
Empire Energy Group's Path to Beetaloo Production and Beyond

Empire Energy Group's Path to Beetaloo Production and Beyond

帝國能源集團的 Beetaloo 生產之路及其他發展之路
sharecafe ·  05/09 22:43

Manny Anton: I'm Manny Anton for the Finance News Network, and today we are talking with Empire Energy Group, chief executive officer, Alex Underwood.


Empire Energy Group is a Sydney-based Australian oil and gas company, holding a hundred percent owned and operated assets in the Northern Territory's exciting and developing Beetaloo Basin. Empire is now working towards putting their Beetaloo assets into production.


Alex, welcome back to the Network. It's great to have you.


Alex Underwood: Good day, Manny. Good to be here.


Manny Anton: All right, why don't we start with the news today, in fact. So it's exciting times for Empire and the Beetaloo, but in particular, the Labor government has actually announced just today, its new Future Gas Strategy paper. And lo and behold, here we are, they've admitted we need gas, and we're going to need it for a while, and it will be the transition fuel. So what are your comments and what are your thoughts around that?


Alex Underwood: Yeah, I mean we're obviously delighted with today's news from the Australian federal government. We've had very strong support from the Northern Territory government over a number of years now, and we're very appreciative of that support. I think in the last couple of years since this new government came into place at the federal level, there has been some concern around investors as to the level of support from the federal government. We saw a significant market intervention a couple of years ago when the Ukraine war kicked off, to bring prices under control. But that did have a negative impact on obviously the substantial capital that's required to continue being invested in this industry to keep the gas flowing. And I think while this government has not been anti-gas, I think there just has been some ambiguity in their policy platform around gas.


And so today's announcement under the future gas strategy that Australia's going to need gas to 2050 and well beyond, and also the critical importance of gas for a range of factors, so supporting renewables through peaking power, manufacturing and ultimately heating and cooling and powering our homes, is fantastic news, and I think it's really going to help underpin investor confidence in this sector.


Manny Anton: Just to add to that, I also noticed in the discussion today from the government, they made a point of also saying we also have a responsibility to keep our Asian partners and our international partners supplied with that fuel, which will allow them to also move towards renewables, which I thought was interesting. So they're also saying domestically, yes, and we understand, we all know about the East Coast gas shortages or the forecast shortages, but it's also about the international markets. And I think they've come out and reassured our international partners as well, that we're there and we are a solid partner and we will continue to supply those markets with their requirements as well.


Alex Underwood: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Australia's very blessed with natural resources. We have some of the biggest both hydrocarbon and metals resources in the world, and ever since Bob Hawke and Paul Keating opened up our economy a few decades ago, we have been heavily reliant on foreign investment in this country to build these massive projects. We're now reaping the rewards when it comes to the iron ore mines in Western Australia, and the coking coal mines in Queensland and New South Wales, and metals and precious metals projects around Australia, and in gas. And so maintaining that international investor confidence in us as a safe and reliable partner to work with for long-term energy and raw material security is absolutely critical. And I think today's announcement should really provide those major international players with the confidence that they can continue investing in Australia's gas industry.


Manny Anton: Yep, absolutely. All right, well let's move on to Empire Energy specific. You did announce the sale of some of those legacy US assets that you still had left, and then you also recently completed a capital raising. So I gather the balance sheet's now in pretty good nick, and can you give us a quick rundown on what you actually did in terms of that funding, the sale of the US assets? And tell us a little bit about the capital raising you also just completed.


Alex Underwood: Yeah, sure. So when I joined Empire about six years ago, I put forward a strategy to the board that would shift our focus from the old focus of buying mature conventional producing assets in the US and really focusing on the incredible potential of our Beetaloo Basin portfolio, and the board and our shareholders supported that strategy.

亞歷克斯·安德伍德:是的,當然。因此,大約六年前,當我加入Empire時,我向董事會提出了一項戰略,該戰略將把我們的重點從購買美國成熟的傳統生產資產轉移到真正關注Beetaloo Basin投資組合的巨大潛力上,董事會和我們的股東支持該戰略。

At the time we were in a pretty difficult position. We had 38 million US dollars of debt. That was supported by 4 million US dollars a year of EBITDA, which is not a great deal of cash flow to support that debt position. And also we had less than a million bucks cash in the bank. And so we decided at that point to go through a US asset sale process. We sold our Kansas assets a few years ago for a very good price. And over the last few years it has been challenging to find a buyer for those assets in New York. So gas prices other than during the Ukraine war have been very, very low. New York state's not the best state in America to do oil and gas business, but we've persevered with that strategy and we've now sold those assets for what we believe is a very attractive price.


So we've paid off all of the US debt now, which I'm really pleased about that we've managed to clean up the balance sheet. We've also been able to unlock a few million dollars more that's coming back to Australia to support our Beetaloo projects. And there's a few kickers in there that if the shale gas underneath those fields is eventually developed, we've got a 3.75% free carried working interest in those shale formations at virtually no carrying cost. So we got that done, and we're never one to take it easy around Empire, and so very shortly thereafter we announced a capital raise. We ended up raising about 47 million Australian dollars. We were honored to have cornerstone support from some very high profile US investors. So Brian Sheffield and Liberty Energy, two key players in the Beetaloo Basin, both provided cornerstone support for the raise. For the first time, we were also able to attract institutional support from some major US funds who really understand the drivers of value creation in the shale space. So again, delighted with that support.


We launched that deal in very challenging market conditions. I think on the day the deal launched, the ASX immediately dropped about 1.8% and it was down 2.1% at its lows that day. So not a great day to launch a cap raise. But despite that, we saw incredible support from our existing shareholder base, which we were very appreciative of. Where this leaves us positioned now is, first of all, our balance sheet has never been stronger in the history of our company. I think current cash balance is in the very high forties, and once the second tranche of the placement goes through, that'd bring another $8 million cash onto the balance sheet. So very low debt now and significantly replenished cash balances.


And what that allows us to do is shift our focus away from raising capital and really start focusing on delivering the pilot project. So we are now fully-funded for our first pilot development, Well Carpentaria 5H. That'll be a three kilometer horizontal section, about 60 frac stages. So the biggest well we've ever drilled and potentially the biggest in the basin, and that well will be drilled to get into sales. So, as a number of the viewers may be aware, we purchased a gas processing facility from AGL late last year at a very attractive price. With this funding in place, we can now do the refurb works on that plant, and all going well, we'll be drilling that well and stimulating it in the third, fourth quarter of this year. And then installing the surface facilities and all things going well, we'll be generating cash flow in about 12 months.

這使我們能夠做的是將注意力從籌集資金上轉移到真正開始專注於交付試點項目上。因此,我們現在已經爲我們的第一個試點開發——Well Carpentaria 5H提供了全額資金。這將是一個三千米的水平路段,大約60個壓裂階段。因此,這是我們有史以來鑽探的最大油井,也可能是該盆地最大的油井,爲了實現銷售,將鑽探那口井。因此,正如許多觀衆可能知道的那樣,我們去年年底以極具吸引力的價格從AGL購買了一座天然氣處理設施。有了這筆資金,我們現在可以對該工廠進行翻新工程,而且一切順利,我們將在今年第三和第四季度對該油井進行鑽探和刺激。然後安裝地面設施,一切進展順利,我們將在大約12個月後產生現金流。

Manny Anton: Okay. Well you're up and running now. In terms of Carpentaria 5H as you've just discussed and the work that you are going to do now, how important will the results of that well of Carpentaria 5H, how important are they going to be for gas recovery and economic metrics?

曼尼·安東:好吧。好吧,你現在已經啓動並運行了。就你剛才討論的Carpentaria 5H以及你現在要做的工作而言,Carpentaria 5H那口油井的結果將有多重要,它們對天然氣回收和經濟指標有多重要?

Alex Underwood: Yeah, sure. Very important question. So again, if we think about shale gas, we know the gas is there under our feet. It's very well-demonstrated that there are huge gas resources that are pervasive right across the Beetaloo Basin. The whole trick of shale gas is working out how to extract it economically. So drilling your horizontal wells, keeping that horizontal in the formation, which we've done extremely well on the first two wells, in my opinion. But then also, the real art to shale gas is working out how to fracture-stimulate these rocks. So there are lots of different methodologies that can be applied that have significant impacts on productivity. Our first two wells, I would remind your viewers, were highly experimental well designs. We trialed multiple different frac fluids. We were trialing different perforation strategies. Also those were wells drilled in four and a half inch casing. We'll be moving to five and a half inch casing on our next well.


And also, in this nascent industry for Australia, the amount of services equipment to support our activities has been limited. So when you carry out a stimulation job, you bring what's called a frac spread out, which is basically a bunch of trucks that put the fluids under pressure to pump them down the hole. And Australia's frac fleet, until recently, has been quite underpowered for shale gas. Liberty Energy will soon be bringing a much larger horsepower frac spread out to Australia. And also they have a highly regarded engineering department. So we are very excited about the potential for continuing this journey in growing productivity through this next well.

而且,在澳大利亞這個新興行業中,支持我們活動的服務設備數量有限。因此,當你進行刺激工作時,你會帶上所謂的壓裂分散劑,它基本上是一堆卡車,它們施加壓力,將液體泵入井中。而且,直到最近,澳大利亞的壓裂法船隊在頁岩氣方面的能力還相當不足。Liberty Energy不久將向澳大利亞提供更大的馬力壓裂變壓器。而且他們還有一個備受推崇的工程部門。因此,我們對通過下一口油井繼續這段提高生產力的旅程感到非常興奮。

And I would say if you look across the basin, the most recent flow rate result from the Tamboran Sheffield and Falcon joint venture was an outstanding result. And it really speaks to the evolution of design that's occurring. So that was the first slick water frac job done in the basin to date. And I think certainly there'll be some learnings that we can take from that in applying a new frac design on this well. So yeah, very important result for us coming up. But I think we're really starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together here to drive higher productivity.


Manny Anton: Yeah, I mean all of these results are fantastic for the Beetaloo. You're getting the results you want, and the reality is that Beetaloo Basin is increasingly coming into focus for a lot of people now. It's a fabulous resource.

曼尼·安東:是的,我的意思是所有這些結果對於 Beetaloo 來說都太棒了。你得到了你想要的結果,而現實情況是,Beetaloo Basin現在越來越成爲許多人的關注焦點。這是一個很棒的資源。

All right, well listen, just to finish up and coming a little bit back to maybe the East Coast again, let's talk about infrastructure. Just remind us again what infrastructure's in place and what infrastructure do we still need to get Beetaloo gas to say the East Coast?

好吧,好好聽着,最後再回到東海岸,讓我們來談談基礎設施。再提醒我們有哪些基礎設施以及我們還需要什麼基礎設施才能讓 Beetaloo 的天然氣換成東海岸?

Alex Underwood: Sure. So where our EP187 tenement is located, where these wells have been drilled and the next one will be drilled and the area from which we'll commence production, we're quite lucky that there's a pipeline that runs straight through our tenement and the Carpentaria Highway. That's a relatively small pipeline. We can put about 25 terajoules a day into that pipeline, which is very fortuitous for us because it means we've now got a low-cost, low-capital cost model, I should say, to not only drill and test these wells, but actually put the test gas into sales, which reduces emissions, but also it means we can start generating revenue and recycling capital rather than raising new capital to drill these test wells. So that's sufficient capacity for us for the next few years. And it's also going into a critically under-supplied Northern Territory market.

亞歷克斯·安德伍德:當然。因此,無論我們的 EP187 物業單位在哪裏,這些油井已經鑽探的地方,還有下一口將要鑽探的地方,以及我們將開始生產的區域,我們很幸運有一條管道直接穿過我們的物業單位和卡彭塔里亞高速公路。那是一條相對較小的管道。我們每天可以向這條管道投入大約25兆焦耳,這對我們來說非常偶然,因爲我應該說,這意味着我們現在有了一個低成本、低資本成本的模式,不僅可以鑽探和測試這些油井,還可以實際將測試氣投入銷售,從而減少排放,還意味着我們可以開始創造收入和回收資本,而不是籌集新的資金來鑽探這些測試井。因此,這足以滿足我們未來幾年的需求。而且它還進入了供應嚴重不足的北領地市場。

In terms of our next phase of development, which is focused on getting gas into the East Coast, so there is already a pipeline, the Northern Gas pipeline that connects the Northern Territory market to the East Coast market to send gas from the Territory to the East Coast. That's called the Northern Gas Pipeline. Its capacity is about 110 terajoules a day. Right now, the sources of gas coming out of the Northern Territory have dropped very dramatically with the decline of a fuel called black tip. And so that pipeline is actually shut in right now. It's not moving any gas anywhere because the NT market needs to quarantine their supply locally. So there's an interim step there, where gas can start flowing to the East Coast through that pipeline.

就我們的下一階段開發而言,該階段的重點是將天然氣輸送到東海岸,因此已經有一條管道,即連接北領地市場和東海岸市場的北方天然氣管道,將天然氣從該地區輸送到東海岸。這就是所謂的北方天然氣管道。它的容量約爲每天110兆焦耳。目前,隨着一種名爲black tip的燃料的減少,從北領地流出的天然氣來源已急劇下降。因此,這條管道現在實際上已經關閉。它不會將任何天然氣運送到任何地方,因爲北領地市場需要在當地隔離其供應。因此,有一個過渡步驟,天然氣可以開始通過該管道流向東海岸。

Ultimately, the size of the resource in the Beetaloo, whether it's our resource or Tamboran's or anyone else's, will never be the constraining factor on the supply of gas out of this basin. It is a massive gas resource. It's got hundreds and hundreds of years of gas supply availability. And so the work that's going on between various industry players right now is focused on, first of all, assessing how much gas is the East Coast market going to require. And if you look at all of the AMO and ACCC and AEP forecasts, it shows that there are going to be hundreds and hundreds of terajoules a day of shortfalls in the East Coast by the 2030s. And so we and others in the basin, it's public knowledge that we've been working with APA on a much bigger pipeline to connect into the East Coast. That could be a pipeline of potentially 500 terajoules a day capacity or more, so five times the size of the existing pipe.


I think as per the Australian Government's Future Gas Strategy announced today, that is going to be nationally critical infrastructure to provide the energy that those of us on the East Coast need.


Ultimately, this basin clearly has the potential to scale up to LNG export. Darwin is already a major LNG export hub. The federal government has committed one and a half billion dollars to what they call the Middle Arm Project, which is all of the infrastructure in Darwin Harbor. Gas will be a critical feedstock into a number of the types of processes that'll happen at that hub. And the Beetaloo, with its extremely low CO content, the fact that it's located within cooee of major existing LNG terminals and potentially new ones, creates a potential for much bigger pipelines up to Darwin.


But as a company, we are very focused on walking before we run, and also looking to prove up this resource in the most capital efficient manner possible. So it's my view, having previously been an investor in this space for a number of years, that if you prove that the resource is economically viable, the infrastructure will come.


Manny Anton: Understood. All right, well it's clear Carpentaria 5H, that's going to be pretty critical to doing what you've just said, which is proving up the resource and getting you some metrics, and it's fantastic. Congratulations on getting this far, and Alex, thank you for your time today. It's been fantastic as always.

曼尼·安東:明白了。好吧,很明顯 Carpentaria 5H,這對實現你剛才所說的非常關鍵,那就是證明資源,爲你提供一些指標,太棒了。恭喜你走了這麼遠,Alex,感謝你今天抽出寶貴的時間。一如既往地太棒了。

Alex Underwood: Thanks, Manny. Great to talk.





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