
Origis Energy and TVA Announce Commercial Operation of Golden Triangle II

Origis Energy and TVA Announce Commercial Operation of Golden Triangle II

Origis Energy 和 TVA 宣佈金三角二期商業運營
PR Newswire ·  05/29 09:06

Golden Triangle II is a 150 MWac solar plus 50 MW battery storage project, which is the first of three Origis solar projects in Mississippi to come online through 2025.

Golden Triangle II是一個150 MWac太陽能+50 MW電池儲能項目,這是三個Origis太陽能項目中第一個在線通過2025年。

MIAMI, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Origis Energy and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) announced Wednesday that the first of three solar plus storage projects in their Mississippi portfolio has reached commercial operation. Golden Triangle II, a 150 MWac solar project with 50 MW battery storage, began generating carbon-free electricity on May 21, 2024.

2024年5月29日,佛羅里達州邁阿密 /新華社/--Origis能源和田納西河谷管理局(TVA)週三宣佈,他們在密西西比組合中的三個太陽能+儲能項目中的第一個已經達到商業運營。Golden Triangle II,一個150 MWac太陽能項目,帶有50 MW電池存儲,於2024年5月21日開始生成無碳電力。

"Solar energy enhances Mississippi's economic competitiveness, and Origis is removing limits to a cleaner, brighter future by building the region's clean-energy infrastructure," said Johan Vanhee, Chief Commercial and Procurement Officer for Origis. "Golden Triangle II is the first step in fostering a zero-carbon economy across the state that supports our nation's economic and energy security goals."

Origis的首席商業和採購官Johan Vanhee表示,“太陽能能源增強了密西西比的經濟競爭力,而Origis正在建設該地區的清潔能源基礎設施,消除對更加清潔、更加光明未來的限制。 Golden Triangle II是在整個州建立零碳經濟的第一步,支持我們國家的經濟和能源安全目標。“

The Magnolia State is home to two other Origis renewable energy projects - Golden Triangle I, in Lowndes County, a 200 MWac project with 50 MW of battery storage and Optimist, in Clay County, a 200 MWac project with 50 MW of battery storage. This is the largest battery storage portfolio under construction in the state, which helps maintain TVA's leadership in clean power generation.

Magnolia州還擁有另外兩個Origis可再生能源項目-Golden Triangle I,位於朗茲縣,是一個200 MWac項目,帶有50 MW電池儲存,以及Optimist,位於克萊縣,是一個200 MWac項目,帶有50 MW電池儲存。這是該州正在建設的最大電池儲存組合,有助於維持TVA在清潔能源發電方面的領導地位。

When completed in 2025, Origis' Mississippi clean-energy complex will have a total capacity of 550 MW plus 150 MW of battery storage. Roughly 1.5 million solar panel modules will be installed at the three sites, enough to power an estimated 126,000 homes.

當Origis的密西西比清潔能源綜合體在2025年完工時,將擁有550 MW加50 MW電池存儲的總容量。將在三個站點安裝大約150萬個太陽能電池板,足以爲約126000個房屋供電。

"As a national clean energy leader, TVA is on the forefront to drive carbon reduction across all sectors of the economy and provide the clean power needed to fuel our region's growth," said Amy Tate, TVA Southeast Region Executive. "Together, with partners like Origis, TVA is developing carbon-free energy solutions that create jobs and investment in the communities we serve."

TVA東南區執行官艾米·泰特(Amy Tate)表示:“作爲國家清潔能源領導者,TVA正處於推動經濟各個領域的碳減排的前沿,並提供所需的清潔能源爲我們地區的增長提供動力。與Origis等合作伙伴一起,TVA正在開發零碳能源解決方案,以創造就業和促進我們爲之服務的社區的投資。“

Origis Energy, one of America's leading renewable energy and decarbonization solution providers, developed, constructed and will operate the three projects for TVA. Each site will deliver clean energy at competitive rates under Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) executed between TVA and Origis. TVA will use the power to help meet the energy demand and sustainability goals of some of its large industrial customers, through its industry-leading Green Invest program, including Meta. Golden Triangle II will support Meta's operations in the TVA area as part of the more than 1,000 MWac capacity Meta has partnered with TVA on.

Origis Energy是美國領先的可再生能源和脫碳解決方案提供商之一,爲TVA開發、建設和運營這三個項目。每個站點都將按照TVA和Origis簽署的購電協議以具有競爭力的速率提供清潔能源。TVA將利用這些電力來幫助滿足部分大型工業客戶的能源需求和可持續性目標,通過其領先的Green Invest計劃,包括Meta。 Golden Triangle II將作爲Meta在TVA地區的運營的一部分,支持Meta與TVA合作超過1,000 MWac容量。

"Partnering with TVA on the Green Invest program has made it possible for our operations in the Tennessee Valley to be supported by new solar energy constructed in the region," said Urvi Parekh, Head of Renewable Energy at Meta. "This solar farm is Meta's first renewable energy project in Mississippi, and we're excited to see it come online."

Meta可再生能源負責人Urvi Parekh表示:“與TVA在Green Invest計劃上合作,使我們得以在該地區建造新的太陽能源,從而支持田納西河谷的可再生能源目標。這個太陽能發電廠是Meta在密西西比的第一個可再生能源項目,我們很高興看到它開始運行。“

Following the pandemic, TVA's affordable, reliable and clean energy, coupled with unprecedented migration into the area, resulted in a rebound in economic growth in the Golden Triangle area of 8% in 2021 and 3.5% in 2022. That growth is expected to continue, according to the recent University of Tennessee Baker School study which projects the TVA region's population to grow by 22% by 2050.


Estimated economic benefits from the three projects include $106 million in near-term construction and hiring gains to the area. Over the life of the solar complex, they will provide another $145 million in estimated regional economic benefits.


RES is providing construction services to Origis for the portfolio, employing an estimated 500 people over the course of the three projects. Upon completion of the plants, Origis Energy Services will operate and maintain the portfolio, employing approximately 9 on-site jobs over the 35+ project life years. The utility-scale battery storage for each site is provided by Prevalon Energy, a rebranding of Mitsubishi Power Americas battery energy storage business.

RES爲Origis的項目提供建設服務,在三個項目期間僱用約500人。完成這些電廠後,Origis能源服務將運營和維護該綜合體,其在35個項目壽命週期中將僱用約9個現場工作。每個站點的公用事業級電池儲存由Prevalon Energy提供,這是Mitsubishi Power Americas電池儲能業務的重組品牌。

Community leaders and development partners celebrated the announcement.


"The addition of Golden Triangle II to Mississippi's ever-growing renewable energy industry is a perfect example of how an all-of-the-above approach to energy promotes innovation and efficiency for Mississippians. I ran my campaign on one promise: to pursue all energy avenues for Mississippi with the ratepayers, reliability, and the future of our state in mind. I'm proud to welcome Golden Triangle II to the Northern District," said Chris Brown, Mississippi Public Service Commissioner for the Northern District.

“Golden Triangle II加入密西西比不斷增長的可再生能源行業,是一個完美的例子,說明了全面能源途徑如何爲密西西比人促進創新和高效率。我參加競選的目的只有一個承諾:以州政策者、可靠性和我們州未來爲考慮的前提下,追求密西西比的所有能源途徑。我爲歡迎Golden Triangle II到北部地區而感到自豪。” 北部地區密西西比公共服務委員克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)表示。

"The Origis facility is a massive solar farm, battery bank and substation. Its location, next to the Golden Triangle megaplex will provide renewable power on a large scale. The project will also provide millions of dollars to our schools and county government," said Joe Max Higgins, Jr AICP, CEcD, CES CEO GTR Link.

“Origis設施是一個龐大的太陽能農場、電池銀行和變電所。它位於黃金三角巨型綜合體旁邊,將提供大規模的可再生電力。該項目還將爲我們的學校和縣政府提供數百萬美元。GTR Link的首席執行官喬·馬克斯·希金斯(Joe Max Higgins, Jr AICP,CEd,CES)表示。

"RES is proud to be part of the team supporting Origis and TVA on Golden Triangle II and the rest of the portfolio to bring reliable clean energy to TVA customers," said AJ Jain, Chief Operating Officer at RES. "Alongside local contractors, our team of nearly 500 worked more than a million hours without a lost-time accident. Congratulations to the entire team!"

RES的首席運營官AJ Jain表示:“RES很自豪地成爲Origis和TVA在Golden Triangle II和整個組合上支持團隊的一部分,爲TVA的客戶提供可靠的清潔能源。在當地工程承包商的支持下,我們的近500名團隊成員工作了100多萬個小時,沒有發生失去時間的意外事故。祝賀整個團隊!”

"Origis Energy and TVA's announcement of the commercial operation of Golden Triangle II represents a significant milestone in our commitment to advancing clean energy solutions," stated Tom Cornell, President and CEO of Prevalon Energy. "We are honored to be part of this project, enabling more renewable generation in TVA's service territory. By generating carbon-free electricity, this project not only supports Mississippi's economic competitiveness but also contributes to a cleaner, brighter future for the region. We are excited to be part of this endeavor and look forward to continuing to support sustainable energy initiatives with Origis and TVA."

Prevalon能源總裁兼首席執行官Tom Cornell表示:“Origis能源和TVA宣佈Golden Triangle II開始商業運營,標誌着我們致力於推進清潔能源解決方案的承諾的重要里程碑。我們很榮幸成爲此項目的一部分,在TVA 的服務領域中提供更多的可再生髮電。通過產生無碳電力,該項目不僅支持密西西比的經濟競爭力,還爲該地區的未來帶來一個更加乾淨、更加光明的前景。我們很高興能成爲這項措施的一部分,並期待繼續支持Origis和TVA的可持續能源倡議。“

Press release images and video can be found on the Origis website.

請訪問Origis網站以獲取新聞稿圖像和視頻。有關每個特定項目的更多信息,請訪問項目網站:Golden Triangle II Solar + StorageOrigis網站.

For more information about each specific project, visit the project websites:
Golden Triangle II Solar + Storage
Golden Triangle I Solar + Storage
Optimist Solar + Storage

有關每個特定項目的更多信息,請訪問項目網站:Golden Triangle II Solar + Storage
Golden Triangle II太陽能+儲存

About TVA
The Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation's largest public power supplier, delivering energy to 10 million people across seven southeastern states. TVA was established 90 years ago to serve this region and the nation by developing innovative solutions to solve complex challenges. TVA's unique mission focuses on energy, environmental stewardship, and economic development. With one of the largest, most diverse, and cleanest energy systems – including nuclear, hydro, solar, gas, and advanced technologies – TVA is a leader in our nation's drive toward a clean energy future.


TVA is a corporate agency of the United States, receiving no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation, and land management for the Tennessee River system, and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.


About Origis Energy
Origis Energy is accelerating the transition to a carbon-free future by Reimagining ZeroSM. As one of America's leading renewable energy and decarbonization solution platforms, the company continues to expand and reimagine its contribution to the world's net-zero goals. Origis Energy puts customers first to deploy a wide range of sustainable solutions for grid and distributed power generation, clean hydrogen and long-term operation of solar, energy storage and clean hydrogen plants across the U.S. Founded in 2008, Origis Energy is headquartered in Miami, FL. Learn more at Origis Energy.

關於Origis Energy
Origis Energy正在通過重新想象ZeroSm來加速向無碳未來的過渡。作爲美國領先的可再生能源和脫碳解決方案平台之一,該公司繼續擴大和重新想象其對世界淨零目標的貢獻。Origis Energy以客戶爲中心,爲美國境內的電網和分佈式電源、清潔氫和太陽能、儲能和清潔氫發電廠的長期運營部署各種可持續解決方案。Origis Energy成立於2008年,總部位於佛羅里達州邁阿密市。了解更多,請訪問Origis Energy。

SOURCE Origis Energy

來源:Origis Energy

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