millions)
Viking-Runner 7,650 400 3.6 - 7.3 0.056 - 0.074 0.730 - 1.635 0.813 - 2.419
Jinx Ridge 2,480 400 3.6 - 7.3 0.056 - 0.074 0.249 - 0.559 0.278 - 0.826
October South 1,860 600 3.6 - 7.3 0.056 - 0.074 0.298 - 0.668 0.332 - 0.989
Total 11,990 3.6 - 7.3 0.056 - 0.074 1.278 - 2.862 1.422 - 4.234
勘探目標趨勢 趨勢
長度 (英尺)
平均。厚度範圍 (英尺) 平均。等級範圍
(% 歐盟
噸位範圍(百萬) 英鎊 (e) U3O8)
維京賽跑者 7,650 400 3.6-7.3 0.056-0.074 0.730-1.635 0.813-2.419
Jinx Ridge 2,480 400 3.6-7.3 0.056-0.074 0.249-0.559 0.278-0.826
十月南方 1,860 600 3.6-7.3 0.056-0.074 0.298-0.668 0.332-0.989
總計 11,990 3.6-7.3 0.056-0.074 1.278-2.862 1.422-4.234

The potential quantity and grade disclosed above are conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource at these targets. Further exploration is needed to test them for mineralization. No guarantee is made that any future resource will be delineated by future exploration.


Details Related to the Calculation of the MRE

與 MRE 計算相關的詳細信息

  • The MRE was prepared by Carl D. Warren, P.E., P.G., a Senior Engineer of BRS Engineering Inc., and is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.
  • MRE 由 BRS Engineering Inc. 的高級工程師 Carl D. Warren, P.E., P.G. 編寫,是 NI 43-101 中定義的合格人員。
  • The MRE has an effective date of May 7, 2024.
  • MRE 的生效日期爲 2024 年 5 月 7 日。
  • The MRE was prepared using Grade times Thickness (GT) contour modeling methodologies; under geological and geostatistical parameters based on geological interpretations, geostatistical studies and industry best practices in mineral estimation.
  • MRE是使用等級乘以厚度(GT)等高線建模方法編制的;根據地質解釋、地質統計研究和礦物估算行業最佳實踐,在地質和地質統計參數下制定。
  • The project geology comprises Cretaceous-age sedimentary rocks. The formation containing the deposits is the Inyan Kara Group of the Fall River and Lakota Formation. The Fall River Formation displays uniform marginal marine deposition and fluvial channel sandstones that can be mapped over large areas. The upper Lakota Fuson member is made up of primarily shales and mudstone with localized limestone and sandstone deposits and exhibits no substantial uranium mineralization. It is interpreted that the lower 2 horizons (the B Horizon and C Horizon) are found in the lowest member of the Lakota formation, The Chilson. The lower deposits display both oxidized and unoxidized deposits. The unoxidized deposits typically occur near large amounts of carbon where the carbon has preserved a strong reducing environment within an oxidized zone.
  • 該項目的地質包括白堊紀的沉積岩。包含沉積物的地層是福爾裏弗和拉科塔組的因揚卡拉群。福爾裏弗組顯示出均勻的邊緣海洋沉積物和河流通道砂岩,可以在大面積上繪製。拉科塔富森上游成員主要由頁岩和泥岩組成,有局部的石灰石和砂岩沉積物,沒有大量的鈾礦化。據解釋,下兩個地平線(B地平線和C地平線)位於拉科塔地層的最低成員奇爾森號中。下方的沉積物顯示氧化和未氧化沉積物。未氧化的沉積物通常出現在大量碳附近,而碳在氧化區內保持了強烈的還原環境。
  • The depositional character of the Chord Uranium Project is that of a sandstone hosted roll front. The ore deposit is contained in fluvial channel sandstone deposits within the early Cretaceous Inyan Kara group.
  • Chord 鈾項目的沉積特徵是以砂岩爲基底的正面沉積。該礦牀包含在早期白堊紀 Inyan Kara 群的河流河道砂岩沉積物中。
  • For the MRE, data was available for 1,247 drill holes, totaling approximately 493,500 feet drilled. Of that total, 431 drill holes were of sufficient completeness and quality to generate the MRE using the Grade times Thickness (GT) Contour method. The primary data model used were uranium equivalent grades as determined by downhole geophysical logging and reported as equivalent uranium oxide (eU3O8). A radiometric disequilibrium factor of 1 was applied to the resource estimate. The minimum uranium grade included in the estimate was 0.02% e U3O8. Mineral resources are reported at a minimum grade thickness (GT) value of 0.25.
  • 在MRE方面,有1,247個鑽孔的數據,總共鑽了大約493,500英尺。其中,431 個鑽孔具有足夠的完整性和質量,可以使用 “等級乘以厚度 (GT) 輪廓法” 生成 MRE。使用的主要數據模型是鈾當量等級,由井下地球物理測井確定,報告爲當量氧化鈾 (eU)3O8)。對資源估算採用了輻射不平衡係數 1。估計中包含的最低鈾品位爲 0.02% e U3O8。據報告,礦產資源的最低品位厚度 (GT) 值爲 0.25。
  • Basin Uranium has not conducted exploration on the Chord Uranium Project to date. Data resulting from historic exploration has been provided to the author in the form of resource review reports, drilling maps and geophysical logs. This data was secured by Basin from publicly available data preserved by the South Dakota Geologic Survey and other data from private parties.
  • 迄今爲止,盆地鈾尚未對Chord鈾項目進行勘探。歷史勘探得出的數據已以資源審查報告、鑽探地圖和地球物理日誌的形式提供給作者。該數據由Basin從南達科他州地質調查局保存的公開數據以及來自私人團體的其他數據中保護。
  • Historic drilling was generally done by vertical rotary drilling with occasional core sampling for physical and metallurgical analysis. It was industry standard at this time to log drill holes using downhole geophysical logging tools including passive gamma, spontaneous/self-potential and resistivity. Drill holes were logged by Century Geophysical, who remains an industry leader in downhole geophysical logging.
  • 歷史鑽探通常是通過垂直旋轉鑽探進行的,偶爾會進行岩心採樣以進行物理和冶金分析。當時,使用井下地球物理測井工具(包括被動伽馬、自發/自電勢和電阻率)記錄鑽孔已成爲行業標準。鑽孔是由世紀地球物理公司記錄的,他仍然是井下地球物理測井領域的行業領導者。
  • The drillhole database used for this report has an effective date of April 12, 2024. Only historic drill data was used in the resource estimate. Complete drill data was available for 435 drill holes, totaling approximately 212,000 feet drilled. Of this total, 4 drill holes representing 66 intercepts were discarded from the database due to unreliable log heading information, leaving a total of 431 drill holes and 956 intercepts meeting the 0.02% cutoff.
  • 用於本報告的鑽孔數據庫的生效日期爲2024年4月12日。資源估算中僅使用了歷史鑽探數據。已有 435 個鑽孔的完整鑽探數據,總共鑽了大約 212,000 英尺。其中,由於日誌標題信息不可靠,代表66個截距的4個鑽孔被從數據庫中丟棄,共有431個鑽孔和956個截距滿足了 0.02% 的臨界值。
  • A minimum GT cutoff of 0.25 and a minimum grade cutoff of 0.02% e U3O8 was applied to the data. The 0.02% grade cutoff criteria applied to the intercept data is an extraction criterion rather than an economic criterion. Union Carbide Corporation's (UCC) historical heap and bench scale leach testing of the oxidized and reduced mineralized material on the project had residual grades between 0.01 and 0.015%. As such, grades much below the 0.02% cutoff do not carry an acceptable prospect of reasonable economic extraction .
  • 最低 GT 截止值爲 0.25,最小等級截止值爲 0.02% e U3O8 已應用於數據。應用於截取數據的0.02%等級截止標準是提取標準,而不是經濟標準。聯合碳化物公司(UCC)對該項目中氧化和還原礦化材料的歷史堆和臺架滲濾測試的殘留品位在0.01%至0.015%之間。因此,遠低於0.02%的臨界值的等級不具有合理的經濟開採前景。
  • A sensitivity analysis was performed of the GT modeling based on a mining cost of $70 per ton and $90 per pound U3O8; and varying the GT cutoff to establish the minimum economic cutoff. The minimum GT cutoff of 0.25 was determined to be the minimum marginal economic cutoff.
  • 根據每噸70美元和每磅90美元的採礦成本對GT建模進行了靈敏度分析3O8;並改變 GT 截止值以確定最低經濟臨界值。最低GT臨界值0.25被確定爲最低邊際經濟臨界值。
  • Moreover, isolated, and small pods of mineralization were also then removed from the Inferred Mineral Resource estimate due to low prospects of eventual economic extraction.
  • 此外,由於最終經濟開採前景不佳,孤立的小型礦化池也被從推斷礦產資源估算中去除了。
  • The previous work completed by UCC appears to be in keeping with industry standards and practices, but until: a) information on these procedures is obtained, b) historic core or pulverized material is assayed, or c) Basin Uranium can verify results through confirmation drilling, the current mineral resource estimate derived from this historic data can only be considered an Inferred Mineral Resource.
  • UCC先前完成的工作似乎符合行業標準和慣例,但在:a) 獲得有關這些程序的信息,b) 對歷史岩心或粉碎材料進行化驗,或者 c) 盆地鈾可以通過確認鑽探來驗證結果之前,從這些歷史數據得出的當前礦產資源估計只能被視爲推斷礦產資源。
  • The author has applied a disequilibrium factor (DEF) of 1.0 which represents a more conservative factor than the historical estimates of between 1.0 - 1.2.
  • 作者應用了1.0的不平衡因子(DEF),該因子比歷史估計值在1.0-1.2之間更爲保守。
  • Insufficient hydrogeologic data is available to allow an assessment of extraction of the mineral resource via in-situ recovery (ISR). A drilling program targeting the confirmation of the current resource would also provide data on the hydrogeology of the mineralized horizons and evaluate their potential for extraction by ISR methods. If the deposit or portions thereof are determined to be ISR amenable, similar grade and GT cut-offs as were applied to the current Inferred Resource would also be applicable.
  • 水文地質數據不足,無法評估通過原地回收(ISR)開採礦產資源。旨在確認當前資源的鑽探計劃還將提供有關礦化地層的水文地質數據,並評估其通過ISR方法開採的潛力。如果確定存款或部分存款符合ISR標準,則與當前推斷資源相似的等級和GT截止值也將適用。
  • Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not demonstrate economic viability in accordance with CIM standards. Inferred mineral resources are too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them which would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves.
  • 礦產資源不是礦產儲量,根據CIM標準,礦產資源不具有經濟可行性。推斷出的礦產資源在地質學上過於投機,無法將其歸類爲礦產儲量而考慮經濟因素。

Qualified Person


Carl D. Warren, P.E., P.G., is a Senior Engineer at BRS Engineering Inc., and is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. Mr. Warren has reviewed and approved the technical data contained in this news release.

卡爾·沃倫,P.E.,P.G.,是BRS工程公司的高級工程師,是NI 43-101中定義的合格人員。沃倫先生已審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的技術數據。

About Basin Uranium Corp.


Basin Uranium is a Canadian junior exploration company focused on mineral exploration and development in the green energy sector. The company has three advanced-stage uranium projects located in the United States, namely the Chord project in South Dakota, the South Pass project in Wyoming, and the Wray Mesa project in Utah. All three projects have seen extensive historical exploration and are located in prospective development areas. The Company also has the Mann Lake uranium project, located in the world-class Athabasca basin of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, in addition to the CHG gold project in south-central British Columbia.

Basin Uranium是一家加拿大初級勘探公司,專注於綠色能源領域的礦產勘探和開發。該公司在美國有三個處於後期階段的鈾項目,即南達科他州的Chord項目、懷俄明州的South Pass項目和猶他州的Wray Mesa項目。這三個項目都經過了廣泛的歷史探索,並位於潛在的開發區。除了位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部的CHG金礦項目外,該公司還擁有位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省北部世界級阿薩巴斯卡盆地的曼恩湖鈾項目。

For further information, please contact Mr. Mike Blady or view the Company's filings at .

欲了解更多信息,請聯繫Mike Blady先生或在以下網址查看公司的文件。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors
Mike Blady
Chief Executive Officer


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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance are forward-looking statements and contain forward-looking information. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". Forward-Looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by the Company and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this news release. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important factors that may cause actual results to vary include, without limitation, uncertainties affecting the expected use of proceeds. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

關於前瞻性陳述的警示說明:本新聞稿包括某些陳述和信息,這些陳述和信息可能構成適用的加拿大證券法所指的前瞻性信息。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中的所有陳述,包括有關未來估計、計劃、目標、時機、假設或未來業績預期的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述,包含前瞻性信息。通常,前瞻性陳述和信息可以通過使用諸如 “打算” 或 “預期” 之類的前瞻性術語來識別,或者某些行爲、事件或結果 “可能”、“應該”、“將” 或 “發生” 的此類詞語和短語或陳述的變體。前瞻性陳述基於公司做出的某些重大假設和分析以及管理層截至本新聞發佈之日的觀點和估計。這些前瞻性陳述受已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績、活動水平、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。可能導致實際結果變化的重要因素包括但不限於影響收益預期用途的不確定性。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息。請讀者注意,依賴此類信息可能不適合用於其他目的。除非根據適用的證券法,否則公司不承諾更新此處以引用方式納入的任何前瞻性陳述、前瞻性信息或財務前景。

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