
Talon Metals Intercepts 4.81 Meters Grading 4.89% Ni, 4.10% Cu, 0.06% Co, 4.10 G/t Pd, 6.10 G/t Pt and 7.16 G/t Au (9.26% NiEq)

Talon Metals Intercepts 4.81 Meters Grading 4.89% Ni, 4.10% Cu, 0.06% Co, 4.10 G/t Pd, 6.10 G/t Pt and 7.16 G/t Au (9.26% NiEq)

Talon Metals 截獲了 4.81 米,品位爲 4.89% 的鎳、4.10% 的銅、0.06% 的鈷、4.10 g/t Pd、6.10 g/t Pd、6.10 g/t Pt 和 7.16 g/t Au(9.26% NieQ)
newsfile ·  05/22 07:30

New Discovery Named "CGO East Waterfall" includes atypically high-grade PGEs

名爲 “CGO East Waterfall” 的新發現包括非典型的高等級 PGE

Tamarack, Minnesota--(Newsfile Corp. - May 22, 2024) - Talon Metals Corp. (TSX: TLO) (OTC Pink: TLOFF) ("Talon" or the "Company"), the majority owner and operator of the Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project ("Tamarack Nickel Project") in central Minnesota, proudly announces the discovery of a new high-grade mineralized area that has been named the "CGO East Waterfall". Because of its proximity to the Tamarack Resource, this new target area has been added to the Company's 2024 exploration plan, as additional discoveries could meaningfully impact the Tamarack Nickel Project's economics in the early years of a mine.

明尼蘇達州塔瑪拉克--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 5 月 22 日)-Talon Metals Corp.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TLO)(場外交易粉紅:TLOF)(“Talon” 或者 “公司”),塔瑪拉克鎳銅鈷項目的大股東和運營商(”塔馬拉克鎳業項目“)在明尼蘇達州中部,自豪地宣佈發現了一個新的高品位礦化區域,該區域被命名爲 “CGO東瀑布”。由於靠近塔馬拉克資源,這一新的目標區域已被添加到該公司2024年的勘探計劃中,因爲其他發現可能會對塔馬拉克鎳礦項目在礦山開採初期的經濟產生有意義的影響。



  • New Drill Hole 24TK0503 Intercepts High-Grade Massive Sulphide Mineralization: Intercepts 4.81 meters at 4.89% Ni, 4.10% Cu, 0,06% Co, with notably high Platinum Group Elements ("PGEs"), averaging 17.45 g/t Pd+Pt+Au (9.26% NiEq);
  • Two Significant Intercepts in the Same Drill Hole: Drill Hole 24TK0503 has a second intercept of 79.22 meters at 0.80% NiEq;
  • Near-Resource Expansion Potential: The "CGO East Waterfall" is approximately 120 meters below CGO East, representing low-hanging fruit for further exploration (see Figure 4);
  • Analogous Waterfall Features: The CGO East Waterfall mirrors a previous discovery named the CGO West Waterfall (see Figure 3) in depth, grade, nickel tenor, and PGEs, highlighting true geological analogies across the Tamarack Resource Area;
  • Next Steps for Exploration: Talon plans to use its borehole EM technology (geophysics) to gain deeper insights into the new CGO East Waterfall area, which will be followed up by additional drilling.
  • 新鑽孔 24TK0503 可攔截高品位塊狀硫化物礦化: 在 4.89% 的鎳、4.10% 的銅、0,06% 的鈷下截距 4.81 米,鉑族元素含量特別高 (“PGE”),平均值爲 17.45 g/t Pd+Pt+Au(NieQ 9.26%);
  • 同一個鑽孔中有兩個重要截距: 24TK0503 鑽孔的第二次截距爲 79.22 米,NieQ 爲 0.80%;
  • 近乎資源的擴張潛力: “CGO東瀑布” 位於CGO東部下方約120米處,是進一步探索的懸而未決的成果(見圖 4);
  • 類似的瀑布功能: CGO東瀑布在深度、品位、鎳含量和PGE上反映了先前發現的名爲CGO西瀑布(見圖3),突顯了塔馬拉克資源區的真實地質類比;
  • 下一步的探索步驟: Talon 計劃使用其鑽孔電磁技術(地球物理學)來更深入地了解新的 CGO 東瀑布區域,隨後將進行更多鑽探。

Brian Goldner, COO and Chief Exploration Officer of Talon, commented on today's results, stating: "What really excites me about this new high-grade intercept is that we could be in the early stages of discovering a large pool of massive sulphides. This pool could be the result of accumulation of sulphides from both the CGO East Waterfall and the CGO West Waterfall. This will certainly be further investigated with additional drilling in 2024."

Talon首席運營官兼首席勘探官布萊恩·戈德納對今天的業績發表了評論,他說: “這種新的高品位截獲物真正讓我興奮的是,我們可能處於發現大量塊狀硫化物庫的早期階段。這個池可能是CGO東瀑布和CGO西瀑布的硫化物積累的結果。隨着2024年的更多鑽探,肯定會對此進行進一步調查。”

Discovering the CGO West and East "Waterfalls"

探索 CGO 西部和東部 “瀑布”

During a 2021 drilling campaign, Talon discovered what has since been internally named the "CGO West Waterfall" (see Figure 3). This area is marked by a change in orientation from flat gently dipping basal massive sulphide mineralization ranging 1-2 meters in thickness to a vertically oriented massive sulphide unit with intervals of up to 14 meters, which resembles a waterfall. The waterfall also contains distinct differences in mineralization, and notably, an order of magnitude higher concentrations of PGEs than typically observed in the Tamarack Resource Area. This discovery represented a departure from the known characteristics of the CGO West area, as well as the highest nickel and copper grades assayed to date at the Tamarack Nickel Project.

在 2021 年的鑽探活動中,Talon 發現了內部命名爲 “CGO 西部瀑布” 的地方(見圖 3)。該區域的特點是方向發生了變化,從厚度爲1-2米的平坦緩浸泡的基底塊狀硫化物礦化物礦化爲間隔可達14米的垂直定向塊狀硫化物單元,類似於瀑布。瀑布在礦化方面還存在明顯的差異,值得注意的是,PGE的濃度比塔馬拉克資源區通常觀測到的要高出一個數量級。這一發現與CGO西部地區的已知特徵背道而馳,也與塔瑪拉克鎳礦項目迄今測得的最高鎳和銅品位背道而馳。

The CGO East deposit, similar to CGO West, also has a gently dipping basal massive sulphide layer ranging from 1-4 meters in thickness; however, the potential for a waterfall had not been identified or known until new drill hole 24TK0503 (see Figure 4). This intercept of high-grade massive sulphide may be the down plunge extent of a waterfall (hence the name "CGO East Waterfall") and similar to the waterfall in the CGO West area. This intercept shows an order of magnitude increase in PGEs and nickel assays up to 10.5% Ni in individual samples (15.87% NiEq).

CGO East 礦牀與 CGO West 類似,也有一個緩慢浸泡的基底塊狀硫化物層,厚度在 1-4 米之間;但是,直到新的鑽孔 24TK0503 才被發現或知道瀑布的可能性(見圖 4)。這種高品位塊狀硫化物的截距可能是瀑布(因此被命名爲 “CGO東瀑布”)的向下傾斜範圍,類似於CGO西部地區的瀑布。該截距顯示,單個樣品中PGE和鎳分析的鎳含量上升了一個數量級,最高可達10.5%(NieQ爲15.87%)。

Through a combination of recent and historic drilling efforts, Talon's exploration team is understanding more about the potential origins of the Waterfall zones. A historic drill hole in the area (drill hole 10TK0127) revealed mixed massive sulphide and intrusion-hosted mineralization, including 6.27 meters of massive sulphide containing 4.5% NiEq. The recently drilled 24TK0503 is a 40-meter step out from this. These findings collectively point towards a consolidated body of massive sulphides as the likely origin of the Waterfall zones, offering a compelling theory for ongoing exploration and resource delineation efforts.

通過將近期和歷史上的鑽探工作相結合,Talon的勘探團隊對瀑布區的潛在起源有了更多的了解。該地區的一個歷史鑽孔(鑽孔 10TK0127)顯示混合塊狀硫化物和侵入性礦化,包括含有 4.5% NieQ 的 6.27 米塊狀硫化物。最近鑽探的 24TK0503 離這個 40 米遠。這些發現共同表明,大量的塊狀硫化物可能是瀑布區的起源,這爲正在進行的勘探和資源劃定工作提供了令人信服的理論。



Please see the technical report entitled "November 2022 National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report of the Tamarack North Project - Tamarack, Minnesota" with an effective date of November 2, 2022 ("November 2022 Technical Report") prepared by independent "Qualified Persons" (as that term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101")) Brian Thomas (P. Geo), Roger Jackson (P. Geo), Oliver Peters (P. Eng) and Christine Pint (P.G) for information on the QA/QC, data verification, analytical and testing procedures at the Tamarack Nickel Project. Copies are available on the Company's website () or on SEDAR+ at (). The laboratory used is ALS Minerals who is independent of the Company.

請參閱標題爲 “2022年11月美國國家儀器公司43-101塔瑪拉克北部項目技術報告——明尼蘇達州塔瑪拉克市” 的技術報告,生效日期爲2022年11月2日(”2022 年 11 月技術報告“) 由獨立的 “合格人員” 編寫(該術語定義見國家文書 43-101 (”在 43-101“)布萊恩·托馬斯(P. Geo)、羅傑·傑克遜(P. Geo)、奧利弗·彼得斯(P. Eng)和克里斯汀·平特(P.G),了解有關塔瑪拉克鎳業項目質量保證/質量控制、數據驗證、分析和測試程序的信息。副本可在公司網站 () 或SEDAR+上獲得,網址爲 ()。使用的實驗室是獨立於公司的ALS Minerals。

Lengths are drill intersections and not necessarily true widths. True widths cannot be consistently calculated for comparison purposes between holes because of the irregular shapes of the mineralized zones. Drill intersections have been independently selected by Talon. Drill composites have been independently calculated by Talon. The geological interpretations in this news release are solely those of the Company. The locations and distances highlighted on all maps in this news release are approximate.

長度是鑽頭的交叉點,不一定是真實的寬度。由於礦化區的形狀不規則,無法一致地計算出真實寬度以進行孔洞之間的比較。鑽孔交叉點由 Talon 獨立選擇。鑽孔複合材料由 Talon 獨立計算。本新聞稿中的地質解釋僅是公司的解釋。本新聞稿中所有地圖上突出顯示的位置和距離均爲近似值。

Dr. Etienne Dinel, Vice President, Geology of Talon, is a Qualified Person within the meaning of NI 43-101. Dr. Dinel is satisfied that the analytical and testing procedures used are standard industry operating procedures and methodologies, and he has reviewed, approved and verified the technical information disclosed in this news release, including sampling, analytical and test data underlying the technical information.

塔隆地質副總裁艾蒂安·迪內爾博士是 NI 43-101 所指的合格人士。迪內爾博士對所使用的分析和測試程序是標準的行業操作程序和方法感到滿意,他已經審查、批准和驗證了本新聞稿中披露的技術信息,包括作爲技術信息基礎的採樣、分析和測試數據。

Where used in this news release:


NiEq% = Ni% + Cu% x $3.75/$9.50 x Cu Recovery/Ni Recovery + Co% x $25.00/$9.50 x Co Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pt [g/t]/31.103 x $1,000/$9.50/22.04 x Pt Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pd [g/t]/31.103 x $1,000/$9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Au [g/t]/31.103 x $1,400/$9.50/22.04 x Au Recovery/Ni Recovery

nieq% = Ni% + Cu% x 3.75/9.50 美元 x 銅回收/鎳回收 + Co% x 25.00 美元/9.50 美元 x Co Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pt [g/t] /31.103 x 1,000美元/9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pd [g/t] /31.103 x 1,000美元/9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Au [g/t]] /31.103 x 1,400 美元/9.50/22.04 美元 x Au Recovery/Ni Recovery

For Ni and Cu recoveries, please refer to the formulae in the November 2022 Technical Report. Recovery of Ni to the Cu concentrate was excluded from the NiEq calculation. The following recoveries were used for the other metals: 64.1% for Co, 82.5% for Pt, 69.3% for Pd and 72.6% for Au.

有關鎳和銅的回收率,請參閱 2022 年 11 月技術報告中的公式。NieQ 計算中不包括從銅濃縮物中回收鎳。以下回收率用於其他金屬:鈷爲64.1%,鉑爲82.5%,鈀爲69.3%,金爲72.6%。



Talon is a TSX-listed base metals company in a joint venture with Rio Tinto on the high-grade Tamarack Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Project located in central Minnesota. Talon's shares are also traded in the US over the OTC market under the symbol TLOFF. The Tamarack Nickel Project comprises a large land position (18km of strike length) with additional high-grade intercepts outside the current resource area. Talon has an earn-in right to acquire up to 60% of the Tamarack Nickel Project, and currently owns 51%. Talon is focused on (i) expanding and infilling its current high-grade nickel mineralization resource prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 to shape a mine plan for submission to Minnesota regulators, and (ii) following up on additional high-grade nickel mineralization in the Tamarack Intrusive Complex. Talon has a neutrality and workforce development agreement in place with the United Steelworkers union. Talon's Battery Mineral Processing Facility in Mercer County was selected by the US Department of Energy for US$114 million funding grant from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the US Department of Defense awarded Talon a grant of US$20.6 million to support and accelerate Talon's exploration efforts in both Minnesota and Michigan. Talon has well-qualified experienced exploration, mine development, external affairs and mine permitting teams.

Talon是一家在多倫多證券交易所上市的賤金屬公司,與力拓合資經營位於明尼蘇達州中部的高品位塔瑪拉克鎳銅鈷項目。Talon的股票也在美國場外交易市場上市,股票代碼爲TLOFF。塔瑪拉克鎳礦項目包括一個大型陸地陣地(行進長度爲18千米),以及當前資源區域之外的額外高品位截獲點。Talon擁有收購塔瑪拉克鎳業項目高達60%的收益權,目前擁有51%的股份。Talon專注於(i)擴大和填充其目前根據NI 43-101準備的高品位鎳礦化資源,以制定採礦計劃以提交給明尼蘇達州監管機構,以及(ii)跟蹤塔瑪拉克侵入性綜合體中其他高品位鎳礦化情況。塔隆與美國鋼鐵工人工會簽訂了中立和勞動力發展協議。塔隆位於默瑟縣的電池礦物加工設施被美國能源部選中,從《兩黨基礎設施法》中獲得1.14億美元的撥款,美國國防部向Talon提供了2,060萬美元的撥款,以支持和加快Talon在明尼蘇達州和密歇根州的勘探工作。Talon 擁有經驗豐富的勘探、礦山開發、對外事務和礦山許可團隊。

For additional information on Talon, please visit the Company's website at

有關 Talon 的更多信息,請訪問公司的網站

Media Contact:


Todd Malan
1 (202) 714-8187

1 (202) 714-8187

Investor Contact:


Sean Werger
1 (416) 500-9891

1 (416) 500-9891



This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements". All statements, other than statements of historical fact that address activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the current expectations or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company. Such forward-looking statements include statements relating to future exploration, drilling, assays and the results thereof; and the potential for additional high-grade massive nickel and copper mineralization. Forward-looking statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements, and even if such actual results are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on the Company.

本新聞稿包含某些 “前瞻性陳述”。除歷史事實陳述外,涉及公司認爲、預期或預期未來將或可能發生的活動、事件或事態發展的陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。根據公司目前獲得的信息,這些前瞻性陳述反映了公司當前的預期或信念。此類前瞻性陳述包括與未來勘探、鑽探、化驗及其結果有關的陳述;以及其他高品位塊狀鎳和銅礦化的可能性。前瞻性陳述受重大風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述中討論的結果存在重大差異,即使此類實際業績已實現或基本實現,也無法保證它們會對公司產生預期的後果或影響。

Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.


Table 1: Collar Locations of Drill Hole 24TK0503 and Historical Drill Hole 10TK0127

表 1:鑽孔 24TK0503 和歷史鑽孔 10TK0127 的環圈位置

Drill Hole
Azimuth Dip End
Depth (m)
10TK0127 490909.19 5169023.52 388.61 282.46 -86.42 599.85
24TK0503 490846.83 5168854.08 388 4.66 -65.42 533.71
方位角 結束
深度 (m)
10TK0127 490909.19 5169023.52 388.61 282.46 -86.42 599.85
24TK0503 490846.83 5168854.08 388 4.66 -65.42 533.71

Collar coordinates are UTM Zone 15N, NAD83
Azimuths and dips are taken from survey record at collar unless otherwise noted

項圈座標爲 UTM Zone 15N、NAD83

Table 2: Assay Results from Drill Hole 24TK0503 and Historical Drill Hole 10TK0127

表 2:鑽孔 24TK0503 和歷史鑽孔 10TK0127 的化驗結果

Drill Hole From To Length Assay NiEq
(#) (m) (m) (m) Ni (%) Cu (%) Co (%) Pd
24TK0503 316.69 395.91 79.22 0.56 0.33 0.02 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.80
including 323.6 335.53 11.93 0.77 0.50 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 1.08
including 341.38 363.12 21.74 0.72 0.39 0.02 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.97
including 379.43 389.91 10.48 0.62 0.45 0.02 0.18 0.36 0.19 0.99
and 429.63 434.44 4.81 4.89 4.10 0.06 4.10 6.19 7.16 9.26
including 432.12 433.1 0.98 10.50 5.03 0.11 9.87 10.00 5.99 15.87
10TK0127 377.8 384.069 6.27 2.80 3.00 0.07 0.67 0.90 0.58 4.50
鑽孔 來自 長度 化驗 NieQ
(#) (m) (m) (m) 鎳 (%) 銅 (%) Co (%) Pd
24TK0503 316.69 395.91 79.22 0.56 0.33 0.02 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.80
包括 323.6 335.53 11.93 0.77 0.50 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 1.08
包括 341.38 363.12 21.74 0.72 0.39 0.02 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.97
包括 379.43 389.91 10.48 0.62 0.45 0.02 0.18 0.36 0.19 0.99
429.63 434.44 4.81 4.89 4.10 0.06 4.10 6.19 7.16 9.26
包括 432.12 433.1 0.98 10.50 5.03 0.11 9.87 10.00 5.99 15.87
10TK0127 377.8 384.069 6.27 2.80 3.00 0.07 0.67 0.90 0.58 4.50

Length refers to drill hole length and not True Width.
True Width is unknown at the time of publication.
All samples were analysed by ALS Minerals. Nickel, copper, and cobalt grades were first analysed by a 4-acid digestion and ICP AES (ME-MS61). Grades reporting greater than 0.25% Ni and/or 0.1% Cu, using ME-MS61, trigger a sodium peroxide fusion with ICP-AES finish (ICP81). Platinum, palladium, and gold are initially analyzed by a 50g fire assay with an ICP-MS finish (PGM-MS24). Any samples reporting >1g/t Pt or Pd trigger an over-limit analysis by ICP-AES finish (PGM-ICP27) and any samples reporting >1g/t Au trigger an over-limit analysis by AAS (Au-AA26).
NiEq% = Ni% + Cu% x $3.75/$9.50 x Cu Recovery/Ni Recovery + Co% x $25.00/$9.50 x Co Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pt [g/t]/31.103 x $1,000/$9.50/22.04 x Pt Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pd [g/t]/31.103 x $1,000/$9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Au [g/t]/31.103 x $1,400/$9.50/22.04 x Au Recovery/Ni Recovery
For Ni and Cu recoveries, please refer to the formulae in the November 2022 Technical Report. Recovery of Ni to the Cu
concentrate was excluded from the NiEq calculation.
The following recoveries were used for the other metals: 64.1% for Co, 82.5% for Pt, 69.3% for Pd and 72.6% for Au.

所有樣本均由ALS Minerals進行了分析。鎳、銅和鈷等級首先通過四酸消解和ICP AES(ME-MS61)進行了分析。如果使用 ME-MS61,報告鎳含量大於 0.25% 和/或 0.1% 銅的等級會觸發過氧化鈉融合,並採用 ICP-AES 表面處理 (ICP81)。鉑金、鈀金和黃金最初是通過一個 50 克的火焰分析和 ICP-MS 表面處理 (PGM-MS24) 進行分析的。任何報告 >1g/t Pt Pt 或 Pd 的樣品都會在 ICP-AES 完成 (PGM-ICP27) 後觸發超限分析,任何報告 >1g/t Au 的樣品都會觸發 AAS (au-AA26) 的超限分析。
nieq% = Ni% + Cu% x 3.75/9.50 美元 x 銅回收/鎳回收 + Co% x 25.00 美元/9.50 美元 x Co Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pt [g/t] /31.103 x 1,000美元/9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Pd [g/t] /31.103 x 1,000美元/9.50/22.04 x Pd Recovery/Ni Recovery + Au [g/t]] /31.103 x 1,400 美元/9.50/22.04 美元 x Au Recovery/Ni Recovery
濃縮物不包括在 NieQ 的計算範圍內。

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