
Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners Announces Partnership With Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery

Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners Announces Partnership With Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery

Ascend 整形外科合作伙伴宣佈與 Ponte Vedra 整形外科建立合作伙伴關係
Accesswire ·  05/30 10:00

JACKSONVILLE, FL / ACCESSWIRE / May 30, 2024 / Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners announces partnership with Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery (PVPS), a renowned institution in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery. This partnership advances Ascend's mission to elevate patient care and provide exemplary aesthetic services across the United States. PVPS expands Ascend's presence into Florida, adding a fifth state, six additional surgeons, and six new locations to the Ascend footprint.

Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners宣佈與Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery(PVPS)建立合作伙伴關係,PVPS是整形和美容外科領域中著名的機構。該合作推進了Ascend旨在提升患者護理水平並在美國提供卓越的美學服務的使命。PVPS將Ascend拓展至佛羅里達州,增加了第五個州,另外增加了六位外科醫生和六個新的Ascend位置。

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Since its founding 30 years ago, PVPS has built a legacy of excellence, innovation, and compassionate care. Founding partners Dr. Cayce Rumsey and Dr. Robert Burk partnered with Dr. Erez Sternberg, Dr. Hollie Hickman, and CEO Dennis Oistacher to cultivate an exemplary operation focused on advancing aesthetic medicine and embodying a culture of excellence. "Joining forces with Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners represents a pivotal chapter in our journey," said Dennis Oistacher. "It's a partnership that reflects our shared commitment to unparalleled patient care, innovation, and the continuation of the legacy we've built at PVPS."

自創立30年以來,PVPS建立了卓越、創新和關懷文化的傳統。創始合夥人Cayce Rumsey醫生和Robert Burk醫生與Erez Sternberg醫生、Hollie Hickman醫生和首席執行官Dennis Oistacher合作培養了一個以推進美學醫學和體現卓越文化爲重點的卓越運營。Dennis Oistacher表示:“與Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners合作代表着我們旅程中的一個關鍵章節。它是一個反映我們對無與倫比的患者護理、創新以及繼續建立在PVPS基礎上的傳統承諾的合作伙伴關係。”

Ascend, under the leadership of Chief Medical Officer Dr. William Hedden and CEO Anthony Milonas, is recognized for its commitment to clinical excellence and personalized patient experiences. "The integration of PVPS into the Ascend family marks a momentous step forward in our quest to set a new standard of excellence in the aesthetic medicine industry," Anthony Milonas remarked. "We are honored to carry forward the incredible legacy of PVPS, a testament to the vision of its founders and the dedication of its team."

在首席醫療官William Hedden醫生和首席執行官Anthony Milonas的領導下,Ascend以其致力於臨床卓越和個性化患者體驗而聞名。“將PVPS融入Ascend大家庭是我們在推動美學醫學行業樹立新卓越標準的追求中邁出的歷史性一步,”Anthony Milonas說道。“我們很榮幸能延續PVPS難以置信的傳統,這證明了其創始人的遠見以及團隊的敬業精神。”

"We are excited for the next phase of PVPS's growth and are thrilled to partner with the Ascend team. We are looking forward to sharing in best practices while continuing to optimize patient care and results, as we look to expand," stated Dr. Robert Burk, partner physician at PVPS.

“我們爲PVPS的下一個增長階段感到興奮,並很高興與Ascend團隊合作。我們期待在繼續優化患者護理和效果的同時分享最佳實踐,”PVPS合夥人醫生Robert Burk表示。

As Ascend welcomes PVPS into its fold, the focus remains on preserving the strong company culture and positive attributes that have defined PVPS. This merger not only signifies a blending of talents and resources but also a shared vision for the future of aesthetic medicine - a future where patient well-being and clinical excellence lead the way.


PVPS was advised by Westcove Partners and Advos Legal. Ascend was advised by McDermott, Will & Emery and Berkley Research Group.

PVPS由Westcove Partners和Advos Legal參與顧問。Ascend由McDermott, Will & Emery和Berkley Research Group參與顧問。

About Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery: PVPS is a premier plastic surgery practice serving patients in North Florida and South Georgia, known for its innovative techniques, compassionate care, and highly skilled team of professionals. Founded by Dr. Cayce Rumsey and Dr. Robert Burk, PVPS is dedicated to enhancing patient lives through aesthetic medicine.

關於Ponte Vedra Plastic Surgery:PVPS是一家一流的整形外科診所,爲北佛羅里達和南喬治亞的患者提供服務,以其創新技術、關懷有加的護理和高技能的專業團隊而聞名。由Cayce Rumsey醫生和Robert Burk醫生創立,PVPS致力於通過美學醫學改善患者的生活。

About Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners: Ascend is at the forefront of the aesthetic medicine industry, committed to providing exceptional patient care and advancing the field through innovation and expertise. Ascend is dedicated to elevating the standard of care in plastic and cosmetic surgery. To join the Ascend network, visit .

關於Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners:Ascend位於美學醫學行業的前沿,致力於通過創新和專業知識提供卓越的患者護理服務,提高整形和美容外科領域的醫療水平。如果您想加入Ascend網絡,請登錄網站。

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Lori Moonen
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SOURCE: Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners

來源:Ascend Plastic Surgery Partners

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