
FTC Solar Introduces Automated Hail Stow Solution to Mitigate Solar Panel Damage

FTC Solar Introduces Automated Hail Stow Solution to Mitigate Solar Panel Damage

FTC Solar推出自動冰雹存放解決方案以減輕太陽能電池板損壞
FTC Solar ·  05/30 00:00

AUSTIN, Texas, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FTC Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FTCI) a leading provider of innovative solar energy solutions, announces the launch of its Automated Hail Stow Solution, aimed at minimizing solar panel damage caused by hail storms. The solution integrates advanced technology with meteorological data to automatically adjust the positioning of solar panels, reducing the risk of hail-related damage.

2024年5月30日,得克薩斯州奧斯汀 /美通社/--FTC Solar,納斯達克:FTCI)是一家領先的創新太陽能解決方案提供商,宣佈推出自動冰雹儲蓄方案,旨在將冰雹風暴對太陽能電池板的損壞降至最低。該方案將先進技術與氣象數據相結合,自動調整太陽能電池板的位置,減少了與冰雹有關的損壞風險。

Hail storms pose a significant threat to solar panel installations, with insurance claims in the US averaging about $58.4 million per incident. In response to this challenge, FTC Solar has developed an automated hail stow solution that leverages its expertise in solar tracker technology and strategic partnerships with industry experts.

冰雹風暴對太陽能電池板的安裝構成了重大威脅,每次事故在美國的保險理賠平均約爲5840萬美元。.爲了應對這一挑戰,FTC Solar開發了自動冰雹儲存方案,利用其太陽能追蹤器技術的專業知識和與行業專家的戰略合作。

FTC Solar collaborated with VDE Americas, a renowned third-party industry expert, to study hail events and their impact on solar panel installations. The research led to the development of a hail stow strategy that positions solar modules at the maximum angle allowed by the tracker, away from prevailing winds, to minimize direct hail and associated wind impacts.

FTC Solar與著名的第三方行業專家VDE Americas合作研究了冰雹事件及其對太陽能電池板安裝的影響。這項研究促成了一種冰雹儲存策略,將太陽能模塊放置在追蹤器允許的最大角度上,遠離定向風,以儘量減少直接冰雹和相關的風害。

Key features of FTC's Automated Hail Stow Solution include:


  • Integration with FTC's proprietary operations management platform, SUNOPS, for enhanced control and monitoring of PV plants.
  • Utilization of meteorological data combined with hail stow strategy to ensure automated and timely mitigation against hail events.
  • Multi-radar approach for real-time, highly accurate meteorological data updates.
  • Flexibility for users to choose between auto-stow or manual stow options.
  • Notification feature to warn users of impending hail events.
  • Customizable stow thresholds based on risk appetite and site location, including factors such as hail size, probability, and radius.
  • Compatibility with leading meteorological data providers, ensuring seamless integration and data security through encryption.
  • 與FTC專有的運營管理平台SUNOPS集成,以加強對光伏電廠的控制和監測。
  • 利用氣象數據結合冰雹儲存策略,確保自動化和及時的冰雹事件緩解。
  • 採用多雷達方法,進行實時、高精度的氣象數據更新。
  • 靈活性,用戶可在自動存儲或手動存儲選項之間選擇。
  • 通知功能,警告用戶即將發生的冰雹事件。
  • 根據風險偏好和場地位置的可定製存儲閾值,包括冰雹大小、概率和半徑等因素。
  • 與領先的氣象數據提供商兼容,通過加密保證無縫集成和數據安全。

"We're excited to introduce our Automated Hail Stow Solution, offering a proactive approach to mitigating hail-related damage to solar panel installations," said Andrew Morse, Senior Director of Software at FTC Solar. "By combining advanced technology with meteorological insights, we aim to provide our customers with greater peace of mind and protection for their solar assets."

"我們很高興推出自動冰雹儲存方案,爲太陽能電池板的冰雹相關損壞提供預防性解決方案。" FTC Solar軟件高級主管安德魯莫斯(Andrew Morse)說:"通過將先進技術與氣象見解相結合,我們的目標是爲我們的客戶提供更大的安心和保護他們的太陽能資產。"

The Automated Hail Stow Solution reflects FTC Solar's commitment to innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy sector. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing risk, FTC continues to drive progress towards a more resilient and sustainable future.

自動冰雹儲存方案反映了FTC Solar在可再生能源領域創新和可持續發展的承諾。FTC繼續致力於提高運營效率和降低風險,推動向更加彈性和可持續的未來邁進。

For more information about FTC Solar's Automated Hail Stow Solution, please visit:

有關FTC Solar自動冰雹儲存方案的更多信息,請訪問:

About FTC Solar Inc.

關於FTC Solar Inc.

Founded in 2017 by a group of renewable energy industry veterans, FTC Solar is a leading provider of solar tracker systems, technology, software, and engineering services. Solar trackers significantly increase energy production at solar power installations by dynamically optimizing solar panel orientation to the sun. FTC Solar's innovative tracker designs provide compelling performance and reliability, with an industry-leading installation cost-per-watt advantage.

FTC Solar成立於2017年,由一群可再生能源行業的老兵創辦,是太陽能追蹤器系統、技術、軟件和工程服務的領先供應商。太陽能追蹤器通過動態優化太陽能電池板的定向,顯著提高了太陽能發電廠的能量產出。FTC Solar的創新技術在性能和可靠性方面具有強大的優勢,並且安裝成本每瓦最低。

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts but rather are based on our current expectations and projections regarding our business, operations, and other factors relating thereto. Words such as "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "anticipate," "predict," "potential," "continue," "expects," "intends," "plans," "projects," "believes," "estimates" and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and as such are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. In addition, this press release contains statements about third parties and their commercial activity. We have not independently verified or confirmed such statements and have instead relied on the veracity of information as provided to us by such third parties related to such statements. You should not rely on our forward-looking statements or statements related to third parties or their commercial activities as predictions of future events, as actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements or statements related to third parties or their commercial activities because of several factors, including those described in more detail above and in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the section entitled "Risk Factors" contained therein. FTC Solar undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements or statements related to third parties or their commercial activities contained in this release as a result of new information, future events, or changes in its expectations, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。這些陳述並非歷史事實,而是基於對我們業務、運營和其他相關因素的當前預期和投影而制定的。本文中使用"可能"、"將"、"可能"、"應"、"預計"、"預計"、"潛在"、"繼續"、"預計"、"打算"、"計劃"、"項目"、"相信"、"估計"等詞語來確定這些前瞻性陳述。這些陳述僅爲預測,因此不是未來業績的保證,並且涉及難以預測的風險、不確定性和假設。此外,本新聞稿還包含有關第三方及其商業活動的聲明。我們沒有獨立驗證或確認這些聲明,而是依賴於由此類第三方向我們提供的有關此類聲明的信息的真實性。您不應將我們的前瞻性陳述或涉及第三方或其商業活動的陳述作爲未來事件的預測,因爲實際結果可能會因多種因素而與前瞻性陳述或涉及第三方或其商業活動的陳述有所不同,包括本文上面更詳細地描述並在美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中描述的那些因素,包括其中所包含的名爲"風險因素"的部分。除法律規定外,FTC Solar不承擔更新本公告中包含的任何前瞻性陳述或涉及第三方或其商業活動的陳述的責任或義務,也不承擔任何因新信息、未來事件或其預期的變化而更新本公告中包含的任何前瞻性陳述或涉及第三方或其商業活動的陳述的責任或義務。

Media Contact:


Sarah Evans
Zen Media

Sarah Evans
Zen Media


FTC Solar Inc的消息來源

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