
Lethally RSV Infected Animals Orally Treated With NV-387 Showed Normal Lung Histology, Indicating Potential Cure

Lethally RSV Infected Animals Orally Treated With NV-387 Showed Normal Lung Histology, Indicating Potential Cure

經口服 NV-387 治療的致命呼吸道合胞病毒感染動物肺組織學表現正常,表明有可能治癒
Accesswire ·  05/20 06:30

NV-387, A Broad-Spectrum Antiviral with Strong Activity Against RSV, Influenza A, Coronaviruses, Others


SHELTON, CT / ACCESSWIRE / May 20, 2024 / NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE American:NNVC) (the "Company"), a global leader in broad-spectrum antiviral nanomedicines, says that the strong antiviral activity of NV-387 against RSV/A2 is clearly demonstrated by lungs remaining normal and showing no infection-related damage, when treated orally with NV-387, in a lethal lung RSV infection animal model. The animals in only the NV-387 treated group survived completely, as previously reported. The complete survival and clear lungs indicate that NV-387 treatment completely protected the animals and could be potentially a cure for RSV infection.

康涅狄格州謝爾頓/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月20日/廣譜抗病毒納米藥物領域的全球領導者NanoViricides, Inc.(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:nnVC)(“公司”)表示,在致命的肺部呼吸道合胞病毒感染動物模型中,使用 NV-387 口服治療時,肺部保持正常且未出現感染相關損傷,這清楚地表明瞭 NV-387 對呼吸道合胞病毒A2的強大抗病毒活性。正如先前報道的那樣,只有 NV-387 治療組中的動物才能完全存活下來。完全存活和肺部清澈表明,NV-387 治療完全保護了動物,有可能治癒呼吸道合胞病毒感染。

In this study, extended dosing of NV-387 given orally was compared with a high dose of ribavirin given orally. Two doses were given on first day of dosing followed by one daily dose for next 9 days (total 11 doses).

在這項研究中,將延長口服 NV-387 劑量與高劑量口服利巴韋林進行了比較。在給藥的第一天給予兩劑,然後在接下來的9天內每天服用一劑(總共11劑)。

The lethally RSV-infected animals in the NV-387-treated group showed no lung damage in lung histo-pathology study at all time points during the study, including at the end of the study. This demonstrates that the the NV-387 oral treatment completely protected the animals from the lethal level of RSV infection. Animals in this group survived completely, beyond the 21-day study period, as previously reported.

在研究期間,包括研究結束時,接受NV-387治療組中感染RSV的致命動物在肺組織病理學研究中的所有時間點均未顯示出肺損傷。這表明 NV-387 口服治療完全保護了動物免受呼吸道合胞病毒感染的致命影響。正如先前報道的那樣,該組中的動物在21天的研究期之後完全存活了下來。

In contrast, lethally infected animals in the Ribavirin oral treatment group showed progressive lung pathology, demonstrating progressive inflammation in the lung tissue which resulted in moderate levels of inflammation as well as infected cells in the inflammatory infiltrate on day 10, increasing to severely infected lungs with alveolitis and severe pneumonia by day 13. All animals in the ribavirin-treated RSV infected group died by 14 days.


These lung histo-pathology results support our belief that NV-387 oral treatment led to complete cure of the lethal RSV infection.

這些肺組織病理學結果支持我們的信念,即 NV-387 口服治療可以完全治癒致命的呼吸道合胞病毒感染。

There is currently no approved treatment for RSV other than the highly toxic, last-resort drug, ribavirin. A safe and effective treatment remains an unmet medical need.


"These results clearly demonstrate that NV-387 oral treatment would be of great clinical value for protecting infants and children from RSV," said Anil R. Diwan, PhD, adding, "We are very pleased with these results and plan on advancing NV-387 for the treatment of RSV infection into clinical trials as soon as possible."

阿尼爾·迪萬博士說:“這些結果清楚地表明,NV-387 口服治療對於保護嬰兒和兒童免受呼吸道合胞病毒感染具有巨大的臨床價值,” 他補充說,“我們對這些結果感到非常滿意,並計劃儘快將用於治療呼吸道合胞病毒感染的 NV-387 推進臨床試驗。”

RSV is an important disease in infants and children less than 5 years old, as well as in older persons over 65 years old. According to the CDC, each year in the United States, RSV leads to approximately:


  • 58,000-80,000 hospitalizations among children younger than 5 years old;
  • 60,000-160,000 hospitalizations among adults 65 years and older;
  • 6,000-10,000 deaths among adults 65 years and older; and
  • 100-300 deaths in children younger than 5 years old.
  • 5歲以下兒童住院人數爲58,000-80,000人;
  • 65歲及以上的成年人中有6萬至16萬人住院;
  • 在65歲及以上的成年人中,有6,000-10,000人死亡;以及
  • 在5歲以下的兒童中,有100-300人死亡。

Two vaccines have recently been approved for protection of persons 60+ years old from RSV infection (Arexvy, GSK, and Abrysvo, Pfizer). Abrysvo was recently approved for use in pregnant women for protection of infants. Palivizumab (Synagis), an antibody, as well as a new antibody, nirsevimab (Beyfortus) have been approved by the US FDA for protection of newborn children at risk of RSV disease, but not for treatment of RSV infection and disease.


About NanoViricides

關於 NanoViricides

NanoViricides, Inc. (the "Company") () is a development stage company that is creating special purpose nanomaterials for antiviral therapy. The Company's novel nanoviricide class of drug candidates are designed to specifically attack enveloped virus particles and to dismantle them. Additionally, nanoviricides mimick the host-side features that the viruses continue to require in spite of mutations, and therefore the viruses would be highly unlikely to escape the nanvoricide drugs.

nanoviricides, Inc.(以下簡稱 “公司”)()是一家處於開發階段的公司,正在爲抗病毒療法開發特殊用途的納米材料。該公司的新型納米殺毒劑類候選藥物旨在專門攻擊包膜病毒顆粒並將其分解。此外,納米殺病毒劑模仿了病毒儘管發生突變仍需要宿主側特徵,因此病毒極不可能逃脫納米殺傷劑藥物。

Our lead drug candidate is NV-387 (drug product NV-CoV-2) for the treatment of RSV, COVID-19, Long COVID, Influenza, Bird Flu H5N1, and other respiratory viral infections. NV-387 has successfully completed a Phase 1a/1b human clinical trial in healthy subjects with no reported adverse events even at the highest and repeated dosages. The Company is currently focused on advancing NV-387 into Phase II human clinical trials for treatment of RSV infection.

我們的主要候選藥物是 NV-387(藥物產品NV-CoV-2),用於治療呼吸道合胞病毒、COVID-19、長冠狀病毒、流感、H5N1禽流感和其他呼吸道病毒感染。NV-387 已成功完成一項針對健康受試者的 1a/1b 期人體臨床試驗,即使在最高和重複劑量下也沒有報告任何不良事件。該公司目前專注於將 NV-387 推向治療呼吸道合胞病毒感染的二期人體臨床試驗。

Our other advanced candidate is NV-HHV-1 for the treatment of Shingles rash, HSV-1 "cold sores" and HSV-2 "genital ulcers". The Company cannot project an exact date for filing an IND for any of its drugs because of dependence on a number of external collaborators and consultants.

我們的另一個晚期候選藥物是用於治療帶狀皰疹的 NV-HHV-1、HSV-1 “脣皰疹” 和 HSV-2 “生殖器潰瘍”。由於依賴於許多外部合作者和顧問,該公司無法預測其任何藥物的申請IND的確切日期。

The Company is also developing drugs against a number of viral diseases including oral and genital Herpes, viral diseases of the eye including EKC and herpes keratitis, H1N1 swine flu, H5N1 bird flu, seasonal Influenza, HIV, Hepatitis C, Rabies, Dengue fever, and Ebola virus, among others. NanoViricides' platform technology and programs are based on the TheraCour nanomedicine technology of TheraCour, which TheraCour licenses from AllExcel. NanoViricides holds a worldwide exclusive perpetual license to this technology for several drugs with specific targeting mechanisms in perpetuity for the treatment of the following human viral diseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Rabies, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV), Influenza and Asian Bird Flu Virus, Dengue viruses, Japanese Encephalitis virus, West Nile Virus, Ebola/Marburg viruses, and certain Coronaviruses. The Company intends to obtain a license for poxviruses and/or enteroviruses if the initial research is successful. The Company's technology is based on broad, exclusive, sub-licensable, field licenses to drugs developed in these areas from TheraCour Pharma, Inc. The Company's business model is based on licensing technology from TheraCour Pharma Inc. for specific application verticals of specific viruses, as established at its foundation in 2005.

該公司還在開發針對多種病毒性疾病的藥物,包括口腔和生殖器皰疹、包括心電圖和皰疹角膜炎在內的眼部病毒性疾病、H1N1豬流感、H5N1禽流感、季節性流感、HIV、丙型肝炎、狂犬病、登革熱和埃博拉病毒等。NanoViricides的平台技術和程序基於TheraCour的TheraCour納米醫學技術,該技術是Theracour從AlleXcel獲得許可的。NanoViricides持有該技術的全球獨家永久許可,用於治療以下人類病毒性疾病:人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV/AIDS)、乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)、狂犬病、單純皰疹病毒(HSV-1 和 HSV-2)、水痘帶狀皰疹病毒(VZV)、流感和亞洲禽流感病毒、登革病毒,日本腦炎病毒、西尼羅河病毒、埃博拉/馬爾堡病毒和某些冠狀病毒。如果初步研究成功,公司打算獲得痘病毒和/或腸道病毒的許可證。該公司的技術基於Theracour Pharma, Inc.在這些領域開發的藥物的廣泛、獨家、可再許可的現場許可。該公司的商業模式基於Theracour Pharma Inc.在其成立於2005年成立時針對特定病毒的特定垂直應用領域提供的許可技術。

As is customary, the Company must state the risk factor that the path to typical drug development of any pharmaceutical product is extremely lengthy and requires substantial capital. As with any drug development efforts by any company, there can be no assurance at this time that any of the Company's pharmaceutical candidates would show sufficient effectiveness and safety for human clinical development. Further, there can be no assurance at this time that successful results against coronavirus in our lab will lead to successful clinical trials or a successful pharmaceutical product.


This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company's current expectation regarding future events. Actual events could differ materially and substantially from those projected herein and depend on a number of factors. Certain statements in this release, and other written or oral statements made by NanoViricides, Inc. are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company's expectations include, but are not limited to, those factors that are disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in documents filed by the company from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. Although it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors, they may include the following: demonstration and proof of principle in preclinical trials that a nanoviricide is safe and effective; successful development of our product candidates; our ability to seek and obtain regulatory approvals, including with respect to the indications we are seeking; the successful commercialization of our product candidates; and market acceptance of our products.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,反映了公司當前對未來事件的預期。實際事件可能與本文預測的事件存在重大和實質性差異,並取決於許多因素。本新聞稿中的某些陳述以及NanoViricides, Inc.做出的其他書面或口頭陳述是1933年《證券法》第27A條和1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。您不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲它們涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,在某些情況下,這些因素超出了公司的控制範圍,可能會而且很可能會對實際業績、活動水平、業績或成就產生重大影響。即使將來有新的信息,公司也沒有義務出於任何原因公開更新或修改這些前瞻性陳述,也沒有義務更新實際業績可能與這些前瞻性陳述中預期的結果存在重大差異的原因。可能導致實際業績與公司預期存在重大差異的重要因素包括但不限於在 “風險因素” 標題下以及公司不時向美國證券交易委員會和其他監管機構提交的文件中披露的那些因素。儘管無法預測或識別所有這些因素,但它們可能包括以下因素:在臨床前試驗中證明納米殺毒劑是安全有效的;成功開發了我們的候選產品;我們尋求和獲得監管部門批准的能力,包括我們正在尋找的適應症方面的監管批准的能力;候選產品的成功商業化;以及我們產品的市場接受度。

The phrases "safety", "effectiveness" and equivalent phrases as used in this press release refer to research findings including clinical trials as the customary research usage and do not indicate evaluation of safety or effectiveness by the US FDA.

本新聞稿中使用的 “安全性”、“有效性” 和等效短語是指研究結果,包括臨床試驗,作爲常規研究用法,並不表示美國食品和藥物管理局對安全性或有效性的評估。

FDA refers to US Food and Drug Administration. IND application refers to "Investigational New Drug" application. cGMP refers to current Good Manufacturing Practices. CMC refers to "Chemistry, Manufacture, and Controls". CHMP refers to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, which is the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) committee responsible for human medicines. API stands for "Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient". API means active pharmaceutical ingredient.

FDA 指的是美國食品藥品監督管理局。IND申請指 “研究性新藥” 申請。cGMP是指當前的良好生產規範。CMC 指 “化學、製造和控制”。CHMP指的是人用藥品委員會,它是歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)負責人用藥物的委員會。API 代表 “活性藥物成分”。API 是指活性藥物成分。

NanoViricides, Inc.

NanoViricides, Inc.

Public Relations Contact:
MJ Clyburn, TraDigital IR

MJ Clyburn,TradiDigital IR

SOURCE: NanoViricides, Inc.

來源:NanoViricides, Inc.

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