
ThredUp to Participate in William Blair Conference

ThredUp to Participate in William Blair Conference

thredUp 將參加威廉·布萊爾會議
ThredUp ·  05/22 00:00

OAKLAND, Calif., May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThredUp (NASDAQ: TDUP, LTSE: TDUP), one of the largest online resale platforms for apparel, shoes, and accessories, announced today that CEO and co-founder James Reinhart and CFO Sean Sobers will participate in the following investor conference:

加利福尼亞州奧克蘭,2024年5月22日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——最大的服裝、鞋類和配飾在線轉售平台之一ThredUP(納斯達克股票代碼:TDUP,LTSE:TDUP)今天宣佈,首席執行官兼聯合創始人詹姆斯·萊因哈特和首席財務官肖恩·索伯斯將參加以下投資者會議:

William Blair 44th Annual Growth Stock Conference
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
8:40 AM - 9:10 AM PT / 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM ET

威廉·布萊爾第 44 屆年度成長股會議
上午 8:40-太平洋時間上午 9:10 /美國東部時間上午 11:40-下午 12:10

The event will be webcast live on ThredUp's investor website at A replay will be available for 30 days following the event.

該活動將在ThredUp的投資者網站上進行網絡直播。重播將在活動結束後的 30 天內提供。

About ThredUp

關於 thredUP

ThredUp is transforming resale with technology and a mission to inspire the world to think secondhand first. By making it easy to buy and sell secondhand, ThredUp has become one of the world's largest online resale platforms for apparel, shoes and accessories. Sellers love ThredUp because we make it easy to clean out their closets and unlock value for themselves or for the charity of their choice while doing good for the planet. Buyers love shopping value, premium and luxury brands all in one place, at up to 90% off estimated retail price. Our proprietary operating platform is the foundation for our managed marketplace and consists of distributed processing infrastructure, proprietary software and systems and data science expertise. With ThredUp's Resale-as-a-Service, some of the world's leading brands and retailers are leveraging our platform to deliver customizable, scalable resale experiences to their customers. ThredUp has processed over 172 million unique secondhand items from 55,000 brands across 100 categories. By extending the life cycle of clothing, ThredUp is changing the way consumers shop and ushering in a more sustainable future for the fashion industry.

ThredUp 正在通過技術改變轉售方式,其使命是激勵世界先進行二手思考。通過便於買入和出售二手商品,ThredUp已成爲全球最大的服裝、鞋類和配飾在線轉售平台之一。賣家之所以喜歡 ThredUp,是因爲我們可以輕鬆清理他們的壁櫥,爲自己或他們選擇的慈善機構釋放價值,同時爲地球做好事。買家喜歡集購物價值、高端和奢侈品牌於一處,估計零售價最多可享受90%的折扣。我們的專有操作平台是我們託管市場的基礎,由分佈式處理基礎設施、專有軟件和系統以及數據科學專業知識組成。藉助Thredup的轉售即服務,一些世界領先的品牌和零售商正在利用我們的平台爲其客戶提供可定製、可擴展的轉售體驗。ThredUp已經處理了來自100個類別的55,000個品牌的超過1.72億件獨特的二手商品。通過延長服裝的生命週期,ThredUp正在改變消費者的購物方式,併爲時裝業帶來更可持續的未來。

Investor Contact
Lauren Frasch


Media Contact
Christina Berger


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