
Red Door Community Raises More Than $300,000 at Their Annual Luncheon Celebrating Women Working and Living With Cancer

Red Door Community Raises More Than $300,000 at Their Annual Luncheon Celebrating Women Working and Living With Cancer

PR Newswire ·  05/18 14:06

Free cancer support programs get a boost, and Red Door Community member announces a run


NEW YORK, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Wednesday, May 15, Red Door Community hosted their annual Celebrating Women Working and Living with Cancer Luncheon at the Metropolitan Club in New York City. The event raised more than $300,000 while shining a light on the women who inspire us through their daily courage and leadership.

紐約,2024年5月17日 /PRNewswire/ — 5月15日星期三,紅門社區在紐約市大都會俱樂部舉辦了一年一度的慶祝癌症工作和生活的女性午餐會。該活動籌集了超過30萬美元的資金,同時向那些通過日常勇氣和領導能力激勵我們的女性提供了啓發。

More than 175 guests attended the event, including Red Door Community donors, corporate allies, and members who participate in the free cancer support programs. The gathering brought together people from all walks of life to socialize and learn about the organization's initiatives that are designed to supplement clinical cancer treatments with essential psychosocial support.


Hosted by Gerri Willis, author and correspondent with Fox Business News, who shared her own experience with cancer, the event featured several key speakers. The first was a formal introduction of new CEO Dan Latore, who spoke to the uniqueness of Red Door Community's work, as it "provides unwavering support at every stage of the cancer experience, so no one faces cancer alone" and he shared his vision for the future of the organization that will "be built on the core ideals of community, trust, and respect."

該活動由福克斯商業新聞的作家兼記者傑裏·威利斯主持,她分享了自己的癌症經歷,有幾位主要演講者參加。首先是正式介紹新任首席執行官丹·拉托爾,他談到了紅門社區工作的獨特性,因爲紅門社區 “在癌症經歷的每個階段都提供堅定不移的支持,因此沒有人能獨自面對癌症”,他分享了他對該組織未來的願景,該組織將 “建立在社區、信任和尊重的核心理想之上”。

The Red Door Award for Leadership was presented to Jami Rubin, former Board Director, long-time executive in the biopharmaceutical industry, and current Chief Financial Officer at Boundless Bio. Her remarks included the topic of risk-taking, like the business risks that are required to drive innovation in oncology, and the emotional risks Red Door Community members take as a part of their program: "They commit to total honesty with each other. They share their experiences with each other even when it's very painful. They don't know how they will respond to their treatment. They don't know how much time they have left. They hold nothing back."

紅門領導力獎頒給了前董事會董事、生物製藥行業長期高管、現任Boundless Bio首席財務官賈米·魯賓。她的講話包括冒險的話題,例如推動腫瘤學創新所需的商業風險,以及紅門社區成員在計劃中承擔的情感風險:“他們承諾彼此完全誠實。即使非常痛苦,他們也會互相分享自己的經歷。他們不知道自己將如何應對自己的治療。他們不知道還剩下多少時間。他們什麼也沒隱藏。”

The star of the show was Red Door Community member, LaDawn Jefferson. A single mother residing in Brooklyn and living with advanced cancer. She talked about her experience with cancer, from the impersonal way she learned of her diagnosis to the repeated treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. She said her cancer diagnosis did not excuse her from her roles as "chef, counselor, referee, mediator, and mother, who must continue to nurture and love her children no matter what type of day she was having." LaDawn had no one to share her feelings with until she found Red Door Community.

該節目的明星是紅門社區成員 LaDawn Jefferson。居住在布魯克林並患有晚期癌症的單身母親。她談到了自己的癌症經歷,從非個人化的方式得知自己的診斷到反覆接受化療和放射治療。她說,她的癌症診斷並不能成爲她擔任 “廚師、輔導員、裁判、調解員和母親的藉口,無論她過着什麼樣的日子,她都必須繼續培育和愛護孩子。”LaDawn 在創立 Red Door Community 之前,沒有人可以和她分享自己的感受。

LaDawn went on about Red Door Community and said, "I was welcomed with open arms, and I felt right at home. I had the freedom to open up and get out all that was buried in me. I was finally able to speak to people who understood the mental battles in my head, the self-image issues, and the fear of dying. I know that in my group I can talk about anything and not be judged for my thoughts or feelings."


Before she was introduced to Red Door Community, LaDawn's only outlet for her feelings was her journal, where her first entry talked about her fears and how she was being perceived by people on the outside. She continued referencing her entry, "however, inside, I just want to run like hell. The only catch is, the cancer will run with me because it is inside of me. I NEED HELP, PLEASE HELP ME. Well, Red Door did just that...from day one."

在她被介紹到紅門社區之前,LaDawn表達自己感情的唯一途徑是她的日記,她的第一篇文章講述了她的恐懼以及外界人士對她的看法。她繼續引用自己的文章,“但是,在裏面,我只想逃跑。唯一的問題是,癌症會伴隨我而行,因爲它在我體內。我需要幫助,請幫幫我。好吧,Red Door 就是這樣做的... 從第一天起。”

Run she will. In a stunning announcement, LaDawn announced that she will be running in this year's TCS NYC Marathon as a part of the Red Door Runners, a team that is running to raise money on behalf of Red Door Community. Her inspiring words were met with thunderous applause, and she invited the audience to come out and cheer the team on. She ended her speech with a simple "thank you for your support."

她會跑的LaDawn在一份驚人的公告中宣佈,她將作爲Red Door Runners的一員參加今年的TCS紐約馬拉松比賽,該隊正在代表紅門社區籌集資金。她鼓舞人心的話語獲得了雷鳴般的掌聲,她邀請觀衆出來爲球隊加油。她以簡單的 “謝謝你的支持” 來結束演講。

To support LaDawn and thousands of other Red Door Community members, visit:

要支持 LaDawn 和其他數千名紅門社區成員,請訪問:捐贈

About Red Door Community


Red Door Community is a leading cancer support organization whose mission is to create a welcoming community of FREE cancer support to bring knowledge, hope, and empowerment to anyone and everyone impacted by cancer and their families including adults, teens, and children. Visit to learn how you can support or become a member of Red Door Community today.

Red Door Community是一家領先的癌症支持組織,其使命是創建一個熱情友好的免費癌症支持社區,爲所有受癌症影響的人及其家庭(包括成人、青少年和兒童)帶來知識、希望和賦權。參觀 reddoorcommunity 了解如何立即支持或成爲紅門社區的成員。



Alexandra Bestick
Marketing & Communications Manager
[email protected]

(303) -501-4508

SOURCE Red Door Community

來源 Red Door 社區

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