
FTI Consulting Appoints Michael Spadea as North America Leader for Information Governance, Privacy and Security

FTI Consulting Appoints Michael Spadea as North America Leader for Information Governance, Privacy and Security

FTI Consulting 任命 Michael Spadea 爲北美信息治理、隱私和安全負責人
FTI咨詢 ·  05/29 00:00

WASHINGTON, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the appointment of Michael Spadea as a Senior Managing Director and North America Leader of the Information Governance, Privacy and Security practice within the firm's Technology segment.

2024年5月29日華盛頓,全球新聞通訊社(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——FTI諮詢公司(NYSE:FCN)今日宣佈任命Michael Spadea爲該公司技術領域信息治理、隱私和安全業務的高級總監和北美地區負責人。

Mr. Spadea, who is based in Seattle, helps clients obtain value from their data by building strong governance programs that mitigate digital risk while enabling growth. Mr. Spadea supports organizations across industries and geographies with implementing preventative measures and leveraging technology innovation, including artificial intelligence tools, to build trust and value. His experience includes creating comprehensive information and data governance programs that align data management, privacy and business needs.


"Clients continue to need support in critical areas of data privacy and digital risk mitigation, especially as they look to embrace technology advancements with strong governance frameworks," said Sophie Ross, Global Chief Executive Officer of FTI Technology. "As our clients adjust to and work to better understand new data risks, our teams are bringing expertise and practical guidance to bear in the form of IG frameworks, data privacy audits and program development, breach response, assessments and more. As a senior leader in our segment, Michael will bring deep domain expertise to our strong global team and help our IGP&S practice in North America evolve alongside client needs."

“客戶繼續需要在數據隱私和數字風險減輕等關鍵領域得到支持,特別是當他們尋求在強大的治理框架內採用技術進步時,”FTI技術全球首席執行官Sophie Ross表示:“隨着我們的客戶適應並努力更好地理解新的數據風險,我們的團隊正在通過制定IG框架、數據隱私審核和程序開發、突破響應、評估等實現專業知識和實用指導。作爲我們部門的一位資深領導人,Michael將爲我們強大的全球團隊帶來深入的領域專業知識,並幫助我們的IGP&S實踐與客戶需求一起在北美髮展。在加入FTI技術之前,Spadea先生曾擔任一家四大會計事務所的信息治理和隱私的高級總監。他還在大型技術和金融服務組織內監督信息保障和隱私,並具有在各個管轄區域的數據保護法規執行的複雜審計、評估和監管響應的經驗。作爲FTI Technology的全球首席執行官,Michael表示:"隨着我們的客戶調整並努力更好地理解新的數據風險,我們的團隊正在提供專業的知識和實際指導,形成信息治理框架、數據隱私審計和程序開展、遇到違規事件的反應、評估等方面的服務。作爲我們行業的高級領導者,Michael將爲我們強大的全球團隊帶來深入的行業經驗,並幫助我們的IGP&S團隊在客戶需求逐漸發展的北美得到長足的進展。"

Prior to joining FTI Technology, Mr. Spadea was Senior Managing Director, Information Governance and Privacy, at a Big Four firm. He has also overseen information assurance and privacy in-house at large technology and financial services organizations, and has experience conducting complex audits, assessments and regulatory response for data protection laws across jurisdictions.


Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Spadea added, "Information governance is rooted in bringing order from chaos. The importance of this has been magnified in recent years, as technology and AI advancement have accelerated, data has continued to explode in volume and variety, and data-focused regulatory enforcement has become more stringent and prolific. It's a challenging backdrop for organizations around the world, and I'm looking forward to working with FTI Technology's team of experts to help clients achieve their data objectives while minimizing the risks."

Spadea先生在接受任命時表示:"信息治理的本質是從混亂中帶來秩序。由於技術和人工智能的進步,數據的成交量和種類不斷爆炸增長,數據監管執法越來越嚴格和頻繁,這使得全球各地的企業面臨着巨大的挑戰。我很樂意與FTI Technology的專家團隊合作,幫助客戶實現其數據目標,同時將風險降至最低。"

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalized and independently managed. More information can be found at

關於 FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球性商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險並解決爭端——金融、法律、業務、政治和監管、聲譽和交易等方面的爭端。FTI Consulting在33個國家和地區擁有超過8,000名員工,專業人員與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰並抓住機遇。該公司在2023財年創收34.9億美元。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務是通過分開資本結構和獨立管理的法律實體提供的。欲了解更多信息,敬請訪問。

FTI Consulting, Inc.
555 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

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Washington, DC 20004

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Mollie Hawkes


Media Contacts:
Ashley Allman


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Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.


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