
Earnings Call Summary | SSE PLC(SSEZF.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | SSE PLC(SSEZF.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

業績電話會議摘要 | SSEZF.US (SSEZF.US) 2024 年第四季度業績發佈會
moomoo AI ·  05/24 06:07  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the SSE Plc (SSEZF) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • SSE reported an adjusted operating profit of £2.4 billion, a decrease of 4% from the previous year.

  • The adjusted earnings per share (EPS) were 158.5p, indicating performance in the upper end of predicted guidance.

  • With an investment of £2.5 billion this year, the company's adjusted net debt increased to £9.4 billion.

  • The company proposed a full-year dividend of 60p per share.

  • Earnings from Renewables' operating increased by 48% to £833 million.

  • SSE remains on track for its 2027 earnings guidance and predicted significant returns from Thermal & Gas Storage in the future.

  • SSE報告調整後的營業利潤爲24億英鎊,比上年下降4%。

  • 調整後的每股收益(EPS)爲158.5便士,表明表現處於預期預期的上限。

  • 該公司今年的投資額爲25億英鎊,調整後的淨負債增加到94億英鎊。

  • 該公司提議全年派發每股60便士的股息。

  • 可再生能源的運營收益增長了48%,達到8.33億英鎊。

  • SSE仍按計劃實現其2027年的收益預期,並預計未來熱能和天然氣存儲將獲得可觀的回報。

Business Progress:


  • SSE saw the full operation of the Seagreen offshore wind farm which resulted in a net capacity increase of 527 megawatts.

  • The company reported growth in earnings from increases in allowed revenues under RIIO T2 and a positive timing impact from tariffs.

  • SSE is on track to deliver full Dogger Bank's capacity by H1 2025. Dogger Bank phase is expected to generate around 6 terawatt hours of clean electricity annually.

  • Future developments will focus on optimizing data and processes and increasing value in distribution.

  • SSE aims to provide 10 gigawatts of renewables by 2026 through its strategic net zero first investments.

  • Significant investments are planned into the mid-2030s, underpinned by growth prospects in transmission and distribution networks.

  • Collaboration with local partners is being pursued for attractive auctions to produce up to 800 megawatts of onshore wind in the next decade.

  • SSE plans to increase capital expenditures in support of Microsoft Cloud growth and increased demand for the AI platform.

  • Despite future political uncertainties, the company maintains its focus on achieving net zero energy.

  • Increased profits from transmission business improved the quality of earnings as it provides more predictability compared to the merchant pieces.

  • SSE confirmed plans for increased capital in the transmission business and continued building of its renewable capacity.

  • The company confirmed its commitment to invest in larger capital projects and grow through the NZAP Plus initiative.

  • SSE見證了Seagreen海上風電場的全面運營,淨容量增加了527兆瓦。

  • 該公司報告稱,由於RIIO T2下允許收入的增加以及關稅對時機的積極影響,收益有所增長。

  • SSE 有望在 2025 年上半年交付 Dogger 銀行的全部產能。預計Dogger Bank階段每年將產生約6太瓦時的清潔電力。

  • 未來的發展將側重於優化數據和流程以及增加分配價值。

  • SSE的目標是通過其戰略淨零首次投資,到2026年提供10千兆瓦的可再生能源。

  • 在輸電和配電網絡的增長前景的支持下,計劃在2030年代中期進行大量投資。

  • 正在尋求與當地合作伙伴合作進行有吸引力的拍賣,以便在未來十年內生產高達800兆瓦的陸上風能。

  • SSE計劃增加資本支出,以支持微軟雲的增長和對人工智能平台的需求增加。

  • 儘管未來存在政治不確定性,但該公司仍將重點放在實現淨零能耗上。

  • 輸電業務利潤的增加提高了收益質量,因爲與商業業務相比,它提供了更大的可預測性。

  • SSE確認了增加輸電業務資本並繼續建設其可再生能源產能的計劃。

  • 該公司確認了投資更大的資本項目並通過NZAP Plus計劃實現增長的承諾。

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