
Yield10 Bioscience Announces Addition of Camelina to INTERLINE Herbicide Label

Yield10 Bioscience Announces Addition of Camelina to INTERLINE Herbicide Label

Yield10 Bioscience宣佈將Camelina加入INTERLINE除草劑標籤
GlobeNewswire ·  05/23 08:32

- EPA approved an amendment to the label of INTERLINE herbicide
to include Camelina


-The supplemental label now allows application of INTERLINE
for over-the-top weed control in Camelina


WOBURN, Mass., May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (OTC:YTEN) ("Yield10" or the "Company"), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced that UPL Ltd. ("UPL") has received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") approval to amend the label language of INTERLINE Herbicide to include the oilseed Camelina sativa ("Camelina"). This approval allows Yield10's glufosinate-tolerant Camelina to be sprayed with INTERLINE, a glufosinate containing herbicide, providing farmers with a much-needed method to control broad leaf weeds during Camelina field production. INTERLINE is marketed and sold by UPL, a global provider of sustainable agricultural solutions.

麻省沃本,2024年5月23日(環球新聞線)——農業生物科技公司Yield10 Bioscience,Inc.(場外交易:YTEN)(“Yield10”或“公司”)今日宣佈,UPL Ltd。(“UPL”)已獲得美國環境保護局(“EPA”)批准修改INTERLINE除草劑標籤語言。INTERLINE除草劑的標籤語言現在包括油籽草沙菜葵。亞麻薺此批准允許使用INTERLINE除草劑噴灑Yield10的抗草酸丙烯酰胺沙菜葵。INTERLINE是由UPL銷售的含草酸丙烯酰胺的除草劑,此批准爲種植沙菜葵提供了一種控制雜草的有效方法。UPL是可持續農業解決方案的全球提供商。

Camelina, a member of the Brassicaceae plant family, is available in both spring and cold-tolerant winter varieties. Use of the Camelina crop is currently ramping up commercially in North America as a potential source of feedstock oil for the biofuel industry. Yield10 is also progressing commercial development of Camelina as a potential platform crop for producing new seed products including engineered omega-3 oils for use in human nutrition, animal feed and aquaculture.


"We appreciate the efforts of the UPL team to add Camelina to the INTERLINE herbicide label," said Kristi Snell, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer and Vice President of Research of Yield10. "Having methods to control broad-leaf weeds is essential to enabling the large-scale adoption of Camelina as a commercial crop in North America. Yield10 has engineered both spring and winter varieties of Camelina for glufosinate tolerance. We anticipate that INTERLINE will give Camelina farmers access to a widely used herbicide solution that supports farm profitability and crop health."

"我們感謝UPL團隊將沙菜葵添加到INTERLINE除草劑的標籤上,"Yield10首席科學家兼研究副總裁Kristi Snell博士說。"控制寬葉雜草的方法對於使沙菜葵成爲北美商業作物是至關重要的。Yield10已經將春季和冬季沙菜葵改造成草酸丙烯酰胺耐受品種。我們預期INTERLINE將爲種植沙菜葵的農民提供一種廣泛使用的除草劑解決方案,支持農場盈利和作物健康。"

Yield10 is a leader in the development of Camelina, including glufosinate-tolerant varieties. USDA-APHIS's Biotechnology Regulatory Services ("BRS") determined in November 2023 that Yield10's glufosinate tolerant Camelina is not subject to regulation under 7 CFR part 340 regulations after the Company submitted a Regulatory Status Review Request ("RSR") under the SECURE Rule. This ruling allows Yield10's glufosinate tolerant varieties to be grown and bred in the United States. The recent EPA label amendment allows growers to spray INTERLINE on glufosinate tolerant Camelina varieties in the US under state registrations.

Yield10是沙菜葵及草酸丙烯酰胺耐受品種的開發領導者。 USDA-APHIS的生物技術監管服務(“BRS”)在公司根據SECURE規則提交監管狀態審核申請(“RSR”)後,於2023年11月確定Yield10的草酸丙烯酰胺耐受沙菜葵不受7 CFR部分340條例的監管。此項裁決允許在美國種植和繁殖耐受草酸丙烯酰胺的沙菜葵。最近,EPA標籤修改允許種植草酸丙烯酰胺耐受沙菜葵品種的種植者在美國進行INTERLINE的噴灑。

About Yield10 Bioscience

關於Yield10 Bioscience

Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. ("Yield10" or the "Company") is an agricultural bioscience company that is leveraging advanced genetics to develop the oilseed Camelina sativa ("Camelina") as a platform crop for large-scale production of sustainable seed products. These seed products include feedstock oils for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation biofuels; omega-3 (EPA and DHA+EPA) oils for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and aquafeed applications; and, in the future, PHA biomaterials for use as biodegradable bioplastics. Subject to the availability of sufficient financial resources to continue operations, our commercial plan is based on establishing a grain contracting business leveraging our proprietary elite Camelina seed varieties, focusing on the production of omega-3 oils for nutritional applications and partnering or licensing our advanced Camelina gene technologies to biofuel value chain partners to support their goals of meeting the growing demand for low-carbon intensity feedstock oil. Yield10 is headquartered in Woburn, MA and has a Canadian subsidiary, Yield10 Oilseeds Inc., located in Saskatoon, Canada.

Yield10 Bioscience公司是一家農業生物科學公司,利用先進的遺傳學技術開發油籽類產品亞麻薺沙菜葵作爲大規模生產可持續種子產品的平台作物,可以生產用於可再生柴油和可持續航空生物燃料的飼料油;用於製藥、營養保健和水產養殖的ω-3(EPA和DHA+EPA)油;未來可生產用於作爲可生物降解生物塑料的PHA生物材料。在有足夠的財務資源繼續運營的前提下,我們的商業計劃是建立一個利用我們專有的優良沙菜葵種子品種的糧食承包業務,專注於生產用於營養應用的ω-3油,並與生物燃料價值鏈的合作伙伴合作或授權我們先進的沙菜葵基因技術以支持他們實現滿足低碳強度飼料油日益增長的需求的目標。Yield10總部位於馬薩諸塞州沃本,擁有加拿大子公司Yield10 Oilseeds Inc.位於加拿大薩斯卡通。

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Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The forward-looking statements in this release do not constitute guarantees of future performance. Investors are cautioned that statements in this press release which are not strictly historical, including, without limitation, the potential for the use of INTERLINE to facilitate profitability and sustainability of Camelina cultivation, the potential uses of Camelina in the biofuel industry, human nutrition, animal feed and aquaculture, the potential for Camelina to provide sustainable alternatives to existing means of omega-3 oil production, expectations related to Yield10's continued research and development activities for different varieties of HT Camelina, the expected path to regulatory approvals for their traits, the potential for herbicide tolerance in Camelina to support grower adoption, and expectations regarding the integration of Camelina with current weed control and crop rotation practices of major crops, constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, including, but not limited to, the Company's ability to secure adequate funding in the near term to continue operations, as to which no assurance can be given, as well as the risks and uncertainties detailed in Yield10 Bioscience's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Yield10 assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this press release or with respect to the matters described herein.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明,這些聲明是根據1933年修正法案第27A條和1934年修正法案第21E條的安全港規定進行的。本發行版中的前瞻性陳述並不構成未來業績的保證。投資者應注意,本新聞稿中不屬於嚴格歷史的聲明,包括但不限於INTERLINE除草劑的潛在實現的盈利和可持續性、沙菜葵在生物燃料行業中的潛在用途、人類營養、動物飼料和水產養殖的沙菜葵的可持續替代品、Yield10不同耐受沙菜葵品種的持續研發活動的預期路徑,其特徵獲得監管批准的潛力以及對支持農民採納這些品種的期望等,構成前瞻性聲明。此類前瞻性陳述受到可能導致實際結果與預期結果存在實質性差異的一些風險和不確定性的影響,包括但不限於該公司在近期內獲得足夠的資金以繼續運作的能力,對此無法給予任何保證,以及詳見Yield10 Bioscience向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中所詳細列出的風險和不確定性。Yield10假設沒有義務在本新聞稿中更新任何前瞻性信息或有關此處所述事項的信息。



Yield10 Bioscience
Lynne H. Brum, (617) 682-4693,

yield10 bioscience
Lynne H. Brum,(617)682-4693,

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