
QuickLogic Set to Join Russell 3000 Index

QuickLogic Set to Join Russell 3000 Index

QuickLogic 即將加入羅素 3000 指數
快輯半導體 ·  05/29 00:00

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) ("QuickLogic" or the "Company"), a developer of embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP, ruggedized FPGAs and Endpoint AI solutions, today announced that it is set to join the broad-market Russell 3000 Index. This inclusion will occur at the conclusion of the 2024 Russell US Indexes annual reconstitution, effective at the open of US equity markets on Monday, July 1st. The announcement follows the preliminary list of additions that was posted Friday, May 24th.

2024年5月29日,加利福尼亞聖何塞 /美通社/--快輯半導體公司 (NASDAQ: QUIK)("快輯半導體"或"公司"),一家開發嵌入式可編程邏輯產品(eFPGA)IP、防護型可編程邏輯產品(FPGA)和端點AI解決方案的公司,宣佈將加入廣泛的拉塞爾3000指數。此次入選將在2024年拉塞爾美國指數年度重組結束後, 於7月1日星期一美國股票市場開盤時生效。21世紀醫療改革法案本公告是繼5月24日星期五發布加入初步名單後的追加公告,按總市值排名。成爲美國全市場拉塞爾3000指數的成員後,公司還將自動加入小市值股票指數拉塞爾2000指數,以及適當的成長性和價值性指數。富時羅素主要通過目標權重排名、市值排名和特定風格屬性排名來確定其拉塞爾指數的成員資格。th.

The annual Russell US Indexes reconstitution captures the 4,000 largest US stocks as of Tuesday, April 30th, ranking them by total market capitalization. Membership in the US all-cap Russell 3000 Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the small-cap Russell 2000 Index as well as the appropriate growth and value style indexes. FTSE Russell determines membership for its Russell indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings, and style attributes.

年度羅素美國指數重構捕捉到截至4月30日星期二爲止的最大的4000只美國股票,並按總市值排名。th"加入拉塞爾3000指數是對快輯半導體增長和財務業績的認可,這些成績是我們在2020年成功推出eFPGA IP業務模式推動的。"快輯半導體CEO Brian Faith表示:"我們仍然極度專注於執行我們的戰略,並期待通過入選這一著名指數把快輯半導體介紹給更廣泛的投資界。

"Inclusion in the Russell 3000 Index is welcomed recognition of QuickLogic's growth and financial performance driven by our successful strategic transformation with the launch of our eFPGA IP business model in 2020," said Brian Faith, CEO of QuickLogic. "We remain extremely focused on executing on our strategy and look forward to introducing QuickLogic to a broader segment of the investment community through our inclusion in this prominent index."

LSEG旗下的富時羅素CEO Fiona Bassett評論道:“拉塞爾指數 - 現已進入第40個年頭,是全球投資人和基金經理們最廣泛使用的指標。 "

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies. According to the data as of the end of December 2023, about $10.5 trillion in assets are benchmarked against the Russell US indexes, which belong to FTSE Russell, a prominent global index provider.


Fiona Bassett, CEO of FTSE Russell, An LSEG Business, commented "Russell indexes–now in their 40th year–continue to evolve to reflect the dynamic US economy. Annual rebalancing plays a vital role in establishing accurate benchmarks, ensuring they correctly mirror their designated market segments and remain unbiased in terms of size and style."

FTSE羅素公司首席執行官菲奧娜·巴塞特(Fiona Bassett),倫敦證券交易所旗下公司,評論道:“羅素指數——如今已經在其40個th關於Regulus

For more information on the Russell 3000 Index and the Russell indexes reconstitution, go to the "Russell Reconstitution" section on the FTSE Russell website.

有關羅素3000指數和羅素指數重構的更多信息,請轉到FTSE Russell網站上的“Russell Reconstitution”部分FTSE Russell 網站.

About FTSE Russell:
FTSE Russell is a leading global provider of benchmarking, analytics, and data solutions for investors, giving them a precise view of the market relevant to their investment process. A comprehensive range of reliable and accurate indexes provides investors worldwide with the tools they require to measure and benchmark markets across asset classes, styles, or strategies.

關於FTSE Russell:
FTSE Russell是爲投資者提供基準、分析和數據解決方案的領先全球提供商,爲投資者提供與其投資過程相關聯的精確市場視圖。可靠且準確的指數全面涵蓋不同的資產類別、風格或策略,爲全球投資者提供測量和基準市場的工具。

FTSE Russell index expertise and products are used extensively by institutional and retail investors globally. For over 30 years, leading asset owners, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks have chosen FTSE Russell indexes to benchmark their investment performance and create ETFs, structured products, and index-based derivatives.

FTSE Russell指數專業知識和產品在全球的機構投資者和零售投資者廣泛運用。30多年來,領先的資產所有者、資產管理人、ETF提供商和投資銀行選擇FTSE Russell指數作爲其投資表現的基準,並創造ETF、結構性產品和基於指數的衍生品。

FTSE Russell is focused on applying the highest industry standards in index design and governance, employing transparent rules-based methodology informed by independent committees of leading market participants. FTSE Russell fully embraces the IOSCO Principles, and its Statement of Compliance has received independent assurance. Index innovation is driven by client needs and customer partnerships, allowing FTSE Russell to continually enhance the breadth, depth and reach of its offering.

FTSE Russell專注於應用指數設計和治理領域的最高行業標準,採用透明的基於規則的方法,並由領先市場參與者的獨立委員會提供諮詢意見。FTSE Russell完全接受IOSCO原則,其遵從性聲明已經獲得獨立保證。指數創新是由客戶的需求和客戶的夥伴關係推動的,這使得FTSE Russell能夠不斷加強其提供的廣度、深度和覆蓋範圍。

FTSE Russell is wholly owned by London Stock Exchange Group.

FTSE Russell完全歸倫敦證券交易所集團所有。

For more information, visit


About QuickLogic
QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) is a fabless semiconductor company that develops innovative embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP, discrete FPGAs, and FPGA SoCs for a variety of industrial, aerospace and defense, edge and endpoint AI, consumer, and computing applications. Our wholly-owned subsidiary, SensiML Corporation, completes the end-to-end solution portfolio with AI / ML software that accelerates AI at the edge/endpoint. For more information, visit

QuickLogic公司(NASDAQ: QUIK)是一家無晶圓廠的半導體公司,專注於開發創新的嵌入式可編程邏輯產品(eFPGAs)、離散式可編程邏輯產品(FPGAs)和 FPGA SoCs等,在工業、航空航天與國防、邊緣和端點AI、消費和計算等領域進行應用。我們的全資子公司SensiML Corporation通過人工智能/機器學習軟件完善了端點的AI解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

QuickLogic and logo are registered trademarks of QuickLogic. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such.


SOURCE QuickLogic Corporation

來源 QuickLogic Corporation

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