
SLANG Worldwide Announces First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

SLANG Worldwide Announces First Quarter 2024 Financial Results

SLANG Worldwide公佈2024年第一季度財務業績
newsfile ·  05/30 07:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 30, 2024) - SLANG Worldwide Inc. (CNSX: SLNG) (OTCQB: SLGWF) ("SLANG" or the "Company"), a leading global cannabis consumer packaged goods (CPG) company with a diversified portfolio of popular brands, today released financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024. All figures in this press release are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

多倫多安大略省——(新聞稿:Newsfile corp. - 2024年5月30日)-SLANG Worldwide Inc.( CNSX:SLNG) (OTCQB:SLGWF) (簡稱"SLANG" 或 "公司"), 一家主流大麻消費品(CPG)公司,在多樣化的品牌組合中擁有衆多主流品牌,今天發佈了2024年3月31日結束的三個月的財務報表。本新聞稿中的所有數據均以加元( CAD) 爲單位。

"Our results for the first quarter demonstrated the importance of SLANG's diversified strategy as well as our commitment to our disciplined, efficient business model," commented John Moynan, Chief Executive Officer of SLANG. "While we saw softness in our Core Markets in the first quarter, we mitigated the impact on our business with increased sales in our newer, higher-margin e-commerce channel, our Vermont wholesale channel and across our Emerging Markets, and by reducing operating expenses sequentially and year-over-year, driving operational efficiencies across most segments of our business.

"我們第一季度的業績表明了SLANG多樣化策略的重要性,以及我們對我們的紀律、高效的商業模式的承諾," SLANG的首席執行官約翰·莫伊南這樣說道。"雖然我們在第一季度的核心市場出現了一定的軟弱,但我們在新興市場、維吉尼亞州的銷售渠道、以及大多數業務細分領域的控制營運費用方面,減少了年複合和環比營業費用的影響。"

"During the quarter, our new channels continued to increase their contribution to our overall sales. Revenue from our e-commerce business segment increased by approximately 45%, demonstrating the strength of our Alchemy Naturals CBD gummy product line, and our Vermont wholesale sales channel increased by approximately 417% year-over-year. Looking ahead, we believe we will continue to elevate our market position and build our leadership position in these important cannabis product categories."

"在這個季度,我們的新渠道繼續增加對我們整體銷售的貢獻。我們的電子商務業務的收入約增長了45%,這證明了我們的Alchemy Naturals CBD水果糖產品線的實力,我們的維吉尼亞州批發銷售渠道的銷售額同比增長了約417%。展望未來,我們相信我們將繼續提升我們的市場地位,並在這些重要的大麻產品領域打造我們的領導地位。"

Moynan continued, "I also want to highlight the recently announced recommendation by the U.S. Department of Justice that cannabis be rescheduled from Schedule I to Schedule III. We are hopeful that the recommendation for rescheduling will be successful and are looking forward to it being finalized as we believe that the rescheduling of cannabis will have a positive impact not just on SLANG but on the industry as a whole."


First Quarter 2024 Financial Summary


  • Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2024, was $7.03 million. Declines in SLANG's Core Markets in Vermont and Colorado were mainly attributable to increased competition in recreational cannabis stores and a difficult year-over-year comparison, offset by increases in its wholesale channel in Vermont, as well as a decline in the overall cannabis market in Colorado. The Core Market declines were offset by the Company's Emerging Markets, with a notable increase in its e-commerce channel.
  • Gross profit of $3.36 million (48% gross margin) in Q1 2024, compared with $5.72 million (53% gross margin) in Q1 2023, representing a 41% decrease in gross profit and a 5% decrease in gross margin year-over-year. Gross profit before fair value of biological assets was $3.65 million (52% gross margin) in Q1 2024, compared with $5.68 million (52% gross margin) in Q1 2023, representing a 36% decrease in gross profit before fair value of biological assets, while maintaining a stable gross margin before fair value of biological assets of 52% year-over-year.
  • Operating expenses of $5.54 million in Q1 2024, compared with $5.78 million in Q1 2023 and $6.63 million in Q4 2023, representing a 4% decrease year-over-year and 16% decrease quarter-over-quarter. The reduction year-over-year was primarily driven by a decrease in salaries and wages, consulting and subcontractors, general and administrative and insurance. The reduction quarter-over-quarter was primarily driven by a decrease in share-based payments, general and administrative, salaries and wages, professional fees and depreciation and amortization.
  • EBITDA1 of ($1.48 million) in Q1 2024, compared with $0.68 million in Q1 2023. The reduction in EBITDA is primarily attributable to a $2.40 million decrease in gross profit (excluding depreciation costs), offset by a reduction of $0.23 million in operating expenses (excluding depreciation) such as salaries and wages, consulting and subcontractors, general and administrative and insurance.
  • Adjusted EBITDA1 of ($1.06 million) in Q1 2024, compared with $0.74 million in Q1 2023. The reduction in Adjusted EBITDA is primarily attributable to a decrease of $2.07 million in gross profit before fair value adjustments of biological assets (excluding depreciation costs), offset by a reduction of $0.27 million in operating expenses (excluding depreciation expenses, expected credit losses and share based payments).
  • $8.32 million in cash and restricted cash on March 31, 2024, compared to $9.04 million on December 31, 2023. Additionally, for the three months ended March 31, 2024, cash flows used in operating activities was ($0.48 million), compared to cash flows from operating activities of $0.37 million for the three months ended March 31, 2023, a reduction of $0.85 million.
  • 2024年3月31日結束的三個月營業收入爲703萬加元。佛蒙特州和科羅拉多州SLANG的核心市場的下降主要歸因於娛樂大麻店的競爭加劇和難以比較的同比,這些都得到了在佛蒙特州的批發渠道增長、以及科羅拉多州整體大麻市場下降的抵消。本公司新興市場,尤其是其電子商務渠道的銷售增長明顯,爲核心市場的下降提供了抵消。
  • 2024年第一季度,毛利潤爲336萬加元(48%毛利率),而2013年第一季度毛利潤爲572萬加元(53%毛利率),毛利潤同比下降了41%,毛利率同比下降了5%。在生物資產公允價值之前的毛利潤爲365萬加元(毛利率52%),而2013年第一季度毛利潤爲568萬加元(毛利率52%),毛利潤毛利率保持穩定,同比下降了36%。
  • 2024年第1季度的營業費用爲554萬加元,而2013年第1季度的營業費用爲578萬加元,2013年第4季度的營業費用爲663萬加元,同比下降了4%,環比下降了16%。年複合降低主要是由於薪資和工資、諮詢和分包商、一般和管理和保險費用的降低。環比降低主要是由於股票基礎支付、一般和管理、工資和薪金、專業費用、以及折舊和攤銷的降低。
  • EBITDA12024年第1季度EBITDA爲-148萬加元,而2013年第1季度爲68萬加元。EBITDA的降低主要歸因於毛利潤的343萬加元下降(不包括折舊費用),而各區間營業費用減少了230萬加元(不包括折舊費用、預期信用損失和股票基礎支付),例如工資和工資、諮詢和分包商、一般和管理和保險。
  • 調整後的EBITDA12024年第1季度調整後EBITDA爲-106萬加元,而2013年第1季度爲74萬加元。調整後EBITDA的降低主要歸因於生物資產公允價值調整前的毛利潤下降了207萬加元(不包括折舊成本),而不包括折舊成本、預計信用損失和基於股票的支付的營業費用減少了27萬加元。
  • 2024年3月31日,現金和限制性現金爲832萬加元,而2023年12月31日爲904萬加元。此外,在2024年3月31日前三個月,經營活動中使用的現金爲480萬加元,而2013年3月31日前三個月的經營活動現金流量爲370萬加元,下降了850萬加元。

First Quarter 2024 Operational Highlights


  • Vermont Q1 2024 wholesale sales were $0.31 million, compared to $0.06 million in Q1 2023.
  • During Q1 2024, the Company signed an agreement with a new distribution partner to sell its Alchemy Naturals CBD gummies throughout the United States.
  • SLANG continues to see growth in its Alchemy Naturals CBD gummies, which contributed $0.46 million in e-commerce sales in Q1 2024 compared to $0.30 million in Q4 2023, representing 53% growth quarter-over-quarter.
  • 佛蒙特州2024年第一季度的批發銷售額爲310,000加元,而2013年第一季度爲60,000加元。
  • 在2024年第1季度,公司與新的分銷合作伙伴簽訂了協議,銷售其Alchemy Naturals CBD蜜餞,在美國全國範圍內銷售。
  • SLANG繼續看好其Alchemy Naturals CBD蜜餞的增長,這款商品在2024年第1季度爲電子商務銷售貢獻了460,000加元,而2013年第4季度爲300,000加元,同比增長了53%。

First Quarter 2024 Financial Review


The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with IFRS. The following is a selected presentation of the Income Statement for the three months ended March 31, 2024.


(In thousands of Canadian dollars except per share data and percentages) For the three months ended
31-Mar-24 31-Mar-23
Net Operating Revenue 7,029 10,823
Cost of goods sold 3,379 5,141
Gross Profit Before Fair Value Adjustment of Biological Assets 3,650 5,682
Realized fair value amounts included in inventory sold (580)
Unrealized gain on changes in fair value of biological assets 292 457
Gross Profit 3,362 5,716
Gross Profit Margin 48% 53%
Operating expenses 5,542 5,778
Operating Loss (2,180)
Other items (FV adjustment, FX, gains/losses, taxes, etc.) (3,842)
Total Comprehensive Loss (6,022)
Earnings Per Share
Basic (0.03)
Diluted (0.03)
(以加拿大元爲單位.僅除每股數據和百分比.) 截至2023年1月31日三個月的
2024年3月31日 2023年3月31日
淨營業收入 7,029 10,823
營業成本 3,379 5,141
公允價值調整之前的毛利潤 3,650 5,682
已實現公允價值金額包括銷售庫存 (580)
未實現生物資產公允價值變動收益 292 457
毛利潤 3,362 5,716
毛利率 48% 53%
營業費用 5,542 5,778
營業虧損 (2,180)
其他項目(公允價值調整、外匯、收益/損失、稅項等) (3,842)
綜合損失總額 (6,022)
基本 (0.03)
攤薄 (0.03)
(In thousands of Canadian dollars except percentages) For the three months ended
31-Mar-24 31-Mar-23
Net Operating Revenue 7,029 10,823
Cost of Goods Sold 3,379 5,141
Realized fair value amounts included in inventory sold (580)
Unrealized gain on fair value of biological assets 292 457
Cost of Goods Sold 3,667 5,107
Gross Profit 3,362 5,716
Gross Profit Margin 48% 53%
Gross Profit before FV adjustment 3,650 5,682
Gross Profit Margin before FV adjustment 52% 52%
(以加元爲單位,除百分比外) 截至2023年1月31日三個月的
2024年3月31日 2023年3月31日
淨營業收入 7,029 10,823
營業成本 3,379 5,141
已實現公允價值金額包括銷售庫存 (580)
未實現生物資產公允價值收益 292 457
營業成本 3,667 5,107
毛利潤 3,362 5,716
毛利潤率 48% 53%
公允價值調整前毛利潤 3,650 5,682
公允價值調整前毛利潤率 52% 52%
(In thousands of Canadian dollars) For the three months ended
31-Mar-24 31-Mar-23
Total Comprehensive Loss (6,022)
EBITDA (Non-IFRS) (1,482)
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-IFRS) (1,064)
(以千加元計) 截至2023年1月31日三個月的
2024年3月31日 2023年3月31日
綜合損失總額 (6,022)
EBITDA (非IFRS) (1,482)
調整後的EBITDA(非IFRS) (1,064)

See the Company's management's discussion and analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (the "Q1 2024 MD&A"), for a detailed reconciliation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA to Operating Income / (Loss). SLANG's financial statements and the Q1 2024 MD&A are available on SEDAR+ at , and on the Company's Investor Relations website at .

有關EBITDA和調整後的EBITDA與營業收入/(虧損)的詳細帳户和分析,請參閱公司管理層討論和分析截至2024年3月31日的三個月(“Q1 2024 MD&A”) 。 SLANG的財務報表和Q1 2024 MD&A可在SEDA+上獲得,並可在公司的投資者關係網站上獲取。

Non-IFRS Measures


EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS financial measures that the Company uses to assess its operating performance. EBITDA is defined as net earnings (loss) before net finance costs, income tax expense (benefit) and depreciation and amortization expense. Management defines Adjusted EBITDA as EBITDA adjusted for other non-cash items such as the impact of unrealized fair values, share based compensation expense, impairments, one-time gains and losses, and one-time revenues and expenses. This data is furnished to provide additional information and are non-IFRS measures and do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. The Company uses these non-IFRS measures to provide shareholders and others with supplemental measures of its operating performance. The Company also believes that securities analysts, investors and other interested parties, frequently use these non-IFRS measures in the evaluation of companies, many of which present similar metrics when reporting their results. As other companies may calculate these non-IFRS measures differently than the Company, these metrics may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. We caution readers that Adjusted EBITDA should not be substituted for determining net loss as an indicator of operating results, or as a substitute for cash flows from operating and investing activities.

EBITDA和調整後的EBITDA是公司用於評估其運營業績的非IFRS財務指標。 EBITDA定義爲淨收益(損失)減去淨財務費用,所得稅費用(收益)和折舊和攤銷費用。管理層定義調整後的EBITDA爲除不實現公平價值、股票補償費用、減值、一次性收益和損失及一次性收入和費用等非現金項目外的EBITDA。 這些數據是提供額外信息的,是非IFRS財務指標,並且沒有IFRS規定的任何標準化含義。公司使用這些非IFRS指標爲股東和其他人提供其運營業績的補充指標。公司還相信,證券分析師、投資者和其他感興趣的各方在評估公司時經常使用這些非IFRS指標,其中許多公司在報告業績時呈現類似的指標。由於其他公司可能以與公司不同的方式計算這些非IFRS指標,因此這些指標可能與其他公司報告的同名指標不可比較。 我們提醒讀者,不應以調整後的EBITDA替代確定淨損失作爲運營業績指標或現金流量作爲經營和投資活動的替代。

Conference Call Details


Management plans to host an investor conference call on May 30, 2024, at 10:00 am ET to discuss the results.


Timing: Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 10:00 am ET
Dial In: (888) 440-5983 (US toll-free) or +1 (646) 960-0202 (international)
Conference ID: 6291438
Webcast: A live webcast can be accessed via the Company's website at or

網絡直播:可通過公司網站或 訪問直播。

About SLANG Worldwide Inc.
SLANG Worldwide Inc. is the industry leader in branded cannabis consumer packaged goods, with a diversified portfolio of five distinct brands and products distributed across the U.S. Operating in 13 legal cannabis markets nationwide, SLANG specializes in acquiring and developing market-proven regional brands, as well as launching innovative new brands to seize global market opportunities and match evolving consumer tastes. The Company has over a decade of experience operating in the nascent and highly regulated cannabis sector, and its partners enjoy the benefits of that experience, with access to the SLANG playbook for successful operations, sales and marketing. Its strong product pipeline from uniquely positioned and scalable brands like O.pen, Alchemy Naturals, Ceres, Firefly, and partnerships with brands like Greenhouse Seed Company have a proven track record of success with the brands consistently ranking among the top performers in the states where SLANG operates. Learn more at

關於SLANG Worldwide Inc.
SLANG Worldwide Inc.是品牌化大麻消費品行業的行業領導者,擁有在美國分佈的五個不同品牌和產品的多樣化組合。在全國13個合法的大麻市場運營,SLANG專門獲取和開發市場已經證明的區域品牌,以及推出創新的新品牌,以抓住全球市場機會和匹配不斷變化的消費者口味。公司在新興且高度監管的大麻板塊有十多年的運營經驗,其合作伙伴享受該經驗的好處,可以獲取SLANG的成功運營、銷售和營銷方案。其來自獨特位置和可擴展品牌組合的強大產品動態,如O.pen、Alchemy Naturals、Ceres、Firefly和與Greenhouse Seed Company等品牌的合作伙伴關係,在SLANG運營的州中品牌一直名列前茅。詳見。

To be added to SLANG's email distribution list, please email with "SLNG" in the subject.

如需將SLANG 加入電子郵件分發列表,請致信 並將郵件主題標註爲“ SLNG ”。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur.


Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management of SLANG at this time, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive risks, uncertainties and contingencies that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to regulatory risks, risks related to changes in laws, resolutions and guidelines, market risks, concentration risks, operating history, competition, the risks associated with international and foreign operations and the other risks identified under the headings "Risk Factors" in SLANG's Q1 2024 MD&A and other disclosure documents available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . SLANG is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law.

前瞻性聲明必須基於一系列估計和假設,儘管此時SLANG管理層認爲這些估計和假設是合理的,但它們本質上都受到重大的商業、經濟和競爭性風險、不確定性和應急情況的影響,這些風險、不確定性和應急情況可能導致實際結果與在這些聲明中表達或暗示的結果存在實質差異。投資者應謹慎地對待前瞻性聲明。適用的風險和不確定性包括但不限於監管風險、有關法律、決議和指導方針的風險、市場風險、集中風險、運營歷史、競爭、與國際和外國業務相關的風險以及SLANG的Q1 2024 MD&A和公司在SEDA+上的檔案中可供閱讀的其他披露文件中“風險因素”下識別的其他風險。公司無需並明確否認有任何義務或承諾更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件還是其他方面,除非適用法律明確要求。

Reader Advisory


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Company Contact
Mikel Rutherford, CFO

公司聯繫 Marcia Novero Innodata Inc. (201) 371-8015
Mikel Rutherford,首席財務官

KCSA Strategic Communications
Phil Carlson

Phil Carlson

1 EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS financial measures that is further described under the section "Non-IFRS Measures" herein.


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