
LivePerson Wins Best Customer Service Solution at the 2024 SIIA CODiE Awards

LivePerson Wins Best Customer Service Solution at the 2024 SIIA CODiE Awards

LivePerson 在 2024 年 SIIA CoDie 大獎中獲得最佳客戶服務解決方案獎
LivePerson ·  05/30 00:00

Leading digital conversations company awarded top honors for customer engagement from the principal trade association for software


NEW YORK, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN), the enterprise leader in digital customer conversations, won Best Customer Service Solution at the 2024 SIIA CODiE Awards. Now in its 39th year, the prestigious annual CODiE Awards recognize companies producing the most innovative business technology products across the world.

紐約,2024年5月30日/ PRNewswire / -- liveperson (納斯達克: LPSN),數字客戶對話的企業領袖,在2024年SIIA CODiE獎項中獲得了最佳客戶服務解決方案。現在正在第39個年頭,這個備受矚目的年度CODiE獎項旨在表彰全球生產最創新企業技術產品的公司。 最佳客戶服務解決方案 “軟件和信息產業協會(SIIA)”是軟件和數字內容產業的主要貿易協會,它在虛擬典禮上宣佈了CODiE獲獎者。被確認爲行業唯一的同行評審獎項,CODiEs評審團開始進行嚴格的評審,就是評選入圍名單。然後,更廣泛的SIIA會員社區對入圍者進行投票,兩輪得分的總和用於選擇最終的獲獎者。

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries, announced the CODiE winners in a virtual ceremony. Recognized as the industry's sole peer-reviewed awards program, the CODiEs begin with rigorous reviews by expert judges who determine the slate of finalists. The wider SIIA membership community then votes on the finalists, with scores from both rounds tabulated to select the final winners.


LivePerson's win in the Best Customer Service Solution category highlighted its leadership in both artificial intelligence and digital engagement. Built on decades of experience working with the world's top brands — and informed by billions of real customer interactions — the company's Conversational Cloud platform earned top marks for helping enterprises put meaningful conversations at the center of their business.

"企業今天面臨的最大挑戰之一是從AI獲得可衡量的回報率。除此之外,消費者對於AI和自動化是否被用於幫助他們感到懷疑,而不僅僅是將他們與真正的對話隔開。"LivePerson的首席執行官John Sabino說:"我們爲贏得業界同行的認可而感到自豪,他們解決了這些挑戰,從而爲品牌和消費者帶來更好的結果。" 以下是關於數學家聚會以及這個地方的更多信息。 與衆不同的人工智能和數字參與領導地位。遵循幾十年與全球知名品牌合作的經驗,並從數十億個真實客戶互動中獲得見解,該公司的“對話雲”平台因有助於企業將有意義的對話置於業務中心而獲得最高分。

"One of the biggest challenges facing the enterprise today is achieving measurable ROI from AI. On top of that, consumers are skeptical that AI and automation are being used to help them, not just to wall them off from real conversations," said John Sabino, CEO of LivePerson. "We're proud to gain this recognition from our peers in the industry for solving these challenges — and delivering better outcomes for both brands and consumers as a result."

“2024年商業技術CODiE獎項的獲得者繼續保持了CODiE這一備受讚譽的傳統,他們開發了業務技術領域中最有效和最具影響力的應用程序,服務和產品。” SIIA主席Chris Mohr表示:“我們爲認可今年的獲獎者而感到無比自豪:頂尖的奶油。祝賀所有獲獎者。”

"The recipients of the 2024 Business Technology CODiE Awards continue to uphold the prestigious tradition of the CODiEs by developing the most effective and influential applications, services, and products in the business technology sector," said SIIA President Chris Mohr. "We take immense pride in acknowledging this year's winners: the crème de la crème. Congratulations to all the recipients."


To learn more about LivePerson's award-winning solutions for digital customer conversations, visit

“SIIA CODiE Awards”是唯一一個對技術行業建設質量產品的願景,才華和進步進行同行評審的計劃。自1986年以來,數千種產品,服務和解決方案因領先創新和卓越表現而受到了認可。更多信息請訪問。

About LivePerson, Inc.
LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the enterprise leader in digital customer conversations. The world's leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better business outcomes. Fast Company named us the #1 Most Innovative AI Company in the world. To talk with us or our AI, please visit

關於LivePerson, Inc.
liveperson(納斯達克:LPSN)是數字客戶對話的企業領導者。全球領先的品牌——包括匯豐銀行、Chipotle和維珍媒體——都使用我們屢獲殊榮的對話雲平台,與數百萬消費者聯繫。我們每月爲近10億個對話互動提供動力,提供獨特豐富的數據集和安全工具,以解鎖對話AI的力量,實現更好的商業成果。《Fast Company》將我們評爲全球第一最具創新力的AI公司。要與我們或我們的AI交談,請訪問。.

About the SIIA CODiE Awards
The SIIA CODiE Awards is the only peer-reviewed program to celebrate the vision, talent, and advances in building quality products in the tech industry. Since 1986, thousands of products, services and solutions have been recognized for leading innovation and achieving excellence. For more information, visit

這家全球性質的協會代表近400家技術,數據和媒體公司和協會。行業領袖通過SIIA的部門解決影響其行業細分的問題和挑戰,旨在推動行業以及每個成員公司的創新和增長。這是通過面對面和在線業務發展機會,同行網絡,企業教育,知識產權保護和政府關係等方式實現的。了解更多信息,請訪問。 “SIIA CODiE Awards”是唯一一個對技術行業建設質量產品的願景,才華和進步進行同行評審的計劃。自1986年以來,數千種產品,服務和解決方案因領先創新和卓越表現而受到了認可。更多信息請訪問。.

About Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)
SIIA is an umbrella association representing nearly 400 technology, data and media companies and associations globally. Industry leaders work through SIIA's divisions to address issues and challenges that impact their industry segments with the goal of driving innovation and growth for the industry and each member company. This is accomplished through in-person and online business development opportunities, peer networking, corporate education, intellectual property protection and government relations. For more information, visit


Media Contact:
Mike Tague,

Mike Tague,

SOURCE LivePerson, Inc.

來源 LivePerson, Inc。

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