
Acceleware Ltd. Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results

Acceleware Ltd. Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results

Acceleware Ltd. 公佈2024年第一季度財務和經營業績
GlobeNewswire ·  05/23 17:52

CALGARY, Alberta, May  23, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acceleware Ltd. ("Acceleware" or the "Company") (TSX-V: AXE), a leading innovator of transformative technologies targeting the decarbonization of industrial heating, today announced its financial and operating results for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (all figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted). Acceleware's results reflect contributions from the Company's two business units, radio frequency ("RF") heating for industrial applications using the Company's proprietary Clean Tech Inverter ("CTI") including enhanced oil recovery ("RF XL"), and high-performance computing ("HPC") scientific software. This news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's unaudited interim condensed financial statements and the accompanying notes for the three months ended March 31, 2024 and management's discussion and analysis ("MDA") thereto, together with the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, notes and MDA thereto, all of which are available on Acceleware's website at  or on .

艾伯塔省卡爾加里,2024年5月23日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——針對工業供暖脫碳的變革性技術的領先創新者Acceleware Ltd.(“AXE” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AXE)今天公佈了截至2024年3月31日的三個月的財務和經營業績(除非另有說明,所有數字均以加元計算)。Acceleware的業績反映了公司兩個業務部門的貢獻,即使用公司專有的清潔技術逆變器(“CTI”)(包括增強石油採收率(“RF XL”)的工業應用的射頻(“RF”)加熱以及高性能計算(“HPC”)科學軟件。本新聞稿應與公司截至2024年3月31日的三個月未經審計的中期簡明財務報表和隨附的附註以及管理層的討論和分析(“MDA”),以及截至2023年12月31日止年度的經審計的財務報表、附註及其MDA一起閱讀,所有這些都可在Acceleware的網站上或上網查閱。



Financial highlights for the three months ended March 31, 2024:


Three Months Ended

Mar 31, 2024

Mar 31, 2023




Comprehensive income/ (loss)



Gross R&D expenditures



Government assistance




2024 年 3 月 31 日














Encouraged by positive results to date, the Company worked closely with industry partners to determine the most appropriate next steps in the RF XL Pilot. It was determined that the most practical path forward involves a redeployment of all subsurface components incorporating the multiple improvements and upgrades that Acceleware has made to the RF XL downhole system. Acceleware is actively sourcing an additional $5 million of funding to complete the redeployment. The redeployment is expected to enable higher power to be distributed in the reservoir for a sustained period in a second phase of heating. Please refer to the MDA for a complete RF XL Pilot update.

在迄今取得的積極成果的鼓舞下,公司與行業合作伙伴密切合作,確定了RF XL試點計劃中最合適的後續步驟。經確定,最實用的前進道路是重新部署所有地下組件,其中包含Acceleware對RF XL井下系統所做的多項改進和升級。Acceleware正在積極尋求額外的500萬美元資金,以完成重新部署。預計重新部署將使更高的電力能夠在第二階段的供暖中持續分配到水庫。有關完整的 RF XL 試點更新信息,請參閱 MDA。

On April 11, 2024 Acceleware announced that is had been awarded Phase 2 of a potash ore drying project by the International Minerals Innovation Institute ("IMII"). The new project phase will advance Phase 1 work and is intended to further validate the use of radio frequency energy from Acceleware's CTI to dry potash ore and other minerals. Phase 2 work will include the construction and testing of a lab-scale prototype dryer, and on a stage gate basis, the design, construction and testing of larger shop-scale prototype. IMII is a non-profit organization jointly funded by industry and government that is committed to developing and implementing innovative education, training, research and development partnerships for supporting a world-class minerals industry. IMII's minerals industry members include BHP, Cameco Corporation, Fission Uranium Corp., The Mosaic Company and Nutrien Ltd.


Acceleware continued to invest in developing and protecting new intellectual property with the total number of patents issued, allowed, applied for, or in development growing to a total of 61.




Revenue of $0.04 million was generated in the three months ended March 31, 2024 compared to $0.1 million in the three months ended March 31, 2023 ("Q1 2023") and $0.04 million in the previous quarter ended December 31, 2023 ("Q4 2023"). Revenue in Q1 2024 included software and maintenance revenue. Revenue was lower in Q1 2024 and Q4 2023 due the variability in revenue earned in the RF Heating segment for technology evaluation services in applying CTI to industrial heating. While interest has increased in EM Powered Heat and the CTI (see IMII project discussed above), there was no revenue recognised in Q1 2024 or Q4 2023.

截至2024年3月31日的三個月,收入爲04萬美元,而截至2023年3月31日的三個月(“2023年第一季度”)爲10萬美元,截至2023年12月31日的上一季度(“2023年第四季度”)爲04萬美元。2024 年第一季度的收入包括軟件和維護收入。2024年第一季度和2023年第四季度的收入有所下降,這是由於射頻加熱板塊在工業供熱應用CTI方面的技術評估服務所獲得的收入存在差異。儘管對 EM Powered Heat 和 CTI 的興趣有所增加(參見上文討論的 IMII 項目),但在 2024 年第一季度或 2023 年第四季度沒有確認收入。

Total comprehensive loss for Q1 2024 was $1.0 million compared to a comprehensive loss of $0.3 million for Q1 2023 and a comprehensive income of $0.6 million for Q4 2023. Comprehensive income in Q4 2023 was due to the receipt of government assistance from CRIN relating to costs incurred from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Offsetting lower spending in Q1 2024 and Q4 2023 were higher interest costs related to notes payable funding the Company's working capital. Comprehensive income/(loss) in all periods was impacted by changes in value of the derivative financial instruments embedded within the convertible debenture. The changes in derivative value are driven primarily by fluctuations in the Company's share price.


Gross R&D expenses incurred in Q1 2024 were $0.5 million compared to $0.8 million in Q1 2023 and $.07 million in Q4 2023. R&D spending was lower in Q1 2024 and Q4 2023 compared to Q1 2023 due to a change in the nature of RF XL Pilot activities. Most R&D activity in Q1 2024 was related to lab engineering, designing and testing, data analysis, and partner consultations. There was no government assistance received in Q1 2024 compared to $0.4 million in Q1 2023 and $2.1 million in Q4 2023, the latter constituting the first CRIN payment. Meanwhile, the Government of Alberta's Innovation Employment Grant ("IEG") to support research and development was effective January 1, 2021 and provides a grant of up to 20% of eligible R&D expenses incurred in Alberta. This new grant effectively replaced Alberta's 10% scientific research and experimental development refundable tax credit that was eliminated as at December 31, 2019. The Company met the eligibility criteria, claimed eligible R&D expenditures and received $0.4 million in Q1 2023 related to 2021 eligible expenditures and $0.1 million in Q3 2023 related to 2022 eligible expenditures and $nil in Q4 2023. As at March 31, 2024 there was $nil million government assistance receivable however a claim for 2023 expenditures is in process. Government assistance offsets gross R&D costs.

2024年第一季度的研發費用總額爲50萬美元,而2023年第一季度爲80萬美元,2023年第四季度爲70萬美元。由於RF XL試點活動性質的變化,與2023年第一季度相比,2024年第一季度和2023年第四季度的研發支出有所下降。2024 年第一季度的大多數研發活動都與實驗室工程、設計和測試、數據分析以及合作伙伴諮詢有關。2024年第一季度沒有收到任何政府援助,而2023年第一季度爲40萬美元,2023年第四季度爲210萬美元,後者構成了第一筆CRIN付款。同時,艾伯塔省政府支持研發的創新就業補助金(“IEG”)已於2021年1月1日生效,該補助金最高可達艾伯塔省合格研發費用的20%。這筆新補助金有效地取代了艾伯塔省10%的科學研究和實驗開發可退稅收抵免,該抵免已於2019年12月31日取消。公司符合資格標準,申報了符合條件的研發支出,並在2023年第一季度獲得了與2021年合格支出相關的40萬美元,在2023年第三季度獲得了與2022年合格支出相關的10萬美元,在2023年第四季度獲得了零美元。截至2024年3月31日,應收的政府援助爲零百萬美元,但2023年支出的索賠正在處理中。政府援助抵消了研發總成本。

G&A expenses incurred in Q1 2024 were $0.5 million compared to $0.3 million in Q1 2023 and $0.6 million in Q4 2023. There were higher non-cash payroll related costs incurred in Q1 2024 and Q4 2023 due to the timing of option grants, higher professional fees and lower salaries as the Company continues to prioritize cost control given uncertain economic conditions.


At March 31, 2024, Acceleware had negative working capital of $2,799,757 (December 31, 2023 – negative working capital of $1,985,372) including $126,895 in cash and cash equivalents (December 31, 2023 - $951,569) and $852,069 in short-term notes payable (December 31, 2023 - $944,010). As of March 31, 2024, Acceleware also had $2,215,000 in long-term 10%, semi-annual interest, convertible debentures outstanding, the principal amount of which is owing four years from the date of issue or approximately Q1 2026. Fluctuations in non-cash working capital were attributable to the timing of receipt and recognition of government and partner funding and related R&D spending. During Q4 2023, Acceleware received the first claim for reimbursement under the new $3 million CRIN grant funding arrangement noted above. There was $2,064,434 received in Q4 2023. Cash and cash equivalents decreased in Q1 2024 due to timing of payments of trade payables. Increasing the deficit is deferred revenue of $4,350,000 as at March 31, 2024 (December 31, 2022 – $4,350,000). Despite receiving non-refundable cash payments for these amounts, the milestone payments have not met all requirements for revenue recognition under IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. These amounts will be recognized as revenue and increase shareholders' equity when RF XL Pilot heating is complete or the data revenue contracts are terminated, whichever is earlier.

截至2024年3月31日,Acceleware的負營運資金爲2799,757美元(2023年12月31日——負營運資金爲1,985,372美元),其中包括126,895美元的現金和現金等價物(2023年12月31日——951,569美元)和852,069美元的短期應付票據(2023年12月31日——944,010美元)。截至2024年3月31日,Acceleware還有221.5萬美元的未償還長期10%、半年期利息、可轉換債券,其本金自發行之日起四年或大約2026年第一季度到期。非現金營運資金的波動歸因於政府和合作夥伴資金及相關研發支出的接收和確認時間。在2023年第四季度,根據上述新的300萬美元CRIN撥款安排,Acceleware收到了第一份報銷申請。2023 年第四季度收到了 2,064,434 美元。由於貿易應付賬款的支付時機,現金和現金等價物在2024年第一季度有所下降。赤字增加是截至2024年3月31日(2022年12月31日——435萬美元)的遞延收入爲435萬美元。儘管收到了這些金額不可退還的現金付款,但里程碑付款並未滿足國際財務報告準則第15號客戶合同收入確認的所有要求。當RF XL Pilot加熱完成或數據收入合同終止時(以較早者爲準),這些金額將被確認爲收入並增加股東權益。



Acceleware is an innovator of clean-tech decarbonization technologies comprised of two business units: Radio Frequency Heating Technology and Seismic Imaging Software.  


Acceleware is piloting RF XL, its patented low-cost, low-carbon production technology for heavy oil and oil sands that is materially different from any heavy oil recovery technique used today. Acceleware's vision is that electrification of heavy oil and oil sands production can be made possible through RF XL, supporting a transition to much cleaner energy production that can quickly bend the emissions curve downward. With clean electricity, Acceleware's RF XL technology could eliminate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with heavy oil and oil sands production. RF XL uses no water, requires no solvent, has a small physical footprint, can be redeployed from site to site, and can be applied to a multitude of reservoir types. Acceleware is also actively developing partnerships for RF heating of other industrial applications using the Company's proprietary CTI.

Acceleware正在試行RF XL,這是其獲得專利的低成本、低碳的重油和油砂生產技術,與當今使用的任何重油回收技術都有實質性的不同。Acceleware的願景是,可以通過RF XL實現重油和油砂生產的電氣化,從而支持向更清潔的能源生產過渡,從而迅速向下彎曲排放曲線。藉助清潔電力,Acceleware 的 RF XL 技術可以消除與重質油和油砂生產相關的溫室氣體 (GHG) 排放。RF XL 不使用水,不需要溶劑,物理佔地面積小,可以從一個地點重新部署到另一個地點,並且可以應用於多種類型的水庫。Acceleware還利用公司專有的CTI積極發展合作伙伴關係,用於其他工業應用的射頻加熱。

Acceleware and Saa Dene Group (co-founded by Jim Boucher) have created Acceleware | Kisâstwêw to raise the profile, adoption, and value of Acceleware technologies. The shared vision of the partnership is to improve the environmental and economic performance of the energy sector by supporting ideals that are important to Indigenous peoples, including respect for land, water, and clean air.

Acceleware 和 Saa Dene 集團(由吉姆·鮑徹共同創立)創建了 Acceleware | kisastweW,旨在提高 Acceleware 技術的知名度、採用率和價值。該夥伴關係的共同願景是通過支持對土著人民重要的理想,包括尊重土地、水和清潔空氣,改善能源部門的環境和經濟業績。

The Company's seismic imaging software solutions are state-of-the-art for high fidelity imaging, providing the most accurate and advanced imaging available for oil exploration in complex geologies. Acceleware is a public company listed on Canada's TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol "AXE".

該公司的地震成像軟件解決方案是最先進的高保真成像解決方案,爲複雜地質中的石油勘探提供最準確、最先進的成像。Acceleware是一家在加拿大多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市的上市公司,交易代碼爲 “AX”。

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