
Blue Star Gold Launches Exploration Program

Blue Star Gold Launches Exploration Program

newsfile ·  05/27 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 27, 2024) - Blue Star Gold Corp. (TSXV: BAU) (OTCQB: BAUFF) (FSE: 5WP0) ("Blue Star" or the "Company") announces that its field team has been mobilized to undertake ground-based programs that will lead to further refinement of the high potential drill targets to be tested this season at the Ulu-Hood River and Roma Projects in the High Lake Greenstone Belt, Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut. Blue Star is focused on advancing its high-grade Ulu Gold Project in Nunavut through resource expansion and new discoveries.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 27 日)- 藍星黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:BAU)(場外交易代碼:BAUFF)(FSE:5WP0)(“藍星” 或 “公司”) 宣佈其現場團隊已被動員開展地面項目,這將進一步完善本季將在努納武特地區高湖綠巖帶的烏魯胡德河和羅馬項目進行測試的高潛力鑽探目標。Blue Star專注於通過資源擴張和新發現來推進其在努納武特的高品位烏魯金礦項目。

Initial Field Activities (Figures 1 & 2)

初步實地活動(圖 1 和 2)

  • Mapping and prospecting will initially focus on North Nutaaq, Mikigon and the High Lake VMS Deposit stratigraphy, followed by pipeline targets

  • Induced polarisation geophysical surveys will commence at Mikigon, and then move down to the Nutaaq Trend and Central Zone

  • Electromagnetic surveys will start at the HI01 target and Granite/North Zone target at the Roma Project, and then move south to targets along the High Lake VMS deposit stratigraphy; a loupe walking TDEM (time-domain electromagnetic) system will be evaluated during the program

  • Lithogeochemical surveys will start at the SouthZone-Twilight area and the Central Zone to further define/confirm structural offsets which may host mineralisation

  • 測繪和勘探工作最初將側重於北努塔克、密基貢和海湖VMS礦牀地層學,其次是管道目標

  • 誘導極化地球物理調查將從米基貢開始,然後向下移動到 Nutaaq Trend 和 Central Zone

  • 電磁測量將從羅馬項目的HI01目標和花崗岩/北區目標開始,然後向南移動到高湖VMS礦牀地層學沿線的目標;項目期間將評估放大鏡行走TDEM(時域電磁)系統

  • 岩石地球化學調查將從南區-暮光區和中心區開始,以進一步定義/確認可能存在礦化的結構偏移量

Grant Ewing, CEO, stated: "We are excited to launch our 2024 exploration campaign. Over the next few weeks our team will finalize preparation of several high-priority drill targets, with diamond drills scheduled to mobilize shortly after. The emphasis of the upcoming drill program will be to evaluate high potential gold targets that lie in close proximity to existing infrastructure, including the Mikigon and Central targets, and to assess our high-grade Flood deposit for resource expansion potential. The secondary focus will be to test the strong critical mineral potential throughout our extensive landholdings."


Blue Star is planning a balanced exploration program that includes mapping/prospecting, geophysical surveying and drilling across gold and critical mineral target areas. Detailed mapping of high potential drill targets and prospecting will be conducted to further refine the controls on mineralisation and to define new target areas. Geophysical work will include ground-based electromagnetic (EM) surveys and induced polarisation (IP) surveys to further refine select zones including auriferous critical metal targets. The drilling component will focus on the discovery of new resources at reinterpreted targets, expansion targets and previously untested targets.

Blue Star正在計劃一項平衡的勘探計劃,其中包括測繪/勘探、地球物理調查以及對黃金和關鍵礦產目標區域的鑽探。將對高潛力鑽探目標和勘探進行詳細測繪,以進一步完善對礦化的控制並確定新的目標區域。地球物理工作將包括地面電磁(EM)調查和感應極化(IP)調查,以進一步完善包括含水量關鍵金屬目標在內的特定區域。鑽探部分將重點在重新解釋的目標、擴張目標和以前未經測試的目標上發現新資源。

Target Area Exploration Descriptions


Targets deemed drill-ready for the 2024 campaign are based on scale, proximity to the existing infrastructure and potential to create a new resource centre. Many targets remain at drill-ready or near drill-ready status but do not yet meet key criteria or are too conceptual for the upcoming drill program. Those targets, and others in the extensive pipeline, are the focus of the geophysical, mapping and ground-truth/prospecting programs.


In addition to the high potential for new discoveries, there is also potential to expand the mineral resources at the known deposits (Flood, Gnu and NFN). At the Flood Zone, review of geological data continues to outline shallow-to-moderate depth targets for drill evaluation. These include polymetallic targets, trends of pathfinder elements coincident with alteration trends and extensions to modeled zones.


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Click here to watch Blue Star's Vice President Exploration, Darren Lindsay, provide a summary on the Ulu Gold Project's exploration targets


High Potential Ulu Gold Project Targets


  • Flood Zone targeting is focussed on remodeled hanging wall drill intercepts that are not in the current resource model. These intercepts appear to form flat or hook veins in the hanging wall of the Flood Zone deposit. Drilling will assess this hypothesis and also continue to test a 50 m x 100 m gap in the current resource model which will add continuity along strike of the high-grade Flood Zone. Intercepts that would be included in a positive outcome of the flat vein remodel include 1.77 metres of 8.36 g/t (90VD47), 1.65 metres of 9.03 g/t (04UL-23) and 1.90 metres of 5.61 g/t gold (91VD098).
  • 洪水區 目標側重於改造後的懸壁鑽機截獲物,這些截獲物不在當前資源模型中。這些截留物似乎在洪水區沉積物的懸掛牆上形成扁平或鉤狀靜脈。鑽探將評估這一假設,並將繼續測試當前資源模型中50 m x 100 m的間隙,這將增加高等級洪水區走向的連續性。平坦礦脈改造的積極結果中將包括的截獲物包括1.77米的8.36克/噸(90VD47)、1.65米的9.03克/噸(04UL-23)和1.90米的5.61克/噸黃金(91VD098)。
  • At the Central Zone, an induced polarisation survey will be used to highlight the structure to confirm the presence of a west dipping zone parallel to the Flood Zone. The lithogeochemistry model will be used to highlight any structural breaks by confirming offsets of the different mafic units first identified in 2023. This targeted structure also hosts an open intercept of 40.24 metres of 0.73 g/t gold (NR Oct 25, 2022) that is currently interpreted to be an alteration halo parallel to the remodeled structure. Oriented drill core will be used to test this interpretation and follow the structure downdip.
  • 中央區域, 將使用誘導極化調查來突出結構,以確認是否存在與洪水區平行的西傾區。岩石地球化學模型將用於通過確認2023年首次發現的不同鎂鐵單元的偏移來突出顯示任何結構斷裂。該目標結構還擁有一個40.24米的0.73克/噸金的露天截距(NR 2022年10月25日),該截距目前被解釋爲與改造後的結構平行的變化光環。定向鑽芯將用於測試這種解釋並跟蹤結構向下傾角。
  • The Nutaaq Trend hosts the Gnu Zone deposit which is comprised of discrete veins within the competent gabbro on the east limb of the Ulu Fold, and silicified limb-parallel zones hosting acicular arsenopyrite similar to the Flood Zone. This resource occurs in a 200-metre section of the 1600 metre long Nutaaq Trend. At North Nutaaq, a 400-metre-long section to the north, historical drilling has been remodelled based on the Gnu Zone knowledge that includes intercepts of 6.60 metres of 3.50 g/t (92VD145) and 2.40 metres of 4.69 g/t gold (92VD146). A 600-metre-long section to the south, South Nutaaq, hosts overburden-covered geophysical signatures similar to those at the Gnu Zone. A more detailed induced polarisation survey will be used to refine these blind targets in advance of drill testing.
  • 這個 Nutaaq 趨勢 託管 Gnu Zone 沉積物由烏魯褶東緣合格輝長岩內的離散礦脈和含有類似於洪水區的針狀亞硫鐵礦的硅化四肢平行區域組成。這種資源出現在長達1600米的努塔克趨勢的200米部分。在 北努塔克, 向北延伸400米的鑽探路段,歷史鑽探已經根據Gnu區域的知識進行了改造,其中包括6.60米的3.50克/噸(92VD145)和2.40米的4.69克/噸黃金(92VD146)的截距。向南有一段 600 米長的路段, 南努塔克,擁有負擔過重的地球物理特徵,類似於 Gnu Zone 的地球物理特徵。在鑽探測試之前,將使用更詳細的誘導極化調查來完善這些盲目標。
  • Mikigon is a Blue Star discovery from 2023. It is a +500-metre-long coincident geophysical anomaly and alteration trend which returned numerous high-grade gold samples in 2023. Initial 2024 work will include detailed mapping and an induced polarisation survey along the trend and over potential parallel features. Results from the initial work will refine additional drill targets at the prospect including any which may lie under cover to the north. No previous drilling has been conducted in the area of this priority drill target.
  • Mikigon 是 2023 年藍星的發現。這是一個長度超過500米的同時發生的地球物理異常和變化趨勢,在2023年返回了大量高品位的金樣本。2024年的初步工作將包括詳細測繪以及沿趨勢和潛在平行特徵進行誘導極化調查。初步工作的結果將完善該勘探區的其他鑽探目標,包括任何可能位於北部掩護下的鑽探目標。此前沒有在該優先鑽探目標區域進行過鑽探。

Figure 1: 2024 Ulu Gold Project - Drill and Pipeline Targets

圖 1:2024 年 Ulu 黃金項目-鑽探和管道目標

Near Drill-Ready Pipeline Targets


Ulu Gold Project


  • SouthZone-Twilight is a ~500-metre-long alteration zone with a similar structural orientation as the Flood Zone, cutting the same lithological units. Initial work will focus on building the lithogeochemical model over this target to confirm offsets on lithological units, an indirect indicator of a major structure similar to that at the Flood Zone. This target will also be included at the southern end of the induced polarisation survey covering the Central Zone target.
  • 南區-暮光之城 是一個長約500米的變化區,其結構方向與洪水區相似,切割的巖性單位相同。初步工作將側重於在該目標上建立巖性地球化學模型,以確認巖性單位的偏移量,巖性單位是主要結構的間接指標,類似於洪水區的結構。該目標還將包括在涵蓋中心區目標的誘導極化調查的南端。
  • Rhonda is an auriferous critical mineral target that will be evaluated by ground-based EM and drilling. The target area has massive sulphide outcrops with high zinc values, and coincident historical soil geochemistry, VLF-EM and magnetic anomalies. Two similar showings, Interlake and Hunter, are located two kilometres along the same stratigraphic horizon; no previous drilling has been conducted along this target horizon.
  • 朗達 是一種含氣的關鍵礦物目標,將通過地面電磁和鑽探進行評估。目標區域有大量硫化物露頭,鋅值高,歷史土壤地球化學、VLF-EM 和磁異常相吻合。兩個相似的展區,Interlake和Hunter,位於同一地層地平線兩公里處;此前沒有在該目標地平線上進行過鑽探。
  • Zebra is drill-ready for some scout holes to confirm the geological concepts and mineralisation controls. This is a complexly folded section of units with high competency contrast. Abundant pyrite/pyrrhotite/silica alteration in the more competent units as well as along geological contacts have generated a large area for drill follow-up. Work programs in this area are to assist in prioritising drill sequencing for discovery.
  • 斑馬 已準備好鑽探一些探孔,以確認地質概念和礦化控制。這是一個複雜摺疊的單元部分,能力對比度很高。能力更強的單位以及地質接觸沿線的大量硫鐵礦/焦鐵礦/二氧化硅蝕變爲鑽探後續行動提供了廣闊的區域。該領域的工作計劃旨在幫助確定鑽探順序的優先順序。

Roma Project


  • The HI01 Prospect is a disseminated-to-semi-massive sulphide zone with 0.6 metres of massive sphalerite outcropping at surface. Two historical drill holes tested a ~350-metre-long EM conductor resulting in a 21-metre section with low-grade zinc and copper values. The best surface showing and the plunge of the conductor have not been drill-tested. Initial work will consist of ground truthing historical activities, mapping, and a fixed loop EM survey to refine drill target locations.
  • 這個 HI01 展望 是一個散佈到半塊狀硫化物的地帶,地表露出了 0.6 米的塊狀閃鋅礦。歷史上有兩個鑽孔測試了長約350米的電磁導體,結果得到的截面爲21米,鋅和銅的價值都很低。最佳表面顯示效果和導體墜落情況尚未經過鑽孔測試。初步工作將包括地面實況調查歷史活動、測繪和固定迴路電磁勘測,以完善鑽探目標位置。
  • The High Lake gold-enriched VMS deposit's North Zone is interpreted to extend on to the Company's Roma Project. Groundwork to follow-up the potential marker unit, alteration mapping, and a fixed loop EM survey are planned in order to refine the target for drill testing.
  • High Lake 富含黃金的 VMS 礦牀 北區 被解釋爲延伸到公司的羅姆人項目。爲了完善鑽探測試目標,計劃爲潛在的標記單元進行後續跟蹤、變化測繪和固定迴路電磁勘測奠定基礎。
  • Ground truthing and prospecting is planned for the Marble Fold area, which exhibits a potential cap-rock unit to possible sulphide accumulation in the same stratigraphy as the High Lake VMS deposit AB/D zones. A coincident magnetic anomaly will be evaluated with fixed loop EM surveying prior to a drill decision. Nearby significant occurrences of mapped arsenopyrite are indicative of potential for related gold targets and will be prospected and mapped.
  • 計劃進行地面實況調查和勘探 大理石摺疊 該區域,該區域顯示出潛在的蓋巖單元,可能在與High Lake VMS礦牀AB/D區相同的地層中積聚硫化物。在做出鑽探決定之前,將通過固定迴路電磁測量來評估重合的磁異常。附近有大量繪製的亞硫鐵礦點表明了相關金礦目標的潛力,並將進行勘探和測繪。
  • Historic airborne EM conductors occur on Roma D which are coincident with magnetic anomalies and are closely associated with historically mapped exhalative units. Mapping notes include mention of gossan, pyrite, and sphalerite along the conductive trend. Mapping and lithogeochemical sampling will refine the drill targets in the area.
  • 歷史上的機載電磁導體發生在 羅馬 D 它們與磁異常相吻合,與歷史上繪製的呼氣單位密切相關。測繪說明包括沿導電趨勢提及高砂、黃鐵礦和閃鋅礦。測繪和岩石地球化學採樣將完善該地區的鑽探目標。

Figure 2: 2024 Roma Project - Pipeline Targets

圖 2:2024 年羅馬項目-管道目標

Gray's Bay Road and Port Project (GBRPP)

格雷灣公路和港口項目 (GBRPP)

West Kitikmeot Resources has been assigned as the new proponent for the GBRPP. The project envisions a deepwater port built on Coronation Gulf and a road connecting Nunavut to the Northwest Territories. The proposed all-season road would travel within and immediately adjacent to Blue Star's projects, providing excellent accessibility. This future access will dramatically lower the operating costs in the region, connect Northern products to markets around the world, and enable supplies to reach the area at a lower cost, for a longer season, and with greater reliability.

West Kitikmeot Resources被指定爲GBRPP的新支持者。該項目設想在加冕灣上建造一個深水港和一條連接努納武特和西北地區的道路。擬議的四季道路將在藍星項目的內部和附近行駛,從而提供良好的無障礙環境。未來的這種准入將大大降低該地區的運營成本,將北方產品與世界各地的市場連接起來,並使供應能夠以更低的成本、更長的季節和更高的可靠性到達該地區。

Darren Lindsay, P. Geo. and Vice President Exploration for Blue Star, is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.

地理學博士兼藍星勘探副總裁達倫·林賽是美國國家儀器43-101(“NI 43-101”)的合格人員,並已審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的技術信息。

About Blue Star Gold Corp.
Blue Star is a mineral exploration and development company focused in Nunavut, Canada. Blue Star's landholdings total 270 square kilometres of highly prospective and underexplored mineral properties in the High Lake Greenstone Belt. The Company owns the Ulu Gold Project, comprised of the Ulu Mining Lease and Hood River Property, and the Roma Project. A significant high-grade gold resource exists at the Flood Zone deposit (Ulu Mining Lease), and numerous high-potential exploration target areas occur throughout the Company's extensive landholdings, providing Blue Star with excellent resource growth potential. The site of the future deep-water port at Grays Bay is 40 - 100 km to the north of the properties, and the proposed route corridor for the all-weather Gray's Bay Road passes close by the Roma and Ulu Gold Projects.

Blue Star是一家礦產勘探和開發公司,專注於加拿大努納武特。藍星在高湖綠石帶共擁有270平方公里的極具前景且未充分開發的礦產地產。該公司擁有由烏魯礦業租賃和胡德河地產組成的烏魯黃金項目以及羅姆項目。洪水區礦牀(Ulu Mining Lease)存在大量的高品位黃金資源,該公司擁有的大量土地中遍佈許多高潛力的勘探目標區域,這爲藍星提供了極好的資源增長潛力。格雷斯灣未來深水港的所在地位於這些物業以北40-100公里處,擬議的全天候格雷灣路路線走廊位於羅馬和烏魯黃金項目附近。

Blue Star is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: BAU, the U.S. OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol: BAUFF, and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol: 5WP0. For information on the Company and its projects, please visit our website: .


For further information, please contact:


Grant Ewing, P. Geo., CEO
Telephone: +1 778-379-1433

Grant Ewing,P. Geo.,首席執行官
電話:+1 778-379-1433

Raffi Elmajian, Corporate Communications Manager
Telephone: +1 778-379-1433

Raffi Elmajian,企業傳播經理
電話:+1 778-379-1433

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the Policies of the TSX-Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Release.




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Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions regarding the future of our business, plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: economic and financial conditions, including volatility in interest and exchange rates, commodity and equity prices and the value of financial assets, strategic actions, including acquisitions and dispositions and our success in integrating acquired businesses into our operations, developments and changes in laws and regulations, including increased regulation of the mining industry through legislative action and revised rules and standards applied by the regulatory bodies in Nunavut, changes in the price of fuel and other key materials and disruptions in supply chains for these materials, closures or slowdowns and changes in labour costs and labour difficulties, including stoppages affecting either our operations or our suppliers' abilities to deliver goods and services to us, as well as natural events such as severe weather, fires, floods and earthquakes or man-made or other disruptions of our equipment, and inaccuracies in estimates of mineral resources and/or reserves on our mineral properties.


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