
Tinley's Announces the Appointment of New Chief Executive Officer

Tinley's Announces the Appointment of New Chief Executive Officer

newsfile ·  05/17 20:00

Toronto, Ontario and Los Angeles, California--(Newsfile Corp. - May 17, 2024) - The Tinley Beverage Company Inc. (CSE: TNY) (OTCQB: TNYBF) ("Tinley's" or the "Company") announces that Theodore Zittell, has stepped down as Chief Executive Officer, and the Company has appointed Mr. Larry Weintraub of Los Angeles, CA, as Tinley's new CEO. Mr. Zittell, who has been an integral part of Tinley's since 2016, will continue as a director on Tinley's board and serve as Chairman. The entire board of directors thanks Mr. Zittell for his years of dedicated service to the Company and looks forward together with Mr. Zittell to the next phase of the Company's growth.

多倫多,安大略省和加利福尼亞州洛杉磯--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年5月17日)--Tinley飲料公司(CSE: TNY) (OTCQB: TNYBF) (" ")宣佈Theodore Zittell辭去首席執行官一職,公司任命加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的Larry Weintraub先生爲Tinley新任CEO。自2016年以來一直是Tinley不可或缺的一部分的Zittell先生將繼續擔任董事會成員並擔任主席。整個董事會感謝Zittell先生多年來對公司的忠誠服務,並期待與Zittell先生一起迎接公司成長的下一個階段。本公司在2024年1月26日宣佈了一項超額認購的非經紀化定向增發和債務結算,總額爲2,000,000美元。非經紀定向增發的淨收益的大部分被用於公司生產和建立Beckett無酒精飲料的庫存儲備,以便在實時接收新訂單時無縫地履行新訂單。 Beckett無酒精飲料的備用庫存正在用於銷售樣本,以支持公司的銷售擴張計劃,推廣和營銷Beckett's在美國各地。備用庫存還將用於滿足電商訂單,在美國全國範圍內的在線訂購預計將在2024年6月開始。"或"公司Weintraub先生是一位成就卓越的營銷高管和企業家。1999年,Weintraub先生創立了Fanscape,這是第一家社交媒體營銷機構,他擔任CEO直至2014年將公司出售給廣告巨頭Omnicom(NYSE: OMC)。隨着出售的進行,Weintraub先生擔任Omnicom的創意機構TMA(The Marketing Arm)首席創新官,與包括三星、Frito Lay、Uber、State Farm、美國陸軍和寶潔在內的世界上最大的品牌合作。Weintraub先生一直留在Omnicom,直到2023年他成立自己的首席執行官諮詢公司Great Gig Strategy。

Mr. Weintraub is an accomplished marketing executive and entrepreneur. In 1999, Mr. Weintraub co-founded Fanscape, the first social media marketing agency, which he ran as CEO until its sale to advertising giant, Omnicom (NYSE: OMC) in 2014. Following the sale, Mr. Weintraub assumed the role of Chief Innovation Officer within Omnicom's creative agency, TMA (The Marketing Arm) where he worked with many of the world's largest brands including Samsung, Frito Lay, Uber, State Farm, US Army, and P&G. Mr. Weintraub remained with Omnicom until 2023 when he formed his own CEO consultancy, Great Gig Strategy.


"I am energized by the scope of opportunity I see for Tinley's," said Mr. Weintraub. "New opportunities for our brand and their sales growth present themselves daily, driven by the recently announced federal re-scheduling of cannabis, and ever-increasing state-by-state clarity on federally legal hemp-derived THC products. Our Tinley's and the Beckett's brands stand out in the marketplace, with a compelling origin story, and great tasting products. We are committed to extending our reach to new distributor and retailer partners, bars and restaurants, as well as through direct-to-consumer sales," Mr. Weintraub added.

Larry Weintraub被授予300萬股期權,行權期爲5年,行權價格爲0.05美元。這些期權授予Weintraub先生的期權將在2年內獲得行權。

"I am thrilled to welcome Larry as our CEO at this key inflection point for our categories and our Company," said Teddy Zittell. "After changes in strategy, including refocus on high-return own brand products over the past 18 months, Larry's talent and experience, and his proximity to the dynamic centres of industry action, are ideal to lead Tinley's next-stage development and growth, profitably exploiting expanding markets with a focus on mining new revenue."

"我對我們的品類和公司在這個關鍵的拐點上歡迎Larry擔任首席執行官感到非常興奮。在過去的18個月中,經過戰略變化,包括重點關注高回報的自有品牌產品,Larry的才華和經驗以及他對行業動態中心的接近,是領導Tinley的下一階段發展和增長,利潤地開發擴大市場的理想人選。" Teddy Zittell先生表示。

Larry Weintraub has been granted 3 million stock options exercisable for a period of 5 years at a strike price of $0.05. The options granted to Mr. Weintraub vest over a period of 2 years.

Larry Weintraub已被授予可行權期爲5年、行權價格爲0.05美元的300萬份股票期權。Weintraub先生被授予的期權在2年內分紅。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements and information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements and information that are not historical facts but instead include financial projections and estimates, statements regarding plans, goals, objectives and intentions, statements regarding the Company's expectations with respect to its future business and operations, management's expectations regarding growth, customers, channels and territories; and phrases containing words such as "ongoing", "estimates", "expects", "anticipates", or the negative thereof or any other variations thereon or comparable terminology referring to future events or results, or that events or conditions "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved, or comparable terminology referring to future events or results. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, successful staging of inputs and scheduling of product production; timing of the political risks, and uncertainties relating to laws and regulations; and the availability, and costs, of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in input costs, and changes in market dynamics including consumer tastes and preferences. Forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no responsibility to update them or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances other than as required by law. Products, formulations, and timelines outlined herein are subject to change at any time.

非常重要的提示:翻譯結果僅供參考,無法保證完全準確。前瞻性陳述這則新聞包含"前瞻性說明"(forward-looking statements)。前瞻性說明是指不是歷史事實的贊成及不包括財務預測和估計的聲明、計劃、目標、意圖的聲明、關於公司對其未來業務和經營的期望、管理層對增長、客戶、渠道和領域的期望;和包含"持續"、"估計"、"期望"、"預測"和"或其他類似用語的短語,涉及未來事件或結果的引用,或者"將"、"可能"、"可能"和"應該"的短語,涉及未來事件或結果的引用。任何前瞻性陳述都面臨重大的風險和不確定性,也可能導致實際結果與預期結果顯著不同。讀者不應過度依賴前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述是在此發表之日作出的,公司不承擔更新它們或修訂它們以反映新事件或情況的任何責任,除非法律另有要求。本文所述的產品、配方和時間表隨時可能更改。

For further information, please contact:
The Tinley Beverage Company Inc.
Teddy Zittell
(310) 507-9146 (CSE: TNY) (OTCQB: TNYBF)
Twitter: @drinktinleys and @drinkbecketts
Instagram: @drinktinleys and @drinkbecketts

Tinley Beverage公司
(310)507-9146 (CSE:TNY) (OTCQB:TNYBF)
Twitter: @drinktinleys和@drinkbecketts Instagram: @drinktinleys和@drinkbecketts
Instagram: @drinktinleys and @drinkbecketts

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