
Rossum Receives a Strong Performer Rating in Independent Research Firm Report

Rossum Receives a Strong Performer Rating in Independent Research Firm Report

PR Newswire ·  05/30 11:46

LONDON, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rossum, a leader in intelligent document processing, today announced it has been named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave: Document Mining And Analytics Platforms, Q2 2024. The company earned the highest scores possible in the Gen AI post-processing and innovation criteria.

智能文檔處理領域領袖Rossum今日宣佈被評爲The Forrester Wave文檔挖掘和分析平台Q2 2024的強勁表現者。The Forrester Wave文檔挖掘和分析平台Q2 2024中的強勁表現者。:The Forrester Wave文檔挖掘和分析平台Q2 2024。該公司在通用AI後處理和創新標準方面獲得了最高可能的得分。

Rossum focuses exclusively on the end-to-end automation of transactional documents like invoices, bills of lading, and purchase orders. As an AI-first, cloud-native player, Rossum is dedicated to creating and using the best and latest technology to meet the evolving needs of its hundreds of customers.


As stated in The Forrester Wave report: "Rossum's differentiated approach to leverage genAI in document mining, using a specialized fine-tuned model to validate both the results and confidence scores of the foundational LLM, clearly stands out among the competition."

如The Forrester Wave報告所述:“Rossum的利用GenAI在文檔挖掘方面的差異化方法,使用一個專門調整的模型來驗證基礎LLM的結果和置信分數,在競爭中顯然突出。”The Forrester Wave文檔挖掘和分析平台Q2 2024報告還引用了Rossum參考客戶的積極反饋,其中讚揚該平台的整體業務價值、供應商關係以及業務用戶和數據/分析專業人員的用戶體驗。

The Forrester WaveDocument Mining And Analytics Platforms, Q2 2024 report also cites the positive feedback from Rossum's reference customers, who praised the platform's overall business value, vendor relationship, and user experience for both business users and data/analytics professionals.

The Forrester Wave文檔挖掘和分析平台Q2 2024報告。平台,Q2 2024報告還引用了Rossum參考客戶的積極反饋,其中讚揚該平台的整體業務價值、供應商關係以及業務用戶和數據/分析專業人員的用戶體驗。

"We are thrilled to be recognized as a Strong Performer in our debut appearance in a Forrester Wave report," said Tomas Gogar, CEO of Rossum. "For us, this recognition from Forrester validates our strategy and the transformative impact our technology is having on businesses worldwide. In the last six months, Rossum has surpassed expectations, becoming an official Coupa and SAP Partner, launching our next-generation AI engine, Rossum Aurora, and getting closer to our mission of enabling one person to seamlessly process one million transactions a year."

“我們很高興在Forrester Wave報告中首次亮相併被認可爲強勁表現者,”Rossum的首席執行官Tomas Gogar說。“對我們來說,這是來自Forrester的認可證實了我們的戰略,以及我們的技術在全球範圍內對企業的影響。在過去的六個月中,Rossum超過了預期,成爲了官方的Coupa和SAP合作伙伴,推出了我們的第二代AI引擎Rossum Aurora,並逐漸實現了我們的使命,使一個人可以輕鬆處理一百萬筆交易每年。這次來自Forrester的最新認可是在IDC和Everest Group的分析師報告中獲得之前的認可之上,Rossum認爲這鞏固了其在業界的領導地位。該公司的T-LLM是Rossum Aurora更廣泛推出的一部分,這是專門爲端到端自動化交易文檔而設計的下一代AI引擎。在AllNex、NFI Industries、Port of Rotterdam Authority和Wolt等Rossum Aurora的早期用戶中,已經經歷了前所未有的準確性和生產力水平,例如:

This latest recognition from Forrester comes on top of previous recognition in analyst reports from IDC and Everest Group, which Rossum believes solidifies its position as a leader in the industry.

這個最新的來自Forrester的認可是在Rossum以前在IDC和Everest Group的分析師報告中獲得的認可之上。Rossum認爲這鞏固了其在行業中的領先地位。

The company's T-LLM was introduced as part of the broader launch of Rossum Aurora, a next-generation AI engine specifically designed for the end-to-end automation of transactional documents. Early users of Rossum Aurora such as AllNex, NFI Industries, Port of Rotterdam Authority, and Wolt have experienced unseen levels of accuracy and productivity, such as:

Rossum Aurora,這是爲端到端自動化交易文檔專門設計的下一代AI引擎的更廣泛推出的一部分。Rossum Aurora的早期用戶,如AllNex、NFI Industries、Port of Rotterdam Authority和Wolt,已經經歷了前所未有的準確性和生產力水平,例如:,下一代AI引擎,專門爲端到端自動化交易文檔而設計。達到所需準確性所需文件數量的10倍減少;

  • 10x reduction in the number of documents needed to reach desired accuracy;
  • An average 37.6% error reduction, with zero hallucinated values;
  • Accelerated discrepancy handling through generative AI custom emails straight into existing workflows.
  • 10倍減少所需文檔數量來達到所需精度;
  • 平均錯誤率減少37.6%,沒有虛假值;
  • 通過生成的人工智能定製電子郵件,並直接投入現有工作流程,加速處理差異。

A complimentary copy of the full report can be downloaded on the Rossum website.


About Rossum
Rossum leads the charge in intelligent document processing. Delivering an advanced transactional document automation platform to over 300 enterprise businesses across the globe looking to tame document chaos.

Rossum引領智能文件處理的先鋒,爲全球超過300家企業提供先進的交易文件自動化平台,旨在馴化文件混亂。專注於推動無與倫比的生產力和準確性,Rossum 的基於人工智能、雲本地化的方法從頭到尾地轉變業務工作流程,應對風險,增強業務關係,並從交易數據中提取實時戰略洞見。平台的自適應設計無縫集成人類專業知識和技術,爲企業提供量身定製的最佳自動化返回方案。在 上探索無限可能性。

Focused on driving unmatched productivity and accuracy, Rossum's AI-first, cloud-native approach transforms business workflows end to end, addressing risks, enhancing business relationships, and unlocking real-time strategic insights from transactional data. The platform's adaptive design seamlessly integrates human expertise and technology, offering enterprises a tailored solution for optimal return on automation. Explore the possibilities at

Rossum 源自 Rossum 的智能文件處理。提供先進的成交文件自動化平台,服務全球 300 餘家企業,幫助企業馴服文件混亂。Rossum專注於推動生產力和精確性發展,將人工智能及雲原生方法應用於整個業務工作流程,以此應對風險,增強業務關係,從成交數據中獲得實時戰略洞見。系統的自適應設計無縫集成人類專業技能與先進技術,爲企業提供個性化解決方案,實現最佳自動化效益。了解Rossum.ai的更多可能性。


Rossum 來源

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