
Desert Gold Commences 3,750 Meter Phase 2 Exploration Drill Program, SMSZ Project, Mali

Desert Gold Commences 3,750 Meter Phase 2 Exploration Drill Program, SMSZ Project, Mali

Desert Gold 開始了馬裏 SMSZ 項目 3,750 米的第二階段勘探鑽探計劃
newsfile ·  05/14 05:30

Surrey, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 14, 2024) - Desert Gold Ventures Inc. (TSXV: DAU) (FSE: QXR2) (OTCQB: DAUGF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the initiation of the second phase of it 2024 drill program. A total of 3,750 meters of exploration drilling is planned on its SMSZ Project in Mali, West Africa (see Figure 1 for reginal setting).

不列顛哥倫比亞省薩里--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 14 日)- 沙漠黃金風險投資公司 多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DAU)(FSE:QXR2)(場外交易代碼:DAUGF)(“公司”)欣然宣佈啓動其2024年鑽探計劃的第二階段。其位於西非馬裏的SMSZ項目計劃共進行3,750米的勘探鑽探(區域設置見圖1)。

Company CEO, Jared Scharf, commented, "Desert Gold continues to advance the SMSZ project, both through an ongoing PEA study of the oxide gold resources at 2 deposits and continued exploration, proximal to the oxide gold zones. This second phase program will test for extensions to two resource gold zones, a previously drilled gold occurrence and two high priority Au-in- auger anomaly areas. We strongly believe that this work will result in extensions to the Mogoyafara South zone, additional potential oxide gold resources at Barani East and the discovery of new gold zones at three exploration target areas."


Technical Details of Phase 2 Drill Program


The company plans to drill test for extensions of the gold mineralization at Mogoyafara South, Barani East and Soa Zones (see Table below). Mineral resources have been estimated at Mogoyafara South and Barani East.


Target (see Figure 2 for zone locations) # of holes Meters planned Target Highlights
Mogoyafara South 8 925 Extend known 12.39 million tonnes gold resource containing 412,800 ounces*. Specific targets include:
  • 50 m in from of 1.14 g/t Au /12 m
  • 100 m east of 1.18 g/t Au /46 m and 125 m east of 2.04 g/t Au /41 m
  • 50 m east of 1.62 g/t Au /15 m
  • 125 m east of 0.92 g/t Au/34 m
  • -50 m below 2.92 g/t Au/7 m
Barani East 15 750 Extend oxide gold resources to south
Frikidi 9 450 Test 8,650, 462 and 440 ppb Au-in-auger anomalies (see picture below of gold panned from 8,650 ppb Au site)
Soa area 12 725 Follow-up on 2.04 g/t Au over 30 meres**
Keniegoulou 3 150 Test 1,527 ppb gold-in-auger***, proximal to a km-long tourmaline alteration zone and area of structural rotation
目標 (區域位置參見圖 2) 洞數 計劃中的儀表 目標亮點
南莫戈亞法拉 8 925 擴大已知的1,239萬噸黃金資源,其中含有412,800盎司*。具體目標包括:
  • 從 1.14 g/t Au /12 m 處移動 50 米
  • 在 1.18 g/t Au /46 m 處以東 100 米,在 2.04 g/t Au /41 m 以東 125 米處
  • 在 1.62 g/t Au /15 m 處以東 50 米
  • 0.92 g/t Au/34 m 以東 125 米
  • -50 m 低於 2.92 g/t Au/7 m
東巴拉尼 15 750 將氧化金資源擴展到南方
弗裏基迪 9 450 測試 8,650、462 和 440 ppb 的 au-in-Auger 異常(見下圖,從 8,650 ppb Au 現場採集的黃金)
水療區 12 725 在 30 米以上對 2.04 g/t Au 進行隨訪**
Keniegoulou 3 150 測試 1,527 ppb 的鑽中金***,靠近一千米長的碧璽蝕變區和結構旋轉區域

Technical Study Update (The "PEA")


Core sampling is in progress. Samples of 1⁄4 cut core will be sent to SGS in Bamako for gold analysis to determine the limits of the gold zones at Barani East, Gourbassi West and Gourbassi West North. Once the gold zones have been defined, the remaining 3⁄4 cut core will be sent to Maelgwyn South Africa to model the heap leach gold recoveries by zone. This information will form a key part of the ongoing Preliminary Economic Assessment study of the oxide gold resources at Barani East and Gourbassi West.

核心採樣正在進行中。1⁄4 的岩心樣本將送往巴馬科的 SGS 進行黃金分析,以確定巴拉尼東、古爾巴西西部和西北部古爾巴西金區的界限。一旦確定了金礦區,剩餘的 3⁄4 切巖芯將被送往南非梅爾格溫,以模擬各區域的堆浸金回收率。這些信息將構成正在進行的對巴拉尼東部和古爾巴西西部氧化金資源的初步經濟評估研究的關鍵部分。

Barani East and Barani Gap Deposits

Barani East 和 Barani Gap 存款

Oxide and transition mineral resources at Barani East and Barani Gap comprise measured and indicated mineral resources of 53,700* ozs Au grading 2.09 g/t Au and inferred mineral resources of 40,700* ounces grading 1.33 g/t Au (see Figure 2 for location).

東巴拉尼和巴拉尼峽的氧化物和過渡礦產資源包括測定和指示的53,700種礦產資源* ozs Au 品位爲 2.09 g/t Au,推斷的礦產資源爲 40,700* 盎司金品位爲 1.33 g/t(位置參見圖 2)。

At Barani East, in 2014, 2-tonne metallurgical sample of oxide mineralization, ground to 80% passing 70 micron grading 2.74 g/t Au, was first subjected to a 21.6% mass pull spiral concentrate and then an intense leach combined with normal leaching of the tails over 24 hours, recovered 78.7% of the gold*.

2014年,在巴拉尼東部,2噸的氧化物礦化冶金樣品經過磨削至80%,超過70微米,金品位爲2.74 g/t,首先經過21.6%的螺旋濃縮物處理,然後進行強度浸出,並在24小時內對尾部進行正常浸出,回收了78.7%的黃金*。

The Barani East oxide and transition resources lie above the Barani East deposit which contains fresh rock measured and indicated mineral resource totaling 37,500 ounces grading 1.78 g/t Au and an additional inferred mineral resource of 33,700 ozs grading 1.66 g/t Au*.


Bottle roll leach tests of the fresh rock Barani East gold mineralization, ground to 85% passing 75 microns and leaching over 72 hours suggest gold recoveries ranging from 83% to 98.7%*. This data suggest that fresh rock gold mineralization may also be heap leachable.


Gourbassi West Deposit


Oxide and transition mineral resources at Gourbassi West comprises measured and indicated mineral resources of 77,200* ozs Au grading 0.93 g/t Au and inferred mineral resources of 14,600* ounces grading 0.91 g/t Au (see Figure 2 for location).

Gourbassi West的氧化物和過渡礦產資源包括測定和指示的77,200種礦產資源* ozs Au 品位爲 0.93 g/t Au,推斷的礦產資源爲 14,600* 盎司金品位爲 0.91 g/t(位置參見圖 2)。

Three samples of oxide gold mineralization, grading 0.33, 0.67 and 1.05 g/t Au, were ground to 80% passing 100 microns and subject to a 48-hour bottle roll cyanide leach. Gold recoveries of 92.4%, 94.3% and 94.2%, respectively, were attained with most of the gold recovered in 24 hours.

三個氧化金礦化樣品的金含量分別爲0.33、0.67和1.05 g/t,經過100微米的磨碎至80%,並經過48小時的瓶裝氰化物浸出。黃金的回收率分別爲92.4%、94.3%和94.2%,大部分黃金在24小時內回收。

Gourbassi West North Deposit


The 1.6 km long Gourbassi West North Deposit lies 500 metres north of the Gourbassi West Deposit (Figure 2). The upper 25-30 metres of this deposit is oxidized and is expected, as per other oxide gold zones on the property and region, to have gold recoveries in excess of 90%. A mineral resource estimate of this zone will be carried out and, if deemed material, this zone will be considered as potential feed for a heap leach component of the PEA.

1.6 千米長的古爾巴西西北礦牀位於 Gourbassi West 礦牀以北 500 米處(圖 2)。該礦牀的上部25-30米處被氧化,根據該地產和地區的其他氧化金區,預計金回收率將超過90%。將對該區域進行礦產資源估算,如果該區域被認爲是重要的,則該區域將被視爲PEA堆浸成分的潛在飼料。

Exploration - Core Drilling


Four core holes were completed at the Mogoyafara South and Frikidi Zones. Assays for these holes are pending.

在 Mogoyafara South 和 Frikidi 區域完成了四個核心洞。這些漏洞的化驗尚待進行。

* Desert Gold NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource report filed on March 3, 2022 and available on Sedar+.
** Desert Gold news release March 25, 2019.
*** Desert Gold news release October 1, 2019.
**** Desert Gold new release February 24, 2020.

* 符合 Desert Gold NI 43-101 標準的礦產資源報告於 2022 年 3 月 3 日提交,可在 Sedar+ 上查閱。
** 2019 年 3 月 25 日發佈的《沙漠之金》新聞稿。
*** 2019 年 10 月 1 日發佈的《沙漠之金》新聞稿。
**** 沙漠金幣新品發佈於 2020 年 2 月 24 日。

This press release contains certain scientific and technical information. The Company is solely responsible for the contents and accuracy of any scientific and technical information related to it. Don Dudek, P.Geo. a director of Desert Gold and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this press release.

本新聞稿包含某些科學和技術信息。本公司對與之相關的任何科學和技術信息的內容和準確性全權負責。Don Dudek,P.Geo.,Desert Gold的董事兼National Instrument 43-101的合格人員,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息。

On Behalf of the Board


"Jared Scharf"


Jared Scharf
President & Director


About Desert Gold


Desert Gold Ventures Inc. is a gold exploration and development company which controls the 440 km2 SMSZ Project in Western Mali containing Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources of 8.47 million tonnes grading 1.14 g/t gold totaling 310,300 ounces and Inferred Mineral Resources of 20.7 million tonnes grading 1.16 g/t gold totaling 769,200 ounces. For further information please visit under the company's profile. Website:

Desert Gold Ventures Inc. 是一家黃金勘探和開發公司,控制着 440 公里2 馬裏西部的SMSZ項目包含847萬噸的實測和指示礦產資源,黃金品位爲1.14克/噸,總計31.03萬盎司,推斷礦產資源爲2,070萬噸,品位爲1.16克/噸黃金,總計769,200盎司。欲了解更多信息,請訪問公司簡介下方。網站:

Jared Scharf, President and CEO
Tel. No.: +1 (858) 247-8195

電話編號:+1 (858) 247-8195

This news release contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements entail various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in these forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on current expectations, are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks, and actual results may differ materially from those contained in such statements. These uncertainties and risks include, but are not limited to, the strength of the capital markets, the price of gold; operational, funding, liquidity risks, the degree to which Mineral Resource estimates are reflective of actual Mineral Resources, the degree to which factors which would make a mineral deposit commercially viable, and the risks and hazards associated with mining operations. Risks and uncertainties about the Company's business are more fully discussed in the company's disclosure materials filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada and available at and readers are urged to read these materials. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from such statements unless required by law. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described herein in the United States. The securities described herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States securities act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to the account or benefit of a U.S. person absent an exemption from the registration requirements of such act.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述包含各種風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述中反映的結果存在重大差異。此類陳述基於當前的預期,存在許多不確定性和風險,實際結果可能與此類陳述中包含的結果存在重大差異。這些不確定性和風險包括但不限於資本市場的實力、黃金價格;運營、資金、流動性風險、礦產資源估計在多大程度上反映實際礦產資源、使礦牀具有商業可行性的因素以及與採礦業務相關的風險和危害。公司向加拿大證券監管機構提交的披露材料中對公司業務的風險和不確定性進行了更全面的討論,這些材料可在以下網址查閱 並敦促讀者閱讀這些材料。除非法律要求,否則公司沒有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述,也沒有義務更新實際業績可能與此類陳述不同的原因。多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿不構成美國本文所述證券的賣出要約或購買要約的邀請。此處描述的證券過去和將來都不會根據經修訂的1933年《美國證券法》進行註冊,如果沒有豁免該法的註冊要求,則不得在美國發行或出售,也不得向美國人的賬戶或利益進行發行或出售。

* Figure 1 disclosure

* 圖 1 披露

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