
NioCorp Engages J.P. Morgan to Assist With EXIM Financing of Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project

NioCorp Engages J.P. Morgan to Assist With EXIM Financing of Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project

NioCorp聘請摩根大通協助爲Elk Creek關鍵礦產項目提供進出口融資
Accesswire ·  05/23 16:35

CENTENNIAL, CO / ACCESSWIRE / May 23, 2024 / NioCorp Developments Ltd. ("NioCorp" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:NB) is pleased to announce that it has engaged JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. ("J.P. Morgan") to assist NioCorp in seeking debt financing supported by the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. ("EXIM") to advance NioCorp's proposed Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project (the "Project").

尼奧科普發展有限公司(“NioCorp”)(NASDAQ:NB)很高興地宣佈,已聘請JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A.(“J.P. Morgan”)協助NioCorp尋求由美國進出口銀行(“EXIM”)支持的債務融資,以推進NioCorp擬議的Elk Creek關鍵礦物項目(“項目”)。

NioCorp's application for project financing with EXIM made it through the first of EXIM's three Transaction Review Committee (TRC) reviews in October 2023. In April 2024, EXIM provided NioCorp with a preliminary indicative term sheet for possible financing. While JPMorgan is assisting the Company to advance the sought financing to the next level in the EXIM approval process, no loan application is final until EXIM's Board of Directors give its final approval.

NioCorp於2023年10月向EXIm申請項目融資,經過EXIM的三個交易審查委員會(TRC)審查的第一個。 2024年4月,EXIm向NioCorp提供了初步的可能融資的期限協議。儘管JPMorgan正在協助公司將尋求的融資推向EXIm批准流程的下一級別,但在EXIM董事會最終審批之前,沒有貸款申請是最終的。

"With J.P. Morgan's experience in helping to successfully craft financing packages with EXIM, we are very pleased to be working with them to continue to push our Elk Creek Project to financing and a construction start as rapidly as possible," said Mark A. Smith, CEO and Chairman of NioCorp.

NioCorp的CEO和董事長Mark A. Smith表示:“由於J.P. Morgan在成功制定與EXIm的融資方案方面的經驗,我們非常高興與他們合作,以儘可能快地推動我們的Elk Creek項目獲得融資並開始建設。”。

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For More Information: Jim Sims, Chief Communications Officer, NioCorp Developments Ltd., 720-334-7066,

更多信息:Jim Sims,NioCorp Developments Ltd.首席傳媒官,720-334-7066,

About NioCorp

NioCorp正在東南內布拉斯加州開發一個關鍵礦產項目,該項目預計生產鈮、鈧和鈦,但需獲得充足的項目融資。公司還評估了從Elk Creek Project 生產幾種稀土礦的潛力。鈮用於生產特種合金以及高強度、低合金鋼,這是一種用於汽車、結構和管道應用的更輕、更強的鋼材。鈧是一種特殊金屬,可與鋁相結合,製成具有增加強度和改善耐腐蝕性的合金。鈧也是先進固體氧化物燃料電池的關鍵組成部分。鈦用於各種輕合金,並且是紙張、油漆和塑料中使用的顏料的關鍵組成部分。此外,鈦在航空航天應用、防護和醫療植入件中也得到應用。磁性稀土,如釹、鐠、鋱和鏑對於製造釹鐵硼磁體至關重要,這些磁體廣泛應用於國防和民用領域。

NioCorp is developing a critical minerals project in Southeast Nebraska that is expected to produce niobium, scandium, and titanium. The Company also is evaluating the potential to produce several rare earths from the Elk Creek Project. Niobium is used to produce specialty alloys as well as High Strength, Low Alloy steel, which is a lighter, stronger steel used in automotive, structural, and pipeline applications. Scandium is a specialty metal that can be combined with Aluminum to make alloys with increased strength and improved corrosion resistance. Scandium is also a critical component of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titanium is used in various lightweight alloys and is a key component of pigments used in paper, paint and plastics and is also used for aerospace applications, armor, and medical implants. Magnetic rare earths, such as neodymium, praseodymium, terbium, and dysprosium are critical to the making of Neodymium-Iron-Boron magnets, which are used across a wide variety of defense and civilian applications. @NioCorp $NB

NioCorp正在東南內布拉斯加州開發一個重要礦產項目,預計生產鈮,鈧和鈦。公司還正在評估從Elk Creek項目生產多種稀土元素的潛力。鈮用於生產專用合金以及高強度低合金鋼,這是一種用於汽車,結構和管道應用的輕質,強度更大的鋼。 鈧是一種特種金屬,可以與鋁結合製成具有增強強度和改善耐蝕性的合金。 鈧還是先進固體氧化物燃料電池的重要組成部分。 鈦用於各種輕合金,並且是用於紙張,油漆和塑料的顏料的關鍵分量,還用於航空航天應用,盔甲和醫療植入物。 磁性稀土元素(如釹,鐠,鋱和鏑)對於製造釹鐵硼磁鐵至關重要,這些磁鐵在防禦和民用應用的各種領域中都得到了應用。@NioCorp $NB

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the timing and process of the review and diligence of NioCorp's application for debt financing from EXIM, and NioCorp's expectation to produce niobium, scandium and titanium and the potential to produce rare earths at the Project. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "plan," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "outlook," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "continue," "could," "may," "might," "possible," "potential," "predict," "should," "would" and other similar words and expressions, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking.


The forward-looking statements are based on the current expectations of the management of NioCorp and are inherently subject to uncertainties and changes in circumstances and their potential effects and speak only as of the date of such statement. There can be no assurance that future developments will be those that have been anticipated. Forward-looking statements reflect material expectations and assumptions, including, without limitation, expectations, and assumptions relating to NioCorp's ability to receive sufficient project financing. Such expectations and assumptions are inherently subject to uncertainties and contingencies regarding future events and, as such, are subject to change. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other factors that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those discussed and identified in public filings made by NioCorp with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and with the applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the following: NioCorp's ability to pay the necessary fees in connection with EXIM's underwriting process, including the expenses of EXIM's or any other lenders' legal and other advisors and NioCorp's own advisors; the completion of the Phase II due diligence process, following receipt of the PPL; the possibility that NioCorp does not receive a final commitment of financing from EXIM on the anticipated timeline, on acceptable terms, or at all; NioCorp's ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the business combination with GX Acquisition Corp. II (the "Business Combination") and the standby equity purchase agreement (the "Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement" and, together with the Business Combination, the "Transactions") with YA II PN, Ltd., an investment fund managed by Yorkville Advisors Global, LP, including NioCorp's ability to access the full amount of the expected net proceeds under the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement over the next three years; unexpected costs related to the Transactions; the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against NioCorp following closing of the Transactions; NioCorp's ability to continue to meet the listing standards of the NASDAQ; NioCorp's ability to operate as a going concern; risks relating to NioCorp's common shares, including price volatility, lack of dividend payments and dilution or the perception of the likelihood any of the foregoing; NioCorp's requirement of significant additional capital; the extent to which NioCorp's level of indebtedness and/or the terms contained in agreements governing NioCorp's indebtedness or the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement may impair NioCorp's ability to obtain additional financing; covenants contained in agreements with NioCorp's secured creditors that may affect its assets; NioCorp's limited operating history; NioCorp's history of losses; the material weaknesses in NioCorp's internal control over financial reporting, NioCorp's efforts to remediate such material weaknesses and the timing of remediation; the possibility that NioCorp may qualify as a passive foreign investment company under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); the potential that the Transactions could result in NioCorp becoming subject to materially adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences as a result of the application of Section 7874 and related sections of the Code; cost increases for NioCorp's exploration and, if warranted, development projects; a disruption in, or failure of, NioCorp's information technology systems, including those related to cybersecurity; equipment and supply shortages; variations in the market demand for, and prices of, niobium, scandium, titanium and rare earth products; current and future off take agreements, joint ventures, and partnerships; NioCorp's ability to attract qualified management; the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic or other global health crises on NioCorp's business plans, financial condition and liquidity; estimates of mineral resources and reserves; mineral exploration and production activities; feasibility study results; the results of metallurgical testing; the results of technological research; changes in demand for and price of commodities (such as fuel and electricity) and currencies; competition in the mining industry; changes or disruptions in the securities markets; legislative, political or economic developments, including changes in federal and/or state laws that may significantly affect the mining industry; the impacts of climate change, as well as actions taken or required by governments related to strengthening resilience in the face of potential impacts from climate change; the need to obtain permits and comply with laws and regulations and other regulatory requirements; the timing and reliability of sampling and assay data; the possibility that actual results of work may differ from projections/expectations or may not realize the perceived potential of NioCorp's projects; risks of accidents, equipment breakdowns, and labor disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in development programs; operating or technical difficulties in connection with exploration, mining, or development activities; management of the water balance at the Project site; land reclamation requirements related to the Project; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities of grades of reserves and resources; claims on the title to NioCorp's properties; potential future litigation; and NioCorp's lack of insurance covering all of NioCorp's operations.

前瞻性聲明基於NioCorp管理層目前的預期,本質上受到不確定性和環境變化及其潛在影響的影響,並僅在該聲明發表的日期有效。未來發展是否符合預期無法保證。前瞻性聲明反映了實質期望和假設,包括但不限於與NioCorp有關的獲得足夠項目融資的期望和假設。此類期望和假設本質上受到後續事件的不確定性和可能的影響,因此受到改變的影響。前瞻性聲明涉及許多風險,不確定性或其他因素,這些因素可能導致這些前瞻性聲明的實際結果或表現與所述前瞻性聲明所隱含的結果或表現有實質性不同。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於,NioCorp向EXIM的承銷過程支付必要的費用,包括EXIM或任何其他貸款人的法律和其他顧問以及NioCorp自己的顧問的費用;收到PPL後完成第二階段盡職調查過程; NioCorp無法按預期時間,以可接受的條款或根本未從EXIm獲得融資承諾; NioCorp能否實現與GX Acquisition Corp. II(Business Combination)和YA II PN Ltd.之間的交易(Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement和Business Combination一起稱爲' Transactions”)通過Yorkville Advisors Global,LP管理的投資基金簽署的權益購買協議的預期業務組合的預期盈餘淨收益下的全額資金; Transactions相關的意外成本;完成Transactions後可能針對NioCorp進行的任何法律程序的結果;NioCorp繼續符合納斯達克的上市標準; NioCorp能夠作爲持續經營; NioCorp的普通股風險,包括價格波動,無股利支付以及稀釋或前兩者可能性的看法; NioCorp需要大量的額外資本; NioCorp的負債程度和/或約束NioCorp負債的協議中包含的條款或Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement可能會影響NioCorp獲得額外融資的能力;約束NioCorp的擔保債權人協議,可能會影響其資產; NioCorp有限的營運歷史; NioCorp的損失歷史; NioCorp對財務報告內部控制的實質弱點,NioCorp努力改正這些實質弱點以及改正時間; NioCorp可能符合美國1986年稅收法案的被動外國投資公司的資格; Transactions可能導致NioCorp由於適用的7874條款和代碼相關部分而面臨重大的不利美國聯邦所得稅後果; NioCorp勘查和必要時開發項目的成本增加;與探索和開發項目相關的設備和供應短缺; 鈮,鈧,鈦和稀土產品的市場需求和價格變化;當前和未來的帶出協議,合資企業和合作夥伴; NioCorp吸引有資格的管理層的能力; COVID-19大流行或其他全球衛生危機對NioCorp的業務計劃,財務狀況和流動性的影響; 礦物資源和儲量估計; 礦物勘查和生產活動; 可行性研究結果;冶金測試結果;技術研究結果; 大宗商品(如燃料和電力)和貨幣的需求和價格變化; 採礦行業中的競爭; 股票市場的變化或中斷; 立法,政治或經濟發展,包括可能顯着影響採礦業的聯邦和/或州法律的變化; 對於強化面對可能來自氣候變化的影響的韌性的政府採取或要求的行動; 需要獲得許可證並遵守法律和法規以及其他監管要求; 取樣和化驗數據的時機和可靠性; 實際工作結果可能與預測/期望有所不同或可能未實現NioCorp項目的感知潛力的可能性; 在開發計劃中發生成本超支或意外費用; 在探索,採礦或開發活動中的運營或技術難題; 在項目現場管理水平;與項目有關的土地復墾要求; 礦物勘查和開發的投機性質,包括礦藏和資源等級數量減少的風險; 對NioCorp擁有的物業的所有權要求;未來可能的訴訟; NioCorp不覆蓋所有NioCorp操作的保險不足的可能性。

Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should any of the assumptions made by the management of NioCorp prove incorrect, actual results may vary in material respects from those projected in these forward-looking statements.


All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning the matters addressed herein and attributable to NioCorp or any person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to herein. Except to the extent required by applicable law or regulation, NioCorp undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


SOURCE: NioCorp Developments Ltd.

資料來源:NioCorp Developments Ltd.

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